Broad World

Chapter 281: Tomb of Strokhan III

Hearing the sorceress mention her childhood story, Henry suddenly discovered a commonality in Faerun. Anyone who has been sticking to the evil camp must have an unforgettable sad past. Most of them joined in without hesitation after seeing through the dark side of human nature such as greed, mania, tyranny, bloodthirsty, and selfishness.

Look at the most famous founder of the Cult of the Draconic, Sammaster. He was originally just an apprentice with a strong thirst for knowledge and a little neurotic. But his unparalleled magical talent made him one of the greatest mages in the world, even comparable to those great arcanists of the Netheril period. Sammaster was so good that some thought he was more of a child of magic than Mystra.

But it is a pity that the failure of love twice made him completely fall into the embrace of evil. The dissolute life style of the goddess of magic and her daughter made this somewhat infatuated genius extremely painful. After several failures in communication, he resolutely gave up his identity as a voter and transformed himself into a lich.

That's not all, Sammaster created a powerful undead creature like the dracolich with his perfect magical talent. His Dragon Lich Cult developed rapidly, and at its peak, he could even fight the incarnation of Losander, the God of Dawn. As an incarnation of powerful divine power, Losander was actually beaten out of blood by a mortal without any divinity. The most disgusting thing is that this god has the face to advertise his blood as a divine weapon.

In order to prevent Sandy from fully committing to the dark side, Henry decided to treat her a little better in the future. Especially before Joan Irenicus was killed, this guy is now the biggest dark side of the sorceress' psychology. He didn't want this powerful subordinate and lover to die with the enemy in the end, otherwise he would lose a lot.

The two of them sat on the ground and rested for a while, then got up and continued towards the north of the underground tunnel. From the murals on the wall and various carved patterns, it can be seen that this place should be the tomb of a certain ancient figure. Henry remembered that in the depths of the tomb, he seemed to be able to get a few magic items that had special bonuses to dragons.

Just after they passed through a dilapidated gate, suddenly, a woman with short silver hair ran out from the corner. She yelled at them, "Stop! I killed many of your kind to get here... Oh! Sorry. I took you for those dirty orcs."

See this woman. The corners of Henry's mouth were slightly upturned, and it seemed that the key to open the tomb would be available soon. In the shadows behind her there must be a party of heavily armed adventurers. Anyway, sooner or later he will turn his face for the treasure inside, so it is better to act first now. Kill all the people and slowly solve the puzzle here.

Henry didn't like leaving hidden dangers behind him, so he made an attacking gesture at Sandy before the woman could say a second word. Spellcaster No. 2 kicked off the attack with an eighth-level magic "Shock and Awe Seal", followed by the sorceress' "Spider Web Technique" and fell from the sky.

"I'm sorry, I've pre-ordered the treasure here, so please go to hell." With an evil smile on his face, Henry bowed slightly, and then cast a third-level magic spell "eliminate invisibility".

In an instant, four or five guys bound by spider webs behind the woman showed their prototypes. Shandier laughed and threw a "death cloud spell" into it, and the poisonous fog caused great damage to them all at once. The mage with a weak physique even vomited blood and fell to the ground after taking a sip. Henry cast the fourth-level divine spell "mind control" to control the ogre warrior who just broke free. Under his command, this guy waved the huge weapon in his hand and knocked all his companions to the ground.

The sorceress was rummaging for the loot on the ground, and said to her master with a smile: "Hahahahaha! I am so ridiculous. These idiots ambushed us and didn't look in the mirror. Just based on their level? Hahahahaha! Master, I think you should join the evil camp."

"No, no, it seems that you don't have a thorough understanding of the concept of good and evil." Henry waved his hand with a smile after finding the key from the woman's body. "First of all, you have to understand what is the nature of good and evil in this world. They are not abstract concepts, or thoughts in your mind. They are real behaviors. Only when you do something that has a good or bad impact on the world and the people around you, is it called good or evil."

"For example, let's say I'm very short of money and I plan to rob. But if you rob a businessman or civilian who abides by the law, then this is an evil act. But robbing an evil red dragon or looting a bandit's garrison is an act of kindness. But think about it, how much money can merchants and civilians have, and how much money will red dragons and robbers have? So, evil does not necessarily mean that you can get the most benefits. Sometimes it is better to do things under the guise of kindness."

