British writer

Chapter 154 Please let me become your teacher!

the next day.

Tower Bridge Park.

In the drizzle, a young painter about thirty years old sat behind his easel, staring at the blank canvas with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

His plaid coat is stained with paint, and he has a paintbrush across his middle and a pencil stuck diagonally behind his ear. He looks like he is ready to create at any time.

This man is Piet Cornelis Mondrian,

That is Piet Mondrian.

Mondrian took a deep breath,

Tower Bridge Park is a very suitable place for a spring stroll. The flower beds and grassy areas give off the breath of spring.

It's a pity that industrial pollution gives the river water a faint odor.

At this time, a bell rang behind him.

Mondrian turned around,

I saw a young man riding a bicycle towards him, saying hello in English with a loud accent: "Pete, haven't you started writing yet?"

You can tell he's Russian just by the accent.

Mondrian nodded,

"Well. Vasily, why are you here?"

Wassily Kandinsky,

If the junior high school art class was not occupied by the main subject teacher, most people would have heard of Kandinsky's name in their sleep or while absent from work.

He is the founder of modern abstract art in theory and practice.

This "founder" is even more valuable than Lu Shi's "founder". You can tell by looking at his works.

"On the Spirit of Art\

,""On the Question of Form\

,""Point, Line to Surface\

,""On Concrete Art\


These essays are a revelation of modern abstract art.

Of course, Kandinsky in 1901 did not yet have such a theoretical level;

He hasn't even developed his own painting style yet.

On the contrary, Mondrian was already somewhat enlightened.

At this moment, his inability to do anything on the canvas is the best proof.

Kandinsky said: "I decided to walk more, if possible, to North Africa."

Historically, he graduated from the Munich Academy of Fine Arts in 1900 and became a professional painter. However, it was not until 1903 that he began his trip to Europe and North Africa, where he inspected the development of modern art movements in various countries.

The world line has undoubtedly changed again.

Mondrian was confused,

"You're actually going to North Africa? Then why are you coming to London all the time?"

Kandinsky spread his hands and said: "I told you before, I want to meet that magical Lu~ It must be extraordinary to have a painter like Monet draw illustrations for novels, and even deliberately adjust the painting style. place."

This is actually the reason why Mondrian came to London.

Before, the two of them had been to Paris and tried to visit Monet.

But Monet didn't bother to pay attention at all.

It is indeed impossible for a successful and famous painter to meet a little-known minion, otherwise he will appear to be too unworthy.

Who would have thought that the two of them came to London and failed to see the landing?

Lu Shi's reputation in London was greater than Monet's reputation in Paris.

Kandinsky sighed,


He reached out and took out a piece of paper from Mondrian's painting folder, preparing to spread it under his buttocks.

As a result, Mondrian snatched it away.

"What are you doing? This is the Mirror!"

Kandinsky looked at the ground, which was wet from the rain, and said, "You're just going to let me sit down like this?"

Mondrian complained: "You don't have to sit down. Or..."

He stood up, walked to the bicycle where Kandinsky was leaning next to him, held down the seat with both hands, twisted back and forth, and actually removed the bicycle seat.

"You can sit here."

Kandinsky’s head was full of black lines,

"What the hell... I rented a bicycle!"

He was so angry that he pushed Mondrian away and sat on the other side's round stool.

Mondrian didn't panic at all and sat on the bicycle seat.

The two stared at each other.

After a while, Kandinsky said: "Peter, have you decided? Should you go to the School of Crafts and Entertainment or the Royal College of Art?"

Most people would definitely choose the latter.

But Mondrian was different. He now wanted to meet Lu, and maybe he could be "enlightened" like Monet.

He said: "The College of Technology and Entertainment. I heard that that college has plans to merge into the University of London Alliance, and Lu is a visiting professor at another school in the University of London Alliance - London Economics and Political Science. I might be able to meet him. to him."

If Lu Shi had been present, he would have felt even more stressed when he heard that a highly respected painter in later generations had to rack his brains to see him.

Kandinsky shook his head speechlessly,

"Weren't you at the National Academy of Arts in Amsterdam? Is it really appropriate to go to the School of Crafts and Entertainment?"

The implication is that this method of school selection is backwards.

Only by going to the Royal College of Art can I meet the experience of "people go to higher places".

Mondrian shrugged,

"The College of Arts and Crafts is very good. I got a job opportunity just a few days after I arrived."

Kandinsky had long heard of this;


Mondrian chuckled and whispered: "In those comics... hehe... the person who came to me for painting was a noble lady who didn't know much about painting but was full of feminist ideas. Therefore, I can be free when painting. Play around, try different styles.”

Kandinsky had an image in his mind of a stupid lady who was stupid and had too much money.

He asked curiously: "Feminist ideas?"

Mondrian replied: "You know "Jane Eyre"~"

"I understand~"

Kandinsky shook his head and whispered: "Not only women's rights, but also a woman who likes to bravely pursue love... Uh... why are you blinking?"

He found Mondrian blinking wildly behind him and turned back subconsciously.

A man and a woman were walking in front of me...

