Big Time 1958

Chapter 907: i want to attack the soviet union

"I really want to fight with us. It seems that the people who think of the number one in the United States still occupy the majority of the United States." Serov took this report and deeply felt that the global smuggling network controlled by the KGB had failed, at least in the United States. .

  Because of the winner-takes-all principle, he doesn't know what is different from history, whether there are more opponents. But even the group of Eastern Europeans sent to the United States must be **** anti-Soviet.

   These issues are also not important, the important thing is that the fierce confrontation will come soon. Whoever wins this decisive battle will not be difficult for all neutral countries and third world countries to make in the future. Even if it doesn't end the Cold War immediately, it can have a clear advantage.

   "It may be so, this is the real public opinion of the United States." General Bobkov said with regret that Reagan was criticized during the campaign, but he still went against the tide and won a decisive victory. It shows that after ten years of repression, the Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with the influence of the Soviet Union, and support Reagan's offensive against the Soviet Union.

   "The United States is increasingly supporting the rebels in Nicaragua, and the CIA transports a large number of weapons for the rebels." General Chebrikov said another thing, the civil war in Nicaragua has become more and more intense. The Soviet Union and Cuba backed the Nicaraguan government all the time, but the anti-government armed forces backed by the United States have been paying it all the time.

  The United States sent people to mine near the ports of Bluff, Corinto, Santino, etc. in Nicaragua, including the internal waters and territorial waters of Nicaragua. This mining activity seriously threatens the safety and navigation of Nicaragua and has caused major accidents and losses. This is of course the prototype of the no-fly zone in later generations. It is not surprising that the Nicaraguan government supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba has been weakened step by step to create a unilateral convenience.

"Prepare for the worst. When things get out of hand, you must mess up the whole of Central America and purposefully turn it into an irreversible war-torn zone." Serov said after smoking a cigarette and thinking for a moment, "Give them guns. , more guns and more bullets, it is best to have one manpower, and Central America will not be able to burn us."

  The worst plan is that the government forces supported by the Soviet Union are at a disadvantage. The Soviet Union is too far from Nicaragua, and the cost of support is a huge disadvantage. It simply has accumulated a large number of light weapons in Nicaragua before. The general secretary doesn't care who these light weapons end up in. Even if it's a drug lord, even if the United States wins, it won't restore peace to Central America.

Nicaragua has filed a petition several months ago with the International Court of Justice against the U.S. government for instructing U.S. military personnel and nationals of Latin American countries to mine Nicaraguan ports, destroy Nicaragua's oil facilities and naval bases, violate Nicaragua's airspace sovereignty, and organize and finance Nicaragua Military and paramilitary actions such as anti-government groups have brought charges.

   This so-called arbitration, for the United States, is equivalent to whoever is below and why is it suing this official. In order to take care of this little friend's emotions, Shelov did not object, and just used this time to step up the layout.

"Understood, if Central America is not ours, we can't let it belong to anyone. It's better to let the Americans spend more money and energy. It's better to fall into it." General Bobkov's eyes flashed, cold and faint. the way.

   "That's right!" Serov was quite satisfied with several of his subordinates, and that's how he should handle the international situation. As for what other people like to say, just say it. Anyway, the situation worsened after the United States intervened.

  A big country should behave like this. The neighbors of the Soviet Union hate the Soviet Union, and China's neighbors basically hate China. The most hated country in South America is the United States. Can a world power like the Soviet Union live on the goodwill of the people of other countries? No, the neighbors are not satisfied no matter what they do.

   Serov, who has not reached his current status before, is still trying to mediate the contradictions of the Warsaw Pact. Let's see if we can cultivate pro-Soviet forces. Now he doesn't even think about it. The United States kneels, and other countries must pro-Soviet, because there is no choice.

"Comrade Ligachev, you will preside over the plenary meeting in two days." Serov raised his head to talk about this matter. He did not suppress or support the few cadres left by Andropov, but he did Ligachev is better.

   In the current situation of Second Secretary Chernenko and Defense Minister Marshal Ustinov, they will definitely not be able to attend. It is impossible to come down to a plenary session and the general secretary will be all-inclusive. What does this make the Soviet people in front of the TV think? There must always be a new face to show up in front of the TV, don't think that the Central Presidium is all old men.

  For countries around the world, Reagan, a fighter who continued to pursue a confrontational policy, was re-elected again, and many people wondered how the Soviet Union would react. They will not wait too long, the Soviet Union will hold its annual plenary session after the October Revolution. Those countries who care about the Soviet Union's reaction will of course know what the Soviet Union's attitude is.

