British writer

Chapter 322 Great America

There are more and more students around,

A crowd of people surrounded Lu Shi and others, talking in low voices.

Lu Shi said: "When discussing the scientific nature of news, we must take the lead in clarifying the industry. The primary industry mainly refers to the production of food ingredients and other biological materials..."

After hearing this, the students below began to get restless.

Someone finally couldn't help it,

"Professor Lu, there is no need to talk about these well-known things to delay time. Although the division of the three major industries is not completely consistent in various countries around the world, they are very similar. They can be summarized as primary agriculture, secondary industry, and tertiary services. Industry."

Lu Shi smiled,

“So do you know what the service industry serves?”

The student immediately responded: “Of course people.”

Lu Shi waved his hand,

"This is not entirely correct. The so-called 'service' in the 'service industry' originally means serving production and life. For example, finance creates demand and guides consumption. Does this serve specific people?"

Everyone was silent.

Suddenly, a student raised his hand, as if preparing to refute.

Lu Shi was the first to say: "I understand~I understand~I'm talking about an ideal situation. As for the reality... hum hum hum… At present, all service industries are indeed 'licking', but this is essentially another question."

Those present are smart people who understand what the other problem is.

After a while, the student named Williams spoke again: "But the problem is that students majoring in science and engineering are not like this."

When these words came out, people were outraged.

"What do you mean!?"

"What's wrong? Do you look down on our liberal arts?"

"I think these people are studying formulas and their brains have been teased by the research show."

The scene became chaotic.

Lu Shi opened his arms to signal everyone to quiet down, and then said: "The question of who is better in industry, commerce, literature, or science has been debated since the industrial revolution. No matter how much we discuss it now, we will never be able to decide the winner. .”

The students make eye contact,

Then, some people started rolling up their sleeves.

"Professor Lu is right. If we can't decide the outcome through discussion, then let's use our fists to do the talking."

Lu Shi was confused.


Are all young people in the early 20th century so reckless?

Butler next to him quickly said: "What do you want to do? Calm down!"

The principal's words still apply.

The atmosphere that was about to explode at any moment has eased slightly.

Lu Shi coughed lightly,

"Mr. Williams, first of all, I want to point out a factual error of yours. You said, 'Science and engineering students will not be like this.' Do you know Leibniz?"

Williams nodded repeatedly,

"of course I know."

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,

A philosopher and mathematician, he is a rare generalist in history and is known as the Aristotle of the seventeenth century.

Lu Shi raised the corners of his mouth,

"Then you may not have heard that since 1685, Leibniz has been entrusted by Duke Ernst August, the Elector of Hanover, to become a noble of the Brunswick-Lüneburg family. The study of genealogy.”

The students present were a little confused.

Butler was also curious,

"Is there still this matter?"

Lu Shi nodded,

"Yes. After all, pure research does not make money, so Leibniz also needs to eat~"

Butler thought about it too.

Those great people in history basically had three ways out:

1. Dependence on the nobility;

2. My family is already rich;

3. Support yourself.

The latter two are pitifully rare;

Like Schopenhauer and Kant, you can count them on your fingers.

Lu Shi continued: "You may not imagine that Leibniz spent most of his time providing confidential services to the family, and his mathematical research was part-time. Mr. Williams, Leibniz served the nobles in order to A high-quality life, does this count as 'licking' in your eyes?"

Williams was stunned.

I sigh in my heart,

If not that Leibniz was a genius, he could have achieved so many results in this situation.

He looked up at Lu Shi,

"Professor Lu, Leibniz was a philosopher and a mathematician. His 'licking' was just an act as a philosopher; as a mathematician, he did not 'lick'."

It actually cut Leibniz's two identities abruptly.

Lu Shi almost cursed on the spot.

He didn't scold,

But it doesn’t mean that other liberal arts students will be merciful.

"You cut very quickly!"

"Hypocritical! Ridiculous! Extremely ridiculous!"

"It seems that Leibniz is ill. There are two little people doing different research living in his brain."

Someone at the scene started rolling up their sleeves again.

Butler's face turned dark and he muttered: "These people who major in science and engineering are pretty good at sophistry~"

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"It's not necessarily sophistry. Maybe they really believe it."

Butler said "Huh?"

"What's the meaning?"

Lu Shi explained with a smile: "Just like they believe that the British government can understand people, they really believe that science and engineering do not need to serve people when they are employed."

Butler spread his hands,

"Isn't Great Britain just a leader in politics and people?"

After telling this joke, he couldn't hold himself back and burst out laughing.

