British writer

Chapter 272 You broke the law, you know?

The place was noisy.

Pankhurst's words were equivalent to a slap in the face to those who copied the original manuscript of "Lolita".

What does "ruin all women" mean?

This hat is too big.

Stephenson's face turned dark when he heard this.

"Quick! Take her out! Move quickly!"

You could tell from his tone that he was very annoyed.

After all, he is the captain of the Coldstream Guards who has served the royal family for two generations. He has never been treated like this before. Helping Lu Shi watch the show today is an exception.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shi stopped him,

"Wait a minute."

Stephenson was a little confused, so he came closer and said, "Sir Lu, the most important thing now is to drive her away!"

In fact, Lu Shi didn't want to waste words with that kind of extreme person.

This kind of person will never make sense.

What's more, given the current historical background, it is not necessarily wrong to say "overcorrection must be overcorrected".

Pankhurst's extremes were also a matter of mission.

Lu Shi lowered his voice,

"Sir, you should be aware of the nature of "Lolita" and you will definitely face various voices. Therefore, I might as well solve it today."

As he spoke, he nodded in Pankhurst's direction.

Stephenson understood;

But he was still doubtful,

"Sir Lu, you have the "Mirror" and a very famous interview page. Why don't you make good use of it? There is no need to have a war of words with this crazy woman! Besides, we have seen just now that she is a bit sophistical. Talented.”

Lu Shi smiled and said,

"Except for some public events, I have never been interviewed by the Mirror."

"Ah this..."

Stephenson got it;

Everyone knew that Lu Shi was the boss of "Mirror", so it was necessary to avoid suspicion.

Lu Shi continued: "Besides, have I ever lost a debate? What's more, what kind of book "Lolita" is, does I, as a writer, have any say?"

Stephenson did not answer;

He gently stroked his beard awkwardly,

Previously, Edward VII and the Parker brothers studied how to formulate rules for the "Lord of the Rings" board game.

His Majesty the King often said: "Lu Shi is a novelist who knows how to play the "Lord of the Rings" board game."


Very true.

Lu Shi:? ? ?

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Stephenson shook his head repeatedly.

"No! That's right! No problem!"

Lu Shi: "..."

I always feel like the other person is harboring something on their mind.

He shook his head to drive the doubts out of his mind, and then looked in the direction of Pankhurst.

"Okay, let her go."

The security guard looked at Stephenson,

The latter echoed: "Let it go."

Thus, Pankhurst was free.

She smoothed her hair,

"Sir Lu, you're not trying to play tricks on me again, are you?"

Shen Te Meow plays with...

Lu Shi almost vomited on the spot.

He said: "Sister Pan... uh... Ms. Pankhurst, I am very curious, why do you say that "Lolita" will destroy all women?"

Pankhurst snorted coldly,

"You wrote the book, how could you not know it?"

Lu Shi frowned,

"Speak directly if you have anything to say."

Pankhurst lowered his head and pondered,

Facing the scheming Lu, she must carefully consider her words, because her previous defeat in the comic version of "Jane Eyre" is still fresh in her mind.

After a while, she said: "That book, by portraying Humbert as a victim, isn't it encouraging men to be perverted?"

Lu Shi sighed,

"Don't be a person with a heart (zāng), otherwise, everything you look at will be dirty."

These words caused multiple critical damage to Pankhurst;

She started again,

"! @* # ¥%..."

Lu Shi shook his head and said, "You have to understand that I did not portray Humbert as a victim."

Pankhurst said fiercely: "But that's how you choose your words and sentences! The whole novel shows that Lolita seduced Humbert, and Humbert just passively accepted it!"


Lu Shi was slightly speechless,

I thought the other party would have something to say,

Unexpectedly, he was just wagging his lips and talking, and the question was too elementary.

He asked curiously: "Ms. Pankhurst, did you read it carefully?"

Pankhurst nodded,

"That's for sure!"

Lu Shi asked: "Then can you tell me, what is this book? In other words, under what circumstances did Humbert write this book using the first person pronoun 'I'?"

Pankhurst thought for a while, then his expression changed.

From the looks of it, he didn't want to say anything himself.

Lu Shisui said for her: "Think about the last paragraph of the preface, 'Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the first exhibit is... Let's take a look at this entangled and painful psychological history.' Do you understand? ?This is a defense.”

