British writer

Chapter 169 Grandmaster

In Lu Shi's office,

People gathered.

Cooper and Scott stepped forward and each punched Lu Shi on the shoulder.

Scott said: "Okay! You boy! The Prime Minister's resignation was not leaked to us at all! If it is really Balfour who takes the position, then Cecil should be the last nobleman to preside over the work of the government."

Cooper added: "It is also very likely that he will be the last prime minister to openly support imperialism."

The Queen dies,

Cecil resigned,

Media practitioners all have a feeling——

The sun in Great Britain is slowly setting.

The two of them were not polite to Lu Shi, and each moved a chair to sit down, then poured themselves tea.

Scott said: "I think it's Bucker who's really annoyed, right?"

Everyone snickered at the same time.

The Times, a staunch Conservative supporter, was not aware of Cecil's ouster,

This incident can already be described as a slap in the face to Chi Guoguo.

But the current trend must be only temporary. Everyone knows that it is just an expedient measure by Balfour and Cecil. The purpose is to keep a low profile as much as possible during the transfer of power and avoid getting into trouble.

Lu Shi stretched his waist.

"Everyone, I have something to inform you."

He told me about the invitation from Harvard.

Scott muttered: "You are so proud that you actually worked for the Vice President of the United States. However, considering that the Vice President is considered a slacker in the American system, it is not difficult to accept it."

A fact recognized by American political circles:

The vice president is the least understood, most derided, and most ignored position in the federal government.

There is even an American humorous joke:

"Once upon a time, there were two brothers. One of them went off to explore the sea, and the other became the Vice President of the United States. Since then, no news has been heard about these two brothers."

It can be seen that this position is indeed useless, similar to the modern workplace transparency.

So professional politicians often don't have much interest in this position.

In the American TV series "House of Cards", there is a scene where the vice president resigns and "returns home" to run for governor, which is evident.

Lu Shi said: "Mr. Vice President should be a Harvard graduate."

Everyone nodded in agreement,

They could think of no other possibility.

Scott stretched,

"Sigh... You don't know how troublesome this period of time is. Fortunately, the general strike has only affected London so far, and people in Manchester can still stabilize their hearts. Otherwise, there will be problems with the printing of our newspaper. It's finally over~"

Cooper asked: "What about the Mirror?"

Before Lu Shi could say anything, Scott rushed to answer: "There must be no problem with "Mirror". Lu is a completely good person. His people have ridiculously high salaries, long rest periods, and even signed employment contracts. , the hourly rate is agreed in black and white.”

Cooper spread his hands,

"I know! We prepared the printing plant of "Mirror", didn't I know?"

Scott couldn't help but be curious: "Then what else do you ask?"

"Does this have anything to do with pay?" Cooper said.


Scott was also asked.

Indeed, the labor movement has never had anything to do with the level of wages;

People hold demonstrations just to complain to their "brothers and sisters". How can they be bribed so easily?

The two looked at Lu Shi curiously.

They also want to know the secret to controlling workers.

Lu Shi didn't care.

"If you have seen the contract I provide to the workers, you will know it. I give them good treatment, but I also stipulate some restrictions."

He didn't want to say more and changed the subject: "The series of "The Fellowship of the Ring" is coming to an end. What do you think?"

According to common sense, it should be followed by the second part of "The Lord of the Rings"——

"The Two Towers."

But when Lu Shi asked, Cooper and Scott knew that Lu Shi had his own ideas.

Cooper is very smart.

"Lu, you are the boss, you decide."

Lu Shi said: "What do you think of "I Am Cat"?"

As a result, before Cooper and Scott could express their surprise, Natsume Soseki accidentally dropped the cup in his hand to the ground and said excitedly: "Lu! How did you..."

Lu Shi raised his hand,

"They say 'it takes ten years to sharpen a sword'. Your book "I Am Cat" has been revised and revised again and again, and it's time for it to be released."

Natsume Soseki was still a little unsure, scratching his head and saying: "But Mr. Wood from the Royal Publishing House said before that the Japanese background of "I Am Cat" is difficult to work in the UK. You agree with this, don't you?"

Lu Shi nodded,

"So you need to do some localization."

Natsume Soseki pondered, as if he was considering whether his strength was enough.

Lu Shi said: "I'm not asking you to change the content of the novel, but I'm asking you to make the original work for the comic and slightly adapt it."

He plans to serialize the novel and comic versions of "I Am Cat" at the same time.

Scott immediately said: "It's brilliant. "I Am Cat" is created from the first-person perspective of a cat. If it is created into a comic, it will definitely be more eye-catching than "Jane Eyre", and it will not be a problem to surpass "Yellow Child"."