  This year's October Revolution Festival is full of uncertainty. Of course, this was deliberately guided by the Komsomolskaya Pravda and Soviet Radio, in order to make ordinary people feel the huge pressure from the other side of the ocean. How the Soviet Union will go next has become the most discussed issue among the people. With this idea, the attention to this year's plenary session has also become higher.

  Reagan, who was on the other side of the ocean, was not unconcerned about the plenary session of the Soviet Union. As an opponent, Reagan was absolutely qualified, but he had no interest in the October Revolution Day military parade that started first. How could Reagan, who was an actor, pass up such an opportunity for a picture?

Reagan, who came home with a great victory, will not miss any opportunity to express his anti-Soviet philosophy. He knows that the United States loves listening to this now. In the studio, Reagan played all the skills of his actors, and at the same time did not forget to take revenge before the election. The attack he suffered, satirized the media and public figures who were not optimistic about him in the tone of a victor.

"What the American people want has been expressed through elections. Of course, the United States wants to lead the world. Multipolarity is not a simple slogan. At least for now, the two levels and bureaus are very stable. Of course, as Americans, we still prefer to lead alone. The world!" Reagan said eloquently to the camera, "I was able to win, only for the most basic reason, and that is that life in the United States has been better than it has been in four years, and not for any other reason."

   In the past four years, Reagan's reforms were in trouble in the first two years, but they achieved good results in the next two years. Of course people would not be satisfied if it was the other way around, but it turned out that Reagan won the bet. The good economic transfer has greatly increased the strength of the American conservatives, and the Republican Party has won a comprehensive victory over the Democratic Party this time.

  Reagan also became a cold fighter in the hearts of Americans, sweeping away the decadence of the Carter era. After becoming president, Reagan became the standard-bearer to lead the Western world against the Soviet camp. He firmly believed in the value and power of freedom. As a president who had the guts to challenge the Soviet Union, Reagan's various measures successfully aroused the ambition of American hegemony.

   In the response of the studio and the host, Reagan once again pointed out without hesitation that the United States must build a strong military, not only to restore the global military balance, but also to pursue comparative advantage. In this way, the Soviet Union will solemnly respect the United States.

   "I really don't know what Mr. President wants to do to the Soviet Union." At the end of the TV interview, the host asked the staff to turn off the camera while talking to himself. The interview has ended successfully. But he didn't know that the hottest content had just begun.

Reagan, who thought the interview was over, joked naturally, "Gentlemen, I have decided to declare war on the Soviet Union... The nuclear attack will start in three minutes." The voice came out very clearly through the microphone, and millions of Americans watching the live broadcast were Hearing Reagan's voice, the President of the United States, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Armed Forces, holds the nuclear code in his hand, and his fingers can lock or open the nuclear button. This remark took everyone who heard Reagan's remarks by surprise.

The phrase    spread at an alarming rate, and the embassies of various countries in the United States quickly contacted their countries. In the matter of nuclear war, even if it is a joke, no one will take it seriously. Reagan was joking, they didn't dare not report...

Red Square in Moscow, the October Revolution Festival is being held in full costumes. The majestic Soviet armed forces are marching through the square. Soldiers in winter army coats are looking ahead like a huge wave. There is no doubt. These soldiers will crush all obstacles. The portraits of the general secretaries of the Soviet Union are held high, and the atmosphere of the entire Red Square is very solemn.

   At this moment, General Bobkov, who was below, changed his face when he received the news. He walked up to the reviewing platform calmly and whispered beside the General Secretary, reporting the news he had just received from the United States.

"What are you afraid of? I have 40,000 nuclear bombs, twice as many as the United States. I have a perimeter system. Even if it is eliminated, the Soviet nuclear weapons can counterattack." Serov, who was waving his hand at the reviewing phalanx below, answered without squinting "The Ministry of National Defense is ordered to be on alert, the armed forces are on alert, land-based missile silos are on standby, nuclear submarines can leave the port at any time, and strategic bombers are launched. Major military regions are on standby. As long as an American nuclear missile is launched, a nuclear war will start immediately. "

   waved General Bobkov to go down, and Serov continued to review. He did not believe that Reagan dared to do so. A series of orders were only responsible for the Soviet Union. Even if he knew that Reagan was just talking, he must be prepared.

   "It seems that your Alzheimer's disease has started to get serious, and you are making trouble for me every day, hum!" Serov stayed on the Red Square until the end of the parade, and the process continued until the end, before leaving the Red Square and returning to the Kremlin.

  Because of a series of orders from Serov, the Soviet armed forces were in tension, and NATO was on alert at the same time.

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