Big Time 1958

Chapter 918: The battle of attrition

"President Reagan, this request really embarrassed me!" King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz did not lift his eyelids. He was wearing a white robe and fiddling with the Damascus steel knife in his hand. Anyone can It can be seen that this knife is very valuable, and there are many gems inlaid on it, which makes it even more dazzling.

"Iran's defection has put a lot of pressure on our country. If it weren't for Saudi Arabia, as the guardian of the two holy places, with the support of many countries, the Soviet Union would not dare to make trouble. I still don't know what it would be like." King Zi suddenly drew his knife and cut open the roast leg of lamb in front of him. He was not a fool to become King Aziz.

   In the international performances of the President of the United States and the general secretary of the Soviet Union for more than a year, he can also see that the United States has a slight advantage, but this advantage is not so great that Saudi Arabia joins rashly. Although the Soviet Union's allies are not as intimidating as the former imperialist countries of the United States, they are still in sight, and the Soviet Union's allies all follow the line of military power. Why should Saudi Arabia take risks in this situation? What's the use of spending money without life?

   "The king thinks that the fate of the Nicholas family will not come to Saudi Arabia, right?" President Reagan did not want to force the other party, but he must remind King Aziz that the Soviet Union does not necessarily only need money, but also the king's life. Missed the opportunity to mention the exile of the Thai royal family in the United States, which touched King Aziz a lot.

  King Aziz was silent, the Soviet Union was of course Saudi Arabia's great enemy, because of the Soviet Union's attitude towards religion, because of the Soviet Union's attitude towards the nobles of various countries, naturally, no high society in a country liked the Soviet Union. Many of the anti-government forces in the original peace religion countries were supported by Saudi Arabia. In order to let these countries have no time to worry about it, don't find trouble with Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has also signed treaties with the remaining Gulf countries, including Jordan, to protect themselves.

   But King Aziz can still feel more and more pressure from the Soviet Union. It was so frightening that before Reagan came to power, especially during the Iranian Revolution, Saudi Arabia had almost begun to consider whether to change its sect, but considering the solitary appearance of the Soviet Union, coupled with the complete inconsistency in ideology, the idea was dismissed.

  After Reagan came to power, Saudi Arabia just got a little respite. The South Yemen behind it was contained by North Yemen, which freed Saudi Arabia from the threat of being stabbed in the back. In a sense, King Aziz must also thank President Reagan.

"Saudi Arabia's extraction cost is the lowest in the world, and the reverse oil shock weakens the strength of Iraq and Iran, while Saudi Arabia can grab more shares and use its own money to support the anti-Soviet forces in these countries in turn." President Reagan He is persevering and persuading without changing his color. If the other party does not agree, he will inevitably stage a show that his father is back, just like when facing Japan...

"The Middle East countries under the control of the Communist Party are no longer friends of Saudi Arabia. Communism is our common enemy. We, the United States, want to defeat the offensive of communism widely all over the world. Some immediate interests should be given up." President Reagan was silent. After a moment, he threw the bombshell again, "In order to show sincerity, the United States is willing to let Saudi Arabia control some of the national debt assets, so that the United States and Saudi Arabia can be integrated..."

   "I need to convince a lot of princes!" King Aziz replied after a long time, Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, but not entirely, many important princes also have great power.

  Saudi Arabia's land is mostly desert Gobi, which lacks development value. Once the oil is exhausted, today's local tyrant will quickly become impoverished. Saudi Arabia certainly knows this. Therefore, it must take advantage of the current oil dividend support, seize the time to expand externally, and control the relatively high-quality geopolitical plates nearby such as Syria and Iraq, so as to ensure that Saudi Arabia can still survive and develop after the oil is exhausted. But the problem is that the few places in the Middle East that can develop are all pro-Soviet countries, not only pro-Soviet, but also peeping at the idea of ​​Saudi Arabia.

  If Saudi Arabia wants to expand its influence, it will naturally form a conflict with the Soviet Union. Therefore, it is necessary for Saudi Arabia to seize every opportunity to weaken the Soviet Union as much as possible, even if it suffers some losses. Otherwise, once the Soviet Union focuses its attention on the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia's physique, can it be the Soviet Union's opponent?

No modern country does not know the importance of oil, but the United States and the Soviet Union use different methods. The United States has the strongest financial system in the world, so the United States does not necessarily have to control the Middle East oil resources in its own hands, or even It doesn't care that much about oil pricing power. All the United States needs is to peg oil to the dollar, and then build its own financial hegemony on the basis of petrodollars.

