Blue Sword

Chapter 834 Greetings after a long absence

Ask felt a little uncomfortable.

If what happened to Medea was because he was drugged; what happened to Eleanor was because he was arranged; then what happened to Mi'er, it seemed that he really couldn't find a suitable excuse.

As an adult male, it is a bit embarrassing in a sense to let a woman take the initiative.

But when Mi'er made a move, his mind was indeed blank for a while. When he came back to his senses...

In short, it is probably the consequence of long-term inactivity, that every time it is time to take the initiative, he is a beat slower than the woman.

With this shot, the dominance changed hands. Although the result has not changed much, the process is more embarrassing.

No, you have to take the initiative!

Asik, who learned from this painful experience, is determined to be a real man and not to be arranged again.

Not long after he made up his mind, as if God wanted to test him, Matilda found him in the Grand Palace.

"Nora is here?" Ask was a little surprised.

"Yes, the Holy Lady wants to see you." Matilda was slightly nervous because she was afraid that if her sister came back and her brother-in-law told her the matter, she might be accused.

However, those luxury goods are too tempting... Ah, no, it's because of Sister Adelaide's request. After all, both parties are sisters, and it's not good to offend either party.

Besides, Sister Adelaide also said that if Sister Sophie really asks questions, she can help me deal with it.

Thinking like this, Matilda mustered up her courage again and said:

"Just south of the city, in Count Siegel's newly built manor, the Holy Lady is already waiting for you there."

"Yeah." Just when Matilda was thinking about what other reasons she should use to convince her brother-in-law if he disagreed, she heard Aske nodded and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll go over now."

"Eh?" This answer caught Matilda off guard, but she soon became overjoyed and said quickly, "My car happens to be outside the palace. Can I take you there, brother-in-law?"

"Is that so? I'm sorry to trouble you."

Not sure why his sister-in-law was so active, Aske simply agreed.


It’s been a long time indeed.

In the back seat of the car, Aske, who was still immersed in his own thoughts, suddenly heard his sister-in-law Matilda curiously ask:

"Brother-in-law, how did you meet the Holy Lady in the first place?"

"Didn't your sister tell you?" Ask replied with a smile, "We used to be in a mercenary team."

"Mercenary group?" Matilda was a little confused.

Regarding the Blue Sword, Eleanor did not keep it secret after she returned, but she had no interest in mentioning it. However, even the few words spoken during casual chat seemed a bit too sensational.

For example, the White Emperor and Scarlet Witch of the Helsingor Empire in the north, the Holy Virgin of Italy and the Vatican, the Storm Queen and Crimson General of the Eastern Solomon Empire, and the captain of the ghost fleet galloping in the Mediterranean... They are all overlords or leaders of forces, controlling the entire world. A demigod with the power of life and death over thousands of people.

Of course, from the perspective of social circles, awesome people naturally tend to hang out with awesome people, and this is understandable.

It’s just Aske, the leader of the group… To be honest, Eleanor has basically not mentioned this name in the past six years.

Occasionally when Otto II mentioned him, she would just smile sadly and say nothing. As a result, Theophano and Matilda, although they knew about this person, thought he was some little person and died early.

How else to explain the situation where everyone else has become famous and you are still unknown?

As a result, this guy had been silent for six years and suddenly appeared and married his sister. Moreover, two major forces, one from the south and one from the north, pointed out that they wanted to snatch this person, so Matilda didn't know what to say.

Damn it, I am also a princess! Why don’t the princes from all over the world come to fight for me?

Asker didn't know the envy and jealousy in Matilda's heart. He just sighed sadly and said:

"Anyway, it's a long, long story..."

With a span of ten years, one or two million words of the story can be written in a novel. Of course, it is impossible to tell Matilda in detail in the car, not to mention that the driver is also in the car.

In short, the car quickly drove to the Siegel Manor in the south of the city and stopped at the reception area inside.

Matilda got out of the car and looked at the newly built manor curiously, comparing it with her family's mansion in the Principality of Saxony.

Asker had no interest in architectural style or garden layout. Because from the moment he came down, his eyes rested on a white figure under the porch in front.

Although the other person was wearing a white robe to cover her figure and a hood to see her face clearly, Asik knew that it was Nora.

Even if Mi'er arranged part of it...but some things still had to be done by himself.

"Nora, long time no see." Asik waved to her.

The white figure was stunned for a moment, seemingly surprised that the other party recognized him at first sight.

After a moment of silence, she took off her hood, revealing soft flaxen hair and a face that was as beautiful as yesterday.

"Well, long time no see, Captain."

Next to her, Matilda opened her mouth silently, then lifted up her skirt quite consciously, and hurriedly walked to the side - the owner of the manor, Count Siegel, was waving to her, telling her to stop being a light bulb. .

Ask followed Nora through the porch, and the two came to a small house at the back of the manor.

The room was quite neatly arranged. To be precise, it was decorated according to the style of the main hall of the manor on Hearth Island, which made Ask immediately feel nostalgic and emotional.

"If I remember correctly, Fire Island should be on your side on the day I left, right?" Ask asked thoughtfully.

"Yes." Nora smiled, pointed to the chair next to the dining table and said, "Sit down."

There are nine chairs at the dining table in the main hall. At first, everyone sat randomly, but later on, they formed a consensus on their respective positions. Nora was pointing to the spot where Asik used to sit, far away from the kitchen.

So Asker sat down in that position, and Nora went to the kitchen. After a while, she brought out a plate of cooked fish, poured with steaming oil, and topped with onions, garlic and crushed peppers. , looks extremely delicious and tempting.

"Ah, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time. I really miss it." Ask said with a smile.

Although in his perception he had only been away for 6 days, of course he would not mention this matter to Nora at this time.

"Take it easy." Nora smiled slightly, placed the fish and cutlery in front of him, and stood beside him with a dinner plate, as if she wanted to hear his comments.

So Ask picked up the tableware and moved a piece of fish into his mouth.

Before he could swallow, he burst into tears.

The citric acid was so strong that it knocked out his teeth, the fish bile bitterness made him want to vomit, and the ultra-thick chili oil that had been simmered for an unknown amount of time. After being stripped of color and disguised as ordinary cooking oil, the mixed and complex smell made him swoon as soon as he took his mouth. I hurriedly vomited it out, tears and nose running non-stop.

"Is it delicious, Aske?" Nora observed his expression with interest and said with a smile, "I call this dish 'Greetings after a long absence'."

"The bitter taste in it symbolizes the pain of waiting for you these past few years; the sour taste in it represents my jealousy when I heard that you and Ellie were getting married; and the spicy taste in it is the first time I saw it just now When I saw you, I had complex emotions filled with anger and nowhere to vent."

"Have you felt my complicated emotions through this dish, Asker? No, or do you prefer to hear other names?" She tapped her chin with her finger, showing a thoughtful look, "For example , Ellie’s husband?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Asker had already started conceptualizing his body, conceptualizing all the horrible taste remaining in his mouth.

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