Blue Sword

Chapter 715 A sudden turn of events

early morning.

Ask woke up slowly in bed.

I'm so tired, I feel like my body has been hollowed out.

He really didn't know that going to class was such a painful thing.

It’s not that everyone is stupid, the girls are actually very smart. After all, after studying under him for nearly two years, his thinking mode has been completely synchronized with the players. He only needs to briefly explain many theories and everyone will understand them.

The problem is that everyone's "enthusiasm for knowledge" is so high that they keep asking him all kinds of more difficult questions... Well, he originally wanted to explain it to everyone slowly later, but he didn't expect that the girls have already learned this kind of knowledge on their own. reached the point.

Just like the undergraduate students who were teaching suddenly began to study graduate courses on their own, he, the doctoral supervisor, was both gratified and tired.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that Aske woke up with some bewilderment and found that the girls didn't seem to be studying...

But to stay in his room and thus monitor and prevent others from staying in his room.

Although this is a bit hard to say, everyone can fully understand it if you think about what happened last time in a hotel in a seaside town in Sicily. Mutual trust between people is very important, and once trust is lost, it is extremely difficult to get it back.

Just like if everyone queues up, the order is in order; however, as long as one person cuts in line, the rest of the people will start jumping in line crazily.

After spending some time chasing the girls away, Ask was finally able to go to bed, only to have another nightmare.

He dreamed that he married all the girls in the team (of course, he did not have such an idea in reality, but anything could happen in the dream), and then ate and drank in the manor hall on Hearth Island. Nora Cook for everyone personally.

After drinking and eating, he became drunk. When he woke up, he found that he was tied to a chair. A scarred Nora walked up to him, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, saying that she had killed all the other girls...

Asker was confused at the time, and Nora in the dream had completely turned dark, with a creepy and weird smile, and showed him the video of her hatchet companion.

Then she was about to castrate Asik and then commit suicide. Fortunately, at this time, she was about to wake up from the dream, and Asik suddenly remembered that he was a martial, he was a person with extraordinary power.

So he immediately had a short knife (conceptual weapon) in his hand. While cutting the rope, he blocked the kitchen knife in Nora's hand. He also silenced her law ability (Nine Star Styles, Law of Destruction), and finally covered his body with blood. He held the bloody and scarred Nora in his arms.

"You..." Asik was silent for a long time, and then a word popped out of his mouth, "surrender yourself!"

I woke up from my dream here.

After waking up, he first broke out in a sweat, and then recovered a little.

First of all, he's not a stud.

Secondly, he will not be hit by a hatchet, because he is very good at hitting, and everyone combined is no match for him.

As for drugging... Just like in the dream, Nora drugged him to castrate him, so his intuitive ability would warn him before drinking.

Is the perceived danger of intuitive sequences just talk?

After using a lot of theories to convince himself, Asik still felt a little heavy in his heart. He got up from the bed, came to the window, and took a few deep breaths.

Then, he saw a group of half-elves below that had surrounded the surrounding tree houses. They were dressed in green clothes, carrying bows and arrows on their backs, pistols on their waists, and hats with feathers on their heads. They looked like Robin Hood in Western legends.

A few half-elves were still looking here, showing a little fear.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Excuse me." The person outside the door said, and then opened the door with a click of the key.

Ask turned around and saw several half-elves in green walking in, holding firearms in their hands and saying in a businesslike tone:

"We are the Royal Capital Security Team. A citizen reported that a murder occurred here. Now we need you to cooperate with our investigation."

"Murder?" Asik was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed, "Who is dead?!"

"A tenant who lives nearby." The security team members looked at each other calmly and replied, "According to the hotel's information registration, he seems to be your guide?"

Oh, it's the wizard.

Ask breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had a pretty good impression of the half-elf young man and was very sorry for his death, if Asik was asked to choose between the girls and him, the answer would naturally be self-evident.

Luckily the girls are okay.

However, the expression he showed subconsciously fell into the eyes of the security team members, and immediately produced some kind of bad reaction.

Sensing the hostility shown on the other side, Asik, of course, reacted quickly. But the first impression had already been formed, and he didn't do anything superfluous. He just followed these people out of the tree house cooperatively.

Below the tree house, the girls who didn't know why were also brought out. A stretcher covered with white cloth was placed in the center of the open space, surrounded by a crowd of half-elves watching.

If it were the former Asker, he would have immediately smelled the "smell of the mission" in it. However, after living in the countryside for a long time, his perception in this area was a bit slow, so he just stared at the corpse on the ground in a daze.

At this moment, a half-elf woman suddenly rushed out from the crowd of onlookers. She cried and rushed towards the corpse, lifting the white cloth covering it.

The security team members rushed to stop him, but the body was already exposed in front of everyone: his face was bruised, his eyeballs were bleeding, and there were deep strangulation marks on his neck.

The people around him were so frightened that some screamed, some backed away, and most of them showed expressions that they couldn't bear to look at.

"It's you! It's you who killed him!" The half-elf woman lying on the corpse and crying bitterly suddenly raised her head and yelled at Aske like a madman.

Asker:? ? ?

A certain thought suddenly jumped out of my mind:

Oh, it's a frame-up...

Before anyone could react, the woman rushed forward angrily, pulled out a dagger and stabbed Aske.

The girls here also reacted very quickly. Before Asik could make a move, Mia had already teleported in front of him, then jumped into the air and kicked her legs, kicking the half-elf woman away.

The opponent was kicked to the ground by her force, his neck tilted and he spat out blood, and then he fell to the ground and became motionless.

Mia:? ? ?

Eh? When did I become so strong?

However, she didn't have time to think too much, because at this time, the crowd of onlookers had exploded into an uproar, and many half-elves even rushed forward with righteous indignation, intending to execute these murderers on the spot.

The security team members could only form a human wall to try to stop the angry crowd, but they were crumbling under the huge disparity in numbers. The girls also retreated to Aske's side. Everyone felt that something was wrong with the matter in front of them, and Medea even smelled a strong sense of malice.

"Why don't you run away?" Mia asked.

"Should I ask them to quiet down?" Nora asked.

"We might as well just erase the memory." Medea was eager to give it a try.

"Or kill them all to save trouble." Hidrifa suggested.

Everyone:? ? ?

"This is a bit too much." Eleanor quickly stopped her.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding." Hidrifa smiled slightly.

Just looking at your expression just now, it doesn’t look like you were joking at all! Eleanor groaned inwardly.

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