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The water pipe in the safe area has been repaired by half. The psionicist base is actually open to water, but Nie Yi knows that these tap water Qi Jingchen must not be noticed, so he took the bucket and went to the military water supply office. Get water. +++ Cardino read +++

Of course, the military's water supply department has also tap water. Even if there is no water system power supply, people who fetch water can get enough water, but those water system powers are still here.

Although no one knows how abilities are cultivated or controlled, both the military and the abilities think that abilities should use abilities more than others, and those who are water-based will insist on it every day. Supply water at the water supply.

However, they also take a break. For example, at noon, everyone would go to the nearby cafeteria to work and eat. When Nie Yi used to get water, it was noon.

There are no more water in the cisterns where the psionicists release water, and there is only a young psionicist next to them.

"Can you give me some water?" Nie Yi said.

"Yes!" Yu Xuguang responded, and saw Nie Yi holding four vats, and was a little worried: "You want so much water?"

"What's wrong?" Nie Yi asked. The attack of the water ability was very weak in the early stage, but regardless of the attack power, even the first-level ability can release a lot of water if it only releases water.

Yu Xuguang gritted his teeth, and then a small water column emerged from his hand. The water column itself was very small, and after a while, it became a bitter ...

"..." Nie Yi finally understood why this man had a strange face before.

Nie Yi was worried and saw a big beauty coming with a lunch box.

As soon as Yu Yuehui came back, she saw her brother's embarrassment. She immediately reached out and got a water polo filled with a bucket. Then she successively made three water polo **** and put them in the other three buckets. They were full, and after doing all this, she handed her lunch box to her brother.

Yu Xuguang was holding the lunch box and went to eat with pleasure, his face was really useless, so don't show ugliness in the future.

Seeing that the bucket was full, Nie Yi said thanks and left.

When Yu Yuehui waited for him to go far, he kicked his brother: "There is water next to you, you know that your power is not good, just let him go to get water next to him."

"He wants the water from the abilities ..." Yu Xuguang shrank his head, then continued to chop the rice, and after digging out a braised egg from the rice, he was even more surprised: "Sister, there are eggs!"

"Yeah, eggs are cheap today, I got you one." Yu Yuehui said.

"Sister, how about you?" Yu Xuguang asked.

"Of course I have one." Yu Yuehui said, but did not say that she has been eating the cheapest meals these days, and then left all the labor points for food that is resistant to storage.

Now it ’s not before the end of the world. Before their two brothers and sisters, moonlight would not be hungry, but now ... who knows what will happen in the future? Although their abilities are treated well, Yu Yuehui still feels that she should do more preparation.

Nie Yi did not hear the conversation with his sister and brother, nor did he know that he actually remembered that the enemy he was going to kill had actually seen him several times.

He took the water to the Phantom Base, and then found the room that Zhao Chengqi had arranged for him.

He has the ability to cultivate his abilities. Of course, Zhao Chengqi won't treat him badly. Although he didn't give him a high position because of this temporary need, the room arranged for him in this base is very good.

It was a separate room with a separate toilet. There was no bathtub in the bathroom.

"I help pouring water?" Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen with interest.

Qi Jingchen shut the person out of the door, and then slowly took a bath with the water in the bucket. He passed the body with cool water, and the discomfort caused by the fever was much weaker ...

Knowing that he could not take advantage, Nie Yi sighed and went out, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhang Zihai.

Zhang Zihai has washed his face, and the burns on his head have rubbed the ointment, but the image of hair on both sides without hair in the middle still makes him look weird ...

"Sorry Nie Yi, I don't know that person has no power," Zhang Zihai apologized, and then immediately said, "How did you control the power before? Can you teach me?"

"Do you want to learn?" Nie Yi looked at Zhang Zihai. Now he sees Zhang Zihai very unpleasant, but he also remembers some things about Zhang Zihai.

This Zhang Zihai was very famous in his last life, or one of Yu Shuo's opponents, but he died early ...

Seeing that this man is the enemy of the enemy, and also let Qi Jingchen kiss himself, Nie Yi felt that he could let him go, but the necessary toss is still necessary: ​​"I can teach you."

"Really?" Zhang Zihai asked.

"Of course it is true. Actually, General Zhao asked me to come here just to let me teach you this." Nie Yi laughed.

Nie Yi took Zhang Zihai to the playground, and the next time, Zhang Zihai screamed loudly on the playground.

