Blue Sword

Chapter 667 The Third Day

In Hearth Island.

The leader, Mia and Mi'er have been missing for nearly three days.

The team's regular daily plans have basically come to a standstill: morning classes and training, law understanding and learning, and affairs in Sicily have all been temporarily suspended.

It was as if a train running on the railway track immediately deviated from its original track due to the breakage of the core bearing.

"Peggy went out again?" Nora rubbed her eyebrows in worry.

"Well, she said she wanted to find Aske." Sheila said helplessly.

"Where did she go to find Aske?" Eleanor was also speechless. "Does she know how to enter the abyss? We have enough things to do now, and we have to go to comfort her. It's really..."

The blond female knight stood up: "I will go find her and bring her back."

"I know her position." Medea said lightly, "I have manipulated her inside her mental body."

"When did you... forget it." Eleanor pulled her and teleported away from Hearth Island, "Let's go."

So only three girls, Sidrifa, Nora and Sheila, were left on Hearth Island.

"So, how do we enter the abyss?" Hidrifa asked.

"Entering the abyss is a very complicated matter." Sheila replied. "The abyss is not a place on the main plane. It can be reached by airplane, ship, car or even on foot."

"If you use the ability of the space system, such as a black hole, then you can go there more easily; if not, then you have to find the point of similarity between the abyss and the main plane."

"So, without Mia, it would be difficult for us to find the entrance to the abyss alone." Nora sighed, "However, when it comes to the law of black holes... When we helped the imperial coalition ask Venis for help, I Remember there was a city councilman who seemed to be a demigod of black hole laws?”

"Can you please come over?" Hidrifa asked.

"It should be no problem." Nora said, "In Italy today, there are only a few demigods who don't give our family face... I'll go contact the family."

In the main plane, in the residences near the Palermo Palace, several eyes were secretly staring at Eleanor and Medea coming out of the palace.

"Two more people left."

"How many of them are left in the palace now? 3, or 5?"

"It doesn't matter, the point is their two demigods. As long as we can suppress the demigods, the rest are no match for us. We can block them in the palace and kill them."

"When will the three demigods promised by the Pure Blood Monastery arrive?"

"Nothing said. They may also be waiting to see if the two demigods in the palace will leave the main throne and go to the abyss."

"That way there will be no obstacles to our reconquest of Sicily."

Walking on the street, Medea suddenly whispered:


"Malicious?" Eleanor also lowered her voice, "Are you coming for us?"

"Of course." Medea rolled her eyes, "Presumably because of Ask's disappearance, our panic and urgency have been seen by some guys who are ready to take action."

"You mean...Hydrifa's family?" Eleanor was a little shocked.

"It's hard to understand?" Medea glanced at her sideways.

"No, I just..." Eleanor said in a deep voice, "I just feel a little sad for her."

"After all, I finally found a family that is connected by blood, but in the end, I was treated as an enemy by the tribe. This is not the treatment that Sydliefa deserves."

"You have to earn your treatment by yourself." Medea said coldly, "You don't have to rely on how others treat you."

"Sounds like something Sidrifa would say." Eleanor smiled bitterly, "Medea, you and Sidrifa have a really good relationship."

"Like you and Nora?"

"Well... yes," Eleanor said, "Just like Nora and I."

"Speaking of this, I have some doubts." Medea suddenly said, "If Nora knew that you also liked the leader, how would you two deal with this matter? Compromise each other? Compete with each other? Or decide who will come by guessing? quit?"

"What are you talking about, Medea?" Eleanor forced herself to calm down and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Even if I'm pretending to be stupid, I don't want to deny it directly. I think you understand what I mean." Medea raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said with a certain evil tone, "It doesn't matter, you don't have to answer me. question."

"But you should know that just because you don't confront a problem, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, right?"


She said nothing and had no expression. She just stared at the ground as if in a trance, biting her lower lip silently.

At the bottom of the abyss, in Scientific Research Institute No. 710.

The gap in the wall that was originally broken by the Shadow Demon has been repaired by the engineering robot with quick-drying cement, and the damaged light bulbs have also been replaced with new ones.

"I can't believe it." Watching the robots begin to clean up the corrosive debris left by the Shadow Demon, Cappe said in an exclamatory tone, "You three are actually professional elite mercenaries, and your combat effectiveness is indeed better than any security company I have ever seen. Be tough.”

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Asik rummaged through the bag and pulled out a rolled-up standard contract. "Do you want to consider our future cooperation?"

"What is this?" Cappe wondered.

"Employment agreement." Ask replied, "You hire us to help guard the scientific research institute and eliminate the abyss monsters that break in. The reward will be settled with our accommodation and material consumption in the research institute. It's a mutual benefit, how about a win-win situation?" "

"Hmm." Cappe thought for a moment and realized that this was indeed a good idea. The key is that as long as a contract is signed and an agreement is reached, both parties will have cooperation based on common interests, and they can naturally trust each other and reduce unnecessary risks.

"Okay, let me take a look." He took the contract and quickly scanned the text with his visual sensor, wondering, "What does this 'pound' mean?"

"The monetary unit," Asker said. "The currency of our time."

"I remember that pounds should be a unit of weight... forget it." Cappe said, "Then let's talk about your daily employment salary and the pricing of the materials and services the institute can provide you."

So the two began business negotiations. Mia listened with some boredom for a while, then whispered:


Mier:? ? ?

"I want to practice the Ripple Sword." Mia said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Mi'er smiled slightly, knowing that little Mia couldn't stay any longer.

Back at the testing site, little Mia began to continue practicing, while Mi'er dragged Mia out of the future world, who had already mastered the Ripple Sword, and continued training with Mia at this time.

I have to say that the Law of Destiny is indeed a very useful ability. You can browse the past, predict the future, and even pull out things from parallel worlds that do not originally exist in this world.

The only problem is probably that if you rely too much on the peek ability of the law of fate, you will easily be caught off guard by the occasional black swan.

For example, this time, she failed to anticipate the small probability event that "Mia failed to activate the Ripple Sword for the first time and fell into the abyss."

If more world lines could be investigated in a short period of time... Mi'er sighed slightly, feeling a little disappointed and frustrated.

You still have to become stronger, Mi'er!

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