Blue Sword

Chapter 820 Propose as soon as you meet!

Ah, this.

What is it like to be proposed to when you first come to another world?

Ask was stunned when he heard this, only to hear Eleanor continue:

"I am your knight, and I have sworn to protect you for life, but your level should still only be Lv. 20, right? Now that the upper limit of the magic tide has reached Lv. 40, there will be many high-level enemies outside... I'm not worried Your safety. If you can marry me, I can better protect you with my power and strength."

"Also, Ask, tell me: do you like me?" Knight Ji grabbed Ask's hand and pressed it on her chest, with a sincere and persistent expression, "If you don't have any love for me, If you like it, then if you proposed marriage just now, just pretend I didn’t say it.”


"Ahem." A certain subtle feeling came to his heart, and he could only say truthfully, "I can't say 'I don't like it at all', but we have just reunited, so wouldn't it be too fast to skip the dating stage and talk about marriage... …”

"Okay!" Eleanor ignored the second half of his sentence and smiled brightly, "Then our wedding will be held next week at the Grand Palace in Aachen!"

Asker:? ? ?

Then he finally realized: from the moment they met until now, Eleanor first showed surprises to resolve the unfamiliarity of not seeing each other for many years, then took his hand and went for a walk, then "casually" talked about being forced into marriage, and finally it was a matter of course. Take the initiative to propose marriage...

This series of actions was so natural that he didn't realize until now that the current knight is not the young knight before he left.

She is a mature woman who has been in power for many years. She is not lacking in skill or experience, and can even take the initiative with skill and skill.

Asik, who was thinking this way, was suddenly pulled by Eleanor on his wrist.

Was pulled into her arms.

As if he felt that this was too bold, His Highness, the first sword holder in the empire, spun lightly, got into Asik's arms, and then captured his mouth with warm and soft lips.

Her blue eyes were full of love, which made Asker feel dizzy. When he was kissed so hard that he couldn't breathe, Eleanor separated from him lightly, and then pressed her face against his. Chest, hugging his waist and whispered:

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I don't want to wait any longer."

"Marry me."


In short, men cannot say no.

Especially when a beautiful woman with blond hair, blue eyes, slim waist, long legs and a high position is loyal to you and is obsessed with marrying you unless you marry her. If you say no... then it can only be explained by not liking women.

When the two returned to the castle, Aske could only say goodbye to Mao Zhongwei and others, because Eleanor, who had been separated for a long time and was newly married, could not wait any longer - she planned to pick up Aske first, and as for these people It is to arrange other routes to Aachen.

"Done?" While Eleanor was talking to Viscount Graf, the other three people quickly came over and asked in a low voice.

Comrade Mao Zhongwei's face was full of inquiry and uncertainty, Academician Shao Gangang was very relieved that "the future generations are to be feared", and Comrade Yu Ziwen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had an expression of faint sadness that "I really have no use for myself."

"To be precise, I was taken care of." Ask said helplessly, "I'm sorry, the harem we agreed on earlier will probably not be opened."

Mao Zhongwei and others' eyes widened:? ? ?

Wait, we are asking you to get her, not you being got by her!

If you are taken care of by her, what will happen to the other girls? ! Especially Miss Nora from Italy...

"Next week's wedding will be held at the Grand Palace in Aachen." Ask said melancholy, "Anyway, I agreed somehow, maybe because I also like her in my heart..."

"What about the other girls?" Mao Zhongwei almost cried. I have been working in the industry for more than 20 years, and I have never encountered such a political task of helping someone open a harem, and this man is actually a pretty traditional man.

"Well, let me tell you." So Yu Ziwen pulled him over and said seductively, "Although I am already married, I also understand that you young people who are not married sometimes have uncontrollable impulses. But Well, sometimes you don’t have to rush to make decisions in life, you can just look at other girls first, right?"

"But I am already sincere to Eleanor," Aske said.

"Being sincere doesn't prevent you from dating other girls." Yu Ziwen continued to persuade, "As for the love between men and women, Mr. Gu Hongming once had a wonderful metaphor: Men are like teapots, and women are like teacups. How can a teapot only come with a teacup?"

"Taking a step back, even if you only have one teacup, shouldn't you choose the best one that suits you best? Marriage is a lifelong event, so you must choose carefully!"

"What you said makes sense, Comrade Yu Ziwen." Aske nodded and said, "But I have already promised her, and I definitely can't go back on it at this time. There is no need to mention it again."

Asker showed a decisive attitude, and the three of them looked at each other, unable to deal with him, and smiled bitterly in their hearts.

After all, this guy is not within the system, so you cannot use the charge of "promiscuous relations between men and women" to get him off... No, it should be "not to have promiscuous relations between men and women"... Wait, the system encourages young cadres to "promiscuous relations between men and women" ?

The three people thinking this way became a little crazy. After all, we are all serious cadres who grew up in the new era, and their style must be reliable. It can only be said that current affairs are so paradoxical. Although this kind of thing should be a complete stain, they are trying their best to persuade each other to taint themselves...

But when we think about the needs of the organization behind us, the expectations of the people, the mission of the times, and the heavy weight on our shoulders, everyone becomes more determined again.

Personal interests should give way to collective interests! Thinking about those ancestors and martyrs who accepted important missions and served as underground workers, in order to blend into the ranks of the reactionary enemies and successfully gain the trust of the enemies, it would be called a bottom line if they desecrated themselves: playing the role of a dog leg, bullying innocent people, and torturing fellow revolutionaries. …What can’t be done? Their hearts were bleeding when they did it!

Compared to them who endure the humiliation and bear the burden, what's wrong with the organization just asking you to open a harem? Want you to bleed?

Of course, Aske was not part of the system after all. Although the three of them had long been aware of it, they could not force him to accept such a concept.

Therefore, everyone could only pretend to accept the reality helplessly, and began to bless Asker and Eleanor's marriage, secretly reaching an agreement:

In any case, this young comrade with conservative ideas must not be allowed to be bound to the Holy Solomon Empire by His Highness!

Of course, not letting him be bound here does not mean preventing his marriage to Eleanor or destroying their relationship. After all, it is good for the Earth to have good relations with the Shinra Empire.

It's just that there is a sense of propriety here. For example, the White Elephant Kingdom of the last century was wandering between the two giant camps of the East and the West. It relied on the so-called "balance" to have both sides, like a fish in water.

It doesn't mean that you can't get close to this person, but it means that once you get too close to this person, you should immediately develop a relationship with the other person to achieve the effect of multiple lines of affection going hand in hand. This is the so-called way of balance.

Since this young comrade doesn't understand, then we can only help him!

The questions will be explained later, there will be sugar, and there will be Shura fields. Patience, patience~

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