British writer

Chapter 222 Don’t fight anymore

Chapter 222 Don’t fight anymore~

the next day.

At sunrise, everything in the house is immersed in the glimmer of morning light.

The sunlight shines through the windows and onto the floor, casting a golden light that brings life to the entire room.


Munson woke up from his sleep.

Because the sunrise time is earlier in Stockholm than in Berlin, my head is still a little dizzy.

He closed his eyes to rest and thought to himself,

To adjust the jet lag, those scientists must not have woken up yet, right?

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.


The waiter is calling for breakfast.

This was Monson's request yesterday because he was worried that he had overslept.

He said angrily: "Okay, I got it."

The waiter asked again: "Do you need any food?"

Monson replied: "I can just go to the restaurant by myself, I don't need your help."

The waiter responded and left.

Monson stood in front of the mirror and put on his clothes slowly, trying to keep his clothes pressed to make himself look more energetic.

Today, he wanted to have a good "chat" with Lu Shi.

When facing young people, you cannot let yourself down in terms of image and manners.

I didn't know how long it had been like this, but there was another knock on the door.


This time it was Friedrich Melnick, a student of Mommsen.

Monson went over to open the door;


As soon as Melnick took a step through the door, he couldn't help but froze when he saw the teacher's clothes.

I saw Monson wearing a brown suit. Because of the passage of time, the brown color has been washed lighter, and it looks like chicken shit yellow.

The most disastrous thing is that Monson also wore a red tie.

The bright red and chicken shit yellow complement each other like a beautiful landscape.

At this time, Monson was still combing his hair.

He was trying to smooth down his matted hair,

"Fry, what kind of hair oil do you like to use?"

Melnick was stunned.

"Si Dankang."


Monson was slightly stunned, thinking that he could still keep up with the trend, and said with a smile: "Oh, I also use Stencon."

Melnick felt as if he had eaten a fly.

I will definitely throw Si Dankang away when I turn around!

He asked: "Teacher, why are you so dressed up today? I don't know, but I thought you won the Nobel...ahem..."

Munson frowned,

"Why are you coughing? It's so cold in Sweden. I told you to wear more clothes. Are you catching a cold?"

Melnick said "Uh-huh, uh-huh," and swallowed back the rest of the words.

Say less and make fewer mistakes,

Not bad.

Munson shook his head,

"You are just as inarticulate as before. Forget it, let's go to the restaurant. It's still early, and the French and British people haven't adjusted well to the jet lag. They probably haven't gotten up yet. We can have a quiet meal."

The two of them left together and headed to the restaurant.

Unexpectedly, the restaurant was extremely noisy.

When you open the door, you can see that it is full of people, probably two hundred people.

They all have one thing in common -


Mommsen ran into Emil Fischer, a colleague at the University of Berlin.

There were obvious dark circles around Fisher's eyes, as if he had not gotten enough rest after a night of tossing and turning.

His face lacked the usual vitality and look, replaced by a feeling of depression and fatigue.

Monson:? ? ?

"Emil? What's wrong with you?"

Fisher was thinking about life and didn't even hear.

He poured soup into the bowl with a large spoon, looking absent-minded, his eyes were blank, and his mind was not on the food at all.

As a result, it was spilled.

Monson stepped forward;


Fisher still looked lost, with empty eyes, looking at Munson: "Why...why don't you finish reading the novel..."

It's almost like a demon.

Monson held the opponent's shoulders, preparing to shake him to wake up.

At this time, there was discussion not far away,

"It's Planck! He's finally here!"

"Ah? Where is Professor Lu? Isn't he here?"

"I want to watch "Chao Wen Dao"!"

Follow the sound.

In the noisy crowd, Planck was surrounded.

Someone said: "Professor Planck, you have read "Chao Wen Tao", what is the ending of the last chapter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was scolded by others:

"You want to be spoiled!?"

"Ah this..."

The former suddenly had nothing to say.

Therefore, they placed their hope on Planck and cast their eyes full of hope.

