Blue Sword

Chapter 813 Intermission Three

Taking a vehicle out of the city and arriving at a secret underground base, Asker saw a large number of scientific research instruments, piles of documents, and researchers running around.

And the boss who came from City B to meet him after hearing the news.

I won’t say who they are, but they are all big guys who can be seen on TV, which makes Asik feel flattered.

Next, Mao Zhongwei arranged for a group of expert committee members to come over and ask Aske about the situation in that world in detail.

Although they have obtained a large amount of macro data of the world over there through some means, and based on this data they created the virtual online game Song of Iron and Fire, Asik is a time traveler who has personally experienced it after all. There is more detailed information.

Linguistics professors, sociology professors from major universities, as well as leaders of various important disciplines, government think tanks, foreign affairs departments, and of course Mao Zhongwei's security department, a large group of experts surrounded him and constantly proposed All sorts of questions.

Asker could only be patient and start from Constantinople, describing the time when he traveled through time, how he established a mercenary group, how he ran around the continent and participated in various historical events. .

Of course, there is really no need to mention the emotional disputes with the girls, and any related matters will be ignored.

However, there were a large number of people present, and it was obvious that he was avoiding the important and taking the easy way out. Someone immediately began to ask questions:

"I have a question: Since the Licinius family you mentioned is a well-established wealthy family in Italy and the peninsula, why did Nora's sister meet you in person? Based on what we said before, can we tentatively assume that this famous family Does the girl Nora like you?"

This question was too direct, but the questioner had a business-like attitude, so Asik could not continue to prevaricate and could only nod wordlessly.

"Does that girl named Peggy also like you?" This time the question was from a psychology professor. "Based on your description, this should be a typical psychological process of switching from shelter to attachment."

Ask continued to nod.

"Then Eleanor..."

Faced with these experts who are at the top level in the country in all walks of life, Aske's intricate team relationship was soon fully discovered by them.

"That's great." Mao Zhongwei, who was looking at the interview record from behind, smiled and said excitedly to the director next to him, "This person is really a talent!"

"Indeed." The director also understood the significance of this and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, there is certainly a huge danger involved in rashly getting in touch with a more advanced world. Just like Hawking's warning "Don't contact aliens", you never know whether the other side will bring Zheng He, who will bring trade diplomacy, or Columbus, who will bring massacre and colonization.

However, he couldn't resist Westerners' fear of death, so he directly started the parallel universe project. This thing is like a nuclear weapon. Either everyone doesn't have it. If you have it, I must have it. Otherwise, I will definitely be the one who dies - either by invaders from parallel universes or by hostile countries with technological explosions.

Therefore, although there was some internal opposition at first, under strong external pressure, we could only take risks and launch the project.

And Aske...the appearance of this comrade completely solved the problem that everyone had been worried about:

He picked up all the important women from the major forces on the opposite side, thus becoming a friendly bridge between the two worlds.

"Oh, this is not good." An old professor at the scene sighed, "Polygamy is actually a bit unethical..."

Before he could finish speaking, the comrades from the Foreign Affairs Department next to him couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said:

"Professor Zhang! Different worlds have their own traditions and customs. How can we use the moral values ​​of our world to impose them on the people across from us?"

"They are also monogamous over there, right?" Professor Zhang said in shock.

"That's not the point. The point is this comrade... Well, as long as it's true love, we should support it!" the comrade from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said plausibly.

"Oh, polyamory is currently being discussed by left-wing trends internationally. After all, liberalization of marriage is also a development trend in the future." Another professor from the Academy of Social Sciences said bravely, "It's like feudal ethics. Polygamy, something that was taken for granted thousands of years ago, has now been consigned to the relics of history? There is no need to stick to monogamy."

So everyone agreed against their will and began to discuss the scope of human rights and freedom.

Of course, there are probably not even 1% of people here who sincerely accept polygamy.

