Broad World

Chapter 229 Heading to Candlekeep

Seeing that all the irrelevant personnel had left, Henry did not hesitate to let the scroll golem activate the eighth-level magic "Abbidaqi withering" and the sixth-level magic "serial lightning". More than half of the doppelgangers were directly vaporized into mummified corpses by the mist, and some were turned into scorched corpses by the jumping electric arc.

Apodel and Minsk rushed forward to start a hand-to-hand fight, and Jasila quickly blessed them with several divine spells. So in the room, Dai Nahei did not cast the evocation magic she was good at, but released a third-level spell "Slowness". The movement and attack speed of the doppelganger affected by this spell were directly reduced by half. In the eyes of the responsive fighters, this was almost like slow motion.

Henry quickly completed the last two spell-casting actions, and a transparent ball shot out from his fingertips and exploded on the doppelganger's head. The energy of the magic directly fixed all the shapeshifters beside Apodel in place. He took the opportunity to smash an enemy's head with a flail and shouted at Henry: "Good job! This spell should be repeated a few more times. I like monsters that can't fight back the most."

Henry stretched out a middle finger without hesitation, and Apodel, who already knew the meaning of this gesture, laughed and continued to kill the immobile shapeshifter.

The ranger yelled while waving the spider-killing sword wildly: "Kill! Kill! Kill! Minsk and Bubu will kill all of you stinking monsters!" Judging by his distorted facial expression, this guy must have turned on a berserk state.

With the help of spells and divine spells, dozens of shapeshifting monsters were cleared up within ten minutes. A few guys who tried to escape through the windows were also shot to death with magic arrows one by one by Imon. In order to prevent any leaks, they also searched carefully inside the Merchant Alliance.

After checking all the rooms and warehouses. Eds Sasanta bowed deeply to everyone. "Thank you so much. You not only saved the chamber of commerce, but also avenged two of my friends. Now all the businesses of the business alliance are open to you. And only 20% of the handling fee is charged. In addition, this magic giant sword is regarded as the reward for this mission, please be sure to accept it." He took off his accessories and handed them over with both hands.

Henry took the giant sword and immediately identified it, and the specific information soon emerged.

Great Sword: "Konta's Sword"

At first glance, the sword looks like any other sword, but any shapeshifting monsters in the vicinity will begin to vibrate slowly, eager to unleash the power within. The sword is named after its original owner. It is said that he paid a huge price to possess the sword. The people around planned many schemes to betray him, but in the end he relied on this sword to get back what should belong to him. As for the crimes and names of those people, they have been lost in the long torrent of history.

Equipment effect:

Adds bonus damage to werewolves and doppelgangers.

Overjoyed, Apodel grabbed Kunta's sword and swung it. Be aware that the doppelganger can pretend to be any friend around you, but as long as you have this weapon that can automatically alarm, these will no longer be a problem. He directly gave the long sword "Vascona" to Khalid, and replaced it with a new weapon.

Then everyone bought a small magic pocket from Ades to hold gold coins and trophies. After all, always using Henry often leaves the team, so it is inconvenient to always use his dimensional bag. After saying goodbye to each other. They returned to the headquarters of Flame Fist and reported the specific situation to Duke Irtan.

Hearing that the Merchant Alliance had returned to Ades' control, the Duke heaved a sigh of relief. All he needs to do now is win over the chamber of commerce. It will be able to maintain a balance of power with Grand Duchess Lena Janas. The next step is to dig deep into the criminal evidence of the Iron Throne. I believe that once their crimes are announced to the public, the parliament will soon completely fall to their side.

Irtan looked at Apodel and the others in front of him with complicated eyes. These adventurers were more powerful than he had imagined. Not only did they discover the conspiracy of the Iron Throne, but they also quietly cleaned up a large number of shapeshifting monsters. Maybe it's time for these guys to do something more important, like see what the hell this old Rita is up to.

Thinking of this, he took out a large bag of gold coins and a very old looking book. "Very good. The money is the reward for this mission. Now there is one very important thing you need to do. Take this book and go to Candlekeep to see what the Iron Throne is plotting there. I believe that no matter what they are doing, it must be bad for this city."

