Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 473: Private talk

The forty-seventh chapter of the private talk

Claude closed the report written by Colonel Bock Al, and could not speak for a long time. Unexpectedly, the kingdom of Ovilas, once the hegemonic power of the eastern part of the Faurea continent, is now degraded to this way. From the lines of the report, it is conceivable that the horrors of the kingdom's native land, a civil war for the throne, a deep disaster for the kingdom and a war wound that could not be calmed for decades. Especially the new king is not a wise king. For the king of Ovilas, the bigger suffering is still behind...

"Oh!", a heavy punch of General Albert was on the conference table, and he just finished reading the report.

"I knew this early, I knew it like this..." General Eblon whispered angrily...

Claude can only shake his head: "Allen, we have no choice. I know what you want to say, but in fact we have no choice in the territorial war zone. Hansback Prince and Prince Weidek are not suitable. The object of allegiance, we can only choose the one that is the least harmful to the kingdom of overseas jurisdiction, which is the most important reason why our war zone can defeat the Hicks Kingdom to win this colonial war. We have a clear conscience.

As for how the kingdom will treat our direct jurisdiction, that is the future. However, I believe that after more than three months, the news that our territorial war zone won the victory of this colonial war should have spread to the mainland of Vale, and soon the kingdom will know that we have defeated the Hicks kingdom. Then in two or three months, the special envoy of the kingdom will arrive, and then we will know how the kingdom will treat us..."

"Yes, Claude is right." General Bologin said: "If we then rely on the great prince of Hansback, we become a traitor who sells the kingdom of overseas jurisdiction. So we have to force it. Prince Delek expressed his loyalty, even if he knew that he was not a qualified successor. All we have to do now is to stick to our position and wait for the arrival of the special envoy of the kingdom. In any case, we have not lived up to the entrustment of Marshal Michelle and Trust, for the kingdom to maintain the overseas direct jurisdiction. As a soldier, we have a clear conscience."

Out of the door of the theater command, Claude told his deputy, Major Mason Hughes, "Take two people to find Colonel Bok Al, tell him that I will have a feast at home tomorrow night to entertain him and his family. ....."

During the time when Lanhu City was besieged, the high-end villa area where Field Manor was located was one of the small areas where the entire city of Lanhu was not affected by the war, so Claude can also host a banquet at home to welcome his friends. . Only after the mother came back from the mountain refuge, I saw the ruins of the old town in the garbage dump of Lanhu City. Some of them were scared. I began to recite and return to the kingdom of the kingdom. I thought that I could live a stable life in Bailu City...

Claude is really reluctant to tell his mother the truth, but after the arrival of the Borkal family tomorrow night, the mother will know what is true stability, what is a terrible war disaster.

In order to recognize the embarrassing kingdom of Colonel Bocker, General Bollonic gave General Scriley a large plot of land at the central square of the redesigned Lanhu City, reopening his family as a direct overseas governor. The family land of the firm and a non-interest loan from the overseas Minsheng Bank for 30,000 krona rewarded him and his family for their deep understanding and brought back more than 60,000 refugees from the Kingdom to enrich the humanitarian spirit of overseas direct jurisdiction.

At six o'clock the next evening, the carriage that Claude sent to meet brought back the Borkal family. It was after a few years that Claude once again saw Bokal’s father, the most famous businessman in the former White Deer City, Uncle Ruby Podman. There is also the wife of Bocker, a petite woman, and his two sons, ten and seven.

The most happy thing is Claude's mother. She welcomes the arrival of her husband, Mr. Ruby Weir. Just to the mother's surprise is that Mr. Rubyville's appearance has become somewhat aging, his hair is basically white, and there is still a big baldness in the middle. He can no longer see the original style of the businessman who has the temperament and the well-being.

The dinner became the mother's curious baby's inquiry class. With Mr. Rubyville's remarks, the mother knew that her hometown Bailucheng suffered a war disaster. The whole city has become a ruin, fifteen to forty-five. The men were forced into the army and then never returned. All the supplies in Mr. Rubyville’s family business were robbed by the soldiers, and he was only allowed to take his family to take refuge in West Rock County.

But the entire three southwestern provinces are under the control of the Great Prince of Hansback, and no matter where they go, they are inevitably taxed and levied. It was hard to wait for the Great Hansback Prince to evacuate the White Lucheng City. The three southwestern counties were once again reclaimed by the Kingdom. The result was not the long-awaited peace and stability, but the punishment and fines. As a commercial bank that was repeatedly levied by the Great Princes, the robbery encountered was said to be a crime of actively sponsoring the rebel army. It is necessary to pay more fines to avoid sin...

For Mr. Rubyville, he has forgotten how he has been in the past few years. He has not careed about the loss of property in his family. The only requirement is to keep his family, relatives and the safety of those employees. Because he has seen countless tragedies of homelessness caused by the inability to pay fines, he does not want these tragedies to happen to people who are familiar with him.

