Blue Sword

Chapter 231 Act 1

"Do you remember all the lines clearly, Mr. Aske?"

Wilhelm has disappeared, leaving only his voice as a narration in the world.

"Yeah." Asik rolled his eyes.

Miscalculation, Medea should have been brought here. With her psychic ability, she can easily tear apart this piece of thought space, without having to deal with Wilhelm at all.

Although according to the forum, Wilhelm has no ill intentions towards players who enter the dungeon, acting... is indeed much more troublesome than fighting monsters.

If it's not for the team... forget it, just endure it for now.

"You should be more passionate." The narrator said, "The male protagonist Solomon you play is a talented, active and passionate young genius swordsman. You should never use such a weak voice."

"I'm not a passionate person to begin with," Aske said.

"There is no requirement that an actor's personality must be consistent with the role." The narrator said, "But you have to at least pretend, right? Sir, please be more dedicated, okay?"

"Ah. Ah. Ah." Asik shouted several times helplessly, "Okay, come on."

"Okay, the first scene is about you going out to fight against bandits, and then unexpectedly encountering the besieged Vatican team. You arrived and rescued Miss Melanda."

"Is Melanda playing the role of Melanda?" Ask asked, "She is only ten years old, and she also has elf blood. Is that okay?"

"No problem, Meranda in the script was originally a petite girl." The narrator said, "As for blood, don't you think the elf priest is unexpectedly charming? I think an appropriate setting adaptation will not damage the original The charm of the work.”

"I don't think so." Asik pulled out his sword and said, "Let's start the show."

"Okay." The narrator said, "Also, considering that you are all experienced professional mercenaries, the fight scenes don't need to be staged and fake. Let's play something realistic?"

"Are you talking about a real fight?" Asik thought to himself that this looks like a copy, "That's okay."

"I am very grateful for your understanding." The narrator said, "Then, the first scene of the first quarter, shooting begins!"

The narrator's voice disappeared, leaving Asik standing alone on the mountain road, surrounded by dense forests.

Then, the prelude, performed by double bass, trombone, woodwind instruments and accordion, sounded, revealing a cheerful and lively atmosphere.

This copy also comes with its own BGM... Asik thought helplessly, and then heard the narrator begin to read the lines in a cadence.

As a short musical film adapted from a fairy tale, the structure of Wilhelm's play is relatively simple. The narration briefly explains the setting to the non-existent audience:

The male protagonist Solomon was raised by retired old knights in the mountains since he was a child, so he developed a strong swordsmanship.

Later, the old knight passed away, and he happened to hear that a giant dragon outside had robbed the imperial artifact, the Blue Sword, so he planned to go out to defeat the dragon and regain the artifact.

In the first scene of the first section, Solomon was walking on the mountain road and happened to encounter a wave of bandits.

As soon as the narrator finished speaking, several figures appeared in front of them. They were wearing turbans and carrying axes. They had dark skin and ferocious expressions. They were the classic gangster images in stage plays.

"Look, there's a lone traveler there!" the bandits shouted in unison, their voices in a wild voice, obviously lacking spirituality as Wilhelm said, "Let's tie him to a tree and use an ax to Cut him down!"

"You've come just in time!" Asik began to recite Solomon's lines and shouted with his sword, "You evil thieves in the mountains, today is the day you die!"

Several bandits rushed over. Asik pulled out his long sword and turned sideways to avoid the front bandit's chop.

Dragon cut! Half Moon Slash! Rising Dragon Slash! Ying Yang's Sword!

With his smooth and fast sword skills, several bandits were killed in just a blink of an eye. Blood flowed out from the wounds on the corpses and formed an ever-expanding pool of blood on the ground.

Then the scene freezes.

"NG! Stuck!" the narrator's voice rang, "Sir Aske, you are performing too hard!"

"What do you mean?" Ask asked with a frown, "Didn't the script say that Solomon killed these bandits with his gorgeous sword skills?"

