British writer

Chapter 329 A complete madman

A week later.

On the train to Cambridge, everyone at Jerry's Circus was extremely excited.

"Have you heard? We are going back this time because Sir Lu has created a new drama."

"Well, the regimental leader received the telegram five days ago."

"Do you even know the specific time?"

"I guessed it. Think about it, the excitement of the group leader that day was so obvious!"


There was a lot of noise.

Fortunately, this carriage was booked by the circus and no one said anything.

In the box at the front, Li Dai, the daughter of the regiment leader Li Jie, was writing at her desk, holding the lead box tightly, her little face was serious and irritable.

“These people are so noisy!”

After a while,


She crossed out the lines she had just finished.

My best friend came over Zhou Zhou.

"Not satisfied yet?"

Li Dai said "Yeah", looked outside the box unhappily, and said, "Can't they be quieter?"

Zhou Zhou laughs,

"Okay. Just say you are writing a letter to Professor Lu. They must be... ugh..."

I didn’t dare to say the next words out loud.

Because my best friend is looking at her with murderous eyes.

Li Dai raised her eyebrows and said, "You know, I'm trying to write a script~"

In fact, she originally wanted to translate "Upside Down".

But the story of ethnic equality is too regionally specific. Let alone China, I’m afraid it will be less flavorful when performed in Europe.

Translation naturally fails,

After all, few people would enjoy a drama that is incompatible with their own culture.

But Li Dai knew that the problem was not only the subject matter,

Also because of her lack of strength.

If a story has universal value, such as "Roman Holiday" which promotes love, or "The Little Prince" which recalls childhood innocence, it can be localized as long as the translation skills are sufficient.

But Li Dai obviously does not have such skill.

So she stopped trying to translate "Inversion" and started writing it herself.

As for the effect...

She looked at what she had written and felt that it was just a mess.

Zhou Zhou sighed,

"It is difficult to create a drama, and it is even harder to create a Chinese drama. Before I even spoke, I heard about Dou E's injustice, and the song was heartbreaking, and the whole hall sighed..."

Li Dai complained: "Come on, come on, I'm not going to compete with Uncle Guan (Guan Hanqing)."

After saying that, she took a deep breath and then worked hard.

But there was another burst of laughter from outside.

She's crazy,

"If the people outside were quieter, I might be able to finish it faster."

As he spoke, he crossed out the newly written line.

The entire paper was almost blackened by the lead.

Zhou Zhou said: "You can't blame them. Because of Professor Lu's "Upside Down", we made money and gained prestige. Even the big guys at Anliang Hall treated us like honored guests and even exempted us from paying for the exam. Now. How can they not be excited when they hear that Professor Lu has a new drama?”

Today's Jerry's Circus, although still known as a "circus", has become a theater troupe.

The team members understood a truth through their own experience——

It's nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

If you hold Lu Shi's thigh tightly, there will be meat to eat.

Li Dai sighed,


He looked like he didn't have the common sense of ordinary people.

At this time,

Dirty dirty——

The train whistle sounds,

Reduce the speed and enter the station slowly.

The group members got off the bus, chartered several carriages, and headed straight to Harvard Campus.

The staff arranged accommodation for them.

Later, Li Jie and Li Dai were taken to Lu Shi's single-family villa.

Goodman is waiting at the door;

"Mr. Li, Miss Li, please wait for a moment. Professor Lu is meeting guests in the room."

He took out a script,

"Please take a look at this first."

With that said, he took the two of them to sit down at the tea break on the lawn.

There is a wooden coffee table and several rattan chairs placed here, randomly placed, exuding a casual atmosphere.

There were exquisite tea sets on the table, but no tea was made.

There are plates of fruits, pastries, and sandwiches, which are very exquisite.

Goodman squinted at the sun and felt that it was impossible to read the script, so he put up a huge parasol to create some shade.

Li Jie opened the script,

When he saw the title, he showed an extremely surprised expression.

" this Professor Lu's new play? Isn't it in English?"

I saw it written there in Chinese:

"Bigg Boss".

Goodman nodded,

"Yes, Sir Lu created two versions. First the English version, and then the Chinese version. He said he was more satisfied with the second version."

Li Jie looked through it eagerly,


"I believe in America."

"America made me rich."

The curtain opens.


Li Dai also came over,

Then, she murmured in Chinese: "It turns out that the format of the script is like this."

Goodman was surprised,

"Miss, what did you say?"

He doesn't understand Chinese.

Li Dai explained: "I have always thought that when writing a script, you must first introduce the background, characters, and props..."

Goodman laughed;

"That's how it should be."

"Ah this..."

Li Dai couldn't help but be confused and asked: "But Professor Lu entered the story directly."

Goodman said: "The great playwrights, from Oscar Wilde to George Bernard Shaw, all create as you said. Only Sir Lu is special. To be precise, only this time is special."

