Broad World

Chapter 657 Alliance (Part 2)

After everything was done, Velen left contentedly. \u003c\u003cTop\u003e\u003e\u003c\u003cPoint\u003e\u003e Fiction Although in this conspiracy not only did not get the power he dreamed of, but also lost an arm in the incarnation, but the gains were not small at all. He is confident that as long as this action is fast enough, the believers will definitely be able to grow more than ten times. At that time, as long as they are a little bit more stable, both their godhood and influence will be greatly improved, and they will no longer have to be afraid of their tyrannical mother.

After the ambitious God of Conspiracy disappeared, only the naked dark girl and Henry remained, and the atmosphere became a little weird for a while.

After a few minutes of silence, Eilistraee was the first to break the silence and asked, "Why did you start such a large-scale war? Don't use the rhetoric that deceived my brother. I can feel that your purpose is not that serious. Simple."

Apparently, this goddess doesn't have much ambition and is therefore able to see deepest purpose. Her eyes are like clear spring water, without any impurities, they look so fascinating.

Henry looked at the near-perfect naked (body) of the other party with pure appreciation, with a smile on his face: "Your sense is very keen. I really don't just want to attack and weaken Rose's power in the main plane, but also I also intend to use this turmoil to show the power of killing, so that my friend, Aberdare, can quickly expand his influence after inheriting the throne of Barr, so that he will not be overwhelmed by the prince of lies."

This is just like the sahuagin he left behind in the Angome Islands and the orcs in Wywood City in the north. They are all preparing for a large-scale war, which can be said to be ocean, surface and underground. All three aspects are in order. As long as it works properly. It is easy to gain a large number of believers, laying a solid foundation for becoming a powerful god in the future.

Since the turbulent years passed, the gods must expand their influence if they want to gain more power. For the God of Slaughter, there is no more direct means than war to let mortals know themselves again, otherwise Sarevok would not have chosen to provoke the war between Baldur's Gate and Amn.

Although doing so would be cheap for God of War Tempus. But thinking about it from another perspective, maybe we can take this opportunity to get closer to this powerful divine power, and even form an alliance.

Tempus is a neutral god, known by the world as the Lord of War. He never lied, nor did he bother to use tricks, and he always defeated the enemy upright. This is in line with Aberdell's fighting philosophy. Once he becomes a god, I believe there will be many common topics between the two.

In short, this is a very big chess game, even from the perspective of God, it can still be called magnificent.

Eilistraee didn't know much, but only based on Henry's arrangement of the Underdark. There is still a sense of the grand scheme behind it. She glanced at it with a complicated expression, and said quietly: "Is it all for the son of Baal? He is really lucky. He has a friend like you."

"This is not only for friendship, but also for a stable rear in the future. I believe you should also know that many gods are now setting their sights on the West Hartland region that has just experienced war, eager to harvest there More believers and influence, even meddling in politics. To be honest, most of their practices disgust me, especially the endless fighting, which can easily cause turmoil and division.”

Speaking of this, the corners of Henry's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a mocking smile. He could already imagine how those gods would be furious when he started building temples for Aberdare in his territory.

"You seem to hate the gods?" Eilistraee asked quite seductively.

She could see that the human being in front of her seemed to reject belief, which was quite rare in the main plane. After all, since the Wall of Unbelief was built, even the most devout mage will choose to become a pan-believer or a hypocrite to prevent himself from being nailed to the Wall of Unbelief after death.

Hearing this question, Henry shook his head slightly: "Hate the gods? No, no, no, I don't discriminate against the gods and the belief itself, and I quite like the teachings of certain gods. For example, Sivan, the father of the oak tree The concept of Nas protecting nature, the spirit of peace and joy of the goddess of sprouts, Sienlia, the god of knowledge, Omar, the protection of cultural property, and the meticulousness of the god of guarding, Heim. You can see that their temples are in my territory every year A lot of donations can be made.”

He is very clear that in this world, most mortals cannot adapt to life without faith, especially those living in cities, and they need a spiritual sustenance. As for the banning of all the temples in the territory? That is something only lunatics and psychopaths would do. Not only is it thankless, but it will also make all the gods clean.

Although Henry himself has no interest in faith at all, he does not discriminate against those who have faith. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, gods with narrow and extreme teachings are absolutely not allowed to appear in the territory, otherwise, once religious confrontations occur, it will be troublesome.

