Bizarre Love

Chapter 66 Let go? (1)

Chapter 66 Let go? (1)

He Junming and his party did not wait until Jiang Ren at eleven o'clock in the evening.

When he came back, half of the ice crystal ball had melted, and the light snow was still falling, falling to the ground and turning into a shallow layer of ice. He came back alone, with the chill of the night, and when he opened the car door, everyone felt that there was almost no temperature on his body.

There are still unmelted snowflakes on Jiang Ren's hair.

There was no emotion in the black pupil.

As soon as he sat up, the air conditioner in the car couldn't stand the cold that he had been outside for so long.

Soon the snowflakes turned into water and covered his angular face. He lowered his eyes and said nothing, and no one dared to ask.

Until Jiang Ren said calmly: "He Junming, here is a cigarette."

He Junming quickly fumbled in his pocket for the cigarette and handed it over.

No one spoke, but knew that something must have happened. After all, Jiang Ren hasn't smoked for a long time, and when they smoked, Jiang Ren told them to get out of the way so as not to stain his clothes. But when he came back tonight, he didn't say anything, just smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in silence.

One after another, it seems that he wants to release all the restrained and suppressed things that he didn't do some time ago.

Jiang Ren was too calm, but no one would think he was calm.

Under the calmness, there was a wave of madness faintly suppressed.

Fang Tan sat in the driver's seat, and it took him a while to ask, "Brother Ren, that..."

Jiang Ren followed his finger to look over, the ice crystal ball was covered with a layer of snowflakes, and the word "listen" in the lower right corner was completely blurred, he stared at the word for a while, and pulled the corners of his lips.

Then he said lightly: "Don't worry, it will melt in a short time. Drive."

Fang Tan started the car, and He Junming couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere anymore: "Brother Ren, have you seen her yet?"

Jiang Ren closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair: "No."

He'd rather not have.

When Shu Lan told him about Meng Ting going to participate in the piano competition, he was silent for a long time. Almost immediately I figured out who that person was on the stage when I first met. It wasn't Shulan who played the piano that time, it was her.

The year his mother abandoned him and his father, and ran away with his adulterer, he swore that he would never like a woman who was too talented in the future.

Oh, look, how beautiful and wonderful they are. While making men fall for her, she is also reserved and proud. When you are so infatuated with her that you can't extricate yourself, she will dump you mercilessly.

This kind of person is the most ruthless.

Five years after his mother left, his father still cleaned the piano room himself.

Jiang Ren folded his arms at that time, looking at the poor abandoned man coldly and mockingly.

He will not become the second Jiang Jixian.

However, when he thought that it was Meng Ting, apart from a ridiculous sense of sadness in his heart, what was more, it turned out to be a strong expectation. She is so introverted and soft, but she has such a flamboyant and beautiful side?

He wants to go see her.

However, when he arrived, she had already finished the performance.

Light snow is flying.

She was wearing a blue winter dress with white fur on the cuffs and skirt, and her long hair was only tied with a ribbon of the same color. Excessive ribbons dangle across the chest. Not far away, the sound of the piano echoed, and she looked up at the snow.

The porcelain-white neck skin seemed as white as snow.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment, as if he had returned to the room where his mother's collection was pushed away when he was a child, and he saw an ink painting when he looked up.

In the painting, heavy snow is flying, and a girl reaches out to catch the snowflakes. Her black hair hangs down, and her long eyelashes are dotted with translucent white snowflakes. She stands in the painting, with slightly curved lips and a sweet smile.

How old was he that year?

Seven or eight?

Angrily, he smashed all the things that could be smashed by his mother, but hesitated in front of this famous painting.

He stared blankly at the painting, even thinking she would come down. But she didn't come down, and when he looked away, he realized that it was just a painting. Draw a very beautiful girl beauty.

He bit his lip in humiliation, with tears in his eyes, unwilling to be seduced by a ridiculous painting. Angrily smashed it to pieces.

Many years later, he couldn't remember the face of the person in the ink painting, but he remembered the stunning beauty.

Tonight, this feeling is even stronger than back then.

But he came late, Meng Ting had already finished playing.

With a void in his heart, he looked at her from a distance. At one moment I felt absurd, and at another moment I felt my heartbeat was out of control.

Until he saw snowflakes falling on her long eyelashes like crow feathers, and saw the boy put clothes on her.

She looked up, and the boy lowered his head and held her shoulders.

They kissed on Christmas Eve, quiet under the dark sky.

From the beginning to the end, she never pushed that person away.

He didn't know how long he stood there, maybe a minute, maybe half an hour.

Jiang Ren still remembered that she would frown when he put clothes on her.

In order to keep his clothes from smelling of smoke, he endured his addiction like an idiot.

He also remembered kissing her when he was out of control, and she pushed him away against his chest, saying he was a hooligan. From then on, he sent her home, opened his arms, and then retracted them as if nothing had happened.

Obviously last night, he wanted to hug her from behind so much.

He closed his eyes, turned and left.

I walked very peacefully, I don't know how long I walked. He started running crazily, aimlessly and in no direction.

The cold air rushed into the lungs like a knife, causing sharp pain.

"Fuck!" He clenched his fists tightly and kicked on the street lamp.

The lights flickered several times.

There was a fishy sweetness in his throat.

Jiang Ren spat out with a cold face, turning slightly red.

He suddenly wanted to go back, and couldn't help wanting to go back. I want to pull that boy away, I want to stab him to death, I want to question her why she treats me like this.

He even wanted to destroy her just like smashing that ink painting.

But he couldn't even take a step.

She is not a painting.

He couldn't even destroy her.

How funny, he said, liking this kind of woman, all you get is contempt and contempt. Covetous love like this will only lead to tragedy in the end.

Meng Ting clearly said that she doesn't like him.

He wiped the corner of his lips with his thumb, and laughed mockingly. Isn't it just that he once liked a girl who didn't like him, how amazing?

When he didn't like her, it had been the same for so many years.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the winter vacation, and the Seventh Middle School was filled with joy inside and out.

After Fan Huiyin announced the holiday, she explained the precautions and asked the class monitor, Guan Xiaoye, to collect the students' safety commitment letters.

The class was beaming, and the students were chatting goodbye.

Zhao Nuancheng stomped her feet in the cold: "Are you celebrating the New Year in City H?" She was very excited, "I'm going to take the train to visit my grandpa in my hometown in the countryside, and I'll bring you special products when the time comes."

Meng Ting nodded and answered softly.

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