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“So kid… Can you tell me why you came out so late? ”

The Great Elder of the Ma Ren had white hair and looked very pleasant.

Like other horse people, his upper body is a human body, his lower body is a horse body, and the skin on the pale yellow horse has loosened a lot, and Joshua can faintly see that his horse’s tail has become a lot bald.

The Great Elder bowed his head and asked Joshua, but Joshua felt a distrustful malice creeping up on his shoulders.

It was the other horses who felt they still didn’t trust enough, and Joshua knew he had to make up a reason that they could all trust.

[I want to think ha… I heard them just say that they thought that what happened outside was done by our wizards at Hogwarts, and that is the explosion I made… That’s not true…]

“Horse… Grandpa Horseman! ”

Joshua reached out and wiped it on his face, while hiding in his pocket and pinching his inner thigh.

Suddenly Joshua burst into tears.

“I… I’m so scared! As soon as I entered the Forbidden Forest, I saw Laifu playing Changwei… No, as soon as I entered the Forbidden Forest, I saw a strange black shadow chasing a shining silver horse creature…”

“Then I cried out in surprise, and he found out, and then it seemed that because I shouted that the horse ran away, and he was going to chase me to vent his anger… I came here in a hurry…”

The face of the Great Elder of the Horse Man changed significantly.

“Alas… Sure enough… A year ago, I had expected a shady curtain to hit the entire country… I didn’t expect that now, it actually came so quickly…”

Joshua blinked his eyes and looked at the Great Elder of the Horse Man with a curious look.

“Huh? Great Elder? What shady ah? Is it the shadow monster that just chased me? ”

The Great Elder sighed, “Can’t say… I can’t say ah child, we horse people have remained neutral for generations, and we must maintain the posture of spectators no matter what happens in this world…”

“In this way, everyone, everyone will not care about the affairs of this evening, bear with it… And the child, I asked you to send you back, tonight’s matter… Remember not to tell anyone else…”

Joshua glanced at the system, and there was no movement inside.

[Groove? Doesn’t that all count as accomplishing the task? Make friends with horse people…】

[Yes, host, you just came over and mixed a familiar face, and you were sent away by the great elder of the people, maybe after today, people will forget you… Where is this good friend? 】

[Then this is difficult… A trick… No, I have to figure out how to get the job done…”

“That… Ferencze, you go and send this child…”

“Wait… Great Elder! ”

Joshua suddenly raised his hand, “Then can I still come here in the future?” ”

The horsemen’s breathing suddenly choked.

“Huh? Why don’t you talk? ”

The atmosphere gradually became strange, and all the horsemen’s eyes could not help but turn to Joshua.

The Great Elder of the Horse Man recovered from his stunned state, laughed awkwardly a few times, and reached out to brush his white beard.

“Eh…. Child, we horse people have never had much communication with humans… You’re embarrassing us…”

“Huh? But… But I heard that in the ancient Greek mythology there was a great sage Charon: He was known for his kindness and wisdom, and was the mentor of many Greek heroes…”

“Among them are Theseus, Achilles, and Iasong (Iasong can die and give me Aunt C…). ), Hercules…”

“He is almost omnipotent and omniscient, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, bows, arrows, knives and guns, fist fighting sumo, heaven and earth, there is nothing he does not know… He lived in seclusion in the cave of Piliwin, teaching the art of the world. Any of his students, even if they have learned only one skill, can dominate the world. ”

Joshua could feel a special sense of pride in the other horsemen as he told Charon’s life, as if Joshua was talking about themselves.

“So I used to think… If only I could have a teacher like Charon… Now that I suddenly saw the same clan of the Great Sage Kajon, how could I not be excited? Please… Great Elder of the Horse People… You see I’m still so young, let me come here and have a play, it’s okay to learn something… Big deal, I swear poisonously, don’t tell people I’ve been here, okay? ”

The Great Elder looked at Bane beside him, he had never seen such a demanding human child.

“It’s dirty! Brat! It’s nice that we can send you away! How can you be so aggressive?! ”

Bane waved his weapon again, trying to scare Joshua.

Joshua frowned, although the horse people did not want to be friendly with humans, but he said this is a bit too much, right?

“Wow~~~ I… I obviously just want to come here to play… Could it be that in the eyes of Mr. Ma Ren, am I a big badass? Shh My mom didn’t even say that about me! ”

The two hands went deep to the face, the thumb pressed fiercely to the bridge of his nose, the tears instantly flowed down, the little dirty hands and a little tear on the face of the trend, the whole person directly turned into a small flower cat.

“Bane! How can you do this?! It was said that he was still just a child! Do you do the same with your own children?! ”

Bane was in a situation where the horses were criticized.

The horse man’s characteristic of never attacking children was exploited by Joshua, a black-bellied man with an adult’s soul in his heart.

What the? You say Joshua is tender?

You know, the soul of a 37-year-old foot-picking uncle loaded into slime can dominate for a while, called the Moe King, then Joshua can naturally use his own advantages to make others have a certain sympathy for him, just as the so-called cheap does not occupy the king bastard is this truth…

“Eh… This is really…”

The Great Elder of the Ma Ren shook his head helplessly, “Don’t cry kid… Good, good, good… I promise you… If conditions permit, you can come to us as a guest…”

[System prompt: Congratulations to the host, the task (befriending the horse people) is completed…]

(Thanks to Mr. White Wolf and Mr. Master for the flowers…) Stuck in a state of depression at the beginning of school… )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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