Sandy's eyes lit up after listening. She put her arms around Henry's neck and gave a deep kiss, and then said affectionately: "Oh... great master, the evil light radiating from the depths of your heart makes me feel ashamed. I will try to learn in the future, and put on a kind coat to do some bad things. I believe it will be very interesting."

"Of course, this is the experience I have summed up over the years. And, next time, if you are seducing me..." Henry smiled meaningfully, and then pinched the sorceress' round buttocks hard.

"Ah!" Sandyer yelled first, and then she leaned over and rubbed back and forth, the gasping in her nose getting heavier and heavier.

At first, Henry enjoyed this feeling a little bit, but soon realized something was wrong. The female sorceress' fiery red hair began to straighten up one by one, and there were some faint bulges on her forehead. In order to make sure that his eyes were not dazzled, he immediately lifted up Shandy's skirt, and sure enough, a half-finger-long tail grew near the tailbone. Now it is finally certain that she must have the blood of the lower plane. I just don't know if it's the devil or the devil.

In order to restore his sanity as soon as possible, Henry directly poured him from head to toe with the "water making technique". I saw the female sorceress shivering, and finally woke up from the yuu. She touched the raised part of her forehead subconsciously, and asked in surprise: "Damn, what is this raised thing? Did I just lose control again?"

Henry nodded and replied: "If I'm not mistaken, you are now in the process of returning to your ancestors. The protruding part of your forehead should be a horn, and your coccyx has also begun to grow a short tail. When your bloodline evolution is completed this time, we will know whether your blood in your body is a devil or a devil."

"Damn it, how long will this strange state last? I don't want any accidents to happen when I'm fighting the red dragon." Sandyr cursed in a low voice while using magic tricks to clean up the moisture on her body.

Henry can't do anything about it. The profession of warlock itself is easily swayed by the nature hidden in the blood, and it is impossible to control one's emotions. After calming down for a while, he directly cast teleportation magic to summon Pixen Louis.

Learning from the previous few lessons that there were no thieves, Henry specially made a magic belt for the devil. As long as you don't leave the main material plane, you can summon this little thing to yourself at any time.

Louis circled around the master happily for a few times, and then began to work on disabling traps and unlocking locks. Soon, the magic traps on several doors were dismantled, and the chains were broken by the way. I don't know if it was bad luck, or the tomb designer wanted to prevent tomb robbers. In short, Henry opened three doors in a row, all of which were fake, and there was nothing inside except black rocks.

Seeing that his efforts were all in vain, Pixie immediately lowered his head in frustration. In order to increase the enthusiasm of the devil, Henry had to take out a little honey from the dimension bag as encouragement. After eating the pixie essence, he was full of energy, and immediately began to actively search for traps and open locks.

After a few minutes, they finally opened a door to a back room. Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the room. "The fallen king is buried here, the invader, I guard this place. You are not a descendant of the king, so you are forbidden to advance."

Through the dim light, Henry could vaguely see that it was a fire elf. He let Louis hide without hesitation, and blessed a "protective flame" himself. You must know that the devil and the mage share vitality with each other, and if they die accidentally, they will permanently lose their physique.

Facts have proved that this choice is very correct. After the fire dwarf blessed himself with a "flame shield", he immediately launched a "fireball" in the room. Although the high-temperature flames did not cause any harm, the air wave still pushed Henry back several steps. Spellcaster No. 2 rushed up quickly under his control. The "flame shield" and other fire magic on the fire dwarf had no effect on the scroll golem at all, and was directly killed by the touch of damage.

From the wreckage on the ground, Henry picked up a pair of horns that looked like ornaments on top of a helmet. After searching the room, he also found a book that was about to rot in a corner. Surprisingly, the violent explosion just now did not cause any damage to the book.

After reading the contents, they learned that this was the tomb of Strokhan III. It is said that at the end of the tomb, there is a final guardian who is permanently invisible. And this horn-like thing is part of the magic mask, and only the person wearing this can see the appearance of the final guard.

Although Henry dismisses what is written above, you must know that invisibility does not mean invulnerability. Too many large-scale damaging spells can make invisibility meaningless. He knew very well that the one guarding here should be a large fire elemental, as long as a three bursts of "Ice Storm" could completely kill it. But if you can get one more magic item and a lot of experience points, why not do it.

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