Blue Sword

Chapter 695 Arrival

Iberian Peninsula, port near Valencia.

Since the La Mancha Plateau in the southwest has been occupied by the undead, Valencia down the plateau immediately became a frontline and dangerous city. A large number of knights from the Kingdom of Aragon and Castile were stationed in the city, and their daily supply consumption was A high number.

In the Turia River basin that runs through the city, the farmland on both sides of the river was expropriated to feed the knights garrisoned in the city. At the same time, many mercenaries are gathering from north to south, mainly the "Bull" mercenary group in Iberia.

In order to cope with the increasingly serious food demand, the Lord of Valencia has issued a new decree requiring regular collection of a certain amount of fish meat from coastal fishermen as an additional "defense tax." Therefore, the location of the mouth of the Turia River, where there are A large number of fishing boats go out to sea.

On this day, the fishermen in Valencia went out to fish as usual, and suddenly they saw an ice floe floating from the east sea.

There was chaos on the fishing boat, because there had been a similar incident recently: the undead dropped corpses from the Hucar River on the plateau and let them wash into the Valencia Bay. Then these corpses floated along the sea currents. Just north of the Citrus Coast, on the beach near the city of Valencia.

Some fishermen found these corpses washed up on the beach and were about to check. As a result, ghouls emerged from the stomachs of the corpses... After these harassing undead were annihilated by the city guard knights who arrived, this incident also happened. Word spread in nearby fishing villages.

Everyone came to the conclusion that the undead in the south are very cunning. If you encounter something strange nearby, be sure not to approach rashly. It might be the undead causing trouble.

So the fishing boat immediately turned around and returned to the city, intending to go to the city guard knights to call the police.

A few minutes later, the fisherman at the stern of the boat suddenly shouted:

The ice floe behind is still following us!

The remaining fishermen hurriedly rushed to the stern of the boat to take a look, only to realize that the ice floe was not only following them, but also gradually getting closer. There seemed to be a person standing on it...

Everyone was immediately frightened. The fisherman gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Full speed ahead!"

In fact, this is just a slogan. The diesel engine of this fishing boat does not have advanced gear that can change speed. The advanced engine with control circuit burned out half a year ago.

So the fishermen found a few oars from the ballast bottom and began rowing desperately outside the side of the boat... Although it was far less than the thrust of the diesel engine, after all, everyone was doing useless work together. Morale also stabilized.

"That man is gone!" There was another hasty cry, and the fishermen who were watching the ice floe at the stern rushed into the cabin in a panic.

"Did he dive and swim over?" the fisherman asked quickly.

"No, I teleported here directly." said a strange male voice next to him.

The fishing boat suddenly seemed to explode again. The fisherman reached out to pull out the gun from his waist, but Aske casually snatched the gun away. With a crackle, the entire pistol disintegrated in his hand.

"Don't get excited." Asik casually threw away the gun case with the bullets removed, and looked at the fishermen around him who had drawn their daggers, pointing at himself and laughing:

"See clearly, I'm just an ordinary human mercenary, human."

The fishermen looked at each other and stared at him for more than two minutes. Seeing that he still did not show any hostile behavior, they hesitantly and defensively put down their daggers.

The person in front of me definitely looks human. And if it is a high-level undead that can disguise itself as a human, it will only take a matter of seconds to massacre the entire ship - there are no city guard knights on this sea to help.

Therefore, after quickly thinking about this point, although everyone still had doubts, they quickly winked at each other wildly, and then pretended to have no doubts in a tacit understanding, and breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"It scared me to death. I thought you were an undead..."

"I am sent by the Holy See to support the Kingdom of Aragon and Castile." Asik touched from his arms and took out a document that was soaked in water and unfolded it. The words on it were all messed up. You can only vaguely see the shape of the Holy See's seal underneath.

"Ah, that's it." The fishermen leaned over to read the document, and the doubts on their faces became even stronger. However, they all seemed to have no doubts, and they nodded and forced a smile, "In that case, then we can Your identity is confirmed."

Noticing the eyes of these fishermen moving around, Asik turned the questionnaire strangely and realized that it was the one he had brought with him before but was soaked in the sea water.

"Sorry, I took it by mistake." Asker threw it away casually and took out another document - this time it was an intact copy of the document that had been placed on Hearth Island in advance. It indeed had the Holy See's signature on it. Description and stamp.

This time the fishermen came closer in turn and looked at each other carefully for a long time before looking at each other again.

"What's wrong?" Ask asked strangely, "Is there any problem this time?"

"This document of yours indeed has no traces of defacement, and the handwriting on it is very clear." The fishermen said hesitantly, "But we are illiterate."


So you have been suspicious from the beginning!

He impatiently took out two Lorraine gold coins and threw them on the ground casually. The fishermen picked them up with suspicion. After confirming in surprise that they were genuine gold coins, they immediately showed a sincere and flattering smile:

"Mercenary, please sit here."

"There is some freshly cooked fish soup below, which I will bring to you later."

"The sea breeze is strong outside, please put down the curtain to block it."

"This is my treasured wine." Even the fishing boss diligently took out the wine bottle and poured a glass for Asker, "Please taste it."

Ask sat on the fisherman's chair and took a slow sip. The wine had been sitting there for who knows how long. It was so sour that it was hard to drink. So he put the glass down and asked:

"How long until we get to Valencia?"

"It only takes about 20 minutes." The fisherman said flatteringly.

"So fast?" Asik paused and smiled, "You're just sending me there like this, aren't you afraid that I'm an undead in disguise?"

"If you were an undead, we would have been killed long ago. How could we still be alive now?" The fishermen laughed one after another.

Of course, Aske knew very well that these were just their compliments.

In fact, it was still due to the power of money. Two gold coins were equivalent to their income from fishing for several months. Of course, it was worth letting go of their suspicions. If they added a few more gold coins, they would probably dare to send back even the real undead.

So Aske continued to ask some questions, mainly about the situation in Iberia. These fishermen are all natives of Valencia. They are very familiar with the undead garrison on the southern plateau. They have all kinds of gossip and know-how, but they have no idea about the situation in the entire Iberian continent.

According to these people, Asker was able to confirm that the current situation on the peninsula was roughly the same as what was stated in Eleanor's plan. The undead currently mainly occupy the plateau area in the southern part of the continent, while the Kingdom of Aragon and Castile defends the north, and the situation is in a stalemate.

I’m going to the hospital in the afternoon and asking for leave~

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