Black sails

Chapter 115 CXIV Professionals

Chapter 115 CXIV. Professionals

A dedicated pirate ship heading to the Port of Heaven.

When the clouds are thick, there is no light at all in the sea at night, and it is completely dark, like being in No Man's Sky.

The Port of Heaven has a shipyard for shipbuilding. The construction that the Emperor once had there was quite terrifying. Although super-large luxury passenger ships driven by magic energy materials cannot be built, ships of about fifty meters are still no problem.

The ship that the Thieves Guild came on was also modified from a pirate ship.

Due to different functions, there is no need to store a large amount of cargo. Each bedroom cabin even has a separate bathroom space, so that the guests who come to travel and gamble can feel at home.


The leader of one of the most powerful organizations in Syria and even the entire world.

There are even rumors that Aram has the final say as the emperor during the day and Diaz has the final say at night.

And such a man.

He would go to such lengths for something.

The man in black robe understands that the two gems are just fine and will not be used by him. The so-called fragments of the stone tablet may have great origins.

It is a true mythical cursed weapon.

The man in black robe was completely covered, and his face was only a shadow under the hood.

Professionals of the Thieves Guild.

Sneaking, assassination, spying, lock picking, detective and other skills are all available, and the man in black robe is an expert.

He paced back and forth in the room, but there was no sound at all. No matter how hard he stepped on his boots, they seemed to be silent.

He is thin, about 1.9 meters tall, and with the exaggerated proportions of his tall figure, he even looks sickly tall like some stage actors.

The man in black robe discovered some mysterious visitors on the ship, which made him extremely alert. The ship would have to sail for almost a week before it could reach a ghost place like Tianguo Port, which would be almost the end of March.

Since the weather is cold now and it is not the peak season, this dedicated passenger ship also requires a fee, and the price is high. One trip costs 80 silver coins.

But it is not a problem for the wealthy people who come to spend. It is also necessary for the desperate fugitives. The adventurers who go to hunt sea beasts near the sea area are also dog gamblers, and they like to make big gains with small things.

It is normal for the current passengers on this ship to be a mixed bag.

But the man in black robe relied on his excellent professional quality to detect the subtleties.

When he was eating in the restaurant just now, he discovered a few people. Their appearance matched the characteristics of the people in Los Stella. Their noses were straight, their lips were thin, and their nasolabial folds were deep. The bags they carried were made of a special kind of It is woven from silk material and is also produced in Lostra.

This is quite a weird phenomenon.

Because Lostra is extremely far away from here, much further than Randu. It only takes at least three months to travel there and back, and we still have to take the official road non-stop.

They don't look like fugitives, they are generous and order the most expensive food in the restaurant.

Not to mention a poor, calculating person like an adventurer who would not eat meat if he had bread.

But if Mr. Kuan comes here for prostitution and gambling, is it necessary to come so far?

There are a lot of problems.

It is a matter of great importance to the stone tablet in the underworld, so we have to be careful. Those people seem to be very powerful and extraordinary.

The Black Sail Pirates are keeping the fragments now, so they must be very silent and will not reveal the slightest news.

Just in case, the man in black robe had to explore the situation and see if those people were carrying something behind their backs.

So he chose to hire a prostitute.

This special line ship has its own prostitutes to provide entertainment for the master on the way, and the charges are quite high. They are all in their youth and can be counted in silver coins.

At this moment two prostitutes walked in the door and were ready to start without saying a word.

The man in black robe paid first, and paid double. He took out twenty silver coins, but he just held them in his hand and did not give them to the prostitute immediately.

"You go to the seventh room on the left on the upper floor. They say it's a special treat. The captain of this ship invites VIP guests who come up to the room to have prostitution for free."

The man in black robe had a hoarse voice.

However, the two prostitutes were both out of prenatal education, and their words had complicated intentions. They looked at each other and had no idea what the black-robed man was up to, but they were quite jealous of the silver coins in his hand.

The man in black robe even explained it three more times before the two prostitutes understood what he meant.

five minutes later.

The ship is divided into standard rooms and upper rooms. Of course those Lostra people live in the upper rooms, which are their own independent spaces.

In order to avoid being noticed, the man in black robe chose the standard room.

This ship was originally converted from a pirate ship, and the standard rooms were separated by cargo warehouses, which were relatively not that comfortable.

The man in black robe was hiding around the corner, silently watching what was going on over there. If there were no ghosts, then he would definitely not refuse any woman who came to his door for free.

If it is related to the underworld stone tablet, then one must be extremely cautious, and the so-called free prostitution is naturally a bit suspicious.

The man in black robe gave special instructions, asking the two prostitutes to entangle themselves for a while.

At this time, the door of the group of people was opened, and the two prostitutes were posing wildly. However, the people in the room refused at all, and slammed the door tightly within twenty seconds.

The man in black robe's heart sank.

Of course, the matter cannot be concluded simply like this, there must be further evidence.

The man in black robe came to the deck.

The clouds are too thick tonight and the surroundings are dark. It can be said that you can't see even if you are far away from the ship.

The pirates under Brother No. 1 saw someone on the deck and wanted to remind them to pay attention to safety. After all, they were all packed into the Tianguo Port and slaughtered. Of course, they were not really slaughtered. They were just cutting money. Long-term operations have a large flow of people.

But as if his eyesight was dazzled, as if he had seen it wrong, in the blink of an eye the figure was gone. What a ghost.

The upper room has porthole windows.

The man in black robe is not an orc like the tiger man. He has a natural advantage and can stick to a completely vertical wall with only his claws.

But he is a professional. If he stabs him with a dagger, the movement will be too much. He has special gauntlets, and his fingertips are extremely sharp. With his finger strength.

Not to mention wood, even the vertical stone walls of urban buildings can be climbed with ease.

The psychological quality of the man in black robes is terrifying to an unimaginable level. Outside is endless darkness and an abyss-like seabed.

If you fall down at night like this, you will definitely die.

But he seemed to be extremely confident in his skills, and surprisingly, he landed on the curved outer wall of the side, and moved quickly and completely silently, arriving at the porthole where the Lostra people were.

Fortunately, it was calm tonight, so it would not affect eavesdropping. He watched what the people in the room were doing at the same time.

Although they lowered their voices, the men in black robes had horrifying hearing skills developed by unlocking and identifying sounds. As long as they were not talking in their sleep, they could still hear clearly.

"I tried it in the next room and the soundproofing was great."

"Gloria and Caruso succeeded. Neither of them died, at least no body was found. The things are now at the Port of Heaven, at Black Sail."

"I have investigated everyone at Black Sail. Except for the captain and Morrison, there is also a helmeted man whose origin is unknown. I have found out everything. It is not easy. What if they seize the thing?"

"Isn't the agreement reached completely confidential?"

"It's just a verbal agreement, it can't be counted. After all, the thing is too scary. It's not impossible for them to have ideas."

The man in black robe continued to listen for a while.

Although these people never mentioned what that thing was.

But it’s almost the same, and it’s completely conclusive.

The man in black robe...had murderous intentions, and it was enough to leave him alive.

No one is not afraid of Diaz, and Black Sail also wants to find someone to take action on this hot potato. Is the target someone from Los Stella? But listening to their conversation, it may be just one of the targets, and it seems that they can't reach an agreement.

It was a good calculation. In short, those involved must be eliminated. Hei Fanlu would kill as many people as he exposed.


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