With his words, Natsume Soseki felt confident.


Lu Shi said: "Then the matter is settled. I will go to Goldsmiths College and contact Mr. Mondrian."

Goldsmiths College of Crafts and Entertainment.

Piet Cornelis Mondrian held the brush in his hand, facing the river, and slowly started writing,

The dark ink spreads on the rice paper,

It didn't take long for a ghost-painted talisman to be created.

When some students passing by saw his paintings, they couldn't help but snickered and started talking about it.

"What a weirdo!"

"I think so too. This person has already become famous through "Mirror", so why is he still engaging in these so-called creations~"

"It's weird to learn painting. Isn't there a new Spaniard who came here recently?"

None of them could understand Mondrian,

Why should we study Chinese painting when we can already make money from comics.

Mondrian sighed,


Put down the brush.

At this time, another young man came over and said,

"Pete, what's wrong?"

The visitor is none other than Pablo Picasso.

Because they have the same pursuit of abstract art, the two quickly became familiar with each other after meeting.

Mondrian said: "Chinese painting is really too difficult. The brushwork requires flatness, roundness, length, weight, and change. Forget it. Black ink is divided into five colors: burnt, thick, heavy, light, and clear. It is simply incomprehensible. ah."

He lowered his head and looked at his palms,

"The only good thing is that this ink is easier to clean than paint."

Picasso laughed,

Then, he put on a serious expression and asked: "Is Chinese painting really possible?"

Mondrian said: "Definitely! I asked Miss Margarita to ask about Professor Lu's life experience. He came to study in the West and could not draw, but he was so proficient in comic lens techniques. The only possibility is that he was influenced by Chinese painting. Influence."

Picasso thought about it and agreed with this view,

It is not that there was no communication between Eastern and Western painters;

For example, some of Van Gogh's paintings were based on Japanese Ukiyo-e and Chinese meticulous paintings;

Monet even collected some Japanese clothing, umbrellas, fans and other handicrafts. He once painted a full-length portrait of his wife wearing Japanese clothing.

Moreover, Monet's series "Water Lilies" exhibited at the World Expo has some banner images that are reminiscent of the long scrolls of Chinese paintings.

Mondrian said: "Unfortunately, I still see too few Chinese paintings."

He turned to Picasso,

"And you?"

Picasso said helplessly: "Me? I came to London just to meet you and learn new perspective techniques, but you were kind enough to tell me that it was Professor Lu's idea. So, aren't I waiting for you to introduce me to it?"

As he spoke, he set up his easel next to Mondrian.

Goldsmiths College has this name mainly because of the trade guild of goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelery craftsmen.

Therefore, the design major of this school is more famous, and the students of painting art are in the minority.

The two of them could paint all day without being disturbed.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a shadow fell on the two people’s paintings.

Picasso turned around and found an Asian man standing in front of him.

Moreover, this Asian man was well-dressed, and even had a silver pocket watch chain on his button. The carvings were extremely luxurious, and he looked like he was no ordinary person at first glance.

Picasso poked Mondrian in the arm with his elbow and said: "Pete, someone is coming!"

Mondrian smacked his lips,

"Stop talking! Didn't you see that I was painting rocks? They all say that the most difficult thing in Chinese painting is rocks."

He didn’t look back when he spoke and continued to fight.

Picasso was embarrassed,


The Asian replied politely: "It's okay."

Hearing this sound, Mondrian stopped for a moment, and his movement of turning back was extremely stiff. The sound of the gears of an old machine that had not been lubricated for a long time seemed to be heard from his neck.

He said: "Professor Lu."

Lu Shi nodded,

"Mr. Mondrian, long time no see. The comic strip of "Jane Eyre" is about to be finished, so I came to see you specially."

Mondrian said: "Isn't there still three weeks?"

The novel has a total of thirty-eight chapters.

Each comic contains six to seven chapters and can be completed in one and a half months.

According to this efficiency, there are indeed three weeks left.

Lu Shi said: "Next, I am going to the United States, so the time may be..."

Before he finished speaking, Picasso beside him couldn't help but speak,

" are Professor Lu!?"

Lu Shi frowned slightly,

He was rarely interrupted now, so he was somewhat surprised and asked: "Who are you?"

Picasso quickly introduced himself: "I am a painter. I have been studying at the Prado Art Museum before. Later I came to work and live in Paris. Now I come to London to learn the techniques used by Peter in comics. My name is Pablo Picasso. "

Lu Shi:? ? ?

Almost fainted.

No wonder I felt that the person in front of me was somewhat familiar. It turned out that I had seen photos before traveling through time.

