The fleet sailed quietly across the lake, only ripples.

Occasionally, the little wizard cried out in surprise, and most of them were gagged by his companions on the boat, for fear that his loud noise would attract the hidden monsters in the lake.

Ron was the kind of little wizard who almost cried out, and it was hard to imagine that he, who was obviously a pure-blood wizard, was even more surprised by the majestic Hogwarts castle than Harry and Joshua.

The fleet followed a dark tunnel that seemed to come beneath the castle, and finally reached what resembled an underground pier, and then climbed the ground with gravel and small cobblestones.

The young wizards disembarked from the ship in turn, waiting for Hagrid to count the number of people and lead them to the next location.

Then they climbed a tunnel in the rock under the light of a Hagrid lantern and finally reached a flat, damp meadow in the shadow of the castle.

Everyone climbed a stone flight of stairs and gathered in front of a huge oak door. “Are you all there? Have you brought all your belongings? Boy, your toad hasn’t been lost, right? ”

After seeing a blushing little fat wizard nod, Hagrid raised a huge fist and knocked three times on the castle gate.

The door immediately opened. A tall, dark-haired witch in an emerald green robe stood in front of the gate.

This was Professor McGonagall who led Joshua to Hogwarts.

Perhaps others might have been impressed by Professor McGonagall’s serious expression at this point, but Joshua thought more…

[Well, it appears immediately after knocking… It creates a sense of depression on top of the psyche, and the serious expression coupled with the high position makes it easy for her to gain a head start in communicating with students… But…. In order to pretend to be this force, it seems that you have to wait behind the gate all the time, right? What if Hagrid leads the wrong way? 】

In the end, Joshua concluded: It’s hard to be a teacher.

Professor McGonagall reached out and tapped the door with her wand, and the oak door was pulled wide open by the power of magic. Some of the uninformed little Muggle wizards began to exclaim again.

The foyer resembles Gringotts, surrounded by roaring torches on the stone walls. The ceiling is so high that the ceiling is barely visible. The façade is a sumptuous marble staircase that leads up to the upper floor.

They followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor. Joshua heard the buzzing of hundreds of people coming from the door on the right, and the rest of the school must have arrived.

Professor McGonagall led the first-year students to a small, empty room at the other end of the hall. Everyone rushed in, huddled together, nervously gazing at everything around them.

Joshua looked around, and there were hundreds of first-year freshmen alone. He remembered the task that the system had given him just now: to pretend to be forced in front of the whole school…

The seven grades are counted as about one hundred students per year… 700 teachers and students in the school? Pretending in front of so many people?

This seems very difficult.

(Bug!) Rowling has a big bug again… When I wrote this, I realized that there was a big problem with the number of people at Hogwarts. There are two results from the Internet, one is a flying class in the first grade, the two colleges take classes together but there are only more than 20 brooms on the ground, according to this calculation, there are about 280 people in the school, but this is too different from some plots in the novel in the movie, after all, how to look at the long slip table will not be for 70 people to sit….

Another saying is that there are about 700 people in the whole school, and I personally prefer this statement, after all, it is impossible for the magical world in the whole country to be such a little student. HP3 mentioned a Quidditch match, three-quarters of the students in the school support Gryffindor, only less than 200 people support Slytherin, according to this calculation, there are about 700~800 people, but there are only a few teachers with names and surnames in the school, and 700 people in the seventh grade are tired to death… Whatever about him, let’s put about 700 people… )

“Welcome to Hogwarts,” Professor McGonagall said, “The opening feast is about to begin, but before you arrive at the cafeteria, you should first decide which house you each enter entered. Sorting is an important ritual because the House is like your home at Hogwarts while you are at school. You will attend classes with other students in the college, live together in the dormitories of the college, and spend your spare time together in the common room of the college. ”

“But pull down,” Joshua whispered to the two people next to him, “Treating school as my home is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard, and it’s not one… I believe she’s a ghost… The Vice Chancellor’s very bad…”

“The names of the four houses are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each academy has its own glorious history and has produced outstanding wizards and wizards. During your time at Hogwarts, your outstanding performance will earn your house extra points, and any violation will result in points for your house. At the end of the year, the house with the highest score receives the House Cup, which is a high honor. I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you will be able to win glory for your college.

“In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of the whole school. I suggest that you tidy yourself up and be energetic while you wait. ”

(Ah, forgot which book friend thanked for the flowers…) )

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