There is also a cat.

The man has an Asian face, but is not short in stature, and looks handsome.

Moreover, he was wearing a very exquisite windbreaker, and the wiring on the clothes was very delicate. It was expensive at first glance.

The other lady is very young and girlish,

Her clothes were even fancier.

But this man and woman are not the most eye-catching.

Even more eye-catching is the cat,

The cat was as fat as a pig, and was wearing a sack as a pet raincoat. A rope was tied around its neck, but it didn't struggle at all.

The other end of the rope was in the man's hand.

Kandinsky muttered: "The men are so well-dressed, they must be foreign students from the Qing Dynasty. They are very rich~"

Mondrian rolled his eyes at him and spoke word by word: "You've read all those newspapers in vain? That one is Lu, Professor Lu Shilu! The other lady was commissioned to create comics. Miss Margarita.”

Kandinsky:! ! !

It’s okay if Margarita isn’t a stupid eldest sister.

Lu Shi is so young! ?

It was not that Kandinsky had never seen Lu Shi’s photo in the newspaper, and he even knew that Lu Shi was not that old.

Just thinking of a literary giant with numerous works, he could not help but feel that he had assumed the image of a respectable, steady and reliable middle-aged person.

Lu Shi also noticed the two of them.

He asked Margarita: "Your Highness, is that Mr. Mondrian?"

Margarita shook her head,

"The other one. The one on the bicycle saddle."

Lu Shi: "..."

He is worthy of being a pioneer of geometric abstract painting, and even the seats he sits on are full of the atmosphere of performance art.

Mondrian also realized the embarrassment,

He stood up quickly,

"Professor Lu, Miss Margarita."

Lu Shi let go of the cat walking leash and shook hands with the other party.

As a result, I let out a "meow~", ran to the easel, jumped up and made a few wet paw prints on it with my paws.

Lu Shi was embarrassed,

"Mr. Mondrian, please forgive me."

Mondrian waved his hand and smiled at us,

"It can draw better than me."

My generation: "Meow~"

The little guy was pacing proudly.

Lu Shi picked it up and placed it on the edge of the flower bed nearby, then turned to Kandinsky,

"Who is this?"

Kandinsky introduced himself: "My name is Wassily Kandinsky, and I am a painter who has just graduated. Professor Lu, I came to London just to visit you, but I had no connections, so I was ready to give up. Unexpectedly... …”

He felt that he was extremely lucky,

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes.

And Lu Shi also felt that he was extremely lucky.

Kandinsky and Mondrian, both of whom are famous in the history of art, can achieve financial freedom by buying any of their paintings and keeping them in modern times.

Lu Shi asked curiously: "Mr. Kandinsky, why do you want to visit me?"

Kandinsky chuckled,

"Professor Lu can influence Mr. Monet's creative style. Of course we painters want to meet you."

Influence style?

Lu Shi was a little confused after hearing this.

After reacting for a long time, he suddenly said: "Oh... I just asked Mr. Monet to help me draw the illustration of "The Country Teacher", it's nothing."

Shente Meow’s “nothing”!

You know, Monet alienated himself from other Impressionist painters after 1880. He built a small garden in Giverny, lived in it and created in his own style in darkness.

To be able to ask him to come out and even change his style to draw illustrations is an outrageous thing in itself.

Moreover, it is rumored that Monet gave Lu Shi a painting of "Water Lilies".

If that were the case, it would be even more outrageous.

Kandinsky coughed lightly,

"Professor Lu, you are really... really..."

Don't know how to evaluate.

Mondrian glared at his companion, and then asked: "Professor Lu, are you here to see me? Why?"

As he spoke, he shook the Mirror and spread it on the ground.

"Please sit down...ah no..."

Mondrian pulled Kandinsky up and asked Margarita to sit on a small stool and Lu Shi on a bicycle seat.

He himself sat on the newspaper.


I feel like cursing people.

Lu Shi didn't realize the subtlety of the atmosphere at the scene, and said to Mondrian: "I heard from the princess... ahem... I heard from Miss Margarita that you are the artist of the "Jane Eyre" comic?"

Mondrian nodded,


Lu Shi took out the comic, pointed to a page and asked, "What were you thinking when you created this part of the ghost?"

Mondrian leaned over and took one look, and his heart dropped.

He secretly thought that Lu was nothing more than that.

He said: "Professor Lu doesn't know something. This is a genre called 'Expressionism', which is more advanced than Impressionism."

At this point, Mondrian felt that his words were a bit harsh and quickly said: "It's normal that Professor Lu has never heard of it. This genre just appeared this year and has made bold innovations in many aspects such as composition, techniques, lines, and colors. "

Lu Shi fell into deep thought,

"It only appeared this year..."

Mondrian asked cautiously: "Professor Lu, do you feel bad?"

Lu Shi shook his head,

"No, I feel fine."

Mondrian:? ? ?

Kandinsky:? ? ?

Both of them were confused.

Lu Shi continued: "I can see that expressionism focuses on expressing inner emotions and ignores the description of the form of the object, so it is somewhat distorted and abstract. But this method is very suitable for expressing fear."