Fortunately, his family business has woven a large network of relationships in the three southwestern counties for many years, always avoiding the plots and traps against him. Just when he felt unsatisfied, his son Bokal returned. This is why he agreed to transfer the family business, and he did not hesitate to follow Bokal’s family and relatives, as well as those who have moved to overseas jurisdiction.

The mother dismissed the idea of ​​returning to the kingdom to return to Bailu City. She warmly invited Mr. Rubyville to live in the Field Manor before the house in Lanhu City was closed. Nowadays, except for the whereabouts of the eldest son, the other three children are under the direct control. There are two grandchildren, and the mother will no longer be tempted to return to Bailucheng.

After dinner, Claude and Bocker, and his father, Mr. Ruby, went to the study on the second floor. Bokal missed a big part of the report to the theater command. Some private words were safer here.

"Prince Widlerk can't stay on this throne for a long time." Bock Al's language is amazing: "There are many dissatisfied with the aristocracy of the kings, especially those old-fashioned aristocratic family, who believe that their rule of state is incompetent, stupid, git, The dictatorship, refused to give up power. In the long run, the country will not be a country. There are already many nobles and people of insight in the dark in tandem, ready to push it down the throne."

"This is really ridiculous. At the beginning, they opposed the prince's coming to power to be king. He said that he was worried that the great prince would only fight for the war and bring the kingdom to a war of martial arts. So they pushed Prince Wedrek to the stage. The whole kingdom was ruined, and it was like their wish. Now that they have begun to repent and think that the new king is incompetent, then who are they going to push to the throne?" Claude sneered.

Bokal shook his head: "No, Claude, you got it wrong. The support for Prince Wedrek is actually the emerging business aristocracy. The old aristocratic family originally had a neutral attitude, or only favored Prince Weidek. This is mainly because the great prince regarded the veteran aristocratic family as an enemy, and wanted to remove the power and influence of the old aristocratic family from the kingdom army, and moved their cheese. For the sake of profit, they had to stand on the opposite side of the great prince.

But after Prince Wedrek took office, the veteran aristocratic family found that they lost more of their benefits, because Prince Weidek re-used the new business aristocrats who could help Prince Wedrek get money for him to enjoy. Spend a day of wine, drunken dreams of gorgeous luxury life. What the old aristocratic family hopes is that the kingdom can settle down as soon as possible, instead of being turbulent.

In this kingdom civil war, the biggest loss is the emerging commercial aristocracy. Although these emerging commercial aristocrats have always claimed to promote the free commercial trade of the kingdom, it is only to compete with the old aristocratic family. What they want is the entire monopoly kingdom. The benefits of commercial trade and economic development. Therefore, they are born and old-fashioned aristocratic family is the opposite.

In the kingdom of the kingdom, the old aristocratic family can be said to monopolize the military industry of the kingdom, and the forces spread throughout the kingdom. The development of more than two hundred years has brought all the tentacles into the local counties of the kingdom, and has controlled the trade and financial exchanges of specialty products. Emerging business aristocrats are demanding to break this local monopoly of commercial monopolies, but they are everywhere.

Therefore, after five years of war in the eastern region, the kingdom handed over the construction of the newly occupied three principalities to the new commercial aristocracy. I think this is the first king of Sterling X to support the emerging commercial aristocracy, so that it can become a counterfeit old nobility. The family forces allowed the royal family to gain more and more rights in the mutual support of the two forces, to obtain more rights and reduce the dependence on the old aristocratic family.

This is also the reason why the great prince desperately tried to reduce the power of the old aristocracy in the kingdom army. It is a pity that Wang Sterling X did not insist on living and died prematurely. The emerging business aristocracy is not satisfied with the small commercial interests of the new occupation, and provoked Prince Wedrek to compete for the throne. Forcing the great prince to leave in the new occupation.

Then the emerging business aristocrats discovered that they were eating their own food and suffered a big loss. All the efforts and business plans in the new occupied land were swept away by the prince’s troops, and the blood was lost. But Prince Frederick’s father-in-law is the Marshal of the Red Dragon Army’s army leader, Siegfeld, as a member of the old aristocratic family. He had to help Prince Wedrek, and he returned to life and once again owned the Grand Prince. Competing for the throne.

Later, the civil war in the kingdom was actually a confrontation between the old aristocratic family forces and the great prince. No one thought that this kingdom civil war would ruin the entire kingdom. After the news that the great prince withdrew from White Lucheng and was assassinated, Prince Wedrek boarded the throne with joy and joy, thinking that no one would be qualified to compete with him for this throne. From then on, he began to act arbitrarily, not listening to exhortations, and reusing emerging Commercial aristocrats searched for money in the kingdom.

Do you know why the kingdom of the country is still not stable? Claude, this is the fault of those emerging business aristocrats. What I saw and heard on Wang Du and the road confirmed the crimes of these emerging commercial aristocrats. The turmoil in the local kingdoms of the kingdom, the people are not living, the gangsters are everywhere, and the emigrants are everywhere. These are the human evils caused by them.

