Blue Sword

Chapter 777 Employment Request

For high-level transcendental beings, especially demigods, it is actually quite difficult to offer a price that makes the other party's heart beat.

Because when you reach the level of demigod, you can basically say that you have no desires or desires. Some may still care about their family and descendants. However, as they grow older and familiar descendants pass away one after another, the connection based on blood gradually becomes distant.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no possibility for demigods to cooperate with each other. In fact, for characters at their level, there is a very suitable weight to put on the table:


You do something for me, and in order to repay your favor, I will do something for you as well. This is a condition that demigods will generally offer in exchange. After all, other than returning the favor, there was nothing else to convince the other demigod to help.

Of course, what is even more difficult than making a demigod owe a favor is that you need to have enough connections to reach the demigod first. If you can't even meet, it means your current level is not enough, so there is nothing to say.

However, the Cang Qing Sword Mercenary Group is very proficient in this, because for the first time, they have a very developed demigod network. Even early on, Ask was known for his ability to deal with demigods.

Now that he himself has reached the demigod level, he is naturally even more comfortable negotiating at this level. After some friendly exchanges, Naga Priest agreed:

They are willing to give full play to the advantages of their oceanic race and take the Blue Sword deep into the eternal storm deep in Atlanta to find traces of the target.

In exchange for the Cangqing Sword to help them, the beast with the endless giant stomach that is currently sleeping will be sent to a more distant future again.

"Although the beast with the endless maw is sleeping, it is not completely unaware of the outside world." The Naga priest leaned his staff on the ground, and the deep pool at the bottom of the cave immediately splashed with water, forming an overlooking map of the Atlanta Ocean in the air. .

Among them, in the depths of the Atlanta Ocean, there is a vast expanse of golden light. The area is several times the size of the Northern Continent.

"After many time jumps, it has realized that it is being continuously teleported, and has consciously released a large number of Leviathan." Naga Priest nodded, and many golden dots appeared on the map. "These Leviathans are the eyes and ears of the beast with endless giant maws. They mate and breed with whales in large numbers, spreading more offspring in the ocean. The purpose is to find Heroic Harbor and destroy it, preventing us from further banishing him to the future. ."

"We have set up magic circles around the islands to repel aquatic creatures, which will make Leviathan subconsciously avoid them, but this cannot hide them for long. We need to activate the temple magic circles at the bottom of the nine islands as soon as possible before they are destroyed by the storm. , once again send the beast with the endless maw away from this world line."

"In this way, at least in your lifetime, you don't have to worry about the beast with the endless giant stomach waking up and destroying your world." Naga Priest turned around and said.

"That means there will be more Leviathan in the sea, right?" Asik asked.

"Well, we can't completely erase its traces in this world." Naga Priest raised his eyebrows, "But no matter how many Leviathans there are, they are much easier to deal with than their original bodies. What you encounter in the outside world The storm is actually just a thought when the beast with the endless maw is sleeping."

"If Leviathan is attacked or notices something strange, he will go to the sleeping giant and tell it the location of the attack. Then the storm will be released from its dream and sweep all the way to Leviathan. The coordinates of the location specified by Vitan.”

“If such a storm cannot destroy all objects at the designated coordinates, it will arouse the anger of the sleeping beast with endless mammoths, causing the intensity of the storm to increase almost without limit - until we can no longer hold on. "

"Of course, Leviathan will report any suspicious coordinates to the giant beast. In turn, we can follow the alerted Leviathan and find the specific location where the beast with the endless maw was transported to this world."

"That is to say, now that we have known the coordinates of each other at the same time, the next thing we have to compete is to see whether the Port of Heroes will be destroyed by the storm first, or whether we will activate the magic circle first to banish it again."

"I understand." Asik nodded and said, "What do we need to do?"

"We looked across the long river of time and saw that there are two extraordinary beings in your team." The Naga Priest stared at the deep pool and said, "One is similar to our Zongdririk Priest, and he is also a spy on the law of destiny. ; The other is the king of storms and natural disasters.”

This was obviously talking about Mi'er and Sheila, and the tone of the Naga priest's voice at the time when the old god was present was so similar to Mi'er who was observing the world line that Hidri couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter. out.

"Sorry." Seeing Asik and Naga Priest turning to look at her, Hidrifa quickly changed the subject, "Well, what about me? Is there anything I can do?"

"In addition to your two companions who can perform special tasks, the later storms will also be accompanied by a large number of Leviathan attacks." Naga Priest replied, "Each Leviathan has a demigod level above Lv. 30 The strength is only due to the upper limit of the magic tide, so it can only display the power of Level 20 at most, but its vitality will not shrink."

"We do not force you to kill or repel these Leviathans. Of course, that is not realistic... We only hope to slow down their attack speed and buy more time for us to activate the magic circle."

So it was equivalent to fighting a large number of demigods at the same time... Asik was silent for a moment, suddenly feeling guilty.

Of course he himself is fine. No matter how many Leviathans there are, as long as his combat awareness is similar to that of the Leviathan BOSS in the game, he will have no problem protecting himself in battle.

However, the girls in the team, except for Paige, do not have the rank of demigod after all. Although Ask has personally led them for more than two years, he can't say with confidence that they will be able to withstand a lot of Leviathan attacks without any injuries.

In the game, that's not a big deal. If you die, you'll be resurrected. But in this world, if you die, you're really dead. If Peggy's death deprivation isn't released in time, she'll probably have to take the path of the undead.

So Aske hesitated a little and planned to discuss it with the girls in the team first.

Near the Moniz volcano, the girls have been teleported from Hearth Island. Huge branches and leaves burst out of the soil, covering everyone around them and blocking the storm.

"...So that's it." Asker introduced the situation, "This is a very challenging employment contract, so we do not require all employees to participate. If you are not confident in your combat ability, you can choose not to participate... "

"No way, no one will really give up this opportunity, right?" Medea immediately mocked.

"Don't play disgusting jokes." Askra took out his long sword and hit Miss Succubus on the head. "Because of the special circumstances, we still rely on voluntary participation. If you don't want to participate, you can raise your hands."

The girls looked at him silently, and no one raised their hands.

"Those who want to participate raise their hands." Asik said in a different way.

Sidrifa immediately raised her hand high, as if the first one to raise her hand would be treated differently by the group leader.

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