British Civil Servant

Chapter 149: Portuguese Goa

On the question of the ownership of the Saarland, the London side has indeed not come up with a unified opinion. On the one hand, on the one hand, Germany has provoked two world wars in a few decades, and London has morally expressed its understanding of France's actions.

But at the same time, Britain is also afraid of changing the balance of power between Germany and France, resulting in France's dominance in Europe. This is in conflict with the mainland's equilibrium strategy, and the idea of ​​​​stirring is so entangled and hesitant.

As a member of the gentlemen, Alan Wilson can also understand this kind of entanglement. After all, there is Charles de Gaulle in France. In the end, it must be the pursuit of political and military independence. If the Saar region is merged into France, it will face a problem because of the annexation of the Saar region. France, which has greater industrial strength, may not be able to play the UK.

France must be more difficult to deal with than the Federal Republic of Germany, which has a bunch of occupying forces at home. That is why Britain hesitated on the issue of the Saar region, expressed a moral understanding of France's proposition, but refused to publicly express its support.

However, the final solution to the problem in the Saarland region evolved into the European Steel Community. France and Germany revolved around the issue of the ownership of the Saarland region. Considering the future of Europe, France and Germany felt that it was necessary to establish a common market for coal and steel. The idea of ​​creating a common market for coal and steel is also known as the "Schuman Plan".

Later, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg signed, and since then the key industrial sectors of the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany were placed under the common management and supervision of the six countries, which brought peace to Europe At the same time, the European coal and steel joint venture has also become the embryonic form of the European Union.

But now the UK has no plans for any steel community. Although this meeting is also held by six countries in Brussels, the focus is on colonial issues. The share of the European economic recovery plan is not without, but it is far less important than the colonial plan.

Finally, in the face of Nino Bertrand's questioning, Alexander Cadogan kicked a ball and said that he should ask the opinion of the Americans.

This meeting was held in the name of the European Reconstruction Plan, to avoid the participation of the Americans, and at this time, the British Empire's Permanent Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs reminded the Americans again.

Said that without the approval of the Americans, this matter would be very difficult to do. Getting the recognition of Americans requires constant mediation and communication, which may not be effective in a short period of time.

Finally, he turned the topic to the colonial issue and said, "The Dutch are in a hurry now, the native elites of the Dutch East Indies have declared their independence, Nino, needless to say, you and I both understand that this is a very dangerous sign. "

"This is a very dangerous sign!" Coincidentally, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, who was walking in the garden of the Belgian Royal Palace, said the same thing to Georges Pidouer, the Foreign Minister of the French Fourth Republic , also mentioned the changes in the Dutch East Indies, "Europe's interests in Asia have been manipulated by the Japanese. If it cannot be stopped, it may cause irreparable harm."

"Yes, Paris also believes that this is a harbinger of the collapse of the order, and it must be dealt with merciless blows." George Pidour gave Ernest Bevin a very gratifying statement, expressing France's uncompromising attitude towards colonial issues .

This is exactly the attitude that London hopes for France, and the attitude of France to resolutely suppress, which is beneficial to the British Empire. Ernest Bevin also heard in yesterday's report that Alan Wilson expected the French to return to Vietnam as soon as possible. .

The advantage of this is to look at the determination of the colonies to become independent. If France can't do it, it will definitely need some help from the UK. British Malaya can become a base for France to fight in Vietnam and drive local economic development. Similarly, the Dutch repression of the Dutch East Indies also had this benefit.

Georges Pitouille was a French resistance leader in World War II. During the war, he started the resistance movement in the south and published underground publications.

Soon served as a leading member of the battle and established ties with Free France. In Lyon, he was commissioned by Moulin to form a news and press bureau, specializing in publishing news about the domestic resistance movement, promoting the unity of the resistance forces of all factions, and supporting de Gaulle as the leader of the resistance movement.

Knowing that this person is the current French foreign minister, Alan Wilson knew that he was stable, and assured Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin that the French would definitely show a tough attitude on the colonial issue, the reason given by Alan Wilson Yes, George Pidour was a French leader who grew up in the midst of war.

But in fact, it was because, after the establishment of the Fifth Republic at de Gaulle, Algeria was finally chosen to be independent, and George Pidouer established the National Council of Resistance, and together with General Sur Saran, advocated terrorist activities to prevent Algeria from becoming independent. And went underground, declaring the de Gaulle government illegal.

