Ten days later, Aning, who was tired of travel, came back!

He handed the collected information to Mo Lin and immediately fell into bed and fell asleep.

In order to meet the deadline, she barely rested.

If a horse dies, just buy another one and continue on your way.

It takes three or four days to ride a horse from the city of Muros to Carno Fortress, but she made it there in two days!

Not only did he inquire about the information about Carno Fortress, he also visited several important nearby cities.

The royal city is far away, and Yelena didn’t come back until twenty days later.

Like Aning, he fell asleep.

The two of them were really exhausted on this trip, and the information they collected was also very crucial!

Carno Fortress and surrounding cities have entered a state of war readiness!

Aning quietly took a closer look and saw that those soldiers were very well-equipped!

What shocked Mo Lin even more was the situation in the royal city!

The granary in the royal city is filled with food! Moreover, food is constantly being transported into the royal city!

Yelena’s intelligence also mentioned that the troops around the royal city are also setting out!

Combining these two pieces of information, Mo Lin made a bold guess!

The territory to the south of the Shilan Kingdom did not originally belong to the Shilan Kingdom, but was conquered by the Shilan Kingdom through force.

Carno Fortress was originally the border fortress of the Shilan Kingdom, but now it has become an obstacle to exchanges between the north and the south!

Therefore, the Shilan Kingdom’s control over the south is actually very weak.

In order to control the south, the king at that time enfeoffed a large number of nobles in the south.

The Three Gongs and Five Hours are the representatives!

The king’s original intention was to control the south through the nobles, but he did not expect that after so many years, the three princes and five princes have become more and more deeply established in the south, and it has become a situation where the earth is broken and the king is sealed!

Coupled with the twenty-year war, the king has been conscripting troops and grain in the south, causing the southern people to be disloyal.

And this also harms the interests of the three ministers and five ministers!

Originally, the eight families had the final say in the south, and the wealth in the south belonged to them, but a huge amount of wealth was consumed in vain by the war.

The dissatisfaction became stronger and stronger, and the brothers began to plan how to separate from the kingdom.

How could the king tolerate them tearing the earth apart and enthroning the king? And the territory that was torn apart was the Shilan Kingdom!

But it’s a bit difficult to move them.

So the king came up with a vicious plan!

Drive the refugees south!

Anyway, these refugees will be a disaster if they stay in the north, so let them go and cause trouble in the south.

The king sent someone to shout again, and the refugees revolted.

The rebels will definitely not let go of the nobles in the south, because the food and wealth are in their hands.

It is impossible for San Gong and Wu Hou to give away their wealth to others.

War is inevitable!

The king would guard the Carno Fortress and sit on the mountain watching the tigers fight!

After the rebel army has dealt with all the three princes and five princes, the king will send troops to suppress the rebellion!

Therefore, the king clearly obtained food but did not provide relief to the refugees, just to kill three birds with one stone!

First, the stability of the north is maintained, and second, the war will consume a large number of refugees, which can save a lot of food!

Three, get rid of the three male and five hou who can’t lose their tails!


fter thinking about everything, Mo Lin couldn’t help but sigh, she really has a dark heart for playing politics!

As for where so much food came from, it’s very simple.

The five empires are extremely rich, and they are all waiting to make a fortune!

The king half borrowed and half bought, and was he still worried that he would not be able to get food?

I have to say that the king played this skill beautifully!

However, now that the kingdom’s troubles have been solved, isn’t it too much for me to drink some soup?

Soon, a rumor spread in Muros City.

The refugees in the south rebelled, and the nobles ran away!

The rebels are preparing to attack the royal city, and the refugees you drove away have also returned!

They’re back for revenge! You can’t escape if you don’t run now!

The people at the bottom cannot see the situation clearly. They only know that the war is about to spread to their homes, and the timid ones have already begun to flee.

Moreover, if one person flees, it will cause panic, and more people will follow.

People around you started running. Are you panicking?

Maureen was almost happy about this!

You need to bring enough food if you want to escape, right? You have to bring some money, right? Otherwise, you won’t be able to live anywhere else!

It just so happens that Maureen has both of these things!

Want dry food? I give!

Want money? I’ll give it back!

However, your real estate buddy is not welcome!

Since ancient times, how can real estate not make money?

This is a good opportunity to buy the bottom!

Mo Lin went crazy to buy real estate at the price of one pound of grain per square meter, or one silver coin per square meter, and bought a street on the same day!

This price is only temporary. If the rebels fight harder and harder, no one will want to sell it to you!

The other businessmen looked at Mo Lin’s behavior and thought he had lost his mind.

If the rebels come over, even if you buy the whole city, what’s the use?

Do you expect those rebels who are refugees to recognize the real estate certificate of Shilan Kingdom?

But soon they also received news that the eight nobles in the south were preparing to unite to destroy the rebels!

The businessmen suddenly realized that you have inside information!

The eight noble nobles in the south are powerful, have many soldiers, and sufficient food. How can they still deal with a group of refugees?

Stop talking, shopping malls are like battlefields, I’m sorry, Baron Maureen!

Businessmen also began to purchase properties in large quantities and raised the price to five silver coins or two kilograms of grain per square meter.

In the black market, Molin’s stall was deserted, but the stalls of other merchants were crowded with people!

Mo Lin was immediately furious, pointed at the businessmen and started scolding them.

The businessmen were not angry, and still greeted Molin with smiles, but they just did what they were supposed to do.

The financial resources of this group of businessmen are not weak. In just three days, they bought almost half of the city!

Mo Lin was so angry that her teeth itched and she cursed all the way home.

Seeing that Mo Lin was so angry, the girls stepped forward to comfort him.

At this moment, Mo Lin couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and then her laughter became louder and louder, to the point where she couldn’t even straighten up!

Several people thought he was angry and were so anxious that they almost shed tears!

Erin hugged Molin and pressed his head to her chest。

“Master, don’t laugh. If you are angry, vent it out. I can bear it! ”

Ophelia also came up and hugged Maureen’s waist tightly.。

“Go, go, when did I get angry? ”

Pushing the two women away, Maureen asked Yilin to prepare a table of dishes. She wants to have a good drink today!

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