When Lu Hao arrived in the team, it was already late, and he could vaguely see the semicircular moon above the sky.

No one in the team dared to get off work, and stared nervously at the door that was closed to Li Wei. The captain had instructed that no one could open the door, nor be touched by Li Wei.

They all lived and died with Lu Hao, and they dared not disobey Lu Hao's orders. I remember one time a team member acted without permission, causing the mission to fail. Lu Hao directly kicked him out of the criminal police team.

It's just that the sound of Li Wei hitting the door was too scary. Now that a bag had bulged out from the middle of the door, Yin Chengtian was also worried that the door might be broken by him at any time.

The eldest Tian Yongyi couldn't sit still. He yelled at Li Wei inside, but Li Wei didn't respond, and instead slammed the door harder.

"I said eldest brother, I told you that he is no longer human. If you don't understand what we're talking about, aren't you wasting your words?" Yin Chengtian and Shi Jin had both seen zombies so powerfully, but the rest of the team didn't. I know, I only know that Li Wei contracted an infectious disease and infected Lin Zhi's family. The details were not disclosed above.

"Xiaotian, have you watched too many movies, how could there be such creatures as zombies?" Tian Yongyi said he didn't believe it, including the gatekeepers behind him, Peng Dong, Xiang Sanjin, and only Mai Wenyang. People expressed their belief, but he did not believe in zombies, but in the words of Captain Lu. Captain Lu said it couldn't be opened, but it just couldn't be opened.

At this time, Lu Hao had already entered the bureau, and a heavy and loud crash could be heard from a long distance.

When Yin Chengtian saw Lu Hao come in, he hurried forward to explain Li Wei's situation.

It turned out that Li Wei was fine the first two days, but this evening, for some unknown reason, he suddenly became irritable. They could only see through the explosion-proof window that Li Wei inside broke free of his handcuffs and ankle cuffs, and looked effortlessly.

Then he started smashing the door with his fists, yes, with his fists. The doors where the criminal police team detained suspects were made of stainless steel, but Li Wei's fist was like a sledgehammer, punching punch after punch on the thick door.

If it was an ordinary person's fist, it would have been smashed by the door by now. But if Su Jin is here, he will know that Li Wei has evolved the ability of the power system!

Looking at the door that was about to be smashed by Li Wei, Lu Hao frowned. He asked a few team members to temporarily hide in the forensic room at the end of the corridor.

He has already experienced the strengthening of Su Jin's Xisui Dan, and Su Jin told him that it is enough to destroy the zombie's brain. So he prepared to go in alone and shoot Li Wei in the head while he was not paying attention!

Shi Jin was the first to disagree after listening to the army team's idea. He was almost bitten by a zombie. He knew the terrible feeling when facing a zombie. It was like facing a beast, no, not even. Worse than beasts!

Yin Chengtian and the other team members also disagreed. How could they let the captain take risks alone?

"You guys, go in! This is an order" Lu Hao had already put on his pistol.

"team leader!"

"Go in!" He was also facing zombies for the first time. If something went wrong, doing so would minimize casualties. It's just, Xiao Jin... Lu Hao smiled bitterly, if something happened to him, she would cry again.

But the training he received since he was a child did not allow him to have the idea of ​​retreating, so after several team members entered the forensic room, he opened the door where Li Wei was imprisoned with the key, and then quickly flashed in!

At this time, Li Wei had just completed his evolution, and he hadn't eaten since he became a zombie. After realizing that someone came in, he immediately rushed in the direction of the person.

Seeing this, Lu Hao rolled and ran to the farthest corner of the wall from Li Wei. He was about to shoot Li Wei, but Li Wei's reaction was surprisingly quick. He actually ran over quickly and kicked the gun in Lu Hao's hand to the ground.

He is conscious! ! !

Lu Hao didn't care about being surprised, he could only fight with his bare hands with Li Wei, who was mad and excited in front of him!

Lu Hao finally understood why he was able to smash out such a thick door with a big bulge. Li Wei's fist was so powerful that he didn't pay attention, and he punched Li Wei abruptly in the chest. He believed that if his body had not been strengthened by Xisui Dan, he must have been pierced by this punch at this moment!