People at the scene discussed in low voices,

After all, we are still in the era of print media. Without the assistance of the Internet, communication between readers and authors cannot be carried out in real time.

Therefore, it is a rare experience to listen to the author's mental journey live.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Ms. Pankhurst, I am very proud of your performance. Because, my words...or, Humbert's words did deceive you. You know, it took him 56 days to write this novel, which will be A self-defense statement for the jury in a trial.”

Someone couldn't help but ask: "So, Sir Lu, you mean that Humbert is weaving the crime process into a love story?"

Lu Shi said: "That's right. No matter how sensational and poetic the text is, it can't cover up Humbert's behavior that violates human ethics and violates criminal laws. Speaking of which, I even added a little satire on chivalry into it."

Everyone smiled knowingly,

When Humbert kills his love rival Quilty, he indeed portrays himself as an older man desperate for love.

Isn't this the protagonist in the knight novel?

However, Lolita does not need this kind of knight, so everything becomes forced and criminal.

Pankhurst said: "Sir Lu, what you said is so nice! Think about the last part of the novel, Humbert's confessions. Didn't you write them to defend him?"

Lu Shi laughed loudly,

"This involves writing skills. First of all, to create characters, you must learn to use contrast..."

Everyone is confused.

Among the crowd, Natsume Soseki’s mentor Smith was the first to react.

"Take notes quickly! Natsume, take notes quickly! Sir Lu is teaching skills!"

After hearing this sentence, people suddenly realized.

Those who were excerpting the original text of "Lolita" ignored it and simply turned their notebooks upside down, writing from back to front, and taking notes.

Lu Shi asked: "How to use contrast?"

He looked around,

"Ignoring the last part of the confession, what do you think of Humbert's treatment of Lolita?"

Everyone looked at each other,

The words that come to mind are: "seduction, paranoia, control..."


Lu Shi nodded,

"However, when Humbert begins to repent and reflect on his sins, the arc of human nature appears. This can create a strong sense of contrast, making people unconsciously forgive him and think of what he did to Lolita. Everything is based on the premise of 'love', thereby dispelling the fact that he ruined Lolita's life to a certain extent."

This is indeed persuasive.

Since the birth of "Lolita", countless people have read it,

Those who do not have strong principles will be tempted to think from Humbert's point of view after reading the confession at the end.

That’s why Bonakov said that he “made fun of “Confessions””.

Everyone was busy taking notes.

Lu Shi looked at Pankhurst,

"Ma'am, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Pankhurst: "..."


Lu Shi smiled,

"If you don't ask, then I'll ask for you. You must be wondering why, even though you hate Humbert's behavior, you still let Lolita die in childbirth. A new life and a good ending, wouldn't it be better? ?”

Pankhurst didn't think much of it at all;

She nodded subconsciously,

Afterwards, he realized that this was Lu Shi's trap, so he shook his head repeatedly.

Lu Shi wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"Ma'am, you don't have to be so cautious. You're already a street rat in the museum, right?"

Pankhurst looked gloomy;

I feel very unhappy,

But I have to admit that Lu Shi's advantage is too great. He has absolute initiative.

Now it's just a game of cat and mouse.

She said in a deep voice: "Sir Lu, don't talk like this anymore, right? It's just a way to vent your emotions, does it have any real content?"

Lu Shi shrugged.

"I wonder who vented his emotions first?"

One sentence made the other person's face turn red and white.

Others started to boo again,

There were cheers, laughter, and boos.

Lu Shi waved his hand,

"Let's get back to the question we just asked. Everyone, have you read Nietzsche?"

Among the people who visited the manuscript exhibition hall, there were many literary and artistic young people, but most of them just looked at Nietzsche.

No way, philosophy and aesthetics are boring to study.

At this time, Natsume Soseki's mentor Smith spoke: "Professor Lu, I didn't expect you to be a supporter of irrational aesthetics. Come to think of it, "The Hunt" and "The Way of the Morning" are also tragedies to a certain extent."

For what he said, those who understand will naturally understand.

But most people at the scene didn’t understand.

Someone asked: "Old gentleman, can you explain it to me?"

Smith cleared his throat.

