Blue Sword

Chapter 282 Linked to each other

Hide Mia and Eleanor and let Peggy leave the team first... From the beginning, all the tactical actions taken by everyone were actually carried out around "destroying snipers in the distance".

When everyone first stepped onto the battlefield, Medea sensed the faint malice of Six Hundred Meters through her "Conspiracy" ability.

The malice was only fleeting, but it showed that someone there saw her and briefly had the intention to kill her.

The location is six hundred meters away, so this person is most likely a sniper.

In today's era, demigods are mortal, and various tactical firearms are the greatest threat to everyone.

After all, if the opponent slashes you in melee, you can block or dodge. If you really don't dodge and take the damage, Nora can restore your blood in time as long as you don't die.

However, if a sniper rifle hits you in the head, if you are not a physical super, you will most likely die on the spot.

Therefore, first let Mia take Eleanor to lurk in the shadow world to reduce the pressure on the opposing commander's battlefield perception.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the opponent will not use snipers, Medea and Nora need to intervene mentally.

They pretended to launch mind control, which took a long time to prepare, to lure the female gunman to shoot and be "interrupted". In fact, they secretly and quickly used the ability to implant thoughts.

"Contain Hildafa", "Siege Medea and Nora in a roundabout way", "Force Mier to switch fire", "Kill Sheila first", and most importantly, "Temporarily keep the snipers stationary", what the man in sunglasses had previously said All the tactics he conceived did not come from the thinking and creation of his brain, but were implanted in his mind by the two people through their psychic abilities.

Because this tactic seemed very feasible, and the corresponding ideas were continuously strengthened by psychic abilities, the man in sunglasses had been focusing on putting it into practice, while ignoring other battlefield details.

Then Paige broke away from the line and found the sniper first, forcing him to fire. Mi'er uses the gun flame to lock the opponent's position from a long distance, and cooperates with Peggy to kill them first.

The reason why Asker did not take action during the whole process was also to coordinate and rescue everyone at any time. Once this tactic fails and the opponent's sniper opens fire, he will use Ilania Shunpo to arrive in time and launch the Star Nine Style's grazing fire to intercept the sniper's bullets.

But that would undoubtedly be a lot more troublesome.

Therefore, the winning point of this battle was not here from the beginning, but with the sniper six hundred meters away!

The sniper killed all the phantoms with his pistol, only to realize that they were not physical targets. When he looked confused and confused, his "intuition" ability suddenly gave a crazy warning.

There is a major danger coming!

He quickly dodged and rolled, and a flurry of bullets hit his original position.

It's a gunman! Are there any shooters nearby? ! No, the direction of the bullet came from far away...

It's that half-elf girl gunner!

A series of bullets struck again, and the opponent seemed to have no need to aim at all, and directly swept the line of fire towards him.

He dodged and hid behind the trees, and the bullets penetrated the trees. He quickly rolled and changed directions again, and the bullets actually chased him and changed directions.

wrong! That's not a sniper rifle! It is impossible for a sniper rifle to have such a deterrent level of fire rate! Is it an automatic assault rifle?

But the distance is more than 600 meters! Has it already exceeded the effective range of the assault rifle? How can there be such high shooting accuracy?

In the distance, Mi'er knelt down on one knee, holding a gun with both hands and firing at full range. The feeling of bliss filled her whole body.

She has activated the maximum "luck" ability, and the level of luck at this time is already overwhelming. The trembling of the arm muscles, the ups and downs of breathing, the simple harmonic vibration of the gun barrel, and even the wind direction and the vibration of the bullet itself are all "just right" "Help" she calibrated the shooting point and firmly locked the sniper on the opposite side.

If the sniper hadn't possessed the "Agility

"I've been exposed! Requesting support!" The sniper called for help on the radio channel, but his intuition warned him wildly again. When the gunman dodged the opponent's shots and hid behind the depression in the hill, he realized that he had been beaten by five people with long swords. The girl with the sword surrounded him again.

Is it still a phantom this time? Is it the real person? Confusing thoughts flashed through his mind, and the answer came to him in the next second.

Five hot-melt knives pierced his neck, chest, abdomen, shoulders and thighs at the same time. The wounds were sintered the moment they bled, and the high temperature spread unbridled along the flesh.

"Executed!" Paige responded on the channel.

"Mia!" Ask ordered.

From the shadow of a tree stump on the top of the hill, Mia quickly jumped out. At the same time, Eleanor, a majestic power armor knight who came out of Hearth Island, immediately blocked the escape route of these people. died.

The time between realizing something was wrong, to the sniper being surrounded and killed, to Mia and Eleanor showing up, was no more than 10 seconds.

