British writer

Chapter 122: Groupies

Lu Shi copied the last two paragraphs of Gorky's "Petrel\

,"Gorky is like a treasure.

He asked, "Can Professor Lu repeat it?"

Lu Shi nodded,

"Let me read it in Russian."

After finishing speaking, he recited the last two paragraphs of Haiyan. His voice was full of arrogance and fearlessness, which was very in line with the temperament of this song "Haiyan".

Gorky was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Professor Lu to speak Russian so standard.

He hastened to record.

Bernard Shaw asked: "Mr. Gorky, do you need to revise?"

Because he couldn't understand Russian, he was a little curious about Lu Shi's level.

Gorky shook his head again and again,

"No need! Professor Lu's sentence 'Let the storm come more violently!' is shocking enough, and any modification will be a waste of time. This prose poem will definitely inspire many people."

He bowed deeply to Lu Shi,

"Many thanks."

This "Haiyan" is originally Gorky's work, but the change of the world line makes it incomplete.

Lu Shi picked up the wisdom of others, but he couldn't stand the other party's thanks.

He waved his hands again and again,

"It would be nice to be able to help."

Gorky couldn't help but took a deep breath and said, "Of course it can help. Our cause is just and we will definitely succeed."

It was true to say so, but he still couldn't help looking at Lu Shi with searching eyes.

Lu Shi smiled and didn't answer.

Gorky was curious,

"Professor Lu, you are a master of history and you know Russian. Do you know something about the current Russia?"

Lu Shi said: "The industrial crisis that began in the last century has spread to Russia. Various enterprises have closed down and tens of thousands of workers have been fired. This is the premise for brewing the fire. What's more, serfs and students are also supportive. What will happen later, there is no need to use history as a mirror.”

Gorky will ask again,

Lu Shi shook his head, signaling to stop talking.

George Bernard Shaw interjected at the right time: "It's still a while before we arrive in France. Does Mr. Gorky play cards?"

Gorky replied: "No."

He raised the hardcover notebook in his hand,

"Go back and sort out the manuscript."

Lu Shi and Bernard Shaw didn't say anything to stay, they waved goodbye and watched each other's back disappear in front of the cabin door.

Afterwards, Bernard Shaw heaved a sigh of relief,


When he turned to land,

"Will there be any problems? You added those two lines, which sublimated the whole "Petrel"; "Petrel" was sublimated, and "The Melody of Spring" was also sublimated. With the tsar's dictatorship, it is very likely that Mr. Gorky persecuted."

Saying that, Bernard Shaw shivered,

"Won't be beheaded?"

Hearing this, Lu Shi was also taken aback.

But he quickly regained his composure and said, "That's impossible. Russia is rather peculiar, and people are usually exiled."

The exile in Tsarist Russia was very miraculous,

A certain legend even had the experience of being arrested 9 times, exiled 7 times, and fled 8 times.

As for why I ran one more time,

Because it failed the first time.

Bernard Shaw said: "That's good~ that's good, I'm really afraid that the two of us will fool people for a while, and they will disappear."

Lu Shi couldn't help laughing,

Soon, he put on a serious expression again, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Gorky's choice will not become more firm just because of what we say casually, let alone be shaken."

Bernard Shaw nodded, and then showed regret,

"I wanted to ask him to fight the landlord together, but now it seems that the two of us should play chess."

The two returned to their cabins and continued playing chess.


The ship arrives in Calais.

George Bernard Shaw, Lu Shi and Gorky went to Paris together,

There, they will go their separate ways.

Weary all the way,

The three of them finally arrived at the train station, carrying huge suitcases to the square in front of the station.

Bernard Shaw said: "Mr. Gorky, let's leave now. The French Academy should send someone to pick us up."

Gorky saluted, then held Lu Shi's hand tightly,

"Sansheng is lucky to know Professor Lu."

Worship is revealed in words.

Lu Shi was numb to the admiration of writers from all walks of life.

After traveling, he has seen many famous people, and he knows that they are not the cold and alienated, or the tall and upright gods in the textbooks, but ordinary people, with two eyes and one nose, eating whole grains, and being trapped by emotions and desires.

Lu Shi said to Gorky: "Mr. Gorky doesn't need much..."

Before the words fell, a young male voice came from behind: "The two are Professor Lu and Mr. Xiao?"

He speaks English with a French accent.

Lu Shi frowned slightly,

Although the French have an arrogant side, they are not so ignorant of etiquette.

Didn't the other party see that he was saying goodbye to Gorky?

Gorky was also a little annoyed and snorted coldly.

