British writer

Chapter 258

"Professor Lu, I like you!"

"Professor Lu, I like you!"

"Professor Lu, I like you!"

The calls continued.

Lu Shi's head was full of black lines,

 ̄□ ̄||

Nantong is so scary!

He held his hands weakly and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Thank you, thank you all for However, let's talk about the French Revolution first."

Then he finished what needed to be said.

Fortunately, no one said anything weird like "Professor Lu, I like you!" and everyone listened quietly until the end.

Lu Shi took a deep breath,

"Okay, now it's time to summarize."

He turned around and wrote the word "domestic" on the blackboard and said at the same time:

"The French Revolution lasted for five years from the people of Paris storming the Bastille to the Thermidorian Coup. It was like a storm and extremely fast. It completely ended the autocratic monarchy in France for more than a thousand years and spread freedom, democracy, and equality. thought of."

The only sound in the room was the sound of pen tip rubbing against paper.

swish swish——

It's not harsh in the silence, but rather harmonious.

Lu Shi waited for them to finish writing, then wrote "To the World" and continued:

"The French Revolution shook the feudal order across the European continent. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Civil Code promulgated during the Napoleonic Empire were called the birth certificate of the new society and had a profound impact on world history."

At this point, the story of the French Revolution is finally over.

Lu Shi said: "Let's stop here."

The scene was filled with deafening bursts of applause.

Dumas stood up;

"Professor Lu, can you let the students join the discussion now?"

Free questions are the norm in speeches these days.

Lu Shi said, "Of course."

As soon as he finished speaking, many students raised their hands.

He randomly named someone in the front row,

"You go ahead and ask."

The student was a little excited,

"Professor Lu, I actually prepared questions about literature, but I didn't expect you to suddenly change your lecture on history today... Hmm... let me think about it..."

Lu Shi was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

The student thought for a while,

Suddenly, he slapped his forehead and said, "Professor Lu, do you think novel writing can be integrated into history? For example, in "Animal Farm", there are many events that clearly refer to Tsarist Russia."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The students laughed,


Lu Shi complained helplessly: "Classmate, you really dare to say that."

He frowned and pondered for a moment,

"Generally speaking, history is a relatively objective and concrete existence, while novels are artificial fictions based on the author's own experience. For example, in "Yes! Prime Minister", I wrote four paragraphs on governance. Is that really the case?"

As soon as he finished asking, the students below nodded wildly.

"Yes! It must be! And it's not just the UK, it's the whole of Europe!"

They said in unison.

Lu Shi: "..."

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in my heart.

These students, why should we be so pessimistic about the European system?

He coughed awkwardly,

"Let me tell you a story about the Golden Hoe. There were two farmers in China. They imagined the emperor's luxurious life. One said, 'The emperor must eat rice every day!' The other said, 'It's definitely not just that. The emperor even They all use golden hoes for farming!'"

Everyone laughed in unison.

The student who asked the question was puzzled.

"Professor Lu, are you implying that your knowledge is limited, and thereby denying your four-stage theory of governance?"

Lu Shi shook his head,

"No, I'm not denying it. I just want to tell you that novels and history must be distinguished. Peasants are not emperors, so they cannot imagine the emperor's life; similarly, I am not a historical figure. My works can only satirize, but not ...Um...I didn't explicitly say that I was satirizing Tsarist Russia, right?"

The scene burst into laughter again.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Also, regarding the question of whether the emperor used hoes...if you read "The Insignificant Year 1587", you will find that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty held a 'personal plowing' every year, and the plow carvings used were all painted gold."

For a moment, everyone stopped laughing.

The students whispered,

"So, the emperor really uses a golden hoe?"

"But that is a kind of sacrificial or ceremonial act, and farmers cultivate the land for a living. The two are not the same."

"What does Professor Lu mean?"

"Professor Lu just said, 'Novel is a man-made fiction based on the author's own experience.' We think the story of the golden hoe is ridiculous because those farmers are short-sighted, but aren't we ourselves short-sighted?"

"Ah... I think I understand! Professor Lu is using examples to prove that his own experience is unreliable. Novels with historical backgrounds cannot be confused with history itself."

Everyone was in awe.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then there was another huge wave of applause.

"Professor Lu, I like you!"

They were all completely conquered.


Lu Shi couldn't help but be speechless.

He turned to look at the sky outside the window.

It was already noon, and the sky turned blue, like a calm sea.

The sun is high in the sky, and the remaining snow is gradually melting.

