Blue Sword

Chapter 311 Analysis

The next morning, I told everyone about the incident on Fire Island, and the girls had different expressions.

Some were grateful that the Battle of Innsbruck was finally over, others regretted not being there last night, and others couldn't help but worry about the fate of the city's citizens after the fall.

In any case, when the Wolf family pulled out the vehicle-mounted rocket launcher, the war had come to an end. You can carry bullets with your body, but carrying rocket launchers with your body is asking for death.

A rocket launcher loaded with high-energy explosives is a law expert on the technological side!

"Ask, what's wrong with you?" After the girls dispersed, Nora looked at Ask, who was covering his neck with a bitter look on his face, and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"I didn't sleep well last night, my neck hurts a little," Aske complained.

Nora knew that he was sleeping on the bottom of the boat, so she sat down on the sofa and patted her thighs.

"Lie here with me." She said softly.

Ask hesitated.

"Let me look at your neck," Nora said.

Well, it turned out to be therapy. Of course, there was no need to worry too much between doctor and patient, so Asker lay down on the sofa with his head resting on Nora's lap.

If you don't take into account the psychological entanglement factors, from a physical perspective, the girl's knee pillow is simply wonderful. The soft and delicate touch comes from the bottom of the neck, and the aroma of lavender lingers in the nose. Nora probably just made it. When I came back from the flowers and grass, there seemed to be tiny crystal dewdrops on my hair, as if I had just come out of the bath and put on my clothes.

"Is this here?" Nora pressed his neck carefully.

"Yeah." Asik didn't want to say more.

"Slight muscle sprain." Nora began to massage him. "It was caused by staying in the same sleeping position for a long time."

"Is there any hope?" Ask joked.

"Don't be silly, it's not a serious illness." Nora rolled her eyes at him, her expression charming and charming.

Asik realized that he had made a mistake. If it were Medea, she would definitely joke at this time and say, "It's hopeless, kneel down and lick me." Of course, Nora has a completely different personality, and joking with her is actually not suitable.

Compared to Medea's passionate nature, Nora's personality is as docile as water, and similar characteristics can be seen from her appearance. Medea's appearance is quite charming. Her facial features are large and plump, making her very stunning and attractive at first glance. Nora's facial features are relatively small. At first glance, she just feels natural and comfortable. After a long look, you will realize that she is indeed an all-round pure beauty with no blind spots.

Asik suddenly realized that comparing the two of them like this seemed a bit disrespectful, so he quickly calmed down.

Nora stared at him blankly and stopped moving her hands. The clear eyes are as deep as a pool of autumn water, and it is difficult to see clearly the thoughts contained in them.

Ah, I forgot, she can read minds...

"You just remembered it now?" Nora squeezed the muscles of his neck hard.

There was some pain, Asik endured it silently, and he made a mistake.

"Oh, Aske." Nora sighed faintly, "Why do so many girls like you?"

"I don't know either." Asik said vaguely.

Wait a minute, where did “so much” come from? Aren't there only three?

"You." Nora nodded his forehead, "You seem to be quite smart, but you are too slow in some aspects."

"Who?" Asked.

"I won't tell." Nora smiled slyly, "You can ask yourself."

"How should I ask?" Asik was speechless. "It's so embarrassing to catch someone and ask them, 'Do you like me?'"

"Then I don't care." Nora pressed his neck muscles and curled her lips, "They are all my love rivals, why should I help them."

"Them? There's more than one co-author?"

"Are you happy?" Nora smiled, "You don't know that a girl likes you yet. How does it feel to be secretly loved by someone?"

"It's a lot of pressure," Askew said.

"Haven't you always wanted to recruit male team members?" Nora suggested, "Why don't you see if there are any suitable newcomers to help share the pressure."

"Forget it." Asik said, "The Hood incident has left me a little shadowed. Besides, there are enough people now."


"Did you just click your tongue?"

"You heard me wrong." Nora said with a dimple-like smile, "Okay, how do you feel now?"

"Much better." Asik moved his neck bones.

"Then why don't you lie down for a while..." Before Nora finished speaking, Asik had already stood up.

Alas, Nora sighed imperceptibly.

"The massage technique is very good, Nora." Ask praised her, "I'm leaving first."

"Okay." Nora nodded.

It seems that I really need to study how to induce the secretion of male hormones... Staring at Asker's back, she couldn't help but have an idea in her mind.


Holy See.

The report of His Excellency Bishop Varian has been sent to the table of the Cardinal Church.

The cardinals silently flipped through the information on the Blue Sword Mercenary Group.

Normally, even the most famous Iron Cross mercenary group in the mainland would not be worthy of appearing in the sight of the cardinals. However, this Cangqing Sword is too weird. There are only nine people, the highest level. Even at Lv.8, it was really puzzling that Raphael rated him as a threat level R4.

Raphael's algorithm is a strictly encrypted chaos algorithm. It is a convolutional neural network composed of pure mathematical functions that humans cannot understand at all and can only be allowed to evolve naturally. If Raphael said that the Blue Sword was R4, it would definitely not be lower than R3, at least it would be at the level of R3.5 - the Vatican still needs to be wary of it.

Continuing to look at the member list, a bishop suddenly became shocked. Needless to say, Asker himself was a local citizen of Constantinople. No matter how prominent the Achilles family was, in the eyes of the Holy See, they were nothing more than country squires.

However, the identities of several other members are not that simple.

Medea, the third princess of the Seljuq Empire, has confirmed her rebellion and left the country.

Eleanor, the second daughter of the Weissbach family of Shinra, was born into a noble family.

Needless to say, Nora was from the oldest Licinian family in Solomon City. It is said that her ancestor was Marcus Licinius Crassus, who was known as the Three Giants together with Caesar the Great at the end of the Third Age. The real estate conglomerate of the Solomon Republic and the founder of the Licinian Conglomerate.

Finally there is Sheila. Her real name should be Theodora, the daughter of the late Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine VIII.

Four eldest ladies, the queen, the princess, the nobles, and the second generation of Shang, were actually able to be crammed into the same mercenary group. It was so weird that it was like filming a night soap opera.

The other four girls, Peggy and Mi'er, can be confirmed to be ordinary citizens of Constantinople, while Hilda Lifa and Mia are undercover. Compared with the identities of the first four, they can be said to be completely different.

So the cardinals fell into a problem that has a long history and once caused the same headache to the Elania assassins:

Why did Aske collect these girls of different ages, races, origins, and personalities?

Sexual fetish? It's not like that. The characteristics of these girls are so diverse that they have almost nothing in common except "beautiful".

However, if we simply enjoy collecting beautiful girls, how do we explain the identity of these girls? The queen, the princess, the eldest lady of the consortium, can these be collected casually?

The cardinals even have the illusion that this guy's sequence ability is "harem", right?

The more diverse types of harem, the stronger the ability?

Of course, this is just a thought, because Raphael has already analyzed Ask's bloodline:

Sharp weapons, dodge, tactics, intuition...most likely he is the ancestral bloodline of the Achilles family, a weapons master.

The characteristic of this bloodline is that it needs to carry many weapons to exert its power, rather than carrying many beauties. What is strange is that according to Raphael's records, it is the girls who fight in most cases.

The few battles in which Asik personally participated showed that he seemed to possess some extraordinary swordsmanship.

Extraordinary swordsmanship that has never been seen before.

Thank you for the 100 coins from Life and Death, and thank you for the 1,000 coins from Demon Ling Zhiyu~

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