Lu Shi said to Williams: "You think you don't need to socialize when you enter the laboratory? Do you think you don't need to socialize when you become an engineer? Do you think you don't need to socialize when farming in the countryside? Young man, you Do you want to keep doing research? You have to learn to please people and cheat money."


Butler squirted.

He quickly grabbed Lu Shi, because what he just said was too outrageous.

Lu Shi waved his hand,

"So, all majors have more or less similar problems. It's just that some are more and some are less. When you enter journalism school, you can also aspire to be Henry George~"

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a wave of news reporting in the United States——

Muckraking movement.

The starting point was George's "Progress and Poverty" published in 1879, which opened the prelude to exposure literature.

A group of journalists and magazine writers with progressive ideas published a large number of investigative news reports on various shortcomings in American political, economic and social life at that time, which aroused strong public reaction and directly led to the advent of the American Progressive Movement.

Those reporters and editors who are awesome in sports are the ones who are "licked".

The students began to discuss privately again,

Some are even considering whether to transfer to a journalism school in the new semester.

Anyway, the School of Journalism has a dual-major requirement for graduates, and previous professional courses will not be wasted.

Pulitzer came up slowly,

"Professor Lu, I think the heat is almost done."

Lu Shi also had the same view,

He cleared his throat,

"In addition, I must inform you that there will be scholarships for admission to the School of Journalism, and graduates will also have the opportunity to work in the Mirror and Le Monde after graduation."

A thousand words and ten thousand words are not as effective as inducements.

Instantly, the students were eager to try.

Someone asked: "Professor Lu, will the scholarships really be awarded?"

The reason for this question is that the United States always takes the cake.

When the United States was founded, the law clearly stipulated that students should receive relevant financial aid in accordance with the law when pursuing higher education.

However, due to various influences, many education funding plans and regulations have been abolished or have remained ineffective.

To put it bluntly, there are only verbal guarantees, but they are not implemented in practice.

The word "scholarship" is also gradually forgotten.

Lu Shi said: "You may know that the United Kingdom promulgated a decree this year to organize local education committees to take charge of education in their regions and began to establish scholarships. The original intention was to enable poor and outstanding students to have the opportunity to receive education."

When the UK was suddenly mentioned, the students were a little confused.

But Butler reacted quickly.

He chuckled,

"Have you forgotten about the Global University Rankings?"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Because of rankings, universities around the world have begun to compete.

In order to compete with the London University Alliance, the Ivy League in the United States was even put on the agenda decades earlier. The fierce competition is evident.

Under such circumstances, if the UK engages in scholarships, other countries will inevitably follow suit, causing life and death.

Some students are curious,

"Professor Lu, what is the specific situation in the UK?"

Lu Shi replied: "It is a dual-track system there and has no reference value."

in England,

Children who reach the age of 11 and pass the exam may receive a scholarship to transfer to middle school;

By passing the "general level" and "advanced level" general education examinations at 16 and 18 years old, teenagers may also receive scholarships to enter higher education.

If there is no dual-track system to restrict further education, the cost will be sky-high.

Someone else asked: "What is the specific amount of scholarships awarded by the School of Journalism?"


Lu Shi was a little undecided.

Pulitzer came up,

"How about $70 per person?"

This amount is equivalent to the average tuition at liberal arts colleges across the United States.

Lu Shi asked, "Aren't you afraid of bankruptcy?"

Pulitzer spreads his hands,

"What's there to be afraid of? After all, the journalism school has little foundation. It's very rare to recruit 50 students a year. For more than 3,000 US dollars, it's very easy for you and me."

Lu Shi: "..."

I don’t know whether I should say that the other party is too optimistic or too pessimistic.

He replied: "I can conclude that if you said the figure of $70 now, you would have to spend more than $3,000 today."

Pulitzer mused,

After a long while, he asked Lu Shi: "What about $50?"

Lu Shi said nothing.

Pulitzer asked again: "Thirty dollars?"

Lu Shi said: "This number is actually very reasonable. But my reason tells me that I will still spend more than I should."

Pulitzer couldn't help complaining: "Don't you think this is inconsistent?"

Lu Shi shrugged.

"Then you agreed."

Pulitzer then took a step forward and said: "We have decided that the minimum threshold for the scholarship is $10! ​​After that, it will be distributed according to the gradient. The better the grades, the higher the scholarship!"

The old man gave up after all.

Some students complained: "This number is too small."

Pulitzer said: "I said, that is the lowest threshold! Because we are the great United States, our education advocates universalization, not the dual-track system like the UK, so our scholarships should not only help the poor, but also reward excellent!"

The words "Great America" ​​made the students excited.