On the roof, snow dripped from the edge of the snow and was blown to the windows by the wind, leaving shallow traces.

Lu Shi cleared his throat,

"Everyone, it's time to eat~"

The students are still not satisfied.

Many people are raising their hands,

More people are still shouting: "Professor Lu, I like you!"

This France

Lu Shi couldn't stay any longer!

He almost couldn't help shouting "I don't like you!" He quickly waved his hand to signal the end of the speech, and then slid off the podium.

Seeing this scene, the students could only leave the classroom in an orderly manner.


Lu Shi finally breathed out a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over."

At this time, he saw Dumas approaching and said quickly: "Mr. Dean, I am preparing to leave for London tomorrow."

Dumas said "Huh?"

"Why are you so anxious, Professor Lu? Didn't you agree to continue it for a week?"

How could Lu Shi dare to stay in France?

When he was hesitating about what excuse to make, Clemenceau came over and said with great enthusiasm: "Professor Lu, what you said is really good! As you said, the French Revolution was a broad and profound revolution!"

It’s normal for the left to think this way.

I might be dreaming about rebirth in the Revolutionary era, using a guillotine to perform craniotomy.

He continued: "Of course, you are right about another thing."

Lu Shi couldn't help but be curious,

"Which point?"

Clemenceau's expression was a little dull, as if he was recalling some unforgettable scene.

Then, he said gloomily: "You just said, 'The French Revolution destroyed Western customs and morals,' which is extremely correct."


Lu Shi burst out laughing,

Like a mirror in his mind, he knew that the other party was talking about the "state" incident.

He tried to hold back his smile,

"That is the view of the British historian Mr. Burke. I have nothing to lose."

Clemenceau became increasingly depressed.

Frankly speaking, the French are very open-minded, otherwise they would not have allowed Oscar Wilde to be buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery with high standards.

However, the "state" incident involved three people, and the middle one was the husband of Duchess Delacour.

This is beyond the acceptance range of the vast majority of French people.


Clemenceau sighed,

"Scandal, it's too troublesome."

Lu Shi was curious,

"Mr. Clemenceau, how does your "Chinese Newspaper" usually deal with scandals?"

The "scandal" here does not refer to the kind that can be exposed like the Dreyfus case.

Everyone who understands understands.

Clemenceau replied in a low voice: "Of course, interview the person involved and then let him publicly apologize to minimize the impact of the incident. Otherwise, France will really become the lower limit of European customs and morals."

Lu Shi: "..."

"That's it?"

Clemenceau said a little irritably: "You don't understand...well..."

He suddenly remembered that Lu Shi was a giant in the media industry, so he humbly asked for advice: "What would Professor Lu do?"

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"It's actually quite simple. Just keep reporting on other hot topics."

Clemenceau frowned and thought,

"No response or apology?"

Lu Shi raised the corner of his mouth and reminded the other party in a low voice: "The example of Tsar Nicholas is right there~"

Clemenceau understood instantly,

Never do anything to add fuel to the fire of news you want to suppress.

Anyway, the citizens just want to fill their spare time with gossip.

Which hotspot can’t do it?

Clemenceau said: "I will make arrangements right away!"

After saying that, he quickly ran out of the classroom.

Lu Shi looked at his back and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Even the left wing, which is most pro-liberal, has to filter speech;

The Dreyfus case could be brought to light;

Not so with the "state" incident.

But this double standard is not incomprehensible.

The early 20th century was not a magical modernity. No country wanted to be regarded as the moral depression and Nantong Highlands of the European continent.

At this time, Dumas came forward again and continued the interrupted topic.

"Professor Lu, you have a strong foundation in history and literature. The most important thing is that you also have a unique teaching method. You can make students enlightened by just a few words..."

A lot of flattery will be omitted below.

Even though Lu Shi was already very thick-skinned, he still felt a little hot when he was photographed.

He said modestly: "Mr. Dean, thank you for the award."

Dumas sincerely invites,

"Professor Lu, do you want to stay in Paris? Our Sorbonne is willing to pay you a high salary! And, I think, the Collège de France is also willing to reserve a seat for you."

Unlike the Swedish Academy, seats at the French Academy can be awarded to foreign scholars.

Dumas knows very well that if you don't want to let go of your children, you won't be able to trap the wolf.

Lu Shi is already known as "Sir Lu" in the UK. If France seduces him, he will be unattractive.

Lu Shi said "Uh..."


His mind was racing as he continued to think of excuses for rejection.

