Blue Sword

Chapter 871 The beginning a few years later

The technological exchange between the Earth and the Holy See finally got on the right track after a few years.

Comrade Mao Zhongwei returned to Earth gloriously and received commendations and awards from the organization.

Comrade Yu Ziwen stayed in Solomon City and served as the first "Ambassador to Romania", responsible for the liaison and communication between the two sides.

Academician Shao Gangang, in turn, joined the Holy See and became an archbishop after the organization approved it. His goal is to learn, understand and master the technical structure of the Holy See's technology as much as possible, and to conduct research for subsequent technical supplementary agreements.

The fourth batch of envoys from Earth has recently arrived at the Holy See, bringing new news to the Earthlings staying here:

It is said that the United States, the United States, Australia, Maple Leaf Country and New Zealand have united to promote the "Antarctic Theory of Another World", claiming that the other world is the common wealth of all mankind, and that one country should not represent the human race on earth alone to negotiate with the other world. conduct any form of negotiation and cooperation.

For a time, other countries responded to express their condemnation and called on a certain country to "return the other world to mankind."

The organization’s attitude is also very simple:

You guys continue.

I don't listen.

Due to the different potential energy points in space on both sides, it takes a lot of energy to send things from the earth to the Holy See, but the cost of the Holy See's return is negligible.

Therefore, the Holy See sent a cardinal mission in advance and began to set up a high-tech development zone in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, with Baoding as the center, specifically for the rapid application of Holy See technology on the earth.

The total project covers more than 1,158 civilian and military-level projects, and the results are expected to be produced within a few months... So in a few months, I can even build a Gundam, and I am still afraid of your condemnation?

Keep calling, my drone hive fortress has been built and will be at your door soon!

Of course, the Holy See does not provide free assistance. Under Nora's introduction and leadership, the cardinals became very interested in the earth.

There are no destructive demonic tides that surge regularly, there are no communities of extraordinary creatures that cannot be killed at all, and there are no extraordinary organizations and demigods that rebel at every turn. The footprints of the scientific camp are everywhere. Is this world... the legendary kingdom of heaven?

Therefore, everyone's willingness to cooperate is also very high, as if they want to use the earth as a backup strategic base. The high-tech development zone in Baoding is called the "Heaven Outpost" by the Holy See, which shows how much they attach importance to it.

In addition to the latest news, the mission also brought with it an important figure.

Ask's mother.

After the two parties have reached a cooperative alliance based on interests, the organization's dependence on Asker is no longer as high as before. Of course, having no dependence does not mean that he is unimportant. Just his status as "the husband of the Holy See" means that he cannot be waited for.

So the Earth side quickly sent the old lady over, and everything that needed to be done was cleared with her in advance. In short, your son has found several girlfriends abroad, and now he has a child. He sent your son over to see the child.

The old lady is very happy. Alas, I even have grandchildren now. I want to go and see them as soon as possible. But as a foreign daughter-in-law, I’m afraid of language barriers!

The organization said again that we have the latest technology here. You only need to stand in a device and learn their language while being teleported. However, your son has so many daughters-in-law there, so you should take it easy here.

The old lady said very openly that I didn't care. Their girls' parents didn't care, so what could I care about?

The person sent by the organization was a little overwhelmed and could only remind her in a roundabout way: These girlfriends of your son are all in high positions, so give her some face when the time comes.

So what if the old lady talks about her high position and authority? My son also won the world championship, isn’t he still my son?

Although the words were very rude, when the people came over, the old lady fell in love with Nora at the first sight in the Licinius Building and insisted on stuffing her with the souvenirs she brought.

"What is this?" Nora asked Aske with a bright smile.

"Dried sweet potatoes," Ask replied.

"Dried sweet potatoes?"

"It's like French fries." Asik didn't know how to explain it.

Nora was unpacking dried sweet potatoes over there, and the old lady here took Askela over and asked her son secretly:

"Which country is our daughter-in-law from? Although she has black hair and brown eyes like us, her nose bridge is quite high! She is so beautiful. When will she take it back to our neighbor aunts to see..."

"Ahem, Mom, Nora is from Italy." Aske said casually.

"Italian!" the old lady said, "I heard that Italian leather shoe makers are very good! What unit is your wife in now?"

"Uh..." Asker thought for a long time, "What kind of organization is the Holy See?", and finally he could only say perfunctorily, "I work in an administrative position in the university."

"Oh. The faculty and staff are good, it's a public institution." The old lady was very satisfied, but she was a little confused, "That comrade told me before coming here that Nora has a high position?"

"Well, more or less." Ask was vague, "Her family is in business."

"Business? That's very rich, isn't it?"

"Absolutely." Ask said.

Fortunately, my mother didn't ask specifically how much it was, and just continued to talk to Nora.

Nora also used the affinity she had honed over the years as a Holy See, and soon made the old lady happy. She looked at her as if she were her own daughter.

Asik has already taken out his son. The two-year-old child has his eyes closed and is still sucking his fingers.

So the old lady began to coax her grandson and asked Nora:

"What's your grandson's name?"

"Mexi." Nora replied with a smile, "I have discussed with him that my son's Solomon name will follow my surname, Maximilino Valencia Licinius."

"Ma...what Maximi?" The old lady was confused by such a long name.

"Of course, the Chinese name is still the same as his surname." Nora quickly supplemented, "The name is..."

Asike happened to receive a call here, so he walked to the elevator and picked up:


"Asker!" Eleanor's voice came from the phone, "I heard your mother is here?"

"How did you know?" Ask was a little surprised, "Did you have an informant in the Holy See?"

"Who hasn't found the source of the information yet?" Eleanor said proudly, "I have come here with little Mike and are now downstairs in the Licinius Building. Come and pick us up."

No, this is too fast, right? !

So Asker could only take the elevator downstairs in a hurry, and saw Eleanor wearing a sun hat, carrying a satchel, and holding her other son in her arms, registering at the front desk.

"What's your mother's impression of Nora?" Eleanor asked nervously as she handed her son to Aske.

"It's good. My mother is easy to talk to." Ask replied.

"How do I look now?" Eleanor took off her hat, straightened her blond hair, bangs and collar, and patted the hem of her dress.

"It's very beautiful." Ask said awkwardly, "But my mother is coaxing Maisie with Nora right now. If you go up now..."

"You just have to go up now!" Eleanor glared at him, "Otherwise, your mother will only have Nora in her eyes, and there will be no place for me!"

Yes, Asik sighed in his heart, now it is my mother who is being favored instead of me.

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