When Lu turned back,

I saw a young man in his early twenties walking quickly, waving his hands and saying, "Professor Lu, Mr. Xiao, you are finally here!"

Lu Shi asked, "You are?"

young man smiles,

"I am a student of the French Academy, and my name is Lucian Fisher."

Lu Shi was a little confused when he heard the name.

The surname Fisher should have originated in England,

In the early days, people living in the English countryside were born with only one name,

At the beginning, the population of each settlement was not large, and this method of naming did not matter, but after it developed into a big city, the probability of having the same name increased linearly.

In order to distinguish, people will add occupation after the name,

For example, Fisherman John, writing John the Fisher, later evolved into John Fisher, that is, John Fisher.

And the young man in front of Lu Shi spoke English with a taste of the suburbs of Paris.

Definitely not British!

Bernard Shaw on the side was British, so he reacted faster and asked, "Mr. Fisher, are you a British immigrant?"

Fisher was stunned for half a second, then nodded,

"Yes! That's right! That's it!"

Definitely triple.

This way of speaking seems very suspicious.

Lu Shi, Bernard Shaw, and Gorky subconsciously exchanged glances, faintly feeling that something was wrong,

The three remained silent.

Seeing that they didn't express their views, Fisher said, "Three gentlemen, uh... who is this?"

He was asking about Gorky.

Lu Shi leaned close to Gorky and whispered for a while.

Gorky shook his head,

"That's all. Professor Lu, Mr. Xiao, let's say goodbye~"

He took the box and turned to leave.

Fisher touched his nose in embarrassment, and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen. Professor Lu, Mr. Xiao, please follow me to a nearby cafe for a short break."

Lu Shi didn't move,

"Mr. Fisher, which college are you from?"

"I'm currently attending the Academy of Inscriptions and American Letters," Fisher said.

Inscriptions refer to the words carved on buildings, steles, medals, badges,

It is characterized by being short and concise, and its purpose is to last forever, so it is necessary to repeatedly scrutinize and refine the content,

Therefore, "inscription" is extended to rhetoric.

Meiwen is a typical French word, meaning pure literature.

Bernard Shaw on the other side asked, "Mr. Fisher, what direction are you majoring in now? Greek? Latin? Or Eastern languages?"

Fisher coughed lightly,

"I mainly study history."

This answer was somewhat unexpected.

When Bernard Shaw turned his gaze to Lu, he said in a low voice, "It's your domain, don't lose the chain."

Lu Shi looked at Fisher,

"Go, let's talk while walking, just go to the cafe you mentioned."

Hearing what he said, Fisher's whole body relaxed a lot, and the muscles that were tense just now also relaxed.

He walked across the train station,

"Very close."

The three walked side by side.

Lu Shi asked curiously, "Mr. Fisher, why did you recognize me at a glance?"

Fisher said: "After I read your "Guns, Germs and Steel", I was amazed by your academic views, so I tried to collect your works and reports about you. I am in the "Manchester Guardian" "Saw your photo on."

Fortunately, he can recognize the blurred clarity in the newspaper.

Lu Shi said, "You are in France, and you actually read "Guns, Germs and Steel"?"

Fisher nodded his head,

"Yes, I am a believer in modern historiography."

Bernard Shaw sneered and said, "Young people nowadays are like this. They are easy to change their banners. They say 'I am a believer in XXX' at every turn, and 'I firmly believe in XXX' after a few days."

This remark sounds a bit harsh.

Lu Shi knew very well that Bernard Shaw was not this kind of person, and he might have the purpose of provoking generals by acting like this.

Sure enough, Fisher was a little annoyed,

"Absolutely not!"

His tone was full of excitement,

After all, he was young and was easily provoked by Bernard Shaw.

Lu Shi asked: "Then tell me, what are the characteristics of modern historiography?"

Fisher immediately said: "First of all, Professor Lu's "Guns, Germs, and Steel" has consulted a large amount of information. This alone is beyond the reach of ordinary historical researchers."

History is in a process of rapid change,

In the first half of the nineteenth century, there were few historians who could consult extensive archives.

Lu Shi smiled and said: "I believe that within twenty years, the use of original data will inevitably become the basic skill of historians. What you said is nothing."

Fisher is still unconvinced,

"Professor Lu's monographs cover politics, economics, culture, geography, biology...there are so many subjects covering everything, how can the information be so easy to search?"

That's right.

Because Guns, Germs, and Steel was first published in March 1997,

At that time, the libraries of universities in the United States had computer-aided indexes.

It was impossible for Lu Shi to explain this, so he smiled without saying a word.