Finally understanding the opponent's tactical intentions, the man in sunglasses suddenly realized that he was filled with despair.

The first level of the opponent's plan is to divide their troops in advance to kill their snipers in the distance;

The second level of the plan was to have the two of them hide in the shadow world in the first place, luring him into action and mistakenly thinking that he had successfully killed them.

Although I don’t know why, the other party can survive unscathed in the shadow world full of light, but these are obviously part of the other party’s plan. Without these two people, the pressure on the frontal battlefield would not be too great, and he would be relatively less vigilant in the back.

The third level of calculation is to use the psychic's thought interference to ensure that he ignores the previous two levels of calculations and falls into the trap step by step without any suspense.

Interlocking and covering each other, from the beginning to the end, he acted according to the opponent's expectations. He was like a puppet in someone else's hand. From a tactical level, he had been completely blown away.

Now we have lost our only trump card, and the opponent's trump card was played at exactly this moment, checkmate.

8 vs 6, there are two power armor knights on the opposite side, extremely disadvantaged, hopeless.

The sword warrior rushed back with a giant sword in his hand, trying to intercept Mia and Eleanor. The former jumped out in an instant and avoided the direction of his charge. Eleanor faced him bravely, raising her shield to withstand his sword and slashing at him.

Once, twice! He was chopping with all his strength, and the bronzed muscles in his body were tense to the extreme, as if they were about to explode due to being unable to withstand it.

However, the opponent's shield remained as motionless as a mountain. Even while blocking his slashes, there was a faint force of counterattack coming from the sword, like the turbulent undercurrent under the calm sea.

Suddenly, the shield in his sight suddenly grew larger! Eleanor caught him at the moment when he was exhausted after slashing. The shield in her left hand hit his body, and the spear in her right hand popped out like a poisonous snake.

Cang Long Continuous Thrust. Hands up, Dragon Spear!

The spear lifted the opponent into the air, spun him 180 degrees, and fell heavily to the ground behind him. The muscular body bounced up after the violent impact. Eleanor threw out her left arm. The shield blocked the bullets coming from behind. She held the gun in her right hand and stabbed multiple clouds at the target.

In an instant, the strong muscles were torn apart by the metal, and blood gushed out from three puncture wounds. Eleanor finally turned around, swung the spear to the maximum arc like a golf club, and then struck the opponent with an iron slash with all her strength. Fly out.

The opponent's body was flying in the air, the waist was strangely folded in half, and the upper body and lower body were almost touching each other - Eleanor's iron slash seemed to have broken the opponent's spine.

Mia used Shunpo to distance herself, her speed almost reaching the limit. The female gunner turned and attacked. She immediately moved in a wide arc and dodged a series of bullets from the opponent.

Due to the female gunner's change of fire, Medea and Nora were freed from the suppression of the attack. The man in sunglasses quickly fired a fireball, but found that they had lost sight of them.

Missing? wrong! It’s a “mental blind spot”!

The man in sunglasses felt his heart sink again. He hadn't thought about the blind spot in his mind before, and I'm afraid it was also the result of the psychic warlock on the opposite side interfering with his thoughts.

Now that the victory is determined, the opponent will no longer interfere.

One of the twin swordsmen who was also pursuing the two warlocks immediately stopped cautiously, trying to guard against possible attacks from the hidden opponent.

A few seconds later, he suddenly felt extremely weak. Knowing that he was being attacked, he swung his sword around but didn't hit anything around him. Medea, who controlled him, carefully kept her distance from him, leaving him no chance.

The swordsman raised his head again, his eyes now blank and controlled by his mind. He held the long sword stiffly and charged forward, with the sword pointed directly at the man in sunglasses behind him.

Then, raging flames exploded around him.

"Brother!" The twin swordsmen fighting with Sidrifa roared angrily, leaving her behind and rushing towards the man in sunglasses.

He didn't see his brother being controlled by his mind just now, but as soon as he turned around, he saw the flames of the man in sunglasses explode on his brother, turning him into a pitch-black body of charcoal.

The female gunman also quickly turned around and showed no mercy to her companions who defected in battle. Bullets came like rain, and the swordsman danced wildly with his long sword. Some bullets were split by the blade, and more hit his body, penetrating blood holes as dense as a honeycomb.

He lost strength and fell to the ground. The long sword was twisted by the bullet and fell from his hand.

"Tsk, brotherly love is deep." Medea laughed mockingly. Nora frowned slightly, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Thanks to book friend 20190928213203794 for his 100 coins, thanks to Archduke Stuart for his 100 coins, thanks to Ruofeng's Breath for his 100 coins, and thanks to Xiaomu for his 1000 coins~

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