British writer

Chapter 166 Your grandpa is still your grandpa


White Star Line London Branch.


Foreman Kleiner threw the tool bag aside and called everyone to come over and rest.

"Stop it! Come and have lunch!"

As he said that, he kicked the butt of a worker who was still riveting.

"Stop telling you to do it!"

"Yes, yes! Listen to Boss Clay!"

The worker who was kicked quickly put his tools aside.

Everyone gathered,

They wiped their sweat and discussed,

"What the hell! Those bastards don't know what they are thinking. They said they are going to build some kind of Orin-class ship with a displacement of 40,000 tons. Isn't that nonsense?"

"Hey! Maybe it can be done? Just imagine, a ship that can accommodate more than 2,000 people!"

"That has nothing to do with us! According to their plans, the name of the ship seems to be 'Titanic', which sounds unlucky! If it sinks, White Star will definitely go bankrupt, and maybe it will be completely acquired by Cunard of Liverpool."

"There's nothing to worry about. We have to wait at least five years before construction can begin~"

There was no end to the quarrel.

Kleinel was a little annoyed.

"Don't be too pushy. Today is the serialization day of "Lord of the Rings". Please call Nansen over quickly and ask him to read to us."

"I go!"

Some workers immediately responded to the call and ran away quickly.

Kleinel stretched and took out his lunch box.

Inside were several slices of toast, toasted to a crispy texture. The edges of the toast were neatly cut off, and then divided into four strips. There was a layer of light yellow and white attachments on them, which looked like the remains of fried eggs, exuding... Slight eggy smell,

Under the toast, there were several pieces of smoked fish and half a sausage.

The little worker next to me came over,

"Boss Clay, your wife's craftsmanship is really good."

Kleinel's face turned dark.

"Want to lick food again?"

The little worker chuckled, pointed at the toast and asked curiously: "What is that?"

Kleiner glared at the other party,

"You're a bastard but you still have some conscience. If you dare to ask me for sausages or smoked fish, I'll kick your legs off."

As he said that, he handed over the toast,

"Just treat this as a snack. I'll reward you~"

The little worker smiled more innocently,

"Thank you, Boss Clay."

He took the edge of the toast, lifted it under his chin, then raised his head, ready to put it into his mouth.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside,


The little worker was startled and the toast edge fell to the ground.

He hurriedly bent down to pick it up, blew off the dust on it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Kleinel Fire Avenue on the other side: "What the hell is going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came over to report: "Boss, it seems that the people from the flour mill next door are causing trouble. They put the cannon into the iron barrel and lit it."

Firecrackers in the flour mill! ?

Clennell doesn't understand dust explosions;

But as a front-line worker, he is fully aware of the dangers of doing so.

"Fxxk! Those bastards are dying!?"

Workers' News reported: "I don't seemed like something happened to them, so they all swarmed out of the factory."


Kleinel couldn't help but gasped and muttered: "A bunch of psychopaths!"

After saying that, he picked out a piece of smoked fish from the lunch box, wrapped it in toast, put the fish bone directly into his mouth, and then chewed it.

The large pieces of fish steak were chewed, making a "click-click" sound.

Just then, Nansen arrived.

While taking off his glasses and wiping his sweat, he said: "Today I counted a number four times before I got it right. It was too late."

As he spoke, he took out the "Mirror" from his body,

"I'll start right now."

Kleinel waved his hand,

"Hey, please have some snacks first."

He was referring to the toasted sides covered in egg wash.

The workers nearby also took action and put their lunch boxes in front of Nansen.

"Eat something!"

"I have some vegetable leaves mixed with ham. I don't like eating them."

"That's right, read it when you're full!"

Nansen nodded silently.

Workers always use the simplest way to repay his kindness of reading newspapers.

He was used to all this, but he still couldn't help but be moved when he encountered the same thing every Wednesday at noon.

This was also the reason why he was willing to go drinking with Kleiner on May Day.

He said: "I will eat first and flip through the newspaper to familiarize myself with the content. Otherwise, I will encounter unfamiliar words and get stuck."

