Blue Sword

Chapter 784 Looking for Heaven Mountain

Atlanta deep in the ocean.

"From here on, the storm started to get fierce." Priest Chief Larikos stood on the deck and pointed at the increasingly thickening clouds above his head.

"Why are you standing here?" Hidrifa asked curiously from the side.

Larikos:? ? ?

"Otherwise, where should I be?" Naga Priest asked.

"In the water." Hidrifa said matter-of-factly, "Aren't you a Naga?"

I am a Naga and I have to stay in the water. What kind of logic is this! Larikos didn't know how to refute for a moment.

"Hidliba, don't be rude." Ask interrupted her, "We have entered the storm area, and the current below the ocean is turbulent. How can you ask people to go into the water?"

It's the leader who understands the truth. Larikos nodded immediately.

"Hey, but I am a demigod from the Naga clan!" Hildrifa, who was criticized, was still unconvinced and argued, "Are demigods afraid of the turbulent currents on the sea?"


I'm not afraid, but why should I go into the sea and fight against the rapids when I can stand on the deck? why? why?

He couldn't think of anything to say, so he had no choice but to turn to Aske for help to see how the leader could help him.

"Hidliba, what level are you at now?" Ask said kindly, "Are you Lv. 15? Is there anyone in the team with a lower level than you? No? Then why don't you hurry up and level up! "

Larikos opened his mouth slightly, feeling that he could no longer understand human logic.

Sydrifa went back to Hearthfire Island aggrievedly, and glared at Larikos bitterly before leaving.

"Sorry." Ask and Naga Priest said.

"Your team members are very energetic." Larikos certainly wouldn't argue with her and said with a smile.

"To be honest, as long as they can save me some trouble, I'll be satisfied." Ask said, "Oh, I really can't do anything with them."

Larikos fell silent.

To be honest, I'm not familiar with the other girls, but that "Time Weaver"... that demigod is indeed not a law-abiding person, but I'm sure she won't let you know about it when she gets into trouble.

"In this case, I have to start fulfilling my agreement." Larikos said this, and then tied himself to the side of the ship with a rope, and then jumped into the sea.

Water flow perception.

This is a certain sequence ability of the Naga bloodline. Combined with Larikos' own law skills, traces of fate can be read from the water flow.

For example, in the deep pool at the bottom of the Vaniz Crater, he used the pool water to make a map of the Atlanta Ocean, showing the locations of the Endless Gigantic Maw Beast and other Leviathans on Ask. in front of.

Now that the beast with the endless maw has been banished to the future by Mi'er, who has become a demigod, Larikos can transcend its original position, continue to sense the past toward the ocean to the west, and try to map the storm in the depths of the Atlanta Ocean. Regional flow map to come.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters... As the detection radius gradually increases, the speed of distance increase also begins to slow down. But so far, apart from water flow or water flow, there is no huge water flow. Undersea creatures, special terrain or islands.

After more than a month of detection in the heavy rain, Larikos finally lost his composure and went back to the deck to find Asker in a wet state and said:

"Sir Asker. Let me ask you a presumptuous question. Are you really sure that your target is deep in the storm?"

"what do you mean?"

"We have been detecting for more than a month." Larikos considered his words, "We have almost detected nearly 10,000 square kilometers of sea area, and indeed we have not found any islands."

"Is it possible that there is some kind of extraordinary power that blocks your perception detection?" Asik asked.

"Then if such a power exists, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you." Larikos replied.


"That's true." Ask said awkwardly, then went back to the cabin and called Mi'er and Peggy out.

"The situation we are encountering now is that the target has not been found in the nearby sea area." Aske and the two explained, "It may be that simple water flow sensing cannot detect the target, so we need to use more method of investigation.”

"Okay." The two demigod girls agreed in unison.

So Paige started to activate the [Memory Salvage] skill to search the nearby subconscious ocean; Mier also quickly activated the [Destiny] ability, trying to make everyone's fate tend to encounter the target as soon as possible.

The ship bumped in the storm for another week. With the long-term spiritual output, Mi'er finally realized that the [Destiny] skill had been completed.

"Captain, Commander!" She ran to find Asker happily, "My [destiny] has finally been fulfilled! Now, as long as Sir Larikos goes to explore the sea, we will find the target soon!"

Larikos:? ? ?

He himself was dubious about the mysterious effect of the [Fate] skill, but considering that this was an underage version of the "Time Weaving" boss, he couldn't completely deny its possibility.

So he tied the rope again, then jumped into the rapid water, and activated his ability to sense water in the storm.




The sensing range was expanded to 700 meters, but there was still nothing!

Suddenly, Larikos sensed something was wrong.

To be precise, there is no island there, but the position of the water flow is somewhat abnormal: for a certain period of time, seawater continuously pours into that location and disappears; after a period of time, seawater continues to gush out from it.

It was as if there was an invisible pocket that was swallowing.

So Larikos pulled the rope and climbed back onto the deck, pointed in the general direction, and said:

"Go in that direction and go about 840 meters."

"Okay!" So Peggy ran to the cabin.

Soon the ship turned and headed towards the location pointed by Larikos.

After traveling more than 800 meters, the ship anchored again and stopped, continuing to sway in the huge waves caused by the storm.

Everyone had come out of Fire Island and gathered on the deck in the heavy rain. Hildrifa urged Navia Bone Fang to summon a thunderbird and ordered it to fly straight forward.

Then, after flying a certain distance, the thunderbird suddenly disappeared.

"The connection is still there, I'll let it come back." Hidliba said. After a while, everyone saw the Thunderbird reappear, just as Mia's Ripple Sword flashed.

"Well, I also sensed it." Mia pointed forward with some surprise, "There, there is an opening leading to other spaces!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The girls immediately started gearing up, eager to go in and explore right away.

"Then, since the target has been found, I won't stay here any longer." Seeing Asker's gaze, Larikos immediately said goodbye.

"Okay, the current is quite fast when we go back, so please be careful." Asik nodded.

So Larikos nodded, crossed over the side of the ship into the ocean, and quickly dived away towards the east.

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