However, Asik was too fierce to resist, and several of the girls who liked him were important heirs to major forces in the opposite world.

So, is it monogamy or polygamy? This issue that originally belonged to his private life, but now on the table, has become a question of "whether to maintain friendly relations with one force or with multiple forces."

Unless someone is not good at political thinking, they will definitely choose to “want it all”! Of course your personal family issues are not worth mentioning in terms of national interests.

"Actually, I don't think that's good about this." Asik said with such embarrassment, the expert committee members on the opposite side started to explode and quickly advised him to "stick to true love", "change his mind", "open his horizons" and "not give up". , don’t give up”, it’s just a matter of asking him to “sacrifice”.

The big boss listening above also had a strange look on his face. This topic... actually has no value for discussion. People at their level must be flexible and adaptable to local conditions.

However, this young gay man, probably bound by the moral culture of modern marriage and love, seemed unable to accept it for a while. If he does not accept it, then the subsequent plan will not be implemented.

So soon, another professional and senior team composed of negotiation experts, diplomatic experts, and psychological counselors flew over from City B on an emergency basis.

They were divided into two groups, one going to the base in H city, focusing on reforming Asike, a young comrade with conservative ideas; the other going to his home, with the goal of doing ideological work for his mother.

Old lady, do you want a daughter-in-law? Want to hold grandchildren? How about a few more?


Planet Helel, Year 246 of the Sixth Age.

The Queen of Storms led her troops to conquer Asia Minor for the third time this year. The citizens of Constantinople were all delighted and praised Her Majesty the Queen for her kindness, generosity and caring for the people. They knew that all Solomons were eager to regain their homeland and were willing to voluntarily sacrifice their lives to rebuild the glory of the empire. flesh.

In the next few days, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople arrested a total of 353 people for making illegal remarks, thus curbing this evil trend of satirizing current affairs.

In Achilles' mansion, Peggy was lying on the table in a daze when she suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside.

When she opened the door, she realized that the people coming were the wives of a poor family living in the shack next door.

The other party was wearing a dirty headscarf, holding the family's little daughter in his hand, and insisted on giving her a basket of duck eggs.

"Sir! I know that you are a high-ranking lord in the palace, and I didn't dare to offend you without permission. But my husband was drunk yesterday and discussed current affairs with a group of drunkards who deserved to be hanged. As a result, this morning He was arrested by the church's spies." This poor woman cried and begged as she knelt in front of her.

The little girl next to her didn't know why, but when she saw her mother kneeling on the ground crying and begging, she also knelt down and cried out a few tears at the top of her lungs.

"Although my husband is a rude and illiterate bastard, he is also the backbone of the family. If he dies in the torture of the church, then our family will be completely destroyed! Please, my kind and beautiful Lord like the Virgin, please Please save my husband!"

Paige was at a loss. In the past, when she encountered this kind of trouble in dealing with people, she was usually used to going back to Ask, Nora or Medea to solve it directly.

But they are no longer here.

"Let's do this." Thinking that the other party must have seen Theodora come to visit, so she guessed her identity, Peggy reached out and pressed her shoulders, indicating that she didn't need to beg anymore, "You give your husband's Tell me your name and general appearance, and I’ll go to the church and ask.”

So the poor woman thanked him profusely and told her husband's name and appearance in detail.

Peggy nodded, then went to a nearby church and told the bishop there about the matter.

The bishop who came to meet her was very frightened. After all, this was the most powerful demigod in the Solomon Empire in the East... No, maybe the most powerful demigod in the world, and he was also praised by His Majesty as a "confidant". General Crimson, so there was no reason to refuse, so he immediately found a few armored holy cavalry and took the prisoner out of the dungeon.

Seeing the prisoner limping out, and the poor woman and her daughter rushing to meet him, the whole family huddled together, crying and laughing, and Paige also breathed a sigh of relief.

The reunion after separation is so sweet...

But Aske, when will you come back?

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