In the farmland, countless people are sweating and harvesting crops before the rainy season.

What is grown in the ground is a leguminous crop unique to this world, with a growth cycle of only about ninety days.

Sow in spring and harvest in summer, and the yield is not low.

This kind of beans is both vegetable and grain. It can be ground into noodles as a staple food or used in cooking. It tastes good.

As long as this crop of grain can be harvested, the famine problem can be declared over.

In the field, Bereena brought rice to her mother.

Then he quickly replaced the tired mother and asked her to rest and do the work by herself.

There was no man in the family, so the mother and daughter had to farm five acres of land. In an era without agricultural machinery, this was a very hard job.

Looking at the heavy pods, Belena’s little face was filled with joy!

It’s a good harvest this year, so you don’t have to go hungry!

But, I don’t know how much the Lord wants to take away?


“Why is it only 70%? ”

In the conference room, Maureen listened to Lewis’s report, with a look of disbelief on her face.。

“Seventy percent is yours! Whether they can get 30% depends on your face!”

“Whose face?”


“According to what you say, they have to work hard to grow some food, but they still have to weed, fertilize, and harvest, and they still have to look at my face?”


“Wouldn’t that be like kneeling down to beg for food? ”

The people living under the rule of the aristocracy are really begging for food on their knees.

Because the territory belongs to the aristocrats, the cultivated land naturally also belongs to the aristocrats.

The people of Nomis City farm all Molin’s land.

If Molin wants to take it back , can be taken back at any time, then they can only starve to death.

For the people at the bottom, 30% is not unacceptable, it is better than starving to death.

Molin finally understood, compared with the commoners in the noble territories, the people in the plantations Uncle Hei is treated well!

“Changed, I am 30%, they are 70%. ”

Mo Lin can’t stand a nobleman anymore.

He may not be a human being, but he won’t steal food from the people’s mouths.

How much harvest can those Kuhaha people digging in the fields get in a year? It’s better to leave with a caravan. A trip would make a lot of money!

And if they are not fed, how can they be in the mood to have children?

The population growth is slow, how can the city of Nomis develop?

There is still a large area of territory in the south that is uncultivated. How can it be cultivated without a population?

If it had been before , Lu Weisi was so happy that he jumped up when he heard the news.

But now his identity is different, and he no longer looks at the problem from the perspective of the common people.。

“Lord Viscount, when it’s time to harvest, the goblins have come too! “Luvis said with a worried look.

Molin frowned, “Goblin?”

Goblins are also a type of elves, but unlike the elves generally recognized by humans, goblins are short in size and ugly in appearance.

When people think of elves, they often think of freedom, peace, and goodness.

In human concepts, goblins are synonymous with despicability, ugliness, and greed.

There is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hatred without reason. There is a reason why humans hate goblins.

The goblin race is also one of the oldest races on the continent!

However, during these long years, the goblin clan has not evolved much. The

y still have no talent for magic and their brains are not very developed.

But as long as you work hard in one area, even a fool can achieve something!

In the tens of thousands of years that the goblin clan has lived, the best thing they have done and the most talented thing is to hug their thighs!

Fifty thousand years ago, the continent was still in the era of giant dragons, and there were many giant dragons living on the continent.

It goes without saying that the giant dragon is powerful. At that time, the giant dragon was the master of the continent!

And the goblin clan is the dragon’s lackeys!

They regard themselves as servants of the dragon and are proud of it.

Relying on the protection of the giant dragon, the goblins are like the evil slaves around the dandy young master of a big family in novels, bullying the weaker races everywhere.

At that time, humans were also bullied miserably by the goblins.

After a long, long time, humans finally developed, surpassed the dragon clan, drove the dragon clan out of the continent, and became the new master of the continent!

The goblins had no backing, and seeing that humans were powerful, they wanted to embrace humans. But how could humans be so easy to fool?

Humans have long seen through the nature of goblins, so instead of accepting the help of goblins, they began to hunt and kill goblins.

The goblins had no choice but to stay away from human society and wait until the limelight passed before gradually emerging.

Later, the goblins discovered that although humans are one race, they are divided into many countries. Because of their interests, they attack each other, and the fights between the same races are extremely fierce.

The hatred between different countries even exceeds the hatred of humans towards goblins!

So the goblins used their special skills again, and they were keenly aware that in the future, the competition on the continent would not be between races, but between various countries!

Being attached to a powerful country is the way for goblins to survive!

Rulers are profit creatures. They don’t care how much the people hate goblins. As long as it is beneficial, it is right!

Of course the goblins would be willing to embrace the lap of a powerful human nation!

What? You said this country once hunted goblins on a large scale?

The goblin clan has a famous saying: He killed my father, and he killed my mother, but he is still my most respected master!

This is the attitude of goblins towards the strong, towards the weak…

I’m so sorry, please hand over your food and women!

Unfortunately, there is a goblin tribe living in the Black Wind Forest southeast of Nomis City.

Whenever it’s time to harvest, the goblins come to rob them.

The former lord would always send a large amount of food and women in exchange for temporary peace.。

After listening to Lewis Lu’s explanation, Mo Lin almost laughed angrily.

In the age of cold weapons, body size is also an advantage!

Goblins are short in stature. A normal adult male can fight ten goblins by himself!

It’s a strange thing to be bullied like this by goblins.。

“Let me inform everyone that I only need 30% of this year’s harvest!”

“As for the goblins, I’ll make them pay! ”

With the five thousand soldiers and horses he just raised, how can he accept this injustice?

For a race that does not engage in production and only knows how to rob the weak and beg the strong, Molin’s principle is that if he can kill a thousand, he will never kill eight hundred.

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