Big Time 1958

Chapter 900: The rally of the anti-rebels

Formally, there are tens of thousands of anti-revolutionary workers who surrounded the opponent, or the three floors inside and outside. There are even snipers on the roof of the KGB headquarters building, but the opponent has hostages in their hands. Now Serov can only hope The other party has conditions, if there are no conditions, this is broken...

  The school bus in the center of the square is like a lonely boat in the sea. It looks like it will be torn to shreds at any time by the Soviet anti-revolutionary workers in all directions, but except for the faint cries in the bus, all the militants look dull. They had negotiated before the action. If anyone wanted to escape, they would be shot and killed by other militants as soon as possible.

   "If you want to blame it, the Soviet Union invaded our country." A masked militant stared at the students and said.

   "Don't be so nonsense!" The masked militant reprimanded, and then took off his black mask. The scary scars on his face were eye-catching, and even had the effect of stopping the students from crying. This leader survived the battle, but he never saw his family. His family lives in the Kurdistan region. He should have been expelled from his home after the war, but he has never seen it before, so he doesn't need to think about it. He must have died in an unknown corner during this expulsion process.

It has been more than ten years, and these people have joined one of the many extremist organizations in Turkey after the war, the Turkish Peace Religion Front. They are always thinking about revenge. Whenever they want to look north, they will think about it. They will do anything for revenge against the feared superpower of the North.

  To live is to take revenge! Otherwise, it would be meaningless to live. He silently lit a cigarette. Itachi, who was once a soldier, took a deep breath. He was unwilling to attack the students. He was different from the religious members in this group, but he was thinking about it now. There is no point, he is no longer a soldier of the Republic of Turkey.

   "Why don't these Soviets come closer?" Itaki said to himself in a voice he could only hear. If he got closer he would detonate the already planted bomb and kill as many Soviets as possible.

   Before they came, these people were ready to die here, either by being shot by the Soviets or dying with the Soviets. As for returning alive, they never thought about it.

   "Boss, the other party came out alone and wants to talk to us." The subordinate interrupted Itaki's memory of the past, and following the subordinate's fingers, he could see a young man in white uniform walking over with his hands raised. Obviously came to negotiate.

   "Very courageous!" Even the enemy, Itaki, must speak truthfully, and this kind of courage is rare. But what? Even his brilliant negotiating skills can't replace his family. He tilted his head and said coldly, "Once you enter the firing range, shoot on the spot..." There was nothing to talk about, these militants didn't want to go back.

boom! The negotiators who were approaching slowly were directly shot and killed. This scene was seen by Serov in his office. The brave anti-revolutionary workers just fell in place, and the ground nearby was stained red with blood.

   "What do they want to do?" Serov had nothing to do with the militants who were willing to take down the emperor. People are obviously going out of their way, and even the worst outcome has been envisaged.

   This kind of neat and tidy shooting, even the anti-revolutionary workers all over the place couldn't help but shrink their pupils, it was too neat...

"We have no conditions. Today, we came to the world-famous Lubyanka Square and stood in front of the KGB headquarters to tell you the Soviets that we want revenge!" Itaki, who kicked the car door open, held a loudspeaker at him The surrounding shouted, "Today is just the beginning, and there will be more in the future!"

"It's Turkish!" A young man with glasses stood beside Serov. Unlike Serov, this man's eyes could see lips hundreds of meters away without looking through binoculars, which was a speciality collected by the KGB. person.

   "It's them?" Serov clenched his fist under his sleeve tightly. If he planned the most effective action, it was a surprise attack on Turkey, which pierced the exit of the Black Sea. This is of course at the cost of dismembering Turkey. The current situation in Turkey is completely different from that in history. The religious power has fully recovered, and the traces of Kemal's reform have disappeared. It can be said that Turkey is now the country with the strongest religious power. Not much compared to Saudi Arabia.

   "God is the greatest!" Itaki shouted a slogan and returned to the car. Hearing Serov, who was interpreting beside him, his face changed drastically. He held the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Kill all the militants..."

late! Rumbling... The school bus in the center of Lubyanka Square had a big explosion. The raging flames, accompanied by broken limbs, caught the eyes of nearly 10,000 Soviet security personnel. It was too sudden, too sudden...