Planck looked at the scientists surrounding them like zombies, and suddenly he was covered in burly bodies.

Like a small boat in the waves, he was pushed and "shifted" without touching the ground, so he had to raise his voice and shout: "Professor Lu is in the garden! He is chatting with Mr. Joseph Philippe, the manager of Patek Philippe~"

Just like that, Lu Shi was sold.


The scientists rush to the door,

Monson and Melnick were also carried towards the garden by the crowd.

grand hotel stockholm,


The weather is cold, and the scenery in the garden becomes withered and depressed,

The trees have lost most of their leaves, and the wind blows on the branches, taking away their last vitality.

Lu Shi and Phillip stood in the sun,

The two are chatting.

Philip's eyes were full of gratitude,

"Professor Lu, thank you very much for what happened before. After that buffet, many businessmen attending the meeting bought Patek Philippe timepieces, but..."

He put on a troubled expression,

"Mostly desk clocks."

Lu Shi laughed loudly,

"Yeah, normal."

In addition to telling time, the main function of a desk clock can also be used as a decoration in a store.

When businessmen buy things, they are somewhat utilitarian.

Philip said: "That soft advertising was the most successful advertising in the world."

Lu Shi waved his hand,

"Not really."

After all, he has traveled through time and seen the world.

Things like "Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet", "Heng Yuan Xiang, Sheep Sheep Sheep", "Only melatonin is accepted as a gift", that can be considered a success.

Of course, it’s not all brainwashing ads that are successful.

Just like Project Hope,

The big eyes of the little girl in the black and white photo have a strong visual impact that not only makes people remember it deeply, but also triggers the softest part deep in their hearts.

With so many examples in front of him, Lu Shi would not arbitrarily judge that his own advertising was the "most successful".

But Phillip felt that Lu Shi was being modest.

He lowered his voice,

"Professor Lu, can you think of an advertising slogan for Patek Philippe?"

The soaring turnover during this period made him understand a truth——

The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

Not only does the product have to be good, marketing also needs to keep up.

Lu Shi was surprised,

"Why so sudden?"

Philip replied: "I followed your advice and prepared six pocket watches to give to this Nobel Prize winner."

Lu Shi was surprised,

"Six dollars?"

Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace,

There are obviously only five categories in total.

Philip smiled,

"There is one more for you, the uncrowned master of the Nobel Prize."

He handed over a watch box.

Lu Shi was speechless,


Philip lowered his voice,

"Professor Lu, your watch is different from others. It is a gold watch. And on the cover, we have engraved your initials, 'L·S'. And on the back, we have also engraved Nobel Prize." Profile portrait of Mr.

There is only this one in the whole world,

The commemoration of this thing is extraordinary.

As for the price...

Lu Shi smiled and looked at the other party.

With just this look, Phillip knew that his little abacus had been revealed.

With Lu Shi's current reputation, the price quoted for writing advertisements would probably start from one thousand pounds.

No matter how valuable a Patek Philippe pocket watch is, it is impossible to sell it for a four-digit price.

But Philip has long developed a thick skin from a watchmaker to a businessman.

"Professor Lu, please~"

With that said, he handed the watch to Lu Shi.

Lu Shi didn't feel disgusted at all. He pondered for a moment and said:


‘No one really owns a Patek Philippe, they just keep it for the next generation. ’


Philip was shocked;

This advertisement...

At first glance, he felt forced to gratify him.

Savor it carefully, this sentence not only shows the nobility of the brand, but also shows that the product can survive a hundred years and remain new forever, perfectly expressing the background of the brand's inheritance.

Phillip said loudly: "It's so appropriate!"

It was originally an advertising copy for Patek Philippe, how could it not be appropriate?

Lu Shi just borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha.

He patted the other party on the shoulder,

"You haven't finished explaining the specific reason why you are so anxious to get the advertising words~"

Philip came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I plan to put a gift card in the watch box given to each Nobel Prize winner, with advertising words on it, so...well..."

