Blind Date in Time and Space

Chapter 138 Follow your words, the fate of the dynasty

"The fallen leaves were burning, the cold smoke was rising, and I heard someone crying, 'Sister, I came back late, and you died miserably.'"

"Going around asking for alms with an alms bowl, walking through the streets..."

"Every year the moon shines brightly for travelers, how many people are sleeping with their lamps on?"

In the study room, accompanied by Xia Shumin's clear and melodious reading sound, Chen Ji listened completely to the content of the next forty chapters of Dream of Red Mansions that she continued to write.

Chen Ji did not study the Dream of Red Mansions deeply, nor did he study the various foreshadowings and hidden lines carefully.

But it can also be heard that Xia Shumin's content, writing and poetry are very true to Cao Gong's original work, and various bizarre plots are coming one after another, and the tragic situations of the characters are shown one by one, which makes Chen Ji deeply shocked.

There were many episodes that impressed him.

For example, in Chen Ji's previous TV series, Wang Xifeng said I was late when he appeared in the third episode. In Xia Shumin's sequel, Wang Xifeng came back after his death and also said I was late.

After listening to it, he only felt that the mountains and rivers were broken, and the hatred of family and country was involved. No one in the book could escape. It truly corresponded to what was said in The Red Mansion, "The land is so clean after a piece of white fell!", and what follows. "The bones are as white as a mountain and the surname has been forgotten".

However, since Xia Shumin hates barbarian invasions the most, she may have added her own subjective feelings when writing the sequel.

But Chen Ji has also heard that some people interpret the Dream of Red Mansions as the history of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, with Lin Daiyu reflecting Chongzhen.

There is no way to verify whether it is true or false.

Simply from the perspective of "A Dream of Red Mansions" as a novel, Xia Shumin's continued version is qualified and can be read.

After all, except for Cao Gong himself, everyone else is just a fan.

Don’t ask too much for fan works.


Cuizhu, who came in to deliver tea, couldn't help laughing and said: "Master, you don't know, after Miss Xu's "A Dream of Red Mansions" came out, it sold like crazy in Yongkang City. Many people from other counties came on horseback and couldn't buy it. When I arrived, I crowded in the teahouse and listened to the scholar's story. I listened to it many times from morning to night. I was so mesmerized that I shouted with joy that I had fulfilled my wish in this life!"

Chen Ji laughed, this is the so-called die-hard fan, right?

Xia Shumin blushed with embarrassment, pushed the two maids out again, and closed the study door.

When she sat back down on the chair opposite with a blushing face, Chen Jicai smiled and asked: "I'm curious, Shu Min, how did you continue the Dream of Red Mansions? This book talks about a lot of human feelings and sophistication. It can’t be written.”

The author of Dream of Red Mansions in this world has also been found through research, but it is not certain that he is Cao Xueqin.

Xia Shumin replied in a low voice: "Dream of Red Mansions has been written for many years, and many people have continued to write it. The book is just picking up people's wisdom... Besides, the plot of Dream of Red Mansions is naturally obtained in dreams."

When she continued the Dream of Red Mansions, many of the plots were written after she woke up the next morning, as if she had been told by the fantasy fairy in a fantasy world. At first she thought the plot was bizarre, but after reading it again, she found it to be reasonable and reasonable.

Chen Ji wanted to talk to her about publishing her continued book. After all, he now has a company and should do some serious business.

Just as he was about to speak, Cuizhu's voice came from outside the door:

"Miss, Madam, please ask me to come over."

"Here you go~! Are you having dinner? Master, please~"

Xia Shumin put down Dream of Red Mansions, looked quite happy, and went out side by side with Chen Ji.

She thought she was going to have dinner, and on the way she told Chen Ji that her father had been busy with various matters in Yongkang City recently.

A large number of martial arts people stayed in the city. Even though they did not dare to make any big moves because they were afraid of the land gods, they caused a lot of troubles.


After arriving, Xia Shumin discovered that someone was visiting.