   There was no time for people to react. Immediately, a tidal stream of people rushed to the explosion site. They still had to find survivors, put out fires, look for evidence, and most importantly, take revenge...

  Selov walked out of the KGB headquarters building with heavy steps. When he saw the general secretary here, everyone consciously separated from the road. No one dared to say a word at this time, and the crowded square was silent.

   At this time, the general secretary's expression was very strange. With a very strange expression, he raised his head slightly and seemed to be still smiling. He walked to the front of the still burning school bus step by step, and said softly, "First put out the fire..."

It didn't take long, the fire was extinguished, and many journalists from Moscow rushed over. People witnessed the tragic situation in front of the KGB headquarters. The charred corpses filled the air with an unpleasant smell, but no one dared to reveal it. With a hint of impatience, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union stood at the nearest position, as if he was growing there.

  Since these reporters came here, the general secretary did not move like a javelin stuck somewhere, didn't say a word, didn't move a step, and didn't even change his expression. It was not until the fire was extinguished that Serov stepped forward, walked to the front of the school bus and stretched out his hand to touch the wreckage of the school bus. The position where he touched could vaguely be seen as the logo of the KGB, a strong shield and a sharp sword...

Numerous cameras were aimed at Serov at the same time, but he didn't realize it. He just looked at the sign of the strong shield and sword that was almost invisible. Behind the general secretary was the leadership of the KGB. Everyone's face was serious, which made people feel shudder.

"Wait here, I'll go up and have a look!" With a cold command, Serov entered the school bus with only the frame left, and found a charred body in the wreckage. It was obvious that it was one of the militants.

   put his hand on the other's head, if it can still be called a head, Serov slowly closed his eyes, "Turkish Peace Religion Front, crossing the border from Bulgaria, there is an American shadow."

   "Declaring the school bus attackers as Turks is a deliberate revenge against the Soviet Union." Serov, who got off the school bus, said in a stiff tone as he wiped his hands, "This shame belongs to the entire KGB."

Chebrikov, Bobkov, and Tsvigon froze all over. The information contained in it was too huge to make them dare to guess, "I will come again tomorrow, and you will take care of it first." Wipe your hands The clean Serov patted Chebrikov on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

  The Soviet Union's evening news broadcast introduced the Moscow school bus attack in detail, accompanied by the explosion footage shot by the KGB, and the scene of the Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Serov standing in front of the school bus. This kind of stunned expression, when all the Soviets in front of the TV felt the same.

  The next day at the site where the school bus exploded, bouquets sent by the Soviet security agencies were placed. Serov did what he said, and he came here again. Compensation for the parents and related accountability have been arranged. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future, the discussion has been launched at the meetings of the security departments at all levels.

   There has never been such a huge blow to the KGB. Knowing that the school bus exploded in front of the KGB headquarters, if Lubyanka was not safe, would people still believe that the Soviet Union had a safe place?

The Soviets didn't believe in many things, but they never doubted the two departments, one was not doubting the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Red Army, and the other was never doubting the KGB's control over the entire Soviet Union, which spawned a lot of jokes, come Making fun of each other the KGB is always on your side.

Now, the security credit created by the National Security Council has gone bankrupt. As some people imagined, this incident has dealt a huge blow to Serov. He never thought that there would be a group of foreigners who could pass through the Soviet Union's heavy defenses. to attack Moscow.

The entire Lubyanka Square was crowded with people, including several nearby avenues. There were 20,000 to 30,000 security personnel from the State Security Committee and the NKVD standing there, while tens of thousands stood together. There was silence, and every anti-rebel worker had a red armband on his right arm. This was a scene that only happened when the top leader of the Soviet Union died.

Serov also wore a red armband, looked at the dense crowd below, took a deep breath and said, "The students are all dead, what's the use of these superficial work? If it weren't for your work, it would have made our children slaughtered. Attack?"

"It's useless to say anything now, no one can stop the KGB's revenge, this is a new confrontation, our opponents are not in the same country, but we can still win." Shelov lowered his voice to hide his anger, "No one can Stop us from taking revenge!"

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