Many of the psionicists here are like Zhang Zihai, thinking that when they return from the task, they will give the newcomer a power. As soon as they return, they see that the newcomer is tossing Zhang Zihai.

If that person just defeated Zhang Zihai, they might not be convinced. After all, although they could not beat Zhang Zihai, they would not lose to him, but after seeing the battle between Nie Yi and Zhang Zihai, they were convinced.

Nie Yi's control of powers was completely unexpected to them, and Nie Yi's powers seemed to be inexhaustible ...

They both adore the strong, and especially hope that they can become stronger. At this time, naturally, there is no plan to trouble Nie Yi, and they just want to ask Nie Yi to use the power.

Because of this kind of thought, the arrogance on their faces disappeared.

Qi Jingchen came out of the bath and immediately saw the situation on the playground. He lay down on the chair next to him and continued to watch Nie Yi pull those people together.

Zhang Zihai was severely beaten by Nie Yi, but Nie Yi was very decent. Although Zhang Zihai was in pain and had a few bruises on his face, he was not seriously injured. Nie Yi also taught him some during the teaching process Things, so he didn't remember to hate Nie Yi, but was very excited.

Not to mention other people, they all saw Zhang Zihai being beaten badly, but in order to learn something, I wish Nie Yi would hit them likewise.

"Nie Yi, you teach us how to use abilities, and we will listen to you later!" The leader of the Thunder abilities and the leaders of the Earth abilities are friends here, watching Nie Yi finish Zhang Zi Zhang Zihai was lying on the ground softly and couldn't move. They immediately walked over.

Nie Yi's powers are strong, and his background is not weak. They will not be able to lose after they follow Nie Yi.

Zhang Zihai didn't pay much attention to the news in the safety zone, but they had previously seen Nie Boyuan's tracing notice and naturally recognized Nie Yi.

"I'm here to teach you this time," Nie Yi laughed. "Only people with strong abilities can learn, so General Zhao gave me a list."

Nie Yi took out a piece of paper from his body. Ten pieces of names were written on that piece of paper. They were the ten strongest people here, and the ten people Zhao Chengqi thought were faithful enough.

Because of this, Zhao Chengqi also ordered Nie Yi several times before, so that Nie Yi must be careful not to let these ten people get into trouble.

The two found their names on it, and they suddenly showed joy. Zhang Zihai, who was slumped on the ground, stood up and looked up. After finding that his name was on it, he continued to slump with joy.

"Go there with me." Nie Yi pointed to a house not far away and motioned to Shao Zhenglan and Jiang Huai to follow.

The place where Nie Yi chose was the former gymnasium of this elementary school. This gymnasium was small. Before that, there was only a small basketball court and a few ping-pong tables. By the way, it was used to store various sports equipment. Now, it has been converted into an indoor area. Fitness place.

After Nie Yi had spoken, he hugged Qi Jingchen where to go first, and the others quickly followed.

"Hey! And me!" Zhang Zihai shouted, he really couldn't get up.

Someone with a good relationship with Zhang Zihai heard Zhang Zihai's words, ran back quickly, and then picked up Zhang Zihai.

"My grass! The last name is Ding, you don't want to live! You **** a princess!" Zhang Zihai scolded.

"Why do you talk so much, isn't that good?" The humane motioned to Zhang Zihai to see Qi Jingchen held by Nie Yi.

"My grass!" Zhang Zihai cursed again. He was a young boy with red lips and white teeth. He was very beautiful when he was held. Can a five-thousand-thick man look at him when he is held?

However, no matter how angry Zhang Zihai was, he was hugged in the past, and when everyone arrived, Nie Yi closed the door here-the practice method of powers is something that needs to be kept secret!

"The powers can actually be cultivated." When these people sat down, Nie Yi said, suddenly, the ten powers who followed were all excited and excited.

Nie Yi didn't sell offenses, and he directly explained the cultivation method of abilities.

"We can't feel our power at all." When Nie Yi finished speaking, there was humanity right away, and they couldn't feel it, how could they cultivate?

"I know, so now if you want to cultivate, you need to use my mental power to enter your mind and guide you through the powers in your mind, which may be a little dangerous." Nie Yi said.

"How confident are you?" Someone asked immediately.

"70%," Nie Yi said.

"I'll try!" Zhang Zihai lay on the ground, and stretched out a hand.