"Yes, gorgeous, do you have any misunderstanding about this word?" the narrator said, "Why do you kill the enemy so easily? It's too fast! The audience hasn't seen it clearly yet, The villain just fell to the ground and died, and they would only question whether the show was too fake.”

"Where are the viewers? Aren't you the only one watching this?" Aske complained.

"You can't let it go just because I'm the only one in the audience!" the narrator said, "Let's do this, I'll add some special effects for the audience."

Then there was a lot of noise around him, as if Asker was actually in the opera house, facing countless chatting and talking audiences.

"How about it, are you passionate now? Let's play again, this time be gorgeous! Handsome! You can try to knock away the bandits' weapons, then put the sword against their necks, and say a few beautiful lines—— I can act on the spot and don’t have to worry about my script, as long as it makes the audience’s blood boil.”

"It's really troublesome," Aske said.

Then the screen moved again, the cheerful BGM sounded again, the corpses on the ground disappeared instantly, and several bandits appeared in front.

"Look, there is a lonely traveler there..." The bandits finished reading the lines, and then rushed towards him brandishing their axes.

It's a bit difficult for an enemy with so many flaws to force me to prolong the fight. What kind of cool lines are there... Asik thought to himself, just standing still with his sword in one hand, when the bandit's ax was about to hit him.

He ducked sideways lightly, flipped his wrist, and used the hilt of his sword to hit the bandit staggering, then hit his abdomen with his knee, knocking him to the ground.

The bandits behind him were stunned when they saw this, as if they didn't expect that their leader would be knocked down in such a few blows, and then one of them's weapon flew away - Asik didn't draw his sword, but just swung the scabbard and hit the opponent's wrist. , causing him to drop his weapon in severe pain.

Then the scabbard was raised backhand and hit his chin, knocking out all his teeth.

Before the last bandit could react, the unsheathed sword was placed on his neck, and cold words came to his face:

"Do you want to dance too?"

"Stuck!" The scene freezes, and the narrator says passionately, "The fight was wonderful, Mr. Askew. But what does the last line mean? Dance?"

"It means being beaten by me and rolling around." Ask said nonsensically, "In my hometown, we call this 'dancing'."

"Well, not bad." The narrator commented, "Compared with being knocked away, the word 'dance' seems more tense. 'Do you want to dance too?', um... great, then let's continue quickly."

The other side.

Mi'er was escorted listlessly by the "bandits".

In fact, she has had the urge to pull out her pistol and shoot these guys to death countless times. However, after all, her pistol is just an injection gun, and the bullets are also so-called therapeutic needles, so they cannot kill people at all.

Melanda in the script is such a weak girl with no strength. After the Holy See team was killed, she was captured by bandits. In the sad and depressing BGM, she waited for the male protagonist Solomon to rescue her.

"Ah! Most High God, why do you want me to suffer misfortune!"

"If I can't escape the fate of being insulted, it's better for me to die miserably now."

Her cry-like voice was extremely clear, her softness revealed a bit of strength, and she had a hidden explosive power that should not be underestimated, which made Wilhelm behind the scenes marvel in admiration. Unexpectedly, this girl who had always been expressionless seemed to be completely reborn during her first audition, vividly demonstrating Melanda's uneasiness, despair and misery at this time.

Then Ask jumped out from the roadside, and his lazy movements made Wilhelm's face suddenly fall. Compared to the half-elf girl with acting talent, the performance attitude of the leader of the mercenary group can be described as extremely improper.

"Stop! You evil thieves..."

His voice was lazy, and rather than playing the role of the fledgling young swordsman Solomon, he was more like the swordsman Solomon who was already invincible and alone in defeat, so he couldn't lift his spirits.

Mi'er was not surprised by this, because this was the group leader's consistent tone. So according to the description in the script, while she was crying, she raised her head in disbelief, with a bright light of hope in her eyes.

It was as if a princess in distress saw the prince who came to save her.

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