Eilistraee obviously still had some doubts, and continued to ask: "What about the other kind and neutral gods? For example, Tyre, the god of justice, and Lathander, the lord of the dawn, it seems that you have not allowed them in your territory so far. Church builds temples."

"Good question, these two gods will never be able to obtain legal missionary qualifications in my territory, because their teachings are problematic. The first is the God of Justice. He is too strict and rigid, and he likes to interfere in the judiciary. These two points I hate it very much. The other Lord of Dawn is too detached, he puts too much emphasis on dreams and ignores down-to-earth work, which is very detrimental to social stability." Henry said the reason without concealment.

From the ruler's point of view, he thought he was doing absolutely right. This is not a personal grievance, but for the prosperity and stability of the territory. Numerous histories have proved that if a country wants to be rich and powerful, it must ensure a stable social structure and a policy of tolerance and openness. Undoubtedly, both of these deities conflicted with these standards.

Eilistraee had obviously never heard such a statement before, and her eyes lit up instantly: "It seems that you are very researched in this area, tell me, what do you think of my teachings?"

"To be honest, your teachings are a bit too naive, and you lack a strict organization. If you fight alone, it will be difficult to defeat your mother and elder brother." Henry bluntly pointed out the shortcomings.

Although there are various churches in Faerun Continent, some are secret, some are loose, and some openly establish a complete system. But generally speaking, the more powerful the deity, the tighter the church structure. The temples of the dancing lady in front of me are usually built at the entrances and exits of the Underdark Region, and they don’t have much connection with each other. in the hands of the enemy.

Such a church may not even be able to guarantee the safety of believers, so how can it grow and develop. It can be said that it can be maintained until now, all thanks to the efforts of the Harper Alliance, otherwise it would have been defeated by everyone.

"How can this situation be improved? Or, what can I do to bring more dark elves back to goodness?" Eilistraee had a serious expression on her face. She has also been aware of this problem for a long time, but has been suffering from no solution.

"It's very simple, you must slow down the whole process, and you must ensure that there are enough strongholds underground to provide shelter for those dark elves who escaped from Rose's control. As far as I know, many drow who yearned for kindness died in the On the way to the surface." Speaking of this, Henry paused, looked up into the clear eyes of the goddess.

"This operation is a great opportunity. I will send people to help you capture a few cities. As long as you can successfully convert the beliefs of the local residents, I believe it will not be a problem to build one or two strong fortresses. Once you have an underground stronghold, it is equivalent to Lighting up the lighthouse in the dark, there will be countless dark elves who can't stand Lolth's tyranny coming to seek your shelter. Of course, you have to change your habits and let the priest build enough temples underground."

Hearing that a temple was going to be built underground, Eilistraee frowned subconsciously: "What you said makes sense, but I prefer to let all the believers come to the surface instead of staying in the dark area where you can't see your fingers. "

Henry chuckled and explained: "Of course you can let some believers return to the surface, and I even welcome them into the city life under my rule. But the underground stronghold must not be abandoned, because it means more believers."

"Are you willing to let the dark elves enter the city?!!!" Eilistraee instantly showed a shocked expression.

She has worked hard for so many years, but not many cities are willing to accept dark elves as residents. Now that someone is willing to try, she can't help feeling mixed feelings, as if a ray of light suddenly appeared in the darkness. Although it is small, it brings infinite hope.

"Of course, why not. I plan to transform Velen into a pilot city, inhabited by humans and dark elves, and then build an underground city as a trading point. Through frequent exchanges, I believe that one day the kind Zhuo Let us walk on the streets without any discrimination." Henry said this sentence in a high-sounding manner, as if he was a saint who saved the fallen youth.

Obviously, his purpose in doing this is to attract more people. You must know that the dark elves are not those lazy surface elves. They basically use women as men and men as animals, and they are all good laborers. The most important thing is that the teachings of this dancing lady are basically easy to be accepted by human society except that she likes to dance with her naked body.

But Eilistraee didn't know this, and was instantly moved. She held Henry's face affectionately, lowered her head and offered a warm and moist kiss.

"Thank you, young human, you let my people have a bridge to communicate with civilized society. I'm leaving, you should be more careful alone, because many gods are focusing their attention on this place."

After speaking, the naked goddess was blown by a gust of wind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a faint lingering fragrance in the air... (to be continued...)

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