Chen Ji saw four people sitting in the room. In addition to Xia Shumin's parents, there was also a man in rich clothes and another old man with a feminine appearance and a beardless chin.

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that I had seen their appearance in my mind:

It was none other than Prince Lu Huai, who had visited Xia Mansion last time, and Liu Xian, Eunuch Liu, the imperial master of the Three Dynasties.

These two people were in high positions. When they saw Chen Ji and Xia Shumin, they just gave them a look. Prince Lu Huai sat firmly on the chair, looked at Xia Shumin and said with a smile:

"Auntie, is this Shumin's cousin?"

Eunuch Liu put his hands on the armrests of the mahogany chair and looked at Chen Ji calmly, as if observing his walking posture and breathing to infer his martial arts skills.

However, after seeing Chen Ji, Xia Yongcheng and Lu Rui both stood up. Xia Yongcheng took the initiative to greet him and said with a smile on his face: "My nephew is here too?"

This move made Eunuch Liu a little surprised. The elder actually took the initiative to be polite to the younger generation?

Just now, Xia Yongcheng already knew the identity of his wife. After the initial shock, he became more open-minded and understood his wife's actions.

Unexpectedly, now to a young man...


Liu Xian suddenly realized that Princess Anping also stood up to greet him as a sign of respect?

He knew from an early age that Princess Lu Rui of Anping had a rebellious temperament, and she even dared to fly in and out of the palace using Qing Kung Fu.

But now...

"Come and see your uncle and aunt."

Chen Ji smiled and said, "I didn't expect there were other guests here. How about I go to the garden and wait?"

Hongyeshan Summer Mansion is used for vacations. There are many gardens and they are all beautifully maintained.

"There's nothing else to do, we've finished talking."

Lu Rui's words were actually a disguised farewell.

Xia Shumin blinked, didn't you ask me to come?

I haven’t seen my cousin yet.

But, well, forget it, it’s not interesting to look at this cousin, just recognize him.

"Auntie, who is this young hero...?"

It makes sense for Lu Huai to call him Shaoxia instead of Xiongtai.

Shaoxia is the title of Jianghu people, and Jianghu people are informal, so this young man Chen Ji can appear in the backyard of Xia Mansion.

Lu Rui and Xia Yongcheng both looked at Chen Ji. How should they explain this?

Eunuch Liu stood up from the mahogany chair and took a few steps forward. A smile appeared on his old face: "Young hero looks extraordinary. I wonder which senior master you want to worship under?"

Chen Jizheng was worried that he had no identity, so he happened to borrow the donkey from the slope. He smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you keep talking about my master some time ago?"

"Some time ago?"

Lu Huai and Eunuch Liu were both stunned.

"There's been a lot of discussion these days." Xia Shumin suppressed laughter, her tone became respectful, she looked at Chen Ji and said, "Young Master is the one who opened the Heavenly Gate with his sword, and the dragon and the phoenix congratulated each other. He was the first person in history to introduce immortal energy into his body. The mortal immortal!"

Mortal Immortal!

Prince Lu Huai subconsciously stood up.

Eunuch Liu's eyes shone.

Xia Shumin, who had changed the land fairy into a mortal fairy, was holding back laughter so that her shoulders were shaking, and she looked like she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

Chen Ji didn't understand how she knew the name Hongchenxian. It had the same realm setting as a novel he had read before.

Including land gods too.

"Oh, this is true!"

Eunuch Liu's wrinkled face blossomed into a smile. He walked forward a few steps quickly, his waist seemed to be bent, and he said with a smile: "No wonder the misty old eyes of the Za family suddenly brightened up after seeing the young master!!"

It turns out that this beautiful young master with an immortal aura and a charming face is actually a disciple of the immortal! "

This flattering person... I can only say that he is truly worthy of being an imperial master of the Three Dynasties, and he is very capable of maneuvering according to the wind.

