Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 270: I ’m battered, I want to go back and rebuild

"Boss, regarding the development of Nantian Automobile, I would like to find a time for you to participate in the discussion together. ~~ щww ~ suimеng ~ lā" Ma Qing said on the sofa in the lobby of the villa.

"Well, I'm going to accompany my sister to Yanjing in a few days. We have a discussion in Yanjing. They just took Feng Wei and Chu Tian up. They can still give a lot of constructive suggestions." , Looked up.

"Also, listen to your arrangement." Ma Qing actually didn't care much about where, and now Nantian Group, in strategic decision-making, he didn't have many people to discuss except Wang Hao.

In addition to Gu Shan, you can pull it over and discuss it. For example, Feng Wei and Chu Tianyuan are in Yanjing. It is purely resolved by remote conference. It is better to talk to them in person.

"Then you inform Gu Shan, we will go to Yanjing together, just to meet in Yanjing to make a summary." Wang Hao thinks that after four years, it is estimated that these four people will definitely find him to report. .

To make a year-end summary, we must know that the employee meeting before the year did not show up as his boss. After this report, Wang Hao also knew that he could not escape.

"Well, I will inform Gu Shan, but after all, boss, you really need to arrange an assistant. Look, I will be your assistant now." Ma Qing thought of something, and a bit of a wry smile appeared on his face. .

"Uh, I think about it. If you have the right one, you can recommend it to me." Wang Hao thought for a while, as if it were indeed so, following an assistant by his side was better than all of them.

I also save a lot of trouble. Many things can be done by the assistant.

"Brother, I'm done with practice. Don't disturb you ..." Zhang Xinxing walked down and saw Ma Qing sitting on the sofa and talking with Wang Hao.

"No ..." Wang Hao didn't finish his words, and he felt a very sharp impact on his ears.

"Ah .. Chen Chi .. Really Chen Chi ..." Zhang Xin looked at another place, sitting in a chat with Fang Bing, Chen Chi, immediately excited with uncontrollable expression on his face, walked quickly. .

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Xin, who was showing fanaticism again, the expression of the crazy star chasing clan, he clutched his forehead weakly.

The last time Zhang Xin saw He Shishi was the same, and now it is the same. He really didn't know what to say.

"Hello ..." Chen Chi seemed to be frightened, but thought of something, immediately smiled at Zhang Xin kindly, and glanced at Wang Hao quietly, recalling the bell of Fang Bing, he felt himself exuding By the way, the most kind smile in this life.

After seeing a small part of Fang Bing's misfortune, he didn't want to be remembered by a real technology mansion. If he was such a technology mansion, he would be ruined.

"Your attitude is really good, I don't know if I am lucky, or your attitude in the entertainment industry is so good, I met the poetry poetry sister is also a shelf without a big star." Zhang Xin looked at the signature of Chen Chi, a little satisfied Head, said with a smile.

"That's good .. Sister Poetry? Are you talking about He Shishi?" Chen Chi listened to Zhang Xin's words, obviously relieved, after passing the other party's level, there should be no offense to Haoge.

He Shishi can be said that in the entertainment circle, no one knows, no one knows, because He Shishi's background is too strong, and he is also very powerful, there is no one, dare to be born in the military family He Shi Poetry has hidden rules, and he is the most principled female artist he has seen so far.

It never makes sense to say no kiss scenes or bed scenes.

"I said Zhang Xin, you haven't been studying acting recently, Chi Brother can teach you." Fang Bing thought of Zhang Xin's preparation to learn acting.

"No problem." Chen Chi nodded without evading.

"Xiaoxin, let professional people teach you." Wang Hao also said back at this time. For performance, he never thought he was professional. Now a professional person guides Zhang Xin, which is not bad. .

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Xin nodded in a hurry, with Chen Chi in surprise, and Fang Bing went upstairs.


After Chen Chi came up for a moment, he regretted it a little, especially when he taught acting, Zhang Xin asked back and forth from time to time.

"Brother Chi, my brother said that crying is not necessarily the best way to cry. Sometimes, just a drop of tears, or tears, and facial expressions, this kind of performance will be more real and more. The shock of it is like this ... "

Zhang Xin said, said, and suddenly began the performance.

Chen Chi watched Zhang Xin's performance. A tear twirled from the eye frame for a moment, slowly flowing out of the eye frame, his lips trembling slightly, and a moment of looking up, a drop of tears came out of the eye frame sooner or later In particular, Chen Chi watched Zhang Xin performing against himself, and knew that the other party regarded himself as a camera.

Perfect ... this is really a perfect lens ...

Chen Chi looked blankly as if he had discovered something incredible.

Zhang Xin ’s performance, not too many, but very shocking performances, he has an urge to cry, as if this beautiful girl really encountered something big, even if he does not know the cause, I don't know the consequences, but at this moment, he was infected and really infected by Zhang Xin's performance.

Chen Chi wailed in his heart. Where is the evil spirit from this TM? I am just a comedian and a comedian. Actually let me teach such a evil spirit. Is my performance level so high?

Can the other party be my teacher? "

"Is your brother really teaching you this performance?" Chen Chi showed shock on his face. This performance shocked his mind and made him have the urge to go to the Academy of Film for a period of time.

The other party is only eighteen, nine years old? But in his eyes, it is already perfect. Although there are flaws, these flaws are less than a 20-year-old. If this is a flaw, then most of his performances are flaws, and there is no praiseworthy one. You know, Zhang Xin hasn't been to a professional film academy, so this flaw is nothing.

He feels ~ ~ This is a hall-level performance master, a student trained with great concentration, but when this idea just appeared, he was directly hit into the bottom by the words of Fang Bing, and he couldn't take it anymore. Teach Zhang Xin's ideas.

"Xiaoxin, you performed so well. I cried all the time. I really don't believe it. You started learning to perform for two months." Fang Bing looked at Zhang Xin, who stopped performing, and sighed. He didn't look like It is Chen Chi, a professional person. In his eyes, Zhang Xin's performance is perfect, everything is too real.

"Why, it's my brother's good teaching." After Zhang Xin's performance, he heard Fang Bing's words, but he was a little embarrassed. He didn't have the ease of the previous performance, showing the girl's greenness.

The evildoer ... who will take away the evildoer, I am not alive, I will fight back to the mother womb, and make it again.

Chen Chi's face slowly became sluggish, and there was an urge to leave here eagerly. When he came here, he not only felt the fear from the **** of the technology house, but also generated a strong suspicion of his own acting path .

Looking at Zhang Xin, who was less than 20 years old and had only studied acting for two months, he felt that he had lived on the dog for three or four years at the Film Academy.

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