"There is a very important argument in Nietzsche's irrational aesthetics - tragedy is the source of pleasure."

As soon as this statement came out, most people at the scene did not agree with it.

But no one refuted,

Who said this was what Nietzsche said?

Smith chuckled,

"I know people don't understand. Generally speaking, the protagonist of a tragedy is a hero, or a person who makes people feel compassion. The tragic story is the process of their suffering."

Someone said, "I don't quite understand."

Smith pondered for a moment,

"In reality, people will be bound by various connections and cannot escape. But when watching a tragedy, you can watch the ups and downs of the characters' fate from the perspective of a bystander, as if you have become God, and thus gain some kind of pleasure .”

This is hard to understand,

But Smith has tried his best,

If he were facing one of his own students, he might have already touched upon Schopenhauer's voluntarist aesthetics.

Everyone was still confused.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Professor Smith, I don't even understand what you are saying."

Smith was stunned for a moment, then laughed,

"You are humble."

He knew in his heart that Lu Shi didn't really not understand, he was just trying to prevent others from getting off the stage.

Lu Shi said: "Let me give you a simple example... um..."

He looked at Pankhurst,

"Ma'am, what did you think when you saw Lolita taking the initiative towards Humbert?"

What else could you think?

of course……

"Quick! Run!"

Pankhurst replied: "I wanted to knock her unconscious, put her in a sack and run away from Humbert."

Lu Shi nodded,

"Do you understand? This is the idea you get when you read from God's perspective. Don't forget, Lolita is a little girl. She didn't realize that she was being controlled by Humbert, even though she later realized that the two The relationship was unhealthy, and she was still forced to cling to Humbert because she couldn't stand on her own, until she couldn't bear it anymore and decided to break away. From a God's perspective, if you feel that you are smarter than Lolita and can handle that situation better, you will gain A sense of superiority and pleasure.”

In fact, many modern TV dramas are in a similar situation.

Even the Spring Festival Gala is like this,

The more the audience complains, the more they like to watch. The essence is those ancient aesthetic theories.

And because it is related to human will, it also belongs to the category of psychology.

Pankhurst frowned;

"But "Lolita" is not in the third person, but in the first person."

Lu Shi asked: "Who is the first person?"

Pankhurst replied: "It's Humbert."

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Look, he's not the protagonist of the tragedy."

Pankhurst: "..."

I always feel like I'm blown away by the other person's IQ.

Lu Shi looked around,

"Did I explain it in a simple enough way?"

Everyone nodded like primary school students.

swish swish——

The sound of taking notes sounded again in the room.

Lu Shi stretched and continued: "Let's talk about the third point, that is literary language."

Smith said: "Professor Lu, it goes without saying. Anyone who has read "Lolita" will not be shocked by the gorgeousness of its writing. For example, at the beginning of the novel, there is an indescribable intensity that makes people fascinated. .”

Lu Shi shook his head,

"What I want to say is not just gorgeous or not. In fact, Humbert has been intuitively shaped at the beginning of the novel."

Everyone fell into deep thought,

Afterwards, discussions rang out from everywhere,

"Indeed, reading that passage reveals that Humbert was in an extreme mental state."

"He broke out every sound of 'lolita', rambled, repeated, and rhymed. It was indeed extreme. Most people can see that it was Humbert's own emotional outlet."

"In this way, the beginning is a high degree of combination of form and content."

The more gorgeous the words are, the more they prove Humbert's hypocrisy.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"I won't say more about the writing techniques of this book."

The "students" on the scene nodded frequently.

Just like doing reading comprehension, you don't have to listen to the teacher's standard answers, but listen to the author's direct teaching.

Lu Shi turned to Pankhurst,

"Madam, what I have never understood is how you, like those critics, only focus on the moral implication, rationality, condemnation or explanation of "Lolita"..."

Pankhurst snorted coldly,

"What's this word? Every reader has his or her own perspective, that's normal."

Lu Shi said "Uh..."

"But you said you were doing it for women and on the side of women. Then shouldn't you be concerned about the description of Lolita's helpless dilemma in the book?"

Kill with one hit!


Pankhurst tried to argue, but there was no way he could.

She couldn't say a word.

