If it were anyone else, she could refuse, but Gu Zhiqi...

She couldn't refuse.

Gu Yuluo couldn't bear the thought that if she didn't go, this girl would look disappointed again.

Although, she knew that this girl was probably just pretending to be pitiful.


After eating, Gu Yuluo followed Gu Zhiqi and left the hotel.

During this period, Gu Zhiqi learned the name of his companion, Wei Jiyao. He was a member of the Wei family and a member of the Hacker Alliance. Not surprisingly, he should also be one of the managers of the web.

After leaving the hotel, Wei Jiyao personally acted as the driver for the two of them and took them to Lan's house.

On the way, Gu Yuluo and Gu Zhiqi told the story of her and Feng Qi.

She and Feng Qi met in college.

Been dating for a year.

Later, Feng Qi's family discovered the relationship between the two and did not agree with them being together, so they took Feng Qi away by force.

Gu Yuluo tracked Feng Qi to Zhongzhou City, and then Feng Qi disappeared.

Later, someone from the Feng family came looking for her because Feng Qi was missing.

The Feng family thought Feng Qi was here to find her, but Gu Yuluo had never seen Feng Qi at all.

Later, I heard that Feng Qi had fallen into Angel's hands.

Gu Yuluo knew that anyone who fell into Angel's hands would either die or be used as a test subject.

Over the years, whenever Angel's base is discovered, Gu Yuluo will personally lead people to rescue people.

However, none of them were saved.

One time, he happened to bump into the Feng family and met Feng Qi's cousin. He felt that Gu Yuluo was completely crazy.

So, her cultivation was blocked.

After that, Gu Yuluo did not participate in the mission of destroying Angel's base for a long time, until Gu Zhiqi released the blockade on her body.

More than a year ago, Angel's side was almost completely wiped out.

Gu Yuluo thought that even if Feng Qi was treated as an experimental subject, it would be time for her to come back, but there was still no news.

That's why Gu Yuluo asked Wei Jiyao to help check the experimental subject's information.

After listening to Gu Yuluo's words, Gu Zhiqi whispered, "Feng family?"

Gu Yuluo glanced sideways and glanced at Gu Zhiqi, "Before, I never knew where the Feng family was, but now that I think about it, it might be in Jiuxing City."

Because of the traces of the Feng family, they have been lost many times, always in Zhongzhou City.

Of course, there was also a Feng family in the ancient martial arts world, but Gu Yuluo had searched there, and it was not the same family as Feng Qi's.

After hearing this, Gu Zhiqi nodded and took out his mobile phone to send a message to Huayan.

[Master: Among the younger generations of the Feng family, is there Feng Qi? 】

[Hua Yan: I really know this]

[Hua Yan: Mrs. Feng is a monk. She has been married to Feng Buran for hundreds of years. She finally gave birth to a single child, named Feng Qi. She was supposed to be the young master of the Feng family, but she was away from home all the time and disappeared completely in five years. , I haven’t found it yet, I even tried to find Yan Ke before]

[Hua Yan: Didn’t you let people stare at the Feng family before? The Feng family seemed to suspect that Feng Qi had fallen into Angel's hands, but in order to avoid suspicion, they didn't dare to make too big a move]

After all, the leader of Angel is the ancestor of the Feng family, and the Feng family is afraid of being targeted, so they don't dare to make any big moves.

Gu Zhiqi looked at the message from Huayan and didn't notice anything else. It was all about Feng Buran.

After staring for a long time, Gu Zhiqi asked Huayan, "Feng Buran?" male? 】

[Hua Yan: Yes, Feng Buran is the head of the Feng family]

Gu Zhiqi remained silent for a few seconds, then typed another line of words, [How many Feng Buran are there in the Feng family? This Feng Buran...how old is he? 】

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