The previous "Yes!" "Prime Minister", "Roman Holiday", "Upside Down", the format is very strict.

Li Dai was a little curious,

"Why is this happening?"

Goodman shrugged.

"Sir Lu told me a lot of theories, and I don't understand the storyboards or anything like that. But you are professional actors, and you will definitely understand after listening to his explanation."

Li Dai nodded,

Being able to listen to Lu Shi talk about drama is a great blessing for a theater actor.

Goodman added: "By the way, Sir Lu also gave another task, saying that he asked you to change the script."

Li Jie:? ? ?

Li Dai:? ? ?

Their heads shook like rattles,

"Change the script? Us? No, no! We don't have the strength."

Goodman explained: "I'm not asking you to change the content, but I'm asking you to change the dialect. Change it to...uh..."

He also couldn't understand China's geography and dialects. He took out his notebook from his body, turned to the latest page, and continued: "Found it! Guangdong! Sir Lu asked you to change it to Cantonese."

Li Jie nodded,

"That's no problem."

The entire "Big Brother", except for the title, is written in Zhili dialect.

As for overseas Chinese, the majority are from Fujian and Guangdong, so Cantonese is the most appropriate language.

Li Dai pursed her lips and smiled,

"I didn't expect that such a great translator as Professor Lu would also need a 'translation'."

In a single-family villa.

Lu Shi was pouring tea for the guests in front of him.

There were two visitors, namely Sigmund Freud and Theodore Welty.

The former was bewitched by Lu Shigu and really went to the United States to develop;

The latter is the vice president of AAAS, in charge of the public projects office, and serves as an editor in the editorial department of Science magazine.

This visit is coming to an end.

At this time, Welty was reading the plan for "Project 666".

He read it word for word, sentence by sentence, very carefully.

Lu Shi looked at Freud and reminisced about the past: "Dr. Freud, how is it here in the United States?"

Freud smiled,

"As Lu Shi said, this place is very tolerant of various projects."

The implication is that it is easy to mix up funds.

Lu Shi smiled,

The two looked at each other subtly, understanding each other.

In fact, Freud's visit this time was because he and Lu Shi had crossed paths in Europe.

AAAS considered that it was easy to talk to acquaintances when they met, so they used him to build closer relationships.

The two chatted about psychology for a while.

At this time,


Welty let out a sigh of relief.

"It's so well written."

He waved the plan in his hand and pointed to a line in the preface:

“As for the problem of popularizing higher education, AAAS will not shelve it on the shelf and turn a blind eye. Instead, we will observe and think within the scope of visibility and try within the scope of our ability.”

Attract 6 universities to join, and in the next 6 years, 6,000 ethnic minority graduates will be successfully sent out.

This is what we can do.

Lu Shi explained: "Actually, the details behind it were compiled by my lawyer Saul Goodman."

Welty nodded,

"He wrote very well. But as a lawyer, the regulations he wrote were a bit cold, focusing only on the law and lacking the warmth and care of some educational practitioners. But it doesn't matter, it can be used with just a few modifications."

Lu Shi said: "What do you mean, 'Project 666' has great potential?"

The corners of Welty's lips curved.

"Of course. It's just..."

He straightened up,

"The number 666 doesn't seem to work."

According to the Bible, 666 is Satan’s number.

This number is also used to refer to evil forces and evil deeds.

Welty continued: "I think seven is the more appropriate number."

God created the world in 7 days,

Therefore, 7 means holiness, blessing, and perfection.

And if it is repeated three times after missing one, it means it is extremely incomplete, which is the so-called "666".

Lu Shi asked: "'Project 777'?"

Welty nodded,

"how do you feel?"

Lu Shi said: "That doesn't matter. But, among the new schools, which one should I choose?"

Welty laughed,

"That's not what I'm thinking about. It's about you, the person in charge of Project 777. When you go back today, I will allocate an office to you at the headquarters in Washington."

Lu Shi's head was full of black lines,

 ̄□ ̄||

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by the other party: "Professor Lu, don't worry, it's just in name."

It's just in name,

But if the "777 Project" is really successfully implemented, then Lu Shi will be the mentor of all the students benefited by this project.

The improvement in reputation is not bad.

In exchange for this, Welty must ask for something.

Lu Shi said: "Mr. Welty, if you have any ideas, please tell me."

Welty nodded,

That's the good thing about talking to smart people, you don't have to talk in circles.

He said: "There are only two requirements. First, I heard that you want to set up a temporary committee to tentatively determine the weight of each factor that affects the factor?"

Lu Shi replied: "Yes. I will take the lead in this matter."

Welty immediately said: "AAAS's requirement is that the seats in the United States cannot be less than 80% of those in Europe. Of course, we do not make rigid rules as to which universities these seats come from, whether they are Harvard or Yale."