There were messy footsteps beside him.

The two of them turned their heads and looked,

I saw a large crowd of people coming like a tide.

As we get closer and closer, each person's face becomes clearly visible. They are the scientists "waiting for food".


Phillip took a breath and said,

"Professor Lu, I have something urgent to do, so I have to leave first!"

After saying that, he walked around the flower bed with withered grass and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The scientists surrounded Lu Shi,

"Professor Lu, it's shameful to break the chapter!"

"It's almost the end. How could you... I didn't even fall asleep last night..."

"We want to listen to the follow-up content of "Chao Wen Dao"!"

Attack in groups,

As if trying to eat someone alive.

Although Lu Shi had expected that he would be chased, he did not expect that it would reach such a scale.


He swallowed,

"Everyone, the reason why I did what I did yesterday has been made clear enough. So, if you want to hear the end, you must promise me to maintain order."

"Of course!"×n

Everyone said in unison.

Someone said: "Professor Lu, let me go back with you to get the manuscript."

That's what he said, but looking at the momentum, it was as if he was preparing to escort the prisoner, for fear that Lu Shi would run away.

Lu Shi shook his head,

"No, I can go off-script."

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely think this is outrageous.

Although "Chao Wen Dao" is a short story, the end must contain a thousand words. Who can guarantee to memorize it word for word?

But the scientists present are all geniuses,

Isn't it natural that you can recite what you have written?

No fuss required.

Lu Shi talks about the end of "Chao Wen Dao\

,"Ding Yi’s daughter Wenwen eventually followed her father’s path and studied for a PhD in physics.

Wenwen's mother begged her daughter not to follow her father's example and sacrifice herself for the truth and embark on the path of self-destruction.

And Wenwen asked that sentence,


‘Mom, what is the purpose of the universe? ’


Hearing this, the scientists present seemed to have been tortured in their souls.

The purpose of the universe…

In Lu Shi's novel, Lord Kelvin (Hawking in the original text of Electrician Liu) goes to the altar of truth and asks the troubleshooter this question,

And the troubleshooter has no answer.

Someone muttered: "Professor Lu's vision is better than ours..."

Before he finished speaking, someone else made a silence gesture.

"Shh! Professor Lu hasn't finished speaking yet."

Lu Shi really didn't finish speaking.

Because Wenwen asked a second question,


''So, mom, what is the purpose of life? ’ When the breeze blows, ripples rise on the sea of ​​grass, like an endless sea of ​​turbulent people under the starry sky, singing silently to the entire universe. ’


For a moment, the garden fell into silence,

Only the cold wind blows, occasionally making a whimpering scream.

After a long time,

"'The purpose of the universe' and 'the purpose of life', I think these two questions are the same question."

Finally someone spoke.

Lu Shi looked over and saw that it was John William Strutt.

The reason why I have the impression is because I saw his portrait at Cambridge University, and it seems that he succeeded Maxwell as the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.

Planck on the side asked: "Professor Strutt, why do you say that?"

Strutt pondered for a moment,

"I stayed up all night yesterday thinking about a question. In Chapter 4, why did the troubleshooter feel fear when Lord Kelvin asked him what the purpose of the universe was?"

Everyone nodded,

They all thought about it too.

Strutt continued: "Today, after listening to the end of the novel, I had an idea. As an advanced civilization, the danger solvers have solved countless puzzles and have long been accustomed to knowing everything. At this time, they encountered an unanswerable question , what will happen?”

A moment of silence,



The scientists laughed in unison.

Ernest Rutherford laughed: "Fear. The troubleshooters feel fear. They realize that they do not know everything. They are not the master of the universe, but the 'fruits' of the master of the universe."

This statement caused some people to frown.

Rutherford seemed to have known it would turn out like this,

When he turned to Lu,

"Professor Lu, you write about fear."

The statement used was very convincing and seemed irrefutable.

Lu Shi felt that he was in the college entrance examination room and was taking a reading comprehension question, and the article quoted in the question was actually written by him.