Nie Yili ignored him and instead looked at Shao Zhenglan: "Shao Zhenglan, do you want to try?"

Although Nie Yi said he had only a 70% certainty, Shao Zhenglan passed the many things before and already trusted Nie Yi very much. Now he said, "I want to try!"

Shao Zhenglan used the posture she felt comfortable on the ground, and then Nie Yi held her forehead, and her mental strength slowly entered her mind.

The soil system powers in Shao Zhenglan's mind were very strong and not weak at all, but he just wandered around in disorder, and Nie Yi began to gather them carefully, and finally formed them into a vortex ...

After the vortex is formed, he doesn't need to continue to do anything, and those abilities will automatically start spinning.

"Okay." Nie Yi opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't feel anything." Shao Zhenglan said.

"You can try it next and see if your power recovery speed is fast." Nie Yi said.

When Shao Zhenglan arrived, she began to test her powers. These days, she is often directed by Nie Yi to use powers. She is very familiar with her powers. Therefore, she now discovers the speed of recovery of her powers. It's really a lot faster, and when it's over there it's happy.

Others saw that Shao Zhenglan easily made several earthen walls one after another, and knew that the son of Nie Yi, the head of a safe zone, did not need to lie to them, and he was eager to try it now.

"I have very little mental strength. I can only help with two people today. Jiang Huai came with me. It must be one and the other ... let Qian Mingfeng come. He didn't have a mission today. Energetic. "Nie Yi said.

Jiang Huai has always been accustomed to standing behind people, but this does not mean that he does not want to become stronger. When he heard Nie Yi's words, he was immediately happy, and the others were very disappointed.

However, although they are disappointed, they will not be dissatisfied. After all, they will have a chance next, but it doesn't matter how many days are in the evening.

Nie Yiqi was not tired after combing for Shao Zhenglan, but in order to make these people more grateful, he only helped Jiang Huai comb his abilities after taking a break, and during this time, he didn't waste it. Said some skills using abilities.

Although the psionic powers are still weak, they are not without psionic powers. If they fully focus on what their powers will look like, it is entirely possible to do so.

After helping Jiang Huai's power to swirl, Nie Yi said, "If the wind power is used well, it is a very powerful killing power. You can try using the power. Make it smaller when you can, sending out a blade rather than a gust of wind. "

When Jiang Huai heard this, he immediately experimented. Qian Mingfeng was even more pleased, and then he blew several gusts of wind against the earth wall made by Shao Zhenglan.

However, the two of them worked hard together, and no wind blade appeared. Qian Mingfeng finally gave up and wanted to rest, but he didn't want to suddenly find that the soil wall on the opposite side did not know when a piece of soil was collapsed and a stroke appeared. mark!

That's the wind blade! Although Qian Mingfeng did not know when and how the blade was issued, he did not even know whether it was Jiang Huai or Jiang Huai, but he was still very excited.

Their wind powers have been useless in the base, and now they can finally reflect their value!

Qian Mingfeng happily wanted to jump up, and wanted to try again, but thought of Nie Yi saying that to maintain sufficient power, he was afraid to move more.

Qian Mingfeng didn't dare to practice more, but others didn't matter. Several fire abilities originally tried to make their own fireball bigger and better. At this time, I also learned Nie Yi and started to compress the fireball. If it is smaller, the power will become stronger.

Maybe their control over abilities is not as good as Nie Yi's. The fireball is small and it is easy to miss the target. Therefore, it is more useful to say that the fireball is larger.

Everyone was practicing with enthusiasm, but Qi Jingchen suddenly said, "I'm hungry."

"I have cans here." Qian Mingfeng immediately took out a few cans of meat from his body. These were hidden by him. If he was not too happy now, he would never take them out.

Qi Jingchen was disgusted, Nie Yi coughed, and asked, "Are there any fresh vegetables and fruits? Or fresh meat?" They brought some when they came to the safe zone, but now they are almost finished ... You can't just let Qi Jingchen drink porridge for dinner?

"We can get some kitchens here, and I'll get them right away." Immediately humane.

"Another pot." Nie Yi added.

After a while, the man brought a few vegetables to Nie Yi, and a small piece of fresh pork. Of course, the pot was also indispensable.

Then, these people saw that Nie Yi asked for water power to be present, and then started cooking with a pot.

This ... seems a bit wrong?

"Cooking with fire abilities can practice controlling abilities." Nie Yi said earnestly.

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