Bizarre Love

Chapter 37 School Belle (2)

Although Teacher Fan felt that it was wrong to judge people by their appearance, he still frowned and reminded: "Today you should go to speak under the national flag, you are like this..."

The birds on the sycamore tree leaped to the branches and combed their feathers with their beaks.

Meng Ting listened carefully to Teacher Fan's speech.

Teacher Fan suddenly stopped talking, and sighed: "Oh, you look good." It's impossible to stop her from speaking just because she looks better.

"What about the speech?"

Meng Ting showed it to Teacher Fan.

Teacher Fan nodded with satisfaction after reading it. Meng Ding wrote very positively, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Seeing Meng Ting hanging his student ID around his neck and wearing a blue and white school uniform, Teacher Fan felt that this was a broken technique when he saw the photo. She waved her hand and told Meng Ting to go back.

This year's No. 7 Middle School has a rule that every Monday when the national flag is raised, a student representative must be elected to speak.

And this student representative is the first in the class by default.

When it was Meng Ting's turn in the first year, the dean considered Meng Ting's situation and said hesitantly, "Teacher Fan, why don't you change your class?"

Fan Huiyin shook her head disapprovingly: "Although Meng Ting has bad eyesight, she is very good. If the school replaces her because of her eyes, the students will easily feel inferior."

So every semester it was a class's turn, and Meng Ting was the one to speak.

Fortunately, there are many classes in the school, and each class has at most two opportunities to speak in one semester. Besides, the students were impatient to listen to the chicken soup. Except for the most beautiful senior sister Lu Yue in the third year of high school, few people paid attention to Meng Ting, at most because of her strange glasses.

Today is November 20th.

Winter is approaching quietly, and the students all wear thick winter clothes under their school uniforms, looking bulky and bloated.

At a glance, it is the same as the Chinese cabbage produced in a field.

The female teachers were so cold that they rubbed their hands and breathed.

The other classes found that the people in Class 1, Grade 2 were extremely weird today. Basically, everyone stretched their necks and looked up at the stage, revealing an indescribable excitement.

The host said in a crisp voice: "The student representative of Class 2 (1) of Senior High School, Meng Ting, will be invited to give a speech under the national flag."

There was a burst of meaningful applause lazily below.

Meng Ting walked onto the stage with his speech notebook in hand, held the microphone and spoke with a clear and sweet voice, "Hello everyone, I am Meng Ting from Class 1, Senior Two. The topic of my speech today is "Treasure Time, Live Up to the Motherland"."

The old-fashioned school standard chicken soup, the kind that makes people drowsy when they hear it.

Some people looked over because of the pleasant voice and standard Mandarin.

The morning dew condensed and dripped from the branches, and every breath turned into white mist in the cold air.

The girls on the stage were wearing simple school uniforms, blue and white jackets, and black trousers. The ponytail is tied with a hair tie, and the long hair is refreshing. The air bangs have a soft and safe meaning.

She has a good temperament, but... her face is even better!

No matter in which era, people always have little resistance to beautiful things. Soon there was a chatter in the front.

The dean, who was almost bald on the top of his head, yelled at him with a beer belly: "Everyone, please be quiet, and any class that makes any noise will be deducted!"

It finally calmed down.

The back row couldn't see and smelled gossip, and knew that something must have happened. They couldn't see the people on the stage clearly, and they felt a little depressed.

However, everyone tried their best to inquire out of curiosity, and finally came up with a shocking news - Meng Ting, who was said to have bad eyesight in Class 1, now has better eyesight than Shen Yuqing, the school belle of Class 22. Still beautiful!

Obediently, this is incredible!

The reason why Shen Yuqing is so proud is because of her good appearance, and everyone recognizes that she is the most beautiful school belle in No. 7 Middle School in history.

She looks better than the school belle, so doesn't that mean the title of school belle should change hands!

So a magical chicken soup theory, everyone listened to it with enthusiasm.

Lu Yue was so shocked, of course she remembered Meng Ting, Meng Ting had defeated her in the Mathematical Olympiad, but at that time she comforted herself that Meng Ting was only a classmate with an eye problem, and now she was almost in a daze.

What if Meng Ting didn't just have good grades?

She remembered that day when Jiang Ren told her to get out with an impatient face, but finally smiled and asked Meng Ting to buy water, with mixed feelings in her heart, her hands unconsciously clenched into fists. They couldn't see them standing behind in the third year of high school, but such a big gossip about changing the school flower, like the autumn wind blowing on the face, spread here quietly and quickly.

Shen Yuqing from Class 12 felt even more uncomfortable, her face turned green and pale.

When Meng Ting stepped down, he also felt the change. However, after living two lifetimes, she has become more resilient, and she doesn't really care about these things.

When school was over on Monday, Fan Huiyin occupied the physics teacher's class.

Teacher Deng, who teaches physics, was dissatisfied: "My class is also in time. Teacher Fan should discuss it with other teachers."

The students in Class 1 were also annoyed: "Ms. Deng must not last for less than two minutes. Mr. Fan is too strong."

Sure enough, after a while, Teacher Deng left, and Teacher Fan came in and asked everyone to take out their English books.

The classmates in the class wailed in their hearts.

When school was over, an unbelievably good news came.

Teacher Fan said: "The school has organized a group of 'Mountain Climbing in Warm Winter' activities. I hope everyone pays attention to exercising. On this Wednesday, we will go to climb Wangu Mountain."

The class burst into cheers.

Meng Ting was stunned, she had this incident in her memory, that year their class went to climb Wangu Mountain.

Jiang Ren also followed.

At that time, she was already the No. 7 Lieutenant Colonel, but when Jiang Ren came to talk to her, she didn't answer a word.

Zhao Nuancheng said that year: "Listen, don't pay attention to him. He must have come to hang out with Shen Yuqing. He came to strike up a conversation when he saw you looking good. This kind of person... Heck, he is not a good person if he is ignorant. I just like to play with beautiful women."

Meng Ting nodded solemnly.

So much so that in her previous life, she thought Jiang Ren was just playing for fun.

Perhaps because he couldn't ask for it, he chased him for a whole year and did many crazy things.

Thinking of this, Meng Ting was a little worried.

Jiang Ren... he won't come this time, will he? she thought uncertainly.

Jiang Ren lay in Licai's classroom to catch up on sleep.

The teacher looked at him several times, but didn't say anything. Forget it, this kind of rich second generation loves to learn, but doesn't want to be dragged down.

He Junming found out that brother Ninja came very early today, so he fell asleep on the table as soon as he arrived.

He Junming whispered: "What's the matter, brother Ninja." Usually playing games all night is not so tiring.

He Han pointed to Jiang Ren's trouser legs.

The boy's jeans are covered with the cold dirt of winter.

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