  The financial system of the Soviet Union is basically equal to none, so the way to use the oil in the Middle East is to personally go into battle and control the oil resources of the Middle East countries to balance the West. Saudi Arabia can choose words, and of course it will choose the United States.

  The Soviet Union won the oil pricing power and the dominance of the oil market will be taken away by the Soviet Union, but the United States can leave this right to Saudi Arabia. With this right, Saudi Arabia can be said to go sideways in the world. What's more, the US conditions are very rich, allowing Saudi Arabia to own US national debt and assets, at least in terms of the momentum in the past two years, the US economy seems to be very strong. Even more powerful if you take into account the economies of allies.

   Two days later, Reagan left Saudi Arabia with a smile on his face. This visit was hardly noticed by anyone, and the US President did not visit Saudi Arabia once or twice, and his visits to allies were very normal. Except for Serov, who has been staring at Reagan, no one thinks this is a big deal, and it is not as eye-catching as the development of Siberia set off by the Soviet Union.

"One more pit!" The general secretary, who also played with Damascus steel knives, whistled easily. Reagan was right. The Soviet Union did not have the ability to expedition to Saudi Arabia, but the Russian Empire did. It is not that the Russian Empire is stronger than the Soviet Union, but this Modern society has saved Saudi Arabia's life, and the Soviet Union cannot repeat the way of conquest before the nineteenth century.

  The Soviet Union may defeat the Saudi government very quickly, but it will also encounter guerrilla warfare. Trapped in endless attacks and counter-attacks, the Soviet Union would continue to lose blood until the war was over. The collision of two ethnic groups and two cultures cannot be resolved if they are not resolved in the ancient way.

   Such a challenging and difficult matter should be resolved by Iraq, which is also an Arab country. It is easier for Iraq to go into battle than the Soviet Union itself, and they are at least of the same race. When the same clan fights, they are more able to do it. If there is any humanitarian crisis, the Soviet Union cannot be blamed. Reagan didn't care about the Saudi risks, and Serov didn't care about the life and death of pro-Soviet countries in the Middle East. As long as it doesn't fall, the quality of living water is almost nothing.

"Within two years, the highways leading to Iran and northern Iraq must be open to traffic." Shelov said to the head of the Soviet Ministry of Public Transport. Although these two highways are more likely to be used, war preparations are very necessary. .

   Iraq itself was dissatisfied with Kuwait's secession, as did Iran with Bahrain. Saudi Arabia's action is too big, and the probability of these two countries taking chestnuts from the fire is very high. Historically, Saddam was a bit too inflated. He invaded Kuwait without the support of the Soviet Union. In fact, a prerequisite for the United States to send troops in the Gulf War was that the Soviet Union must not interfere in the actions of the United States. The idiot of Ge Map actually agreed.

"Internationally, in Eastern Europe, China, and eventually in the Soviet Union to defeat communism, and domestically, big government and big labor in economic life. Now, let's start with Nicaragua and kill the pro-Soviet government." Reagan After successively reaching the issues of trade friction and oil prices, in his perception, the United States should reach the strongest state.

   "Okay, let's clean up Nicaragua first and cut off the Soviet Union's hand." CIA Director Casey nodded, he has been waiting for this day, the Soviet Union is too arrogant, and its power has reached Central America.

   In February 1985, Saudi Arabia announced to increase oil production, and the world oil price fluctuated. After stabilizing for less than a year, it began to fall again. At the same time, in the Central American country of Nicaragua, the civil war suddenly became fierce, and in the jungle-covered mountains, river valleys and seaside swamps, the anti-government forces often crossed the border to carry out subversive and sabotage attacks.

   "Continue to increase investment, we have no shortage of weapons!" Serov said to General Chebrikov who came to report. Facing the US offensive in Nicaragua, Serov chose to follow up without hesitation.

   Ships loaded with arms set off from Soviet ports to Cuba, or directly to Nicaragua. This resolutely supportive attitude, reported by the domestic media in the United States, further increased Americans' hostility to the Soviet Union. Since the British Empire, this is the first time that another country has openly supported an anti-American country in the Americas, so obviously and undisguised...

   Americans' donations to Nicaraguan freedom fighters hit a new high again, showing support for President Ronald Reagan. The civil war in Nicaragua has attracted more and more attention around the world because of the increased investment by the United States and the Soviet Union.

  Soviet-style weapons and American-style weapons have been continuously transported into this small Central American country. The two superpowers have each supported one party to fight here.

  The Nicaraguan government forces, with the support of the Soviet Union and Cuba, successively concentrated half of their forces to clear up the rebels hidden in the forest. The effect was very obvious, but the rebels always resurfaced quickly. Serov made up his mind to join Cuba in a tug-of-war with the United States here.

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