Kleiner nodded and said, "That's okay. It just so happens that we take the opportunity to eat our food first, so that you don't have to read a novel there. It would be very rude to you to eat lunch while we are there." "

Nansen couldn't help but laugh,

"Boss Clay, do you still know how to be impolite?"

Kleiner glared at the other party,

"Okay, hurry up!"

He began to eat his lunch without hesitation.

Nansen grabbed a piece of toast, chewed it carefully, and then started to read today's "Mirror".

As a result, before turning to the novel page, he was stopped by the interview page.

He couldn't help but frown,

"Your Majesty the King?"

With his mouth full, Kleinel asked vaguely: "Dead?"

"Pfft! Cough cough cough cough..."

Nansen coughed violently and said, "What!?"

Clennell shrugged.

"I heard that the current king lives a very unscrupulous life and likes women very much. It is not incomprehensible if he really suffers from some disease."

Nansen: "..."

I'm too lazy to refute.

He shook his head,

"It's okay, this is just an interview, talking about education."

Kleiner asked: "Primary school? Compulsory education? Can my son go to it?"

Seeing that his eyes were full of expectation, Nansen really didn't know how to answer. He was thinking about how to change the topic and glanced at the interview page without focus.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped,

"This is... what is this?"

Kleiner said: "What happened to you? You were shocked."

Nansen said: "Boss Clay, do you have any impressions of the Tap Valley case? The case of the railway workers' strike?"

Kleiner tilted his head and thought for a long time.

"No, no impression."

I don’t blame him for this.

Even if we don’t talk about the global scale, just talking about the UK, there are too many similar incidents.

What's more, the Tafu Valley case happened in 1900.

Nansen frowned for a moment,

"I...I'd better read it to you. I feel that this interview is more meaningful than "The Lord of the Rings"."

Kleiner was speechless for a while.

What he was most afraid of was Nansen using words like "meaningful" and "connotative".

It's so elegant that it's too clutter-free.

But he still cheered and said, "Okay, just read it."

Nansen nodded,

"You must listen carefully."

Reporter: Hello, are you... No, please introduce yourself.

Andersson: My name is Kretier Andersson. I'm a railroad builder...well...I'm a railroad worker, but I haven't had a job for half a year.

Reporter: I noticed that your left leg...

Anderson: Yes, my left leg is broken. A stone fell at that time...

When Nansen read this, Clennell waved his arms somewhat fiercely and shouted: "I remember! I remember! The Taft Valley is in Wales, right? South Wales! This case is because of the tunnel collapse!"

These words reminded everyone.

Various discussions followed,

"I also remembered that the river and canal were 1,900 yards apart, and there was a valley in the middle. The project was very complicated."

"Ah, is that a tunnel construction project?"

"Although often referred to as a 'tunnel,' it is technically a long sloping railway bridge, half down and half up the mountain."

"You understand this?"

"I don't understand, but my brother is a railway worker. He once said that this job is very difficult. No wonder it collapsed due to improper use of explosives during backfilling."

With all the talk, they have basically restored the full picture of the cause of the incident.

Kleinel nodded to Nansen,


Nansen said: "Brothers are right. So, I just skip the part you know?"

Everyone nodded together,

"Yeah, okay."

Nansen continued to read.

Reporter: So, that leg was broken by a stone?

Anderson: So... well... it was actually crushed by... um... rocks. Because there was no rescue, it was... I don't know how to put it. Can this be considered breaking?

Reporter: Are you saying that you have been waiting for rescue for a long time?

Anderson: Yes.

Reporter: The conditions are very difficult, aren’t they?

Anderson: There is water, but no food. Xiao Qiao bit off his toes in a daze because he was so hungry, but I think he ate the grass and had hallucinations; Bull could always find mice to eat, but we didn't know he used them What method? Long is very good at coping with hunger. He always jokes that he is a beef knee bone without meat...

Reporter: That’s it.

Clennell: "Okay."

Everyone couldn't help but be quiet.

