Blue Sword

Chapter 780 Everyone has a bright future

Recently, heavy rains on the island have become increasingly heavy, quickly exceeding the carrying capacity of the rivers. The excess river water overflowed, turning Heroes' Harbor into almost a swamp.

Citizens and pirates had to go to Moniz Volcano one after another under the leadership of Naga guards to avoid the water.

A week later, unable to withstand the continuous erosion of the flood, a large number of buildings in Port Heroes began to collapse, and the debris was swept towards the estuary by the current.

Asik, who witnessed this scene, seemed to know why the city of Port of Heroes had not been seen on the island in the mission copy of the original game world.

According to the timeline of the original game world, players should be inextricably linked to the Banshee King’s army at this time!

After the Hero Port withstands the offensive of the storm and the Leviathan group, and activates the magic circle to send the endless maw beast at this point in time to the next future time node, the Hero Port will follow the teleportation away.

As for the traces left by this city around the island, they were naturally washed away by the floods caused by the storm.

Closer to home, after this week of training, the girls’ ability to adapt to air combat has also improved rapidly.

Of course, this is due to their solid foundation. After all, a lot of knowledge in the professional circle has become a systematic and complete plan, from the early stage of positioning, offense and defense, and rhythm control, to the differentiation of combat routes in the mid-term, and finally It is adaptive training in various environments. As long as you can follow the plan step by step, you can almost become a qualified professional player.

As for whether you can reach the top level, it depends on your individual talent.

Among the eight girls, Eleanor is probably the most talented. On the one hand, she is super adaptable to the Unyielding Holy Sword. On the other hand, she has a solid foundation in all aspects and has almost no shortcomings.

However, purely in terms of combat power, it is still slightly inferior to Peggy. Because Peggy doesn't seem to be cheating, but more like a GM, the law of death + the immortal sword + the demigod level, even Asker can't say that he can win with certainty.

But perhaps because the journey has been so smooth, Peggy's own level of tactical awareness is a bit lower than Eleanor's. For example, she has not yet successfully combined the Immortal Sword and Law skills to form a mature fighting style of her own. Law.

Asker couldn't help her in this regard, because he neither knew the law of death nor the phantom sword of immortality, so he could only make some small suggestions occasionally.

If these two are considered level 1, then Mi'er is level 1.5. Having said that, Askew first recruited her into the team for the purpose of recruiting a long-range sniper.

As a result, this sniper evolved and mutated, turning into a summoner profession that focuses on "summoning", which Asik did not expect... Considering that the law of destiny is a rare and powerful law after all, Mi'er's transformation also It's not weak, it can only be said to be unexpected.

The second level is Hidrifa and Mia. After mastering the Ripple Sword, Mia's mobility has surpassed the entire team, and even Asik can't keep up with her speed and reactions.

What Xiao Mia has to do now is to practice her "avoidance control" ability, because when she flashes frequently on the battlefield, the enemy will definitely try to predict her landing point and use control skills to try to interrupt her Ripple Sword. .

Therefore, how to quickly dodge after the enemy casts a skill is Xiao Mia's last shortcoming.

As for Sidrifa...Asker felt like she was running towards a turret-type attack character. She used carnage to set off shock waves from a long distance. After hitting the enemy, she used Annihilation to cause real damage that ignores armor. Malicious locking can reduce the enemy's mobility. Confinement - to put it bluntly, it means turning the enemy into a target and then shooting.

In addition, in terms of equipment, this guy is also the most luxurious in the team. The North Wind Ax can be thrown to freeze the enemy from a distance, and the Navia Bone Fang summons extraordinary creatures to carry out guerrilla attacks, which is equivalent to carrying a weakened version of the arcane frost mage and summoner with you.

What she has to do next is to combine this series of abilities to create the most aggressive and violent fighting style, thereby maximizing the power of the Law of Extinction.

In the battle sequence, the little queen Theodora is currently unfortunately at the bottom. The reason is also very simple. Her style of play basically favors large-scale AOE, which is most suitable for use on battlefields with a large number of people on the opposite side. So far, the Cangqing Sword has rarely had direct head-on collisions with large-scale corps. As for her, she can only learn skills through the acceleration plan, but there are not many opportunities to truly practice optimization.

This battle against the Leviathan swarm provided her with a valuable opportunity for experience.

As for Nora and Medea, one follows the buff stream and the other the debuff stream. They belong to the auxiliary sequence that focuses on treatment and control, but they cannot be compared with other girls.

In short, before he returns to Earth, Asker is confident that he can train them all to a first-class professional level, and at the same time, it will also bring a successful conclusion to everyone's daily relationship in the past few years.

I believe that after I leave, you will also have a bright future.

Asik, who was thinking this way, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Of course, now that Sheila is the weakest in the group, and she has encountered a stormy environment that is suitable for the laws of natural disasters, in addition to the daily training plan, Asker will also take an extra period of time to give individual lessons and guidance to the little princess. .

In the sky a few kilometers away from the sea level of Port Heroes, Asker was still thinking about the team's final development plan, and he was moved for a moment. Sheila slowly gathered her spirituality, and the mithril circuits on her body began to light up, making her as beautiful and holy as a goddess.

All the skills of the natural disaster law are AOE, so the spiritual consumption is more than the skills of other laws. She must achieve more precise control in order to extend her combat endurance as much as possible.

First of all, [Tornado]!

As her spirituality unfolded, five or six cyclones quickly formed on the sea surface, and grew larger and larger, sweeping the underground water into them.

After these tornadoes swept through the surrounding sea area, they had already captured a large number of fish and shrimps in the water. Then Sheila controlled them and moved them closer to the center in front, turning into a giant bloated cyclone.

Then, [Star Drop]!

A meteorite suddenly pierced the thick cloud layer and smashed into the depths of the tornado with lightning speed. While destroying the giant cyclone, it also smashed a large number of fish and shrimps spinning in it into powder.

The third skill [Earthquake] is not convenient to use in this sea, because the sea water will dissolve most of the kinetic energy. So Sheila used the fourth newly learned skill: [Heavy Rain]!

Under the influence of the law of natural disasters, the clouds that had gathered together soon became thicker. The amount of rain that fell suddenly increased several times, making the sea below seem to boil.

The heavy rain over Heroes Harbor has weakened significantly. Because most of the cumulonimbus clouds were wiped out by Sheila's skills before they arrived at the Port of Heroes, so that when they entered the sky above the island, there was almost no drop left.

Asker:? ? ?

Well, I originally planned to let her practice [Heavy Rain] in a heavy rain environment, but I didn't expect that it could help the Port of Heroes alleviate the flood disaster in disguise.

However, his expression quickly turned serious again, because even though the nearby rainfall increased suddenly, making it impossible to see the movement on the sea, his intuition was still keen to discover that some kind of huge danger was approaching from under the sea.

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