Fisher was slightly dissatisfied, but quickly suppressed this emotion, reminding himself repeatedly:

What is in front of him is the famous Professor Lu, the founder of modern history, why should he be admired by others as a little-known college student?

He continued: "It's not just about checking the data, the key is the method of narrating history. If you can see the past history just by studying the historical materials, then what do you need historians to do? Just find a group of proofreaders to sort out the documents directly. Publish it."

Because of the urgency of speaking, Fisher's English was mixed with some French words from time to time.

George Bernard Shaw persuaded: "You first arrange the words and sentences before you speak."

Fisher could not help but blush,

"Feel sorry."

Bernard Shaw waved his hand and said with a smile, "However, what you said coincides with Lu's point of view."

Lu Shi, who was on the side, agreed: "All kinds of documents are just tools for historical research, and the analysis, induction, and conclusion based on these things are the most important. If you only pay attention to various historical materials and details without knowing how to use them, you will become a Letting go of the root and chasing the end."

Fisher blushed,

"Sure enough! I knew Professor Lu would say such things!"

This young man is obviously a groupie, and he regards Lu Shi as an idol.

Once fans become fanatical, they can do anything, even games like imprisonment and bondage are not impossible.

Lu Shi slowed down, staggered his position with the opponent, and kept a distance.

Fisher was still excited, and continued: "I said that those who support the Rank School, one or two, are all fools."

Lu Shi: "..."

Bernard Shaw: "..."

Neither of them knew what to say.

The current Western European historiography is dominated by the Rank School, and even Theodor Monsen, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, was deeply influenced by it.

The main point of view of this school is "direct writing according to facts".

Lu Shi said, "Mr. Fisher, what you said is a bit exaggerated."

Fisher was stunned,

"Professor Lu, your point of view is clearly contrary to the Rank School."


Lu Shi was speechless.

The great development of the Rank School took place at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. In modern times, its concepts have long been used in different forms to irrigate the development of historiography.

In any modern university, if you ask a graduate student of the history department whether he is a fan of the Rank School, the other party will definitely think that the questioner is a fool.

It's not the world view of martial arts novels, why bother to fight?

Lu Shi asked, "What do you think the school is?"

Fisher scratched his head,


Was beaten to the blind spot of knowledge.

Lu Shi explained: "The so-called 'school' is not a structural entity, but a factor that promotes the progress of research. In the school, although the researchers have commonalities, their previous foundations and directions are not very clear. same."

This was hard to understand, and Fisher was completely stunned.

Bernard Shaw on the side sighed deeply,

"Young man, Professor Lu said something real, but you didn't catch it. You can't blame him. You're useless if you're given a chance."

Fisher couldn't argue with that.

Lu Shi continued: "Don't talk about those illusory things, just talk about the Rank School. Although it does have the disadvantage of relying too much on historical materials, its achievements in eliminating the false and retaining the true and recreating history cannot be denied. History is therefore... um..."

Lu Shi stopped talking.

They had crossed the street and stood in front of the cafe.

Fisher graciously invites,

"Professor Lu, let's go in and talk."

Lu Shi waved his hand, swept his eyes across the street, and said, "Just wait a moment, the person I'm waiting for should... ah, here it comes!"

Fisher followed his gaze,

On the other side of the street, two French patrolmen came running quickly, each holding batons in his right hand.

Behind the patrolman was a white French man in his thirties who was out of breath, his face was paler than his skin color, and he looked like he was going to throw up at any time.

It's all like this, and he still didn't forget to shout to Lu Shi: "Professor Lu! He is not a student of the Collège de France! The Collège de France is a research institution with almost no students!"

Fisher suddenly realized,

" did this happen!?"

He turned to run.

As a result, the patrolman had already held his shoulder, and said loudly, "I'm going to catch him without a fight!?"

At the same time, the French man also ran over,

"Professor Lu...Hoo...Professor Lu, Mr. Xiao, I'm...ahem..."

Lu Shi interrupted: "Be patient first, don't vomit."

man waving,

"It's okay, I won't vomit, I... vomit!"

Lu Shi hurriedly dodged.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not vomit, just put his hands on his knees, bent over and retched.

A patrolman next to him said: "Don't worry, sir, he will definitely not vomit. He ran over just now, he vomited three times, and he couldn't pour anything out the third time."

Lu Shi was speechless, thinking that this buddy had vomited cleanly.

The French man took a few deep breaths, calmed down his heartbeat, and said, "Professor Lu, I am Romain Rolland. I was supposed to pick you up at the train station today, but unexpectedly..."

Roland's eyes fell on Fisher,

"Who are you? Say!"

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