[It can’t go on like this!] 】

Joshua is not the kind of idiot who takes advantage of people for no reason, she has now begun to run her brain frantically, thinking about every possible hiding place in the room…

[Quirrell thinks that no one can find out about his hiding at Hogwarts, even Professor Snape only vaguely suspects him and cannot produce proof of it…”

[And he was also the best student of Ravenclawry, and in order to get more, he also went deep into the Albanian forest, and finally met Voldemort…]

[This is undoubtedly the protagonist template, in order to grow in strength, Quirrell can bow down to Voldemort, but he is also a promise to the rest of the school, will ordinary people be like this?] He must have a bit of pride and contempt in his heart…”

[Such Quirrell definitely disdains to deliberately hide his secrets and block them with what seventeen or eight spells. ] Rather, put it in some obvious places … Desks, chests of drawers, what’s inside, even if confidential… It definitely wouldn’t be the black magic cultivation notes I was looking for. 】

[Then think about it in another position… When I was hiding something… What location will you choose…】

Joshua paced in the small room, and even the system did not disturb him.

Joshua walked slowly to the simple bed.

[Push yourself and others…]

Joshua leaned down sharply and looked under the bed, where there was nothing on the floor.

But when Joshua’s eyes swept up, a thin pamphlet appeared in Joshua’s sight! This black booklet was actually taped to the bottom of the bed!

The corners of Joshua’s mouth turned up slightly, this was what he wanted…

[Quirrell, Quirrell… Let you be treacherous like a little ghost, and drink Lao Tzu’s footwash… Put it in such a place and think that others will not find it?! Hmph…]

Using his wand to probe the perimeter of the booklet for a spell, Joshua carefully tore the booklet off.

“I don’t know what’s inside…”

After thinking about it, let’s not flip through things here, in case the things inside are very impactful… It had too much of an impact on Joshua’s mind, but it was not good.

Before leaving, Joshua looked back at the room, a row of white headscarves still hanging quietly on the clothes rack, and the desk was still so cluttered, exactly like when he first arrived, which was the result of Joshua’s efforts to erase any traces of his arrival.

“Forget it… Since Quirrell doesn’t have a good life anymore, I shouldn’t be presumptuous at all, right? ”

Joshua thought so, and slowly walked towards Chi with a lewd smile.



“What’s wrong? Quirinas? If you want to risk it, you can go back to the hospital first…”

“Oh… No, no, no…. Severus, I’m fine…”

Quirrell rubbed his flushed nose, and the sneeze was probably because he accidentally rolled under the bed and got cold when he was sleeping on his stomach yesterday night, right?

Since the master lodged on the back of his head… Every day I have to sleep on my stomach, and I don’t know that I think I am in bed every day…

I don’t know when such a day will be big…

Looking at the clear sky, Quirrell felt a little bit of egg sorrow in his heart.

At this time, the team members entered the stadium once, and a certain little man dressed in red won the warmest cheers of the audience.

Quirrell glanced back slightly, and a certain gloomy Sima-faced oil-headed uncle became even more gloomy at this time, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Quirrell also heard some of Snape’s story from his master’s mouth, probably touching the scene and remembering his old rival and love rival, right?

Madame Hooch is the referee. She stood in the middle of the court, her flying broomstick, waiting for the players on both sides.

“Listen, I want everyone to participate fairly and honestly.”

Quirrell noticed that the tall players on the Slytherin side didn’t care about Madame Hooch’s words, which was much easier… If they could actually knock Harry off the broom at the start of the game, they wouldn’t have to work so hard…

“Please ride the flying broomstick.”

Madame Hooch blew her silver whistle, fifteen flying broomsticks rose high into the sky, and the game officially began.

The members of each team began to do their part, the chasers made all kinds of difficult pitches under the interference of local batsmen, the goalkeepers defended in front of their own goals, and Quirrell’s goal… Harry Potter, he was looking a little confused at this point.

When others rode a broom and flew around in the sky, he was a little dazed, what about the golden snitch? Where is it?! I can’t see it!

“Hmph… I just said that Minerva shouldn’t choose a first-grade bear child to be a Seeker… Look at his stupid look… But that’s fine, send me Slytherin. ”

Quirrell looked back, Snape didn’t know whether to be happy or angry, a pair of deep eyes stared at Harry, maybe it seemed to others that he was cursing Harry, but who would have thought that the person he would not hurt was Harry?

“The Slytherins scored the ball,”

Lee Jordan, who served as the narrator, said, “Chaser Pousse dodged two Bludgers with his head down, dodged the Weasley twins and Chaser Bell, and ran to — wait a minute — is that a snitch?”

At the same time, the Seekers of both teams found the Golden Snitch at the same time, and the game went directly to the match point, and the victory or defeat of this game depended on who got the little golden ball first!

Taking advantage of his young age and light weight, Harry sped his broom through the crowd, past one player after another, swept away his previous confused state, and looked like he was about to catch the little golden ball soon.

Quirrell cursed secretly in his heart: [Waste Slytherin… I still have high hopes for you, forget it… At this point, I still have to make a move to be safe, damn Potter’s injury will definitely make the whole school messy… It’s not too late to take advantage of this opportunity to enter the restricted area! 】

(Thanks to Mr. Diver King, Mr. Jellal, Mr. White Wolf for the flowers…) There is also Kaguya Ryu Hotaru minor makeover…. )_

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