When photography technology matured, Picasso was already old, so he was basically bald. He was very different from the hairy boy in front of him. No wonder he couldn't recognize him.

Lu Shi said: "You just said you wanted to learn comics?"

Picasso nodded repeatedly,


Lu Shi was speechless for a while.

If Picasso became a cartoonist, what would happen to Cubism? What about modern art?

This is outrageous!

Seeing Lu Shi fall into silence, Picasso quickly said: "Professor Lu, don't worry, I will become your teacher and I will never let you..."

Lu Shi raised his hand,

"Wait a minute! I want to be quiet!"

After saying that, he turned around and took a deep breath, facing the river inside Goldsmiths College.

Mondrian glared at Picasso and scolded in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I told you, Professor Lu is a modest and prudent person and will not accept you as his disciple."

Picasso sighed,

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm a little unwilling."

How could Mondrian give in?

But Lu Shi disagreed, and he had no choice but to say: "So you should still listen to me. Let's connect some painters to create a school of Eastern painting, and worship Professor Lu as the origin of the school. Isn't that okay?"

Picasso nodded,

"All right."

At this time, Lu Shi also finished his silence and turned around,

"Mr. Picasso, are you going to give up traditional painting?"

Picasso said "Yeah" and said, "Yes, I am ready to give up traditional painting."

Lu Shi's face turned dark,

It’s over!

It’s all over!

He sat directly on the lawn and said in despair: "It is too outrageous to let Picasso become a cartoonist."

Hearing what he said, Picasso couldn't help but be startled.

He quickly said: "Professor Lu, you misunderstood. I did consider trying comics, but I never wanted to be a full-time cartoonist. When I said 'abandon traditional painting', I meant no longer focusing on traditions such as perspective, light and shadow, etc. Just like the far and near know the far and near method, right?"


Lu Shi let out a long breath,

"That's good, that's good."

Picasso looked at him curiously and said, "Professor Lu, you seem a little worried?"

More than just worry?

He almost collapsed on the spot.

Lu Shi was muttering in his heart, but his face was calm and calm. He waved his hands and said, "It's nothing. What am I worried about? I'm not worried at all."

Picasso and Mondrian looked at each other silently,

They are all sure,

Lu Shi was just worried!

But what exactly they were worried about, both of them were a little confused.

Picasso said: "Professor Lu, I read Pitt's "Jane Eyre" comic and was deeply shocked by the techniques in it, so I asked Pitt about it and found out that it was you who asked him to consider the issue of lens changes. Therefore, I also want to I’m asking you for advice, as I said just now, I’m going to reduce the influence of far and near French style on the painting.”

Lu Shi was puzzled.

"Lens? But the lens is the most typical far and near method."

Picasso disagreed;

"It's different. If the camera is fixed, then the "Jane Eyre" comics cannot narrate at all."

Lu Shi understood,

Picasso was actually curious about whether storyboards could affect painting, but he just couldn't express it.

Lu Shi said: "Ah, I understand, you want to try multiple perspectives~"

Picasso was confused,

“What is ‘multiple perspectives’?”

Lu Shi replied: "The traditional perspective method assumes a camera lens and draws through this fixed lens; while multiple perspectives are multiple lenses that 'stitch' together objects under different lenses."

This is actually Cubism.

Picasso:! ! !

His eyes widened.

It's like a ray of light falls from the sky and goes straight into the sky.

This feeling is called "enlightenment."

Picasso said: "Professor Lu, please allow me to become your teacher!"

Lu Shi: "..."

"No. I really can't draw."

He didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, so he turned to look at Mondrian and said, "Mr. Mondrian, after the comic of "Jane Eyre" is completed, the comic version of "Mirror" has prepared new content, which is a A novel called ‘I Am Cat’.”

After hearing the name of the novel, Mondrian also became interested.

"'I am a cat?"

Lu Shi nodded,

"Yes, this novel is written in the first person of the cat. It would be fun to draw it as a comic."

Mondrian nodded his head,

"Of course! This will definitely be a good subject!"

Lu Shi said with satisfaction: "Then it's up to you."

Mondrian said: "No problem, leave it to us, the Oriental School."

After saying that, he blinked crazily at Picasso,

Picasso understood immediately,

Since we can’t worship Lu Shi as our master, we should create the Oriental Painting School and worship Lu Shi as our founder.

In this case, Lu Shi would never be able to refuse again.

Picasso also said: "Professor Lu, leave this matter to our Oriental Painting School!"


Lu Shi couldn't help but be speechless.

But there was nothing we could do about these future great painters, so we had to let them go.

He said: "Okay~Okay~Can I still refuse?"

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