Blue Sword

Chapter 661 Mental Erosion

The synths opened the warehouse, and everyone saw that there were nearly a thousand shelves neatly placed in the spacious space inside.

All the shelves are filled with cans, including meat, staple foods, vegetables and fruits, as well as purified water.


Well, although the food problem has been solved, asking her to eat canned food, who is used to eating Nora's delicious food, is simply more uncomfortable than killing her.

Of course, that's the question later. What everyone urgently needs now is to fill their stomachs.

So with the permission of the synthesizer, everyone picked out some cans and were then led to the restaurant to dine.

Interstellar humans in the Golden Age seem to have completely lost the concept of public canteens. The so-called restaurant is actually just a separated tea room with a large number of tables and chairs for three or five people to sit around, communicate, dine and play cards.

Everyone opened the can and found that the food inside had not deteriorated. As expected, prehistoric antiseptic technology was unimaginably advanced. Mia ate a lot, and when she was full of water and food, she lay on the chair and started humming.

Mi'er was not as casual as she was. She filled her stomach a little, and the fatigue in her brows and eyes was clearly visible. In the few hours after arriving in the abyss for the first time, although I didn't encounter any enemies, I was still on tenterhooks all the time. Now that I relaxed a little, I felt a little sleepy.

Asker saw this and asked the synthesizer if there was a place to rest.

"There is no place for visitors to rest." The synthesizer replied. "We originally had a temporary guest room for visitors, but it was destroyed by the Shadow Demon's attack before 1786."

"Shadow demons are common extraordinary monsters at the bottom of the abyss." The Banshee King said calmly.

"Yes, but the Banshee is not." The synthesizer added, "As a Banshee Transcendent, your visitor rights are subject to certain restrictions, so some places in this institute are not open to you. Please be careful not to wander around without permission."

The Banshee King sneered and said:

"I'm not interested in coming to this place for you nerds yet! I'm leaving, come back to me if you need anything."

After saying that, she immediately released Mi'er's summons and returned to her original world.

Everyone looked at each other, but the synthesizer kept a cold tone and continued:

"Of course, except for the researchers' rooms, you can rest wherever you want in public places...after all, there is no one in the institute now."

"Since there is no one in the institute, why can't we sleep in the researcher's room?" Mia asked puzzledly.

"Because this is the rule in the institute." The synthetic man replied, "No one is allowed to enter his room, no matter whether the owner of the room is in the institute or not. Where are you going to sleep? I'll get you a mattress and blanket. .”

"What time is it now?" Ask asked Mi'er.

"5:49 pm." Mi'er answered.

"Going to bed at 5:49?" Mia said in disbelief. The word "early to bed" didn't exist in her night owl dictionary.

"Well, because as the time approaches 24:00 in the morning, the mental erosion from the abyss will become more and more serious." Asik explained, "While sleeping, our mental resistance will be higher."

"Spiritual erosion?" Mia was puzzled.

"You'll know later." Asik smiled, "We are getting ready to sleep. If you can't sleep, you can wander around the room, but you are not allowed to leave here."

The synths brought in mattresses and blankets, and Asik and Mier cleared the tables and chairs aside in the room and laid the floor on the spot. Mia wandered around boredly, studying here and there, and no one paid attention to her for a while.

After both of them fell asleep with their clothes on, Mia yelled in surprise:

"What's wrong with you? You really need to go to bed now!"

But no one paid any attention to her. After waiting for a while, Mia had no choice but to run over quickly and look at the two people lying on the mattress.

Ask sleeps on the left, Mi'er sleeps in the middle, and Mia's mattress and blanket are also thoughtfully laid out by Mi'er, just to her right.

After a moment of hesitation, Mia took off her coat and got into the blanket.

About half an hour passed.

Can't sleep.

Mia suddenly sat up. It’s only around 6pm, how can I possibly sleep!

"Mi'er~" She gently pushed the girl next to her on the shoulder.

Mi'er didn't respond and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Mia is angry.

But getting angry was useless, she had understood this since she was very young.

So little Mia got up and walked around again.

The door to the room is sensor-operated and will open automatically only when the synthetic man named Cape passes by. But of course this is not a problem for little Mia. How can she not go after she has mastered the Ripple Sword?

Just when she had slipped to the closed door and was about to secretly teleport out, a picture suddenly flashed in her mind.

It was a picture of Paige kneeling on the ground crying, with a sign on her chest that read "I am an idiot who violated team discipline".

It is said that it was also one night when Peggy slipped out of Fire Island quietly. When Mia got up the next day, she saw that Paige had been "hanged out" and "executed in public". Ask and Nora stood on the left and right, constantly reprimanding her.

So shameful.

Thinking of this, little Mia couldn't help but cringe.

She returned to the mattress again, thought for a moment, then pulled her mattress and blanket away from Mi'er and moved them to Ask's side.

Hehe, I want to sleep next to the leader.

After staying in the blanket for a while, she still didn't feel sleepy at all, so she couldn't help but open her eyes again and look around.

Suddenly, some strange emotion emerged from the bottom of my heart.

The room was so quiet, so quiet that it was even scary. There was obviously no danger, but it still made Mia instinctively afraid.


It grew and spread uncontrollably in her heart.

Little Mia trembled in horror and quickly got into Aske's blanket in fright.

It felt like my heart was twitching in horror.


Main plane.

With the various actions of the Cangqing Sword team, this uneasy and anxious atmosphere gradually spread.

The two demigods responsible for leading the guerrillas, Derek and Shirley, entered the Palermo Palace that night and had a secret conversation with Hidliefa, the current head of the Hauteville family. It is said that both parties had extremely serious expressions.

There are rumors in the city that the core leader of the Cang Qing Sword fell into the abyss due to an accident. Now the whole group is running around to rescue him, and there is no time to deal with other matters - even two and a half people. God is also likely to go to the abyss to implement a rescue plan in the near future.

Rumors are rumors, but the current drastic changes within Cang Qing Sword are definitely true. If the two demigods go to the abyss, it means that the military strength to maintain the current order in Sicily will soon have a short window of vacuum.

The other two major forces, such as the Sicilian guerrillas and the Licinius family, naturally had no time to think too much at this time and continued to maintain their original operations.

However, the Hauteville family, who was overwhelmed by the force of the demigods and had to succumb to Sidrifa, felt a brief commotion after confirming that this incident was not groundless.

Although things quickly calmed down again, hidden malice and undercurrents began to surge uncomfortably.

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