Blue Sword

Chapter 298 Smell Bullets

"I want to learn the third form of the Nine Star Movements, grazing." Sheila said.

"Okay." Ask said, "How much do you know about the Nine Styles of the Stars?"

"Zero." Sheila said frankly.

When he was in Constantinople, Asker once trained everyone in the team on the nine postures of the stars. Unfortunately, no one learned it - everyone thought mathematics was too difficult.

At that time, the little empress Theodora had not yet joined.

"Are you familiar with mathematics?" Asker asked, "Are you familiar with polar equations and calculus?"

"Understand a little bit." Sheila asked in surprise, "Do you need to know mathematics to learn the nine postures of the stars?"

"How about calling it geometric swordsmanship?" Ask asked with a smile, "Do you still want to learn it?"

"Learn." Sheila said.

"The shooting trajectory of most long-range weapons can be regarded as a straight line." Asker drew out his long sword, "Imagine that there is someone shooting at you from the front, then its shooting trajectory will be a straight line in the air. "

"You can avoid this straight line, but this means that you are restricted by the straight line. If the number of straight lines continues to increase, two, three... until all the lines are densely packed together to form a cage without flaws, you will Will be locked tightly in a cage.”

"So what you do is, you cut those lines."

"Cut off?" Sheila asked.

"It's not cutting off, it's cutting." Asker said, "Don't forget that they are not ordinary lines. They are actually made up of countless moving points. What you have to do is to use the shortest speed in the shortest time. Path, use a sword to break all moving points, and the calculation process is first the line and then the point. This involves dimensionality reduction, which requires the use of derivative and calculus skills..."

He reported dozens of basic formulas and asked Sheila to write them down: "These formulas are the basis for your calculations. However, if mental arithmetic and calculations are required in combat, nearly a thousand auxiliary formulas are needed to help you with your calculations."

"Nearly a thousand? So many!" Silla was suddenly surprised.

"Not all formulas need to be memorized," Asker said. "It's just that the more you remember, the faster and more accurate your calculations will be."

On the other side, the training work for the girls to adapt to firearms warfare has been handed over to Mi'er by Ask.

"The regiment commander has asked Alfred to clear the trenches near here of irrelevant personnel. In the next few days, they will be used as our war adaptation site." Mi'er said, "It will be used to train everyone on how to dodge shooting."

"Can I ask?" Medea suddenly felt some subtle malice, "What is the specific training plan?"

"It's very simple." Mi'er said, "Your goal is to enter the trench from that position and then come out from this end. During this process, in addition to attacking me, you can use any extraordinary ability."

"I won't go into the trenches, but I will patrol nearby. If you are exposed to my sight, I will shoot you. The ammunition is a special rubber anti-blast bullet with a special dye in it."

"Those who are hit by ammunition are considered dead. They need to leave the trench immediately and return to the starting point to start over." Mi'er introduced.

Well, it doesn't sound suspicious, so what was that malicious intent just now?

Medea subconsciously read minds again, and this has almost become her instinctive operation.

"Why did you think of using the juice of Norman's pickled herring to make dye? The leader is really a weirdo. Fortunately, the bullet didn't let me process it. If not, I have to forget it quickly..."

Norman pickled herring? what is that? Medea tried to continue reading her mind, but found that Mier seemed to be extremely resistant to this term, and there was no association with this word in her surface consciousness.


"Does this little princess really have the talent to learn the Nine Swords of the Stars?"

Ask was surprised.

He raised Aphrodite and fired, click, click, shooting at a slightly slower rate. Sheila drew her sword and swung it in the wind, smashing all the bullets.

The long sword she was using at this time was Eleanor's sword mixed with blood-patterned steel, which was hard enough to withstand the impact of regular bullets. However, Asik could see clearly that the angle of Sheila's sword swing was extremely clever, hitting the side of the bullet every time.

After only blocking six or seven bullets, Silla began to pant a little, and her right arm hung down numbly. The Nine Star Styles require extremely high concentration and muscle control, and her body cannot bear the long-term use of swordsmanship. It is already somewhat overloaded at this time.

However, she did use the Nine Star Styles.

The process of learning extraordinary swordsmanship can be described metaphorically as chasing a girl.

Getting the idea seed directly like Peggy is equivalent to a blind date, which is easier to succeed; holding a book and reading like Eleanor is equivalent to online dating, which is much more difficult.

However, whether it is a blind date or online dating, whether it succeeds in the end depends on compatibility. If a girl doesn't have feelings for you, then it's useless no matter how tall, rich, handsome and capable you are of licking her.

Because Asker had learned it in his previous life, he was chasing after his ex-wife in this world, so he quickly mastered the Nine Star Styles as soon as he got them. On the contrary, Sheila, who had never learned any swordsmanship before, was able to master the nine-style grazing of the stars in one afternoon. It can only be said that her compatibility with this swordsmanship has reached a terrifying level.

However, learning is one thing, and exercising the power of swordsmanship is another. It's like when a girl is in love, she just says she likes her, but when she gets married, she starts to care about money and money.

To exert 100% of the power of the Nine Star Styles, it requires extremely strong physical fitness and the entire sequence of the "Weapon Master" bloodline. Sheila herself is an extraordinary person of the spiritual type, but her physical fitness cannot keep up, and she does not have the corresponding extraordinary sequence. After learning the Nine Star Styles, she is like Linghu Chong who has not solved the problem of internal strength.

In an emergency, it's okay to use this swordsmanship to protect yourself. If you really want to rely on it to form a combat effectiveness, it is absolutely impossible to fight against all the big guys like Asker without practicing hard for three to five years.

Who told her to choose the bloodline of an arcane mage in the first place?

Tsk, what a pity, this little princess could have become a genius swordsman.

"Ask, how did I learn?" Sheila was a little nervous.

Of course she knew that her physical strength could not keep up, and she was also worried that it was because she did not have enough mastery of swordsmanship, which caused her physical strength to be exhausted extra quickly.

"Well, just so-so." Asik gave a moderate evaluation, fearing that she would be proud.

Sheila lowered her head in disappointment.

"You still have to practice harder." Asik winked at her, "Build up your physical fitness first."

"Well!" Silla's eyes immediately regained their luster, "Go for it!"

When the two returned to the edge of the trench, they saw Mier walking leisurely and leisurely around the edge of the trench, holding a rifle.

"How's the training going?" Ask greeted the half-elf girl.

"It's pretty good." Mi'er said, "Everyone's tactical thinking when dealing with firearms has been significantly improved."

"Has anyone successfully passed through this trench?" Asker asked.

"That's not the case yet." Mi'er replied, "The main reason is that their vomiting sounds are too obvious and I always hear them when they are sneaking."

"Vomiting?" Silla blinked strangely, inexplicably feeling that she seemed to have escaped an unknown disaster.

"Yes, vomiting." Mi'er said seriously, "As a punitive incentive, Asker specially selected a flavored bullet."

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