Lu Shi added: "Lolita had to rely on the perverted Humbert, which was very pitiful. When Lolita grew up, she became brave, responsible and very strong in marriage. After so many hardships, Lolita still wanted to Live a life of freedom..."

Pankhurst raised his hand and said: "That's enough!"

Of course Lu Shi wouldn't listen.

He continued: "Actually, you despise Lolita in your heart, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to say..."

I haven’t finished speaking yet,

"That's enough! Stop talking!"

Pankhurst shouted again.

Lu Shi curled his lips indifferently and stopped as soon as he felt good.

Almost done.

At this time, Stephenson came over and complained in a low voice: "This woman keeps talking about 'women' and 'women', but she only talks about groups, not individuals. What group is not made up of living people?"

Lu Shi:? ? ?

"Jazz, when did you become so profound?"

Stephenson coughed lightly,

"My academic qualifications are pretty good too~ It's just that the current theory updates are too fast and I can't keep up with you young people~"

Lu Shi wanted to laugh when he heard this.

"No, no, no! You are still very young."

This flattery made Stephenson very happy and he laughed.

They were chatting,

Suddenly, someone said: "Sir Lu... uh... Professor Lu, can you tell me more about the techniques of writing books? I am more interested in the creation of science fiction novels. Before, you only discussed detective novels in newspapers. ,so……"

Before he finished speaking, someone else said: "What's that? Academic works are still important! For example, "Guns, Germs and Steel", how did Professor Lu collect so much information?"

Swarming up,

Anyone can ask any questions.

Natsume Soseki, who was outside the crowd, chuckled.

"Lu is like this, he can become a teacher anywhere."

Smith looked at the noisy crowd and whispered: "Natsume, hasn't your paper been making poor progress?"

Natsume Soseki felt dizzy when he mentioned this.


Sighing dejectedly.

Smith smiled and said,

"The three fields of literary theory, comparative literature, and literary history can be used as the basic theoretical basis to study a single work, a certain author, or a certain genre; or to combine multiple works, authors, and genres to compare similarities and differences, and it is easy to write something ."

Smith says this every day, but how easy is it?

Natsume Soseki lamented: "Literary research has its own language."

Smith said "hmm\

,""Didn't you realize that there are good research subjects around you?"

Natsume Soseki:! ! !

One word awakens the dreamer.

His eyes fell on Lu Shi and he understood instantly.

Smith patted him on the shoulder,

"The only question is, there are only a few days until the preliminary hearing. Can you make it in time?"

Natsume Soseki said: "I am confident about writing Lu."

Smith waved his hand,

"It's not just the content. Natsume, don't forget, the paper is very formatted, and English is not your first language. Can you do it?"


Natsume Soseki hesitated again.

The corner of Smith's mouth raised a subtle arc, and then he winked in Lu Shi's direction.

“Don’t your roommates speak English like a native speaker?”

With "Lolita" as evidence, there is no problem in saying so.

Natsume Soseki smiled bitterly,

"But what I wrote is Lu. If I ask him to help proofread the manuscript, wouldn't it be like 'he writes himself', bragging... This is against the rules!"

Smith said: "What you are going to write about is the great writer Lu, what does it have to do with your roommate Lu Shi?"


That’s okay! ?

Natsume Soseki was confused when he heard this.

Riku Toki in the crowd didn't know yet that he was going to be the protagonist of Natsume Soseki's graduation thesis.

He was answering people's questions about literary creation, when he noticed from the corner of his eye that Pankhurst was about to leave the museum.

He cleared his throat,

"Ahem...please, please be patient."

The "students" who respected their teachers immediately became quiet and waited quietly.

Lu Shi called out softly: "Ms. Pankhurst."

Pankhurst froze,

She looked back sadly,

"Sir Lu, you have completely defeated me, do you want to continue to show off your power?"

Lu Shi:? ? ?

"Sister, what are you talking about? What about 'showing off one's power'?"

Pankhurst was also stunned;

"Then what do you mean?"

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Um... didn't you just use a fake ticket to enter? You broke the law, you know?"

For a moment, the scene fell into absolute silence.




Everyone seemed to be trying not to laugh.

Stephenson ordered someone to take Pankhurst into custody, and also said: "You have broken the law, you know that?"

After saying that, he took the person away.

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