They were appointed by the faint Prince Wedlerk, our new loyal King Sterling XI, as a liquidation and chasing special envoy, arrogant in all local kingdoms of the kingdom, arrogant, and will support all kingdoms of the great prince during the civil war in the kingdom. Residents are rebellious, whether they are voluntarily or forced, even if they are forced to recruit, they are the same ending, confiscation of family property, punishment of labor, forcing a large number of people to leave their hometown to become refugees and refugees.

The actions of these emerging commercial aristocrats are on the one hand to compensate for their property losses in the new occupied land, the second is to search for the wealth of the people for the enjoyment of Sterling XI, and the third is to sever the old aristocratic family. Private business forces and influences, so that their own forces can control the commercial trade between the local and local counties of the Kingdom. Now Wangdu’s veteran aristocratic family and these emerging commercial aristocrats are inextricably linked, and the contradiction is very large.....”

“Do these are what you think or are others telling you?” Loddy interrupted Bokal’s statement and suddenly asked.

"Oh..." Bok Al-Dun stunned and thought about answering: "Some are revealed when others talk to me. Some of them are realized when I think about it. Most of them are my king." On the trip, I saw the summary in my heart..."

Crowder nodded, and Bokal’s words should be what he wanted to say, not the pieces and the lobbyists in the hands of others.

"Do you think that if Prince Wedleck stepped down, who would be our new king?" Crowder asked.

Bokal answered with affirmative answer: "I think it must be the fourth prince Frederick."

"Why would it be him?" Claude asked with great interest: "The five princes and princesses of the first king Sterling X have long been appraised, saying that the great prince is steady, the second prince is romantic, the three princesses are savage, and the four princes are weak. The five princesses are greedy. Now the stable big prince is gone, and the fascinating second prince is about to step down. So competitive, only the three princesses, the four princes and the five princesses. From all aspects, the three princesses and the five princesses I should hope to be bigger, a savage, a greedy, and how to look more competitive than the weak four princes."

Bokal replied with a smile: "The three princesses of Adelina have no possibility, because she is married to the Marquis of Ruhrheim, the representative of the new business aristocracy. It is impossible for the old aristocratic family to pull the Prince of Wedrek down to the throne. Pushing the third princess, Adelina, to the stage, there is almost no difference.

And the four princes of Frederick did not have this problem. His wife is the daughter of Mrs. Maria, who you asked me to visit, and the husband of Mrs. Maria is the Viscount of Carter, the deputy head of the Kingdom Guards. The kingdom of the kingdom is counted as a member of the old aristocratic family. In addition, the four princes Frederick’s character is peaceful and does not like war. If he becomes a king, he will certainly appease the turbulent situation in the country and vigorously develop the people’s livelihood and the economy of various local counties.

The first time I went to visit the house of Mrs. Maria May, Mrs. Maria and Mrs. Carter spoke to me on a very common topic. Mrs. Maria asked about the situation of you and your sister Anna, and the viscount of Capt. It is the battle power of this colonial war and the Stone Corps and the Thunder Legion. I want to know the detailed battles, and I am deeply sorry for their inability to help our territory to receive support from the kingdom.

But for the second time, I was recruited by the invitations they sent. It was a meeting held by their house, and they were all officers of the ranks of the Guards Corps. Then I saw the four princes, Frederick, appearing at the meeting, and took the lead with his wife, Princess Kristie, the daughter of Mrs. Maria.

Viscount Carter introduced me to the Four Princes, who expressed admiration and condolences to our territorial war zone for persisting in the colonial war and continuing to win. However, he was very sad because he was only a short-prince prince and could not help us to lead the territory. He said that he usually stays at home to read and write, and he can't speak in front of his brother Sterling XI, because Prince Weidek does not like his brother...

At the time of leaving the party, Viscount Carter was very vaguely saying that the kingdom may have a dramatic change in the situation over time. He regrets that the two regiments in our territorial war zone are too far away from the kingdom, otherwise they can Her Majesty the Four Princes, Frederick, and her daughter entrusted us with confidence that we can guarantee the safety of both of them.

I thought he was telling a joke, saying that the four princes of His Royal Highness, Freddy, would return to the overseas governor with me. Our theater guarantees the safety of their husband and wife. Viscount Carter laughed and said nothing. When I returned to the three southwestern counties from Wangdu, I suddenly remembered these words, and I suddenly realized that he was not going to entrust the daughter-in-law to us, but to push the four princes of Frederick, to conceal. Asked if our direct leadership support does not support..."

Claude smiled, and the support of the territorial support area did not support the use of a fart, and they could not fly through this quiet ocean. Viscount Carter is not asking about the views of the theater, but also regards the territory directly under the jurisdiction as a part of the kingdom of Ovilas. The routine notice makes everyone feel a little bit in order to avoid another twist.

The great prince of Hansback has ruined the two ocean-going fleets of the kingdom. Now the kingdom’s homeland and overseas direct-collecting territories cannot carry out large-scale navigation. Even if the territorial governing area supports the four princes, Frederick’s superior position, it is impossible to send troops. Go, unless you first master the reorganization of the captured joint fleet...

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