Fortunately, someone came to the rescue again.

Jiang Guoliang strode towards him,

"Sir, when I really listen to your lectures on the spot, I realize that there is a world outside the sky and there are people outside the world. It turns out that this is what historical research is like!"

Behind him, Cai Yuanpei supported Gu Hongming and followed slowly.

Dumas curled his lips and stepped aside again.

Jiang Guoliang's eyes were full of enthusiasm,

"You promised before the speech that after we listen to the speech, if you think it is okay, you will show us the draft."

Lu Shi nodded,

"Then do you think there's a problem?"

Jiang Guoliang shook his head,

"How can there be a problem!? No! Of course not!"

The two people behind him also echoed.

Gu Hongming said: "Lu Shi, just show us."

"In that case..."

Lu Shi handed over the manuscript.

I saw the title: "The Rise of France."

Gu Hongming twisted his beard and said with a smile: "I knew it would be like this. They want you to imitate "The Nature of Civilization" and write about the weaknesses in the national character of France, England and other countries. It is really too whimsical."

He turned to the two young men,

"Am I right?"

However, Jiang Guoliang and Cai Yuanpei did not respond.

Although they are not good at French, their English reading and writing skills are still online.

The two were reading voraciously.

The beginning of the article is the same as Lu Shi's speech, focusing on the French Revolution.

But when it comes to writing, the analysis is more systematic, and the causes, processes, and results are stated very clearly, making people feel like they are involved in that magnificent revolution.

Slowly, Jiang Guoliang exhaled a breath of turbid air,

"It's so well written."

Cai Yuanpei said "hmm" and said: "The most important thing is Mr. Lu's research method of taking history as a mirror. Perhaps, based on this, it is possible to implement changes in the economy and the people. I just don't know which event will be regarded as the source of everything by future generations."

Jiang Guoliang pondered,

Which event can become China’s “French Revolution”?

Westernization Movement?

Hundred Days Reform?

He racked his brains and finally thought,

"Probably the Sino-Japanese War."

Being beaten up by England and France is nothing.

However, it is outrageous that the younger brother of RB suddenly becomes a serf and sings, riding on the head of the older brother to dominate.

It was also after that that a large number of people with lofty ideals learned from the experience and sought innovation and change.

Cai Yuanpei chuckled,

"Then if you use Mr. Lu's method of studying history, how would you understand the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894?"

Jiang Guoliang pondered again,

After a long while, he said: "I think there is a fundamental mistake in our view of the Sino-Japanese War, that is, the two warring parties were China and RB, and then China was defeated."

Cai Yuanpei:? ? ?

Gu Hongming:? ? ?

Both of them were confused.

Didn’t China lose the Sino-Japanese War?

Even Lu Shi was a little surprised and curious about what the other party would say.

Jiang Guoliang sighed,

"In fact, the two warring parties are the Qing court and RB."

Cai Yuanpei's face darkened.

"Guanyun, why are you here again?"

Jiang Guoliang had always had anti-Qing thoughts, but later he had to bow his head when he wanted to do some social activities.

Today, he listened to the speech, and those thoughts came back to life.

He continued: "Am I wrong?"

Cai Yuanpei was silent,



Jiang Guoliang said with disgust: "He Qing, you must also know that the Sino-Japanese War did not reach the final moment of overall defeat! Therefore, it was the Qing court that betrayed China. In the eyes of those people, RB just wanted to divide the country called 'China' If you can't defeat the treasure yourself, then just divide it. It's better than not having any money left. They chose to end it hastily without a fight, because they just don't want the second Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to happen, or the Hunan Army and the Huai Army to seize power."

Even Lu Shi couldn't think of this point of view for a while.

Because as a modern person, the education he received was that "the Southern and Northern Dynasties stood side by side, and the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties were passed down; after the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the dynasty came to an end."

On the contrary, Jiang Guoliang in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China believed that the Qing court was not equal to China.

He may even feel that the two are in opposition.

It’s no wonder that later there was a plan to “drive out the Tartars and restore China.”

Cai Yuanpei was speechless by his friend.

Gu Hongming frowned and scolded: "Guanyun! Calm down!"

Jiang Guoliang seemed to be still immersed in some emotion,

"I'm calm."

Gu Hongming said: "Are you calm? Just now, you said that you would analyze the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War using the same method Lu Shi analyzed the French Revolution. But now? I think you are just expressing your dissatisfaction!"

This was said very harshly.