The young worker gritted his teeth so hard that he chattered and asked, "Boss Clay, are these all true?"

Kleiner glanced at him, his eyes full of coldness.

This look is the best answer.

Suddenly, someone said: "Those people in the flour mill suddenly went crazy and fired off firecrackers. Could it be because of this?"

The possibility is very high.

Kleiner was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "I remember there is paint behind the safety door. Get a wooden board and write something on it."

The workers looked at each other,


They looked at Nansen.

Kleiner shook his head seriously and said, "Don't drag Nansen into the water."

Someone said: "But we don't know how to write."

Kleinel snorted coldly,

"Can't write 'Fxxk!'? Can't write 'Shiit!'?"

Everyone understood.

Isn’t it the ultimate bad mouth?

Of course these words do!

Several workers ran toward the safety door in search of paint.

There was another moment of silence,




Kleiner looked at Nansen and said, "There should be more in the back, right?"

Nansen nodded,


"Just finish reading it," Clennell said.

Nansen turned his attention back to the interview page of the Mirror.

Reporter: So, you went on strike because of this?

Anderson: No. There are many such things on construction sites, and we are all aware of them. We're on strike because Barrie...ah...we work for the Barrie Railroad Company. We are on strike because Barry refuses to pay pensions.


Anderson: What's wrong?

Reporter: Please continue.

Anderson: Well, who would have thought that would happen. We went on strike for pensions, but ended up having to compensate Barry instead. They actually found the king...

Reporter: It’s the court, not the king.

Andersson: Anyway, they wanted to sue us, saying that our strike caused losses to the company. We didn’t get the pension, and we might have to lose money as a result. Alas, this...

There is no need to read the following content.

Kleinel clenched his fists, looked in the direction of the security door, and said, "You guys! Are you ready!?"


The workers came back carrying the planks.

Sure enough, the words above are all very short but very discreet.



Highlight a principle:

If you can curse people, it is absolutely unreasonable.

Kleinel looked at Nansen,


Nansen took off his glasses and interrupted: "I'll go too!"

Kleiner said: "You must not go! We have a few young men here, you have to keep an eye on them!"

Nansen couldn't help but be stunned.

a long time,

"I see."

He knew clearly that the boss was talking about those twelve or thirteen year old children.

Kleinel waved his hand,

"Everyone else, follow me!"

A group of workers walked out of the factory.

As a result, they were not alone as they imagined.

On the street, there is a sea of ​​engine oil, carbon black, work clothes, and construction hats.

Countless workers are pushing forward.

Someone shouted: "Boss! Boss Clay! Where are we going?"

Kleinel shook his head,

"have no idea!"

He directed his workers: "Don't look around, lift the board as high as possible!"

The worker shouted, “Yes!”

Clennell looked around;

Flour mills, lumber mills, gas companies, carriage unions...

There are everyone,

There are many brands, all of which are better than the shipping company's "Fxxk!" and "Shiit!" 'high.

Kleinel Fire Avenue: "Pan! You little brat, stop lifting the board! Give the board to the tall guy! Let him put our big carving 'Fxxk!' into the mouths of those masters."

As soon as these words came out, rude laughter immediately echoed around him.

They walked forward together.

On the roadside, several patrol policemen were hiding in the dark,

The patrol captain leaned against the street lamp, took out a cigarette and lit it casually.


He let out a sigh of relief.

Next to me, a young patrolman asked: "Sir, do we want to do something?"

The captain sneered,

"What do you want to do?"

A rhetorical question would be too much for a young patrol officer to do.

The captain sighed: "Use your brain and think about it, is it the turn of small soldiers like us to die in this kind of thing now? I think it would be better for our Prime Minister to die. And..."

As he said that, the captain secretly squeezed the "Mirror" in his hand.

"Some people deserve to die."

None of the other patrolmen said a word.

The captain put the cigarette holder into the mouth of the young patrolman who asked the question, and then said: "Okay, today is a day off. Let's go back now and wait until we come out at night to check the street lights and so on."

After saying that, he took the lead and left.

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