Pulitzer continued: "In short, we need to award scholarships based on merit, proportionally, and gradually."

According to the results,

From the perspective of proportion,

There are so many tricks these two can do.

It just requires spending an extra sum of money to invite obedient accountants and legal advisors to conduct inspections, and let the money run in the "sunshine" for a show.

Pulitzer continued to incite: "In this way, we will definitely make America continue to be great!"

The students are even more excited,


"well said!"

The atmosphere was warm.

After today's incident spreads, the enrollment resistance of journalism schools will definitely be reduced a lot.

Butler couldn't help but admire him and praised in a low voice: "Professor Lu, Joseph, you are really good at it. I have to say that tycoons in the media and advertising industry are good at observing people's hearts."

This is not a compliment, but a genuine compliment.

In the next half hour, Lu Shi answered students' questions on the spot.

The sun sets in the west,

The sky was dyed orange-red.

But there were more and more people around, and the gate of the School of Journalism was completely surrounded.

Butler interjected: "Professor Lu is taking a break now. If you want to learn more about the School of Journalism, please read the admissions brochure."

After saying that, they separated and escorted Lu Shi away.

The students are still enthusiastic,

"Professor Lu, please shake hands!"

"Professor Lu, please help me sign the title page of "Lolita"!"

"I love you! Lu!"

Someone was lucky enough to shake hands with Lu Shi and even shouted: "I won't wash my hands this week!"

Seems extremely crazy.

With great difficulty, Lu Shiji finally broke through the siege.

Butler smiled and said: "Professor Lu, I didn't expect you to answer so well without any preparation. For example, this is the first time I have heard about Leibniz. You are so knowledgeable and knowledgeable, you should be able to answer all the questions." Accumulate in normal times, right?"

Lu Shi said: "Actually, those students' arguments are not without merit. For example, the original question was about the dual-major ratio required for graduates of journalism schools."

Butler couldn't help but ponder,

After a while, he said: "I have also considered before that instead of requiring a double-degree ratio, it would be better not to have an undergraduate section, and the School of Journalism only recruits master's degree students."

As discussed before,

Journalism Professional Course——

How to write, how to interview, how to design...

These technical things do not require four years to learn, two years is more than enough.

Therefore, if you want to fill up your four-year undergraduate degree with credits, you must combine it with courses that are of little significance.

Because of this, many schools simply stop recruiting undergraduate students.

Among them is Tsinghua University in China.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"President Butler, you know this is difficult to implement. Because of such a reform, not only the School of Journalism, but also many majors will suffer. For example, in the School of Business, a large number of professors will inevitably stand up to oppose it."

Butler glanced at Lu Shi,

"Professor Lu, you really understand~"

Both of them had a clear mind.

If, as they say, a four-year undergraduate degree becomes a two-year graduate degree, many courses that were originally used to earn credits for undergraduates will inevitably face transformation and upgrading to adapt to graduate students.

Under such circumstances, many professors will be eliminated because their abilities cannot keep up.

How could they not object?

In this world, few people really think about students, but many people think about themselves.

Butler said: "So, we still have to settle for the next best thing. In order to truly deliver talents to the country and at the same time prove the strength of Columbia University, I decided to make more colleges 'easy in and out' and improve the quality of graduates." Dual Degree Ratio.”

Lu Shi gave a thumbs up,

"Principal, you are so fierce. Aren't you afraid of being scolded by students?"

Butler doesn't care;

"Isn't the principal's existence just to take the blame and be scolded? Besides, if people want to scold you, they will definitely scold you. It was you who got off to a good start in the journalism school~"

Lu Shi was speechless,


I didn't expect that the other party could do this.

In this way, after the early 20th century, Columbia became the school with the most stringent dual-major requirements for undergraduates in the United States.

Miraculously, the students did not scold Lu Shi.

Because they are completely numb,

The textbook was compiled by Lu Shi;

The scholarship was awarded by Lu Shifa;

The school board seat is held by Lu Shi;

For job assignments after graduation, I relied on Lu Shi's "Mirror";

One land hour on the left, one land hour on the right,

Already completely surrounded, whoever becomes a student would be in trouble.

Therefore, the students decided to change their strategy and turn from scolding to worship. They carried portraits or photos of the "God of Degrees" Lu Shi with them and put them in wallets, pen cases, and soles of shoes to use them as wards off evil spirits.

For a while, Lu Shi's portraits and photos were sold out all over the United States.

What’s even more outrageous is that this method of warding off evil spirits is more popular among boys than among girls.

For those who don’t know, I thought Nantong was a member of the American team~

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