Mondrian and Kandinsky looked at each other,

"You said it so well!"×2

in unison.

Kandinsky said sincerely: "Your summary can even be written directly into the paper."

Margarita chuckled,

"Professor Lu wrote "Serials, Is It Really Not Suitable for Writing Novel?" and "A Brief Discussion on Narrative Conspiracy and Mystery Works", which are very close to academic writing. And "Guns, Germs and Steel" is even better than a thesis. All excellent.”

There was pride in her voice.

Lu Shi changed the subject and said, "Mr. Mondrian, you must have fully read the original text of "Jane Eyre", right?"

Mondrian nodded,

"Yes. Miss Margarita gave me the plot of the comic, but I think that for some expressions, I still need to look at the original specific content. For example, the devil painted here, the original text is 'the black monster with horns on its head' , standing alone on the rock, overlooking a large crowd surrounding the gallows.'"

A Dutchman can recite it directly in English,

Clearly, he worked hard.

Lu Shi nodded,

"Now that you are familiar with the original text, the next thing is easy to explain."

He pointed to the comics,

"Do you think there is a connection between the eight-frame creations? If there is a connection, where does this connection come from?"

This question made Mondrian a little confused.

He said: "The connection certainly comes from "Jane Eyre". Jane saw the lone rock and broken ship in the illustration, and then imagined that the two moored ships were ghosts on the sea, and the terrifying black monster with long horns stood alone on the rock. above."

Lu Shi raised his hand to interrupt the other party.

Then he asked: "Then, without referring to the original text, and just reading your comics, can I understand which ones are reality and which ones are imagination?"

Mondrian smiled proudly,

"Of course, because I used expressionism."

Lu Shi: "..."

He didn't even know how to complain about the other party.

Kandinsky came close to Mondrian and whispered: "Pete, readers of comics have not received any professional art training, so how can they understand expressionism? They can't see it."

Mondrian: "Ah this..."

He was at a loss.

Lu Shi said: "Because comics are static and cannot draw all the content, readers must rely on imagination to piece together what is happening between each frame of the comics. Therefore, a special technique is needed to connect the 'stillness' of comics with readers." The imaginary and undrawn 'movements' merge."

This is actually about storyboarding.

It's just that there is no such word yet, and Lu Shi doesn't dare to make it up randomly.

Mondrian was surprised,

He didn't expect that the comics he despised could be so good at it.

Moreover, this method of relying on pictures to give the author imagination seems to be also applicable to the innovation of expressionism.

Mondrian pondered: "Then what should we do? Rely on realistic painting methods like the Hague School?"

The Hague School is a group of painters in The Hague, Netherlands.

This painting school is considered to be the continuation and development of the Dutch realist school of painting in the 17th century, so there are many realist styles that spit out lifelikeness.

Mondrian's inspiration was The Hague School.

Lu Shi shook his head,

"No, no, with the painting techniques...well...I'm trying to think of how to describe it."

He couldn't help but think about his words,

After a while, he walked to the river, pointed to the Tower Bridge in the distance and said: "Try to imagine that I am holding a camera in my hand and taking pictures of the Tower Bridge from here. What is the picture?"

Mondrian was puzzled;

"Uh... isn't it Tower Bridge?"

Lu Shi nodded, pointed to the center of the river and continued: "Suppose there is a stationary boat there, and I stand on the boat and take pictures of the Tower Bridge. What do I get?"

Mondrian was a little anxious,

He could sense that Lu Shi was talking about something very important.

However, with his talent and experience, he didn't understand.

He replied: "It's still Tower Bridge, but a closer Tower Bridge."

Lu Shi nodded, pointed under the bridge, and asked, "If I take pictures of the Tower Bridge there, what will I get?"

Mondrian said: "It's iron cables, piers, and steel girders. Of course it's still the Tower Bridge, but it's closer than the last time."

Lu Shi chuckled,

"So if I put three photos together, what do they capture?"

Mondrian wanted to answer "Tower Bridge\

,"But he knew very well that this could never be the correct answer.

On the contrary, Kandinsky on the side spoke up.

"It's a moving ship."

As soon as these words came out, Mondrian understood immediately, and his eyes shone with a light like enlightenment.

He said: "So that's it! So that's it!"

Although none of the three photos captured the non-existent ship, considering the change in the relative position of the lens and the Tower Bridge, it is not difficult to imagine that the photographer took continuous photos on a ship that was gradually approaching the Tower Bridge. Three photos.

Lu Shi said: "Put these three photos together, no one will read them in the wrong order, right?"

Mondrian nodded slowly and murmured:


Lu Shi chuckled and said: "Actually, there are many ways to guide readers to understand comics through lens changes. For example, the sequence of events just mentioned, and then there are changes in observation angles, relationships between things, rhythm and emotions..."

Before he finished speaking, Mondrian suddenly said: "Professor Lu, please let me become your teacher!"

Lu Shi:? ? ?

"What are you talking about? I can't draw!"

Mondrian said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can guide me conceptually! Please let me become your teacher!"

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