Chen Ji knew that Eunuch Liu, when he came to Xia Mansion last time, had an attitude of "the sacred command cannot be violated" and expressed his approval for the emperor to send troops to kill the real dragon.

As a result, after witnessing Chen Ji's rise, he immediately turned around and flattered the old land immortal.

It seems understandable when you think about it.

A real dragon can control the wind and rain, and is very powerful, but in the eyes of the world, it is probably just a mythical beast, an auspicious beast, different from humans.

The land gods were different. They angered the old gods and went directly to the capital to kill the emperor.

Hundreds of civil and military officials, the imperial army in the capital, the seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards, can they still stop the old god?

Therefore, Eunuch Liu was unequivocal in flattering Chen Ji, and he did not feel embarrassed at all because of his status as the supreme master and the emperor of the Three Dynasties.

Chen Ji originally had a bad impression of him, but now that he has stopped flattering him, he feels better both physically and mentally.

It has to be said that the people who are prominent in the palace have a very high level of flattery. They are top notch.

"Immortal disciple..."

Prince Lu Huai was lost in thought for a while, then he walked over quickly and raised his hands to Chen Ji: "It turns out that your Excellency is actually a disciple of the old land god. I, Lu Huai, am the Crown Prince of Zhao. I am disrespectful, disrespectful!"

In the ordinary ancient world, the prince of the current dynasty would never say such humble words as "I am here".

But in the world of martial arts, the prince also has to show a certain respect to the martial arts master, and to an unprecedented immortal disciple like Chen Ji, he has to condescend and lower his attitude.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome."

Chen Ji also bowed his hands to him as a courtesy, "I'm here, Chen Ji, the sky is sunny after the rain."

The Immortal disciple was actually so easy-going, completely different from the aloof attitude he had imagined.

Lu Huai was thinking a lot at the moment, his smile became brighter and brighter, and he enthusiastically found a topic to talk about.

Chen Ji was not in the mood to make friends with the prince because of the emperor in the capital.

After sitting down, he asked:

"I heard that the emperor wants to kill the real dragon?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly solidified.

Lu Rui and Xia Yongcheng looked at Lu Huai together.

Xia Shumin, holding the tea cup, also looked up.


Cold sweat broke out on Lu Huai's spine, and his voice became hesitant: "I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding, Brother Chen, you..."

"I don't think it's a misunderstanding."

Chen Ji said slowly and eloquently: "There was an imperial edict before that demoted the real dragon to an evil dragon. Now there are 50,000 troops stationed in Hongye Mountain. It is clear what the intention is."

Lu Huai gritted his teeth and said: "The army will withdraw tomorrow. Brother Chen, please be more lenient for a few more days. When I report to my father, I will definitely give you and my respected master a satisfactory answer!"

Now he is riding a tiger and is unable to get off.

He thought that land gods traveled around the world and ignored worldly affairs, so he led his army at the foot of Hongye Mountain to wait for the imperial edict before withdrawing.

It turns out that the land fairy has an apprentice...

"It's not an answer to me, but to all the people in the world."

Chen Ji said: "The real dragon did no evil deeds after it appeared, but the emperor ordered it to be demoted to an evil dragon. This is a crime. He also sent a large army to capture the real dragon regardless of the heavy casualties of the soldiers, in order to fulfill the wish of sitting on the dragon. The supreme status of the emperor of the chair, this crime is two.

If he continues to persist in his obsession, he will definitely lose his heart and luck. A person with the destiny of the real dragon will be officially born and drive your royal family, the Lu family, off the dragon throne! "

Lu Huai broke into a cold sweat.

Xia Shumin also said: "If you have the destiny of a true dragon, you don't necessarily have to be the emperor, you may also immortal."

Everyone looked at her.

Xia Shumin was a little nervous, but the young master was by her side, giving her a strong sense of security.