Must fight fast!

Su Jin said that zombies have no vision, but rely on hearing and smell. So Lu Hao grabbed a chair beside him and threw it in the opposite direction.

The sound of the bench hitting the wall successfully attracted Li Wei's attention, but it was only for a moment.

Lu Hao just took advantage of this moment to pick up the pistol that Li Wei had just kicked out and shoot at Li Wei's head.


Li Wei fell in response.

Lu Hao turned pale, stood up, and looked at Li Wei's body on the ground to make sure he was dead.

Several team members in the forensic room heard gunshots, and the sound of the fight just now stopped.

"Let's go, the captain must have done it." Yin Chengtian couldn't wait to open the door and ran out.

Seeing this, several other people also ran towards the room just now.

"Captain, you are too good," Yin Chengtian said happily.

"Fuck, is this Li Wei?" Tian Yongyi asked in surprise, looking at the corpse on the ground.

"We told you that you still don't believe it, believe it now, he is no longer human," Shi Jin said, leaning on Tian Yongyi's shoulder.

"Put on your protective clothing and immediately seal Li Wei's body so that no one can touch it. Yin Chengtian, you should apply for the cremation of Li Wei's body immediately, and ask for it as soon as possible!" Lu Hao ordered.

"Yes, Captain!"

Lu Hao left after explaining.

"Why did the captain leave in such a hurry, he had to supervise us in person before," Guan Shouzhong asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense, you had a fight with such a disgusting person, you didn't want to take a shower immediately, stop chatting, hurry up and work you guys"

Several people didn't see it, when Lu Hao turned around, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Hao felt that his body was about to burn. From his lungs to his stomach, it seemed that he was being scorched by the fire. He returned home with heavy steps.

Su Jin heard the sound of the door and ran over immediately. Seeing the pale Lu Hao, he was taken aback.

"Lu Hao Lu Hao, what's wrong with you, you're injured?!" Su Jin wanted to touch him to see where he was injured, but Lu Hao pushed her away and threw a pistol from his waist. Su Jin.

"Xiaojin, I was scratched by Li Wei. If I become like that later, you can use it and hit this." Lu Hao pointed his finger at his temple.

"Lu Hao, why are you going on an adventure, why don't you wait for me to go with you?" Su Jin cried.

"It's my fault, don't cry, this time I'm sorry for you again" Lu Hao felt very distressed when he saw Su Jin's tears. He wanted to wipe Su Jin's tears with his hands, but he had no strength at all, and he couldn't even lift his hands.

Gradually, Lu Hao closed his eyes. After all, he still lost her.

After Lu Hao closed his eyes, he actually still had some consciousness. He heard Su Jin's cry, and a cold little hand kept stroking his forehead.

The lungs are still burning, and the whole body is burning. Suddenly, a trace of coolness seemed to intrude from his limbs, gently and tirelessly extinguishing the fire in his body until he felt better and fell asleep...

Su Jin brought the unconscious Lu Hao into the space. When carrying Lu Hao into the space, Lu Hao's body was hot, Su Jin felt that Lu Hao's body temperature must be at least forty degrees, or even higher!

He had to be cooled down.

Su Jin took Lu Hao to the side of the creek, filled the creek with the wooden bucket from last time, and put Lu Hao in it. Next, she noticed the wound on Lu Hao's waist. The wound was deep, but it didn't turn black.

This is a good phenomenon, it shows that Lu Hao's body has not been eroded by the virus!

Su Jin was pleasantly surprised, released his own healing vines and wrapped them softly around Lu Hao's body, concentrating on treating Lu Hao.

The treatment process was very long. She has no sense of time now. She just noticed that the water in the wooden bucket had become hot. She was so frightened that she quickly changed another bucket of water.

Fortunately, she doesn't need brute force to change the water, she just needs to use her mind to move the water away, and then move the new water over.

Until the water stopped getting hot, Lu Hao's body finally stopped being hot.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Hao's wounds had been healed by her, but she was still grooming Lu Hao's body with his wood-type abilities.

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