Blue Sword

Chapter 752 One man becomes an army

Along the way, Ask casually chatted with Peggy.

"I didn't go back all day yesterday. Is everyone's schedule going smoothly? No one is lazy, right?"

"Everyone has been training very diligently recently," Paige replied. "Eleanor has specialized in 'Indomitable Will' and has been promoted to Level 16. Now the Holy Sword can be turned on for 46 seconds and then shut down stably."

"Nora has mastered the fourth skill, what is it called 'Reverse Transcription Injection'? I don't understand it very well. Anyway, she is now Lv. 14 and is trying to materialize the law."

"Hidrifa learned a skill called 'Malicious Blockade' from her necklace and was promoted to Level 13. Now she can turn strong killing intent into restraints, thereby limiting the opponent's ability to move."

"Sheila also understood her other two skills, one is 'Earthquake' and the other is 'Storm'. However, she said that the attack range was too large, so she did not demonstrate it to us. Asik, you can ask her yourself."

"What about you?" Ask asked, "You are already Level 19. When will you be promoted to Demigod?"


"Ask." After a while, she asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to become a demigod as soon as possible?"

"Of course." Asik said without hesitation.

After all, only by becoming a demigod can one have the strength to fight that copy.

"I know." Peggy thought for a moment and said seriously, "For Asik, I will become a demigod as soon as possible."

Why does this become "for me"... Don't you have the desire to become a demigod yourself? Ask was speechless and said with a smile:

"Don't force yourself too much. Anyway, you have already tried the weaving field last time, and the next step will be a matter of course."

"Yeah." Paige nodded.

Come to the designated battlefield. A few minutes later, everyone saw smoke rising high in the distance, which was a sign of a large number of ghouls running on the plain.

The sky was still gloomy, and the thick clouds completely blocked the sunlight, so that the nearby vegetation was a little withered. The dark sky of the undead has shrouded the Iberian Peninsula for nearly six months, taking away not only the sunlight, but also the lives of countless human warriors.

In the past, when the Plantagenet Mercenary Group saw traces of a large number of undead marching in the wild, their first reaction would have been to avoid the danger temporarily. After all, fighting the undead means getting injured and dead, and the long-term killing has almost worn away the motivation in their bones, leaving only the sense of professional responsibility and survival instinct as mercenaries.

However this time is different.

Because this time they have a high-level transcendent! A super master who is unparalleled in terms of tactical command, battlefield observation and combat ability!

"Bring them here first." Ask ordered.

Eric immediately picked up his rifle and fired a shot into the smoke in the distance.

Then the group of ghouls in the distance turned and rushed over. From a distance, they looked like wolves galloping on the plains, but the mercenaries knew that these ghouls were much more powerful than wild wolves.

"The gunmen are in formation, and the swordsmen are preparing to charge." Asik continued to direct.

The lobster gunners quickly formed a row, while the Highland swordsmen stood in a loose group, protecting the front line of the lobster gunners' formation.

"Our tactics are going to change this time," Asker said. "After the gunners fire, the Highland swordsmen should not charge in a hurry and wait for my order."

The highland swordsmen were puzzled. If we are not allowed to charge, who will stop these attacking ghouls during the interval after the lobster gunners finish shooting?

However, seeing that the leader of the group, McGree, did not respond, everyone naturally complied and no one raised any objection.

The group of ghouls entered the shooting range, and gunshots rang out intensively two seconds later. The ghouls in the front row were shot one after another, and their bodies flew backwards under the huge impact, knocking over the ghouls in the back row.

However, more undead passed over these fallen corpses and continued to rush towards this direction at high speed in a dark mass. The lobster gunners hurriedly reloaded nervously, but the formation of the Highland swordsmen did not move. Everyone could almost hear the heartbeats and swallowing sounds of the comrades next to them, and from the corner of their eyes, they could see the cold sweat running down each other's temples.

"Peggy, stop their momentum." Ask ordered.

A ghoul running at full speed can easily jump over a long distance, and its flying force is no less than the collision of a mounted war horse.

In the past, what swordsmen of all levels used to do was to charge and swing their swords, using the opponent's speed and reaction force to kill the opponent. This tactic had a very low error tolerance. After all, it only takes a blink of an eye for a ghoul to jump to the ground. If you If your sword doesn't hit the opponent, the opponent's claws will be inserted into your chest.

After Asik joined, this tactic was optimized so that he took the lead in the charge. During the charge, Asik accelerated out of the formation and stabbed into the front line of the ghouls first in the shape of a sharp knife.

Deceive the charge and attack of the ghouls in the front row, slow them down, and then the highland swordsmen go up to fight... This tactic greatly reduces the casualty rate of the mercenaries, so McGregor completely attacked Asker. Take it heartily.

After all, not just anyone can block the charge and attack of the ghouls and survive their siege for dozens of seconds without getting hurt.

However, this time, Asik seems to want the girl named "Paige" to take action?

The highland swordsmen were a little suspicious, but they didn't ask. They could only guess that this sweet-looking oriental girl was probably a high-level transcendent.

Probably, in short, Mr. Asker will definitely not make a mistake.

Paige nodded, then opened her robe, revealing the dagger worn at her waist.

dagger? Eric next to him was a little surprised. The short sword was the standard military weapon in the ancient Solomon Republic in the Third Age. Because everyone mainly used firearms, close combat required small and agile weapons.

However, after the Fourth Age, long swords from the barbarians gradually took over the battlefield. Nowadays, few people use short swords.

If the weapon is not long enough, the attack range will be limited. Facing the poisonous minions of the ghoul, unless the girl is a speed super, she should not choose a short sword.

Eric, who was analyzing in this way, saw Paige swinging the dagger lightly.

A certain figure "detached" from her body, and it turned out to be exactly the same Paige, holding a short sword and rushing towards the group of ghouls ahead.

Damn it! At this time, both the Highland Swordsman and the Lobster Lancer were shocked in their hearts.

However, the performance was not over yet, because Peggy had already started to swing the sword again, swish, swish, swish, every sound of wind was accompanied by a fantasy sword clone rushing out, and soon more than 20 "Peggy" gathered together, rushing directly The always menacing army of the undead.

Making enemies and attacking, charging and dodging, the chaotically waving claws and the sharp dagger blades intertwined, turning into countless dull sounds of growls and screams.

Several Peggy clones were suddenly hit and dissipated. At the same time, ten times more ghouls were pierced by daggers, had their limbs severed, and had their heads cut off. For a time, the charge of the ghouls in the front row was blocked by countless Paiges.

She actually stopped the charging momentum of the ghoul group by herself!

Forgot to post, fainted.

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