She added: "In ancient times, the Qi of Shang Tang was not exhausted, but King Zhou was ignorant and ignorant. As a result, the people were in dire straits, and the Qi declined rapidly. The country and the country were easily accessible to people in an instant. It can be seen that the Qi fluctuated and was closely related to all the people in the world."

"Shu Min is right!"

Chen Ji smiled and encouraged her to continue speaking. Xia Shumin's confidence greatly increased and she said in a clear voice:

“If the country is peaceful and peaceful, the fortune of the dynasty will be permanent and the people’s will will be the same.

If the people are in dire straits and resentful souls are everywhere, monsters will breed and bring trouble to the government, leading to the rise of heroes.

If the people's hearts are still there, what's the harm if you don't respect the real dragon or worship the immortal? "

The more she spoke, the smoother she became. She said all the things she had learned from reading history books in the past and the thoughts she usually didn't dare to point fingers at the court.

The words fell like thunder from the sky, causing dragons to roar in the deep pool and colorful phoenixes to fly.

Several people in the room were stunned.

Chen Ji looked up to the sky and vaguely saw an elusive air movement across the sky and the earth. All living beings condensed a air, which was connected with the air of the mountains, rivers and earth, forming an air of heaven and earth that no one could see through.

The real dragon appeared in form and looked up at the sky. Many people wandering around the deep pool saw the vague scales and half claws of the real dragon for the first time. They were suddenly excited and all worshiped in an attempt to find the land god who controlled the real dragon. Old timer!

inside the house.

Prince Lu Huai kept muttering about "luck", "people's hearts" and "evil". Then he suddenly thought of Xia Shumin's words, "You can't worship immortals without respecting the real dragon", and he suddenly shuddered and came back to his senses.

"How dare you not worship the immortal? Don't you dare!"

He didn't speak fluently. He stiffly held his hands towards Chen Ji, apologized, and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Chen Ji looked at Xia Shumin with a strange expression.

Could it be that what the little lady just said really determined the fate of the dynasty and the number of days when the country would change?


He said something similar just now.


Xia Shumin's fair little hands were clutching the skirt on her knees, feeling a little uneasy: "Did the real dragon in the back mountain and the colorful phoenix in the orchard scream a few times just now?"

Colorful phoenix in the orchard?

Eunuch Liu, who was about to leave, stopped and was a little dumbfounded.

The Jianghu court and those who came from all over the Western Regions tried their best to find the real dragon and Caifeng.

But in the end, Caifeng stayed well in the orchard in the backyard of Xia Mansion. According to the wishes of the princess, she could still see it every day.

The Red Dust Immortal, the Land Immortal, actually, unexpectedly...

"Master Chen!"

Eunuch Liu came back again with a bitter look on his face and sighed repeatedly: "That day the real dragon happened to fly over the capital, but it refused to stop even half a step. Your Majesty stood in front of the imperial study room, furious, that's why he did this. The imperial edict... is really true. Alas, the Za family should have advised your majesty not to pay attention to the matter of the real dragon, but your majesty... Don't worry, Mr. Chen, the Za family will definitely report it and let your majesty make the real dragon the dragon that protects the country!"

That day in the imperial study, he didn't say anything, it was His Majesty's will.

"I just don't know what to seal the old god...?"

Eunuch Liu asked tentatively, he still had to find a way for His Majesty.

"My master has no interest in these."

Chen Ji roughly guessed what the old eunuch was thinking.

He is the supreme master, and even if he offends the emperor, he can run away and escape into the world. However, he is reluctant to give up his position as emperor and is afraid of offending Chen Ji, so he speaks in a balanced way.

"Tell him." Chen Ji said: "If he causes people to suffer and people complain, my master will definitely take action and replace the emperor!"

After that, no matter how Liu Xian relayed this paragraph, Chen Ji waved his hand and asked him to leave.

"The old immortal is truly a magnanimous and virtuous immortal! The Zajia family will definitely report the truth to Your Majesty. After Your Majesty replies, the Zajia family will come back and tell Mr. Chen!"

Liu Xian left with satisfaction.

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