Yes, it's that outrageous.

He said: "Ah... So that's what I thought... Ahem... I mean... Those who understand will naturally understand, and those who don't understand don't need to explain."

As soon as he finished speaking,

"Of course no explanation is needed!"

The speaker was Joseph Thomson, Rutherford's teacher.

He looked at his students,

"You mean, Professor Lu believes that the answer to the ultimate question of 'the purpose of the universe' lies outside the universe? Is it God or an alien god? What? You also want to learn from Sir Isaac Newton, and instead of doing experiments, you can practice alchemy instead?"

The master and apprentice actually started fighting!

Everyone looked excited,

Hit, hit, hit!

I want to see a river of blood!

Rutherford also had the consciousness of "I love my teacher, and I love the truth even more" and said, "But that's what Professor Lu meant! He made it very clear in the novel!"

Lu Shi: "..."

To be honest, he doesn't know what he means now.

Thomson raised his eyebrows and said, "How many books have you read by Professor Lu?"

"Ah this..."

Rutherford was speechless.

Teachers have time to read books, but students don't.

Thomson said: "I have read a lot of Professor Lu's novels, plays, and poems, and I think that Professor Lu has never really absolutely admired or absolutely opposed something. In other words, the character's values ​​are not the author's own values."

Thomson looked at Lu Shi,


Lu Shi: "Yes...right..."

Thomson nodded,

"Thank you Professor Lu for clarifying my doubts."

He turned to Rutherford and assumed the airs of a teacher.

"So, do you understand? If the 'purpose of the universe' and 'the purpose of life' are truly considered to be equivalent, it means that life should work towards the direction of 'hearing the Tao in the morning and dying in the evening'. But if Professor Lu really thinks so, why bother arranging an ending? Isn’t it good to let the novel end at the altar of truth?”

Rutherford made no answer;

However, looking at him, he still seemed unconvinced.

Strutt, who was on the other side, was not afraid of Thomson, and sneered: "Who just said, 'Professor Lu has never really absolutely admired or absolutely opposed something'? Why did he slap himself in the face in the blink of an eye? "

Unexpectedly, before Thomson could refute, Fisher spoke.

"I agree with Professor Thomson."

"You!* @¥ # %..."

“!* @¥ # %……”

More and more people are joining the war group.

Monson in the crowd looked at the scene in front of him and stood quietly,

for a long time,


Let out a breath.

Melnick felt something from the side,

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he thought that Monson's "everyone is competing for a breath" mentality has dissipated.

He looked over,

"Teacher, what are you..."

Munson smiled and said: "Fried, a novel written by a literary man can lead to discussions and even fights among so many scientists..."

Melnick quickly interrupted,

"No fight, no fight, they haven't taken action yet."

Munson curled his lips,

"You think there is no fight. In fact, they are already naked in their hearts. Just like when I faced Lu, every time I thought about him, I would beat him up in my heart."

Isn’t this a spiritual victory method?

Melnick: "..."

Nothing to say.

Mengsen said slowly: "I was naive before. I really shouldn't have caused trouble to Lu Shi."

In this regard, Melnick still did not express an opinion.


Monson was old and erratic;

Today I said I would let Lu Shi go, but who knows what will happen tomorrow?

Munson sighed,

"What? Do you think I'm not convinced, but just saying that because I can't beat Lu?"

Melnick hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Then...can you beat it?"

Munson was silent after a word.




The atmosphere was extremely weird.

Melnick looked away and said relaxedly: "The weather is good today."

What a hammer!

Monson felt that the cold wind was blowing through his bones.

He said: "I'm hungry, let's go back to the restaurant."

Melnick nodded,


As a liberal arts student, he is quite bored staying here.

The two walked towards the restaurant.

As a result, after taking a few steps, I heard a loud noise behind me.

"Edward! Calm down! Hitting the shoulder won't hurt anyone!"

"Don't fight anymore~"

"'If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening'!"

Monson shrugged.

"Look, I'm really starting to take action~"

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