Henry noticed that Aberdell trembled slightly when he heard the word Candlekeep, but returned to normal immediately. It seems that he still has a lot of nostalgia for the place where he grew up. Perhaps this trip to Candlekeep is a test to completely get rid of childhood and move towards maturity.

Apodel sighed slightly, and took over the task. He really wanted to go back and see how his friends were doing now. Everyone took the book and left Baldur's Gate directly. Just passing through the mouth of the giant dragon, a guy in a black cloak walked straight over.

He looked at a book that Apodel was about to bring, and then saluted and said, "Hello. I'm Zuo Nan, a scholar from Amn. If you don't mind, please give me some time. I have a very valuable proposal that can benefit both of us."

"Hurry up if you have anything to say, we are still in a hurry." Apodel frowned impatiently. His mind is now full of memories about Candlekeep, and his thoughts have already flown away.

Zuo Nan was not annoyed by the other party's bad attitude, he still had a smile on his face. "No problem, it only takes a few minutes. You have a book that I need very much, which is the one that Duke Irtan just gave you. I am willing to exchange it with another expensive book worth 10,000 gold coins."

Apodell thought about it for a while, and felt that since they could also pass through the gate guarded by Candlekeep, it didn't matter which book they used. In order to prevent being cheated, he asked the two mages in the team to check Zuo Nan's books. Dai Nahei used magic to decipher it for a long time, but couldn't even understand a single word. She felt that the book had certain research value, and she might be able to find relevant information in the library management of Candlekeep.

Henry knew in his heart that there was something wrong with this book, but he didn't say anything. He knew that the whole thing could not only bring a lot of experience points, but also involved a great treasure. Seeing that neither of the two mages said the book was fake, Apodel agreed to the other party's terms of exchange.

Zuo Nan took the book with trembling hands, and said loudly in an excited voice: "Thank you so much! I am unraveling one of the greatest secrets in this mysterious country! The role you have played in it is beyond imagination. I really don't know how to thank you. I am going to the south. Goodbye, friends." After he finished speaking, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jasila, who has rich experience in adventures, feels that this matter is a bit strange, but she will not say it until she finds something suspicious. A group of people marched south along the main road, and after several days of rushing, they finally crossed the Avenue of Lions. Aimon pointed at the faintly visible castle in the distance and shouted: "Look, we'll be there soon. I really don't know how Winthrop is doing now, without my help to clean the hotel, it must be a mess."

"I think Winthrop will be more relaxed now that you, a mischievous girl, are gone." Seeing that she was about to arrive at Candlekeep, Aberdell was in high spirits, and now she was in the mood to make a joke.

Just when the two were fighting, four portals suddenly opened on the road. Several ogre mages appeared on the spot, and one of them laughed out loud when he saw Apodel. "Hahahahaha! Little thing, the son of murder offered ten thousand gold coins for your head. We will definitely get the money."

Before everyone could react, these ogre mages quickly blessed various spells. All of a sudden, "mirror image", "shield", "protection from long-range weapons", "invisibility", and "acceleration" were all displayed, and all kinds of magical auras kept shining.

Henry was the first to come back to his senses. He did not hesitate to let the scroll golem activate the ninth-level spell "Popular Explosion". A burst of magical energy tore through the sky, and a large number of small meteors fell from mid-air, directly hitting the ogre mage. These violently burning meteors penetrated low-level protective magic and dealt a devastating blow to a large area ahead.

Apodel stared dumbfounded at the ogre mages, who were smashed to pieces by burning stones. This doomsday scene shocked everyone, and even Candlekeep was carefully using magic to observe what happened here. The power of "Popular Explosion" created deep pits on the road ahead, and the enemy was wiped out without even releasing a single attack spell.

Apodell glanced at the puddles of minced meat and said to Henry: "Dude! Did you go too far? I feel a little sympathetic to these ogres now, because they didn't even leave a complete body."

"I'm just giving a warning to those who have ulterior motives. Don't think that you are easy to bully. Then next time someone wants to kill us to get a bounty, you have to think about whether it's worth it to lose your life." Henry said and glanced at Candlekeep in the distance.

Sarevok might be watching here right now. He has now begun to openly claim to be the son of Baal, the murder god, and these ogre mages must have known this to go to the past. They are obviously opportunists, but this time they obviously made the wrong bet. Because only Apodel can reach that position, as to whether he can become a new god depends on his own choice. (To be continued..)

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