Big Time 1958

Chapter 909: bury you

   Central Committee members plus supplementary Central Committee members, leaders of some departments under the chairman of the Council of Ministers, heads of the Supreme Soviet Department, the Central Office, military, security, and diplomatic personnel, the Soviet Union was controlled by these people.

   "Hello, Comrade General Secretary!" All the cadres stood up and said hello to Serov, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, who was facing them in front of them.

Waving to let the cadres sit down, Serov said in a small but clear voice, "For some personal reasons, Comrade Second Secretary Chernenko and Comrade Ustinov, Minister of Defense, will not participate in this time. The meeting, comrades, please understand! The two comrades have already written the documents to the comrades for good, and Comrade Ligachev will read these documents in a while."

   reached out and introduced Comrade Ligachev and said, "This meeting is chaired by Comrade Ligachev, and the people want to see some new faces."

  If you really want to compare the age, Serov is younger than Ligachev. But he has been a member of the Central Presidium since Khrushchev's time, and the Soviets have seen his face for 20 years, so he cannot be regarded as a new face by any means.

After the applause, Ligachev invited Tikhonov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, to convey the feasibility of strengthening the national planned economic system and the supplementary plan for the application of new technologies at the current stage.

  Tykhonov was certainly not a brilliant planned economy expert like Kosygin, but he was still a good executor. At least in Serov's eyes, this man is better than a cadre like Ryzhkov who came up on a rocket. The position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union is not just a matter of three views.

"Would you like me to help him up?" The general secretary looked at Tikhonov, who was trembling as he walked to the rostrum, with worry. He was not too surprised. The other party was twenty-two years older than himself. Next year Eighty years old.

The accident did not happen. Tikhonov still stood on the rostrum and made some supplementary suggestions on the development plan of the Soviet Union's economy. Of course, everyone understood that it was the general secretary who communicated to them the general secretary himself through the mouth of the chairman of the Council of Ministers. the meaning of.

"As for the economic development in the new period, I have discussed with the general secretary and all the members of the Central Presidium." The chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers is a little older, but his voice is still very clear, at least he does not need to be like Brezhnev, but also needs to be next to him. People even guessed, so that the cadres present could clearly understand the meaning.

"Through the campaign against sabotage and waste, and the results of the establishment of a comprehensive monitoring system, we can understand that the planned economy is far from reaching its full potential, but it is not enough to tap the existing potential," Tikhonov said. Technology is still evolving, and the old way of working cannot be used to determine the upper limit of a country's economic development."

"The comprehensively upgraded planned economic system will break the boundaries of space. Through feedback and correction at any time, it will save manpower and reduce the work intensity of the planning department, and at the same time let the central government know the real needs of the people of the Soviet Union at all times. Let a healthy planned economic system In a relatively perfect state, of course this is only relative, we cannot deny that there may be a better system in the future. But one thing is very clear, we have taken a solid step on the road of socialism, and we must not regress capitalism Go in!" Tikhonov's voice spread throughout the audience, "The regional committees, republics, cities, collective farms, and enterprises will all be included in this upgrade."

"Of course it will take time. Maybe in five to ten years, only a phased effect can be achieved. But I must remind all comrades that the Central Presidium is very resolute in carrying out this matter." Tikhonov did not hesitate. Use the alternate members of the Central Presidium in the third row behind you to remind local leaders everywhere.

  The third row of the Central Presidium is the position of the alternate members of the Central Presidium. From left to right are General Chebrikov, General Fedorchuk, General Bobkov, and General Tsvigon. The four alternate members of the Central Presidium belonged to the same department. If it wasn't for Alexei of GRU, who had no pursuit now, then with Serov himself, there would be six leaders from the Soviet Central Presidium at one time.

  In history, Andropov, together with himself, allowed the Soviet security cadres to occupy three seats. Get yourself a reputation as a police leader directly. Serov's international reputation was much more stinky than Andropov's. He was so stinky that he didn't care how others scolded him, and directly brought in four security cadres.

   "Quiet, please respect Comrade Tykhonov's speech." Serov spoke at the right time to support Tykhonov's report.

   This kind of statement directly made the audience quiet, the central government has already decided, and they are right to execute it. However, it is not the same as before. These cadres of the Soviet Union have to face the eyes of the general secretary. This can be seen from the police officers in uniform in the third row of the Central Presidium. If the effect is not satisfactory to the neighbors, they will do it. Bad will be replaced.