The figure of 80% is quite acceptable.

Lu Shi pondered,

"Tell me your second request."

Welty asked: "Professor Lu agreed?"

Lu Shi said: "I will combine the two requirements and consider them as appropriate."

Welty continued: "The impact factors need to be collected by academic institutions or universities in multiple countries, and the final results can only be released after reasonable screening and processing."

This is also a mature and prudent idea,

With multiple checks and balances, you don’t have to worry about someone blatantly doing anything.

Of course Lu Shi would not object.

"Yes. But the announcement can only be handed over to the publishing company of "Mirror", and the cycle is once a year."

In modern times, due to the digitization of information, the impact factors of each journal can be updated in real time.

But at the beginning of the 20th century, there were no computers or data analysis software, so everything had to rely on manual statistics and verification. Once a year was enough to be fatal.

"I approve of this plan," Welty said.

That's how it was settled.

Welty and Floyd began to pack their things, exchanged a few words with Lu Shi, and walked to the door.

When saying goodbye, Welty said: "Professor Lu, not just AAAS, but all parties must find ways to lobby so that things can advance without hindrance like the Global University Rankings."

Lu Shi nodded,

"You can rest assured. It's almost done."

This week, in addition to creating "Big Brother", he spent the rest of his time receiving heads of universities and publishing units to discuss the feasibility of impact factors.

The effect is remarkable,

Few dissented.

Now that the AAAS behind "Science" has been solved, the United States is basically "pacified".

And Europe is our base camp, so it’s no problem.

Lu Shi sent the two visitors out.

Not long after, Goodman opened the door, leaned halfway in, and asked, "Is it done?"

Lu Shi nodded,


Goodman suddenly became excited,

He drafted the plan for "Project 777". It would be an honor if it could be implemented.

He smiled, closed the door,

Not long after, Li Jie and Li Dai came in.

The father and daughter took their seats in turn.

Li Jie kept wiping his sweat.

She only sat on a quarter of her buttocks, and her back was straight, like a primary school student attending class for the first time.

He seemed to be so nervous because he knew he was going to play the leading role in "Bigg Boss" and was afraid of not performing well and offending the big shots.

Li Dai was very excited,

"Professor Lu, I didn't expect that such a great translator like you would need a 'translation'."

Lu Shi:? ? ?

He looked confused and didn’t understand.

Li Jie next to him glared at his daughter,

"What are you talking about!?"

Li Dai replied: "I'm just surprised that Professor Lu can learn so many foreign languages ​​but doesn't understand Cantonese."

Lu Shi smiled,

"The difficulty of learning a language depends on the relationship between the mother tongue and the target language. Compared with English, Cantonese is definitely easier because it has the same characters and similar grammar as Zhili dialect, but the pronunciation is more difficult. And English, But you have to memorize the words carefully."

Li Dai became more and more curious,

"Then your English is so good, why don't you understand Cantonese?"

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"I don't have the language environment to learn Cantonese, and I don't have the motivation to learn. I definitely won't be able to master it. Of course, I can still understand it."

Li Dai nodded in understanding.

Lu Shi turned to Li Jie,

"Captain Li, I hope your troupe can perform this play bilingually."


Li Jie was in a difficult position.

"To be honest, I have never seen a Chinese drama like this before, and I don't know if it can be performed well."

Chinese drama began with Chunliu Society,

This drama group was formed in the winter of 1906 by Chinese students studying in Japan. Its founders, Li Shutong and Zeng Xiaogu,

The earliest plays it performed were "La Traviata" and "The Record of a Black Slave".

But "Bigg Boss" is so cruel,

Not only did it advance the foundation and origin of Chinese drama by five years, but the script was also original, not imported.

You know, according to official history, the earliest drama script was Hu Shi's "Lifetime Events".

That would have to wait until 1919.

Lu Shi said: "Captain Li, you can even act in English dramas, but you can't act in Chinese?"

Li Jie was a little hesitant.

Next to her, Li Dai is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.

"No problem! No problem!"

Li Jie glanced at his daughter, nodded and said, "Okay, we can give it a try. Then our performance will be..."

Lu Shi said: "The first few performances of the English version were in various universities."

This statement is a little strange.

Li Jie was surprised,

"What about the next show?"

Lu Shi continued: "The Cantonese version is all performed in theaters in Chinatown. As for the subsequent English version, it is also performed in Chinatown."

Li Jie:! ! !

"Chinatown? Is the English version also performed in Chinatown?"

Lu Shi nodded and said: "Of course! I will help you contact and resolve the theater matter."

Li Jie was speechless,

Is that a theater problem?

The key is, if the English version is performed in Chinatown, will anyone go to see it?

He felt that Lu Shi was a complete madman.

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