Jiang Guoliang woke up from a dream,


He was a little ashamed, his lips trembling, not knowing what to say.

Lu Shi stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother Guanyun, do what you are doing right now."

Jiang Guoliang came back to his senses and looked at the manuscript in his hand.

""The Rise of France" is undoubtedly an excellent historical textbook. From the perspective of historical data or analysis, it can't fault it. Moreover, after reading this article, my blood boils. It will definitely arouse the people's will and Lead people upward.”

Cai Yuanpei was helpless,

"It's just too short."

Lu Shi replied: "Isn't this not finished yet? Besides, I also have "The Rise of England", "The Rise of Germany", "The Rise of Spain"..."

Gu Hongming laughed after hearing this,

"That's right! Being short and sharp is not your style, Lu Shi."

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"It's not like I haven't written short stories before."

Gu Hongming added: "Also, this name is too cumbersome. They are all 'The Rise of So-and-so'. Why not compile it into one volume and call it "The Rise of a Great Power", and this "The Rise of France" will be called "The Rise of a Great Power·France" ",how?"

Lu Shi: "..."

I really didn't expect it,

Even though I have tried to hide and hide, I still haven’t escaped from this must-read classic for time travellers.

In modern times, "The Rise of Great Powers" is actually a series of documentaries about nine different countries:

Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British, French, German, Japanese, Russian and American.

The film records the process of the rise of these countries one after another, and attempts to summarize the historical laws of the rise of countries.

Of course Lu Shi couldn't copy it.

After all, this is the early 20th century,

The United States is holding back its big move;

The people of Russia are also holding back their big moves;

Xiaotian will win the future Russo-Japanese War and help the Russian people hold back their big moves;

When writing about each country, Lu Shi had to think about how to revise it.

Especially Russia,

If Lu Shiruo writes truthfully, considering that the great regime has not yet emerged, he must analyze Peter the Great, Catherine II, and the Tsar between them in depth.

This may make Nicholas II feel that he is taking personal revenge.

That His Majesty the Tsar is too sensitive.

So, let’s delete it.

Lu Shi took out his pencil, crossed out the original title, and changed it to "The Rise of a Great Power: France".

"Is it okay to write this way?"


Jiang Guoliang couldn't put down the manuscript, so he went to the side with Cai Yuanpei and Gu Hongming to continue reading.

Dumas took the opportunity to come up again,

"Professor Lu, regarding your stay in Paris, I sincerely suggest..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Clemenceau's voice coming from beside him: "The Rise of the Great Powers? Is this Professor Lu's new work?"

Following the sound, I saw him huddled between Gu Hongming and the other three.

"Why is it in English?"

As he spoke, he reached for the manuscript.

Of course Jiang Guoliang would not give it.

"what are you doing!?"

This warning is in English.

Clemenceau also replied in English: "Professor Lu's creations in France must of course be in French."

Jiang Guoliang was stunned.

"No! It should be in Chinese! This is a textbook for Chinese universities!"

Clemenceau was surprised and said: "Is there a university in China?"

One sentence made Jiang Guoliang almost vomit blood.

However, the other party was not mocking maliciously, but he really didn't know and couldn't get angry.

The atmosphere on both sides was somewhat tense.

Lu Shi said to Dumas: "I have to go over and comfort them."

Dumas nodded,


In fact, he was only calm on the surface, but in his heart he was already cursing her with all kinds of French gibberish:

Why do my invitations to Professor Lu always get interrupted! ?

On the other side, Lu Shi walked over,

"Mr. Clemenceau, this is indeed a history textbook for Chinese universities."

Clemenceau said: "But the problem is, if you look at the title of this article, "The Rise of a Great Power: France", it would be inappropriate if it is not in French, right?"

Lu Shi was helpless,

“I’m going to introduce many countries later, so it’s not like they have to be available in every language, right?”

Clemenceau actually said calmly: "Professor Lu, just promise me~"

This disgusting way of speaking reminded Lu Shi of that word——


Lu Shi took half a step back,

"Okay! Okay! I will write the French version. It will be released together with the English and Chinese versions."

Clemenceau was satisfied;

"Hahaha! Thank you Professor Lu, I'll treat you to dinner!"

After saying that, he took the four people out when they landed.

Looking at their leaving figures, Dumas almost cried.

"Professor Lu! You...I beg you to stay! How can the Sorbonne survive without you! Professor Lu, please stay, Professor Lu!"

In the distance, Lu Shi trembled,

Then he quickened his pace.

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