   The general secretary is quite satisfied with this attitude, what's the point? Didn't you see Tian Tian pointed at the Soviet Union and said that the Soviet Union was a police state? How about that, at least the executive power of the police cadres is no problem, who made the general secretary come from the police?

Because the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Chernenko, was unable to attend due to personal reasons, Ligachev will discuss this issue, while Ustinov will be represented by the First Deputy Minister of Defense, Marshal Ahromeyev. .

   At the end of the process, Serov stepped onto the rostrum and nodded slightly, and the entire Kremlin hall was silent. Whether it was local cadres, cadres in central organs, security cadres, Supreme Soviet or military cadres, all held their breath. The question of Chairman of the Council of Ministers Tikhonov is important, as is the report of Central Secretary Ligachev. But the most important thing is what the general secretary wants to say, and no one will make a mistake in this point...

   To say that Serov has been responding to a lot of calls in the Soviet Union now, that is absolutely fart. But if it is said to have such an effect, it is not difficult, "Uh huh!" The simple action of clearing the throat made many cadres' hearts go to their throats. Sheloff naturally glanced around, slowly and leisurely. He said the first sentence, "A long period of peaceful and steady development has made the cadres of the motherland seem to lack a little sense of tension. The enemy is about to hit the door, and you are still with me eight hours a day? Go to work and go to get off work step by step? Is this the proper attitude?"

   "Can you take a look at what's above?" Serov stretched out his finger and pointed to the Kremlin Hall above, with a huge red five-pointed star. The establishment of the Soviet Union brought a wave of socialism that spread around the world. There are two symbols that remind people of the Soviet Union as soon as they see it. One is the Communist Party flag, which is indistinguishable from the Soviet flag, and the other is the symbol of the Soviet Red Army, the red five-pointed star.

"The real danger has just begun, and I'm sure you all know that just a few days ago, US President Ronald Reagan threatened to destroy us with missiles. Of course, free nations can say it's a joke, they are free to spread rumors, this set of I believe that the people who have heard the most for many years, except the Americans themselves, are us. During the election campaign, Reagan said more than once that the Soviet Union and the entire values ​​represented by the Soviet Union should be buried in the dust of history.” Serov After pausing for a while, he seemed to fall into memory. When he spoke again, his voice changed abruptly, and he said excitedly, "More than 20 years ago, this was what the first secretary of Khrushchev said. We should say this sentence. And now, Reagan wants to bury us?"

“We once proposed detente and gave up our ideal of peaceful coexistence with capitalist countries. It turns out that the detente policy gave us about 20 years of stability. This is not a mistake. But we underestimated the unity of capitalism, the rule of It is easier for classes to unite, and we can get the answer from history. During the Great Revolution of 1848, the ruling classes of various countries united and supported each other to quell the revolutionary anger of the people.”

"So this time I won't use the words detente, peace. Peace will come eventually, but it will be based on the strength of the Soviets! Many people ask me how I would respond to Reagan's remarks about attacking the Soviet Union. First I will say , the winner of the military confrontation will never be the United States." Serov said calmly, "I also want to make an overall response to the international anti-Soviet forces, no matter what position they oppose the Soviet Union, I have only one sentence, I will clean up them, just It's like running over a bed bug. It won't do me any damage, except that the process is a little grosser."

"So at this stage, at least in the past few years of President Reagan, the foreign policy of the Soviets is what the United States hopes. We can develop peacefully with any country, but never include the United Kingdom and the United States. Confrontation! Change it to another sentence that you have an impression of! We are going to bury you!" Shelov shouted, "Мываспохороним!""

"Мываспохороним!" The Soviet Communist Youth League Pravda used Khrushchev's famous words as the title to report the Central Plenary Session. Although the meeting also talked about the upgrading of the planned economic system and the spiritual construction of socialism, there was no confrontation with the general secretary. The statement is more noticeable.

   After more than 20 years, Khrushchev's famous remarks were publicly said again by another general secretary. Within a few days, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Serov, respectively, expressed their true feelings about each other in their hearts. By the end of 1984, the leading countries of the two camps, the Soviet Union and the United States, had lost the slightest warmth towards each other.

  In the streets of the United States, newspapers about supporting the freedom fighters of Nicaragua were spread everywhere, calling on the American people to donate money to help the country eliminate the second Cuba in Central America. On the same day, Serov nodded to procure one million assault rifles from China and rushed them to Nicaragua, whose total population is less than four million.

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