In the end, because the conspiracy to subvert the Fifth Republic was smashed by de Gaulle, Georges Pidouer began to live in exile.

Such a person is now the foreign minister of the interim government, how could France not show a tough attitude on the colonial issue.

The six-nation conference was officially held on the second day. Delegations from the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal entered the venue. The British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevan, delivered a speech on the opening of the conference, This is an era of reconciliation. We must focus on the future, seek common ground while reserving differences, and look back on the past. It is precisely because European countries lack a kind of unity and tend to use force to solve problems when solving problems. The world war, and hopefully this Brussels meeting, is the beginning of European unity."

There is no doubt that modern society was built by Europe. The British Foreign Secretary is relatively modest. He did not say that it was built by his own country, but mentioned the contributions of other countries. As for the two countries on the Iberian Peninsula, Only the contribution of the Great Voyage Age can be mentioned.

This meeting was able to find Spain, but also from the perspective of maintaining the unity of the colonial empire.

You must know that after the Spanish-American War, the Spanish Empire became a stepping stone for the United States to enter the world stage with a new attitude, the Spanish colonies were almost lost, and only a limited colony of Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea remained.

The Spanish colony is now the bottom of the six countries in the Brussels Conference. Not to mention England and France, not as good as Belgium and the Netherlands, or even far worse than his neighbor Portugal.

Portugal's current colonies are mainly in southern Africa, and the area is larger than the Belgian Congo and the Dutch East Indies.

Not to mention that the current ruler of Spain is still Franco, who was ambiguous with Germany during the war.

In fact, Franco in Spain and Salazar in Portugal should, strictly speaking, be liquidated as an alliance of Germany and Italy. However, Germany had already lost the war at this time. Considering that Britain still needed the support of the two countries on the colonial issue, it sent an invitation to the Brussels meeting.

The British Empire is still strong, and its relations with Spain and Portugal are relatively harmonious, even if Gibraltar in Spain is still occupied by the United Kingdom, and it has never been planned to return it.

In fact, Germany did formulate a plan to attack Gibraltar, but the wily Franco would not risk the fate of the country in this war. Moreover, after years of war and chaos, Spain's industry was withered and its strength was weak, so it was really not suitable. Involved in an all-European war.

And in the meeting with Hitler, Hitler, who was famous for his speeches, was at a loss.

The two little comrades Franco and Salazar are young after all, and their mistakes are not unforgivable. This is the current attitude of the British Empire towards Spain and Portugal. Maybe when you can still count on Portugal and Spain to act as thugs when Britain has no scruples.

In fact, the Brussels Conference this time is no different in nature from the Berlin Conference in 1884. It was only at the Berlin Conference more than 60 years ago that European countries divided and occupied the colonies.

This time, the Brussels meeting was at a time when the future was not clear, to discuss how to keep the vested interests in hand. The most powerful colonial empire, the British Empire, also put down its arrogance and was willing to sit down with other colonial powers. It is not an easy thing to discuss together.

In principle, the heads of state expressed their solidarity with each other on the issue of colonies, the easiest to reach consensus on.

When the leaders move their mouths, the diplomats of various countries will run and break their legs. The leaders of various countries set a principle of unity, UU read www.uukanshu. Under this premise, the com diplomats began to negotiate around preserving the order of the old era.

When Alan Wilson was speaking, he greeted the Portuguese representative and said, "Mr. Olivia, it's a pleasure to meet you, I have been to Goa, and I have been fascinated by the beauty of the place, it is really a good place, I Great relationship with local commissioner Pedro."

"Thanks to the British Empire for respecting Goa's sovereignty." Olivia responded positively, "As we all know, the military power of Portuguese Goa would not exist today without the goodwill approval of the British Empire. ."

"The British Empire has always respected the rights and interests that Portugal should have. We are gentlemen in the civilized world." Erin Wilson expressed her friendliness with a reserved face, and then changed the subject, "But some people may not agree. It's not like we are so talkative, people from these backward areas are really incomprehensible."

Alan Wilson did not expect that at this Brussels meeting, it was not the impatient Dutch who sought support first, or the French who were inspired to return to Asia first, and the first issue that caused discussion was the issue of Portuguese Goa.

However, this question, which is a professional counterpart to Alan Wilson, can be said to give him room to play.

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