Blue Sword

Chapter 768 Hero Port

"By the way, what's going on with that port?"

On the way to the island, Aske still couldn't forget the mysterious port.

He remembered very clearly that there were no artificial buildings on the island in the dungeon scene in the original game, let alone the port.

Even these mermaids have not appeared. The entire copy is only undead.

In fact, the absence of mermaids is normal, because it can be interpreted as "the arrival of the undead, killing or driving away these mermaids."

But razing a building is another matter. Even the NPC's actions must be logical. The Banshee King's ghost fleet came here, naturally, not to hide in seclusion and avoid players... but to accumulate strength to counterattack the mainland.

The next version of the plot also verified this.

Therefore, if there really is a port on the island, the Banshee King will never demolish it.

If you think about it this way, there seems to be only one explanation:

The butterfly storm set off by Asker's arrival caused the port that should have been erased not to be erased...or the port that should not have appeared here appeared here.

However, no matter how Nora and Medea tried, these mermaids were hesitant and unable to speak. The mind-reading results showed that they were not lying, but that they really didn't know what was going on in the port.

Because some tribesmen have disappeared there, they are extremely afraid of the island and usually dare not approach the nearby waters.


To be honest, the more weird the port is, the less he wants to go!

But after all, the demonic tide is here. If we don't rule out the possibility of mutation, when the demonic tide breaks out together, the trouble will be multiplied a thousand times.

Alas, forget it. Go check it out.

The mermaids gathered around Cang Qing Sword's ship and sailed close to the shallow water, then refused to move forward at all.

So everyone could only move forward by boat, and finally stopped the boat at a berth near the port.

This port... It wasn't until everyone got closer that they realized that it was indeed indescribably weird.

The wooden trestle tied with cables, the kerosene lamps hanging from the poles, and the tourists wrapped in coats are like being in the Middle Ages.

Even the most remote village on the mainland will at least have a church, and as long as there is a church, there will be some technological objects in the village, such as ordinary light bulbs and simple coal-burning engines... Anyone who wants to I have used the simplest tungsten filament light bulb, and I never want to use kerosene lamp again. Not only does the temperature of that thing smell bad, but the light is also dim, it is an eyesore.

"Aske..." Mi'er suddenly whispered and pulled his clothes.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that these "tourists" who had their bodies huddled in their clothes had a pair of pointed ears vaguely exposed under their hoods.

Half-elf? Ask was startled for a moment, then reacted immediately.

No, these are pure-blooded elves!

Sheila looked a little dazed from behind, because she clearly saw the "guards" standing at the edge of the port, with mithril magic tattoos painted on their necks.

The magic circuit of the arcane mage.

"Hey! You guys!" At this time, a voice came from the front, "Don't stand on the trestle and don't come over. Pay the parking fee honestly!"

Everyone dispersed from the trestle with vigilance and quickly got out of a position where it was convenient for them to rush in and wander around. The guy making the noise in front had already taken off his hood and ran towards this side.

This guy has withered yellow hair, protruding green eyes, tall cheekbones, thick nerve bundle hair, and a pair of pointed ears with several silver earrings hanging down. The mithril magic circuit spread from his neck to the left half of his face.

Elven arcane mage.

"Ask." Medea said softly, "There are no traces of the psychic or dream system."

The elf opposite spoke a kind of classical Latin. Although almost no one can speak it like this nowadays (it is replaced by various dialects of Latin), everyone can probably still understand it. However, considering that the era in which the elves lived is almost the same as the era when humans prospered, how did the other party speak this human language?

Not to mention that none of them had pointed ears, so it was obvious that they were not elves at all. The other party didn't even show any surprise. There must be something wrong!

The other party walked until they were five or six meters away from the Cangqing Sword people, then cautiously stopped and said:

"Human? First time coming to Hero Port?"

"Uh..." Asik hesitated for a long time and nodded, "Yeah."

"You need to pay a fee to park here." The elf said, "Every day you park, you need to pay 9 stone coins, including 6 during the day and 3 at night. Taking 6 am and 6 pm as the boundary, the time is automatically calculated. You know how to replenish...stone coins, right?"

He took out a few stones from his coat pocket, which looked like carved wizard stones, polished into a nameplate-like shape.

Ask glanced aside, so Nora took out a wizard's stone from her pocket and threw it from a distance.

The elf on the other side caught it skillfully, took it to his nostrils and took a sniff, showing a certain expression of satisfaction:

"The purity is okay... I'll give you 18 stone coins. Remember to pay the renewal fee tomorrow."

"Is this the Port of Heroes?" At Ask's signal, Medea asked tentatively.

"Yes, this is the Port of Heroes, guarding the gateway to the Western Ocean for the Eastern Continent." The elf immediately showed a proud expression.

"Guarding the ocean", everyone keenly caught the key point in his words.

What's the meaning? Could it be that the ocean and the continent belong to two camps, and this is the front line of the continent's penetration into the ocean?

"Is there any good place here to get information?" Ask asked lightly.

"You mean the tavern," the elf replied. "Go straight, then turn left, and pass through two blocks. The 'Sewage Tavern' is on your right."

When you come to a strange city, the fastest place to get information is of course the bottom tavern, because the people at the bottom...especially those who live in poverty but are not in danger of starvation, have the highest enthusiasm for commenting on current affairs among all classes. Maybe I want to get some false sense of satisfaction from it.

Therefore, if you sit in a bottom-floor tavern like this for a while, you can hear all the news about the entire city: from how stupid the city lord's recent policies are to how small it is that another robbery case broke out on a certain street, which shows that the city lord is an idiot. Idiot, so detailed that I could almost write a "Local Life Guide".

So everyone from Cang Qing Sword followed the route pointed by the elf, and sure enough, after passing through two blocks, they saw the "Sewage Tavern".

It seemed to be a sunken basement of a certain hotel. Since half of its height was underground, the ventilation was poor, so that there was a thin layer of puddles at the door. You could tell at a glance that it must be extremely damp inside.

The girls held their breaths in disgust, followed Aske and silently opened the curtain at the door and walked in.

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