Broad World

Chapter 693: The Harpist’s Grudge with the Zhentarim

For the internal struggles among these human nations, Elminster obviously didn't care very much, and was even a little indifferent. As for capturing monsters like hobgoblins and kobolds as coolies, he neither expressed disapproval nor objection. After all, these guys did bring great damage to civilized society.

Overall, the conversation between the two was a success. At least they all achieved their goals. The old mage confirmed that although the young mage with terrifying power was a little radical, he was not evil, and he was sensible enough to ensure that the situation would not develop out of control.

Similarly, Henry also dispelled the worries and vigilance of the Harper Alliance and the great sage of Shadow Valley through conversation. Due to the different concepts, although the two sides cannot become allies, they will never become enemies. Of course, this was on the premise that Elminster didn't know that he had cooperated with the leader of the Zhentarim Society, Manshone, otherwise he would probably turn his back on the spot.

You must know that the most important enemy of the Harper Alliance is the Zhentarim Society. The two organizations have eyeliners and intelligence points all over the western continent, and the secret confrontation has never stopped. It is precisely because none of them can do anything to the other that the continent of Faerun is in a state of balance between good and evil. There are places like Zhentil Castle and Luskan ruled by ambitious evil lords, and places like Neverwinter A ruler who respects fairness and kindness as much as the Silvermoon Alliance.

As for the remaining cities, most remained neutral. For example, Amn, Tethyr, Calinshan, Tumis, etc. basically enshrine various gods at the same time, both good and evil, and national policies may change at any time. Maybe they were allies one second, but turned into enemies the next.

The Zhentarim has been actively infiltrating these neutral areas, hoping to use means such as bribery, assassination, intimidation, kidnapping, and supporting puppets. Pull it into its fold. The Harper Alliance, in order to disintegrate the enemy's conspiracy, kept confronting their opponents. After countless years of fighting, they may have become immortal enemies long ago.

But in addition to these old grievances, the gods standing behind the two major forces also played a big role in promoting.

Cyric, the prince of lies, Bane, the fallen god of tyranny, Mystra, the goddess of magic, Melikai, the god of forests and rangers, Edas, the goddess of springs and peace, Omar, the god of knowledge, Sulun, the goddess of the moon, etc. Wait, almost half of the human pantheon stands behind these two organizations with a clear distinction between good and evil, and supports them to fight against enemy gods that conflict with their clergy.

Especially the current goddess of magic, Mystra (Midnight), who is in the leading position of the Harper Alliance, and the current leader of the Zhentarim Society, Prince of Lies, Cyric, can't finish talking for three days and three nights, and it can be written by expanding it A million-word novel. Conspiracy and deceit, love and betrayal, man and god are mixed in it, and the blood level is absolutely jaw-dropping.

This story also begins in the Year of Troubles, when the gods were forced to walk the earth as saints. Among them, Bane, the god of tyranny, captured Mystra, the goddess of magic, and tried to force her to cooperate with him. And four powerful adventurers were hired to rescue the goddess from the clutches, and Cyric happened to be one of them.

After a fierce battle, the adventurers managed to get out of Mystra, and Bane was forced to retreat temporarily. After this incident, Cyric, who was still a mortal, discovered the weakness of the gods and the possibility of becoming a god himself, and at the same time, a great and terrible plan was born in his heart.

The goddess of magic, who is kind by nature, has not returned to the protection of the church. Instead, he chose to return to the world of the gods, in an attempt to expose the conspiracy of the three death gods to his upper body, Ai Ou. But it is a pity that she met Haim, the god of guard who is devoted to his duty. The god whose only duty is to obey orders didn't say a word. Directly obeying God's order, he killed the goddess of magic who wanted to break in (note that this is the second death of the goddess of magic, and the first time was forced by the great arcanist Karthus to commit suicide).

The death of the goddess of magic caused great chaos and destruction to the entire world. At this time, Elminster, the leader of the resistance army, was fighting Bane's army. Confrontation, and complete disappearance in combat.

No one knew that this powerful mage chose to seal most of the power of the goddess of magic in his body in order to prevent larger-scale destruction. Then he left without a sound. Most residents of Shadowvale believe he was murdered by two of Cyric's companions, the mage Midnight and Ayton, priest of Suna, the god of love and beauty.

Without any hesitation, Cyric directly killed the guards and led everyone away from the Valley of Shadows. On the way, the warrior Kelenvor and the mage Midnight in the team had a spark of love, and they soon became lovers. But they don't know that their teammate Cyric has formed an alliance with Bane in private. And also obtained a sword transformed from the god of thieves, Mask, and later this weapon also won a famous name-Sword of Killing God.

As the old saying goes, opportunities always favor those who are prepared. Not long after, Bane and Tom broke out in a battle in the form of saints, and a slate of fate fell into the hands of several members of the adventure team. then. They also learned that there was a second block in Waterdeep City, so they chose to go there without hesitation.

You must know that this artifact is said to hide the mystery that the god Io can surpass the gods. The three gods of death stole it just to spy on its secrets, which triggered the terrible punishment of the coming of the saints.

In the end, people from all parties gathered in Waterdeep City, and a series of battles broke out. First, Baal, the God of Slaughter, hijacked Midnight and obtained the first tablet of fate, followed by Cyric who killed Baal decisively and took away this powerful artifact.

If you think this is the end, then you are wrong, more exciting is yet to come.

After escaping, Midnight teamed up with teammate Priest Ayton to kill the last of the three gods of death, the god of death, Mirko, and snatched the second and third slates of fate from him. Before everyone was happy for a long time, Cyric with the sword of killing God reappeared, killed the warrior Kelenvor without hesitation, snatched the other two slates of fate and fled.

Seeing his lover being killed, Midnight, who was deeply grieved, couldn't let it go. He chased him non-stop for days and nights. At this time, the god Ao suddenly appeared, not only took away the three stone tablets, but also gave Cyric all the power of the three gods of death, making him the most powerful god in the whole world one.

As a mortal, of course, it is impossible to be the opponent of a powerful god, but the subsequent development far exceeded everyone's expectations. Not long after, mage Midnight suddenly gained the power of the goddess of magic, and also became a powerful third-generation goddess of magic. The hatred between the two rose from the world to the gods. And started an all-round confrontation.

Of course, this kind of confrontation became more and more complicated as the original warrior teammate Kelenvor became the new god of death. On the other hand, there are still often some close cooperation.

No wonder someone said that the scariest thing in the entire multiverse is not the demons who only know destruction, nor the militaristic devils, nor the high gods, but the ubiquitous adventurers. Look at this adventure team of only four people, three of them have changed from mortals to powerful gods in the blink of an eye, just like the original three gods of death.

Such a powerful force is easily obtained with almost no effort. If it is said that Cyric also paid for some cleverness. Then Midnight and Kelemvor were purely pie-in-the-sky.

There is no payment, and there is no need to pay any price, but inexplicably obtained benefits that other people can't imagine. Even many gods almost got pink eye disease.

Standing at the door and watching Elminster gradually disappear at the end of the street, Henry suddenly felt that the world was so interesting.

Lost history, ancient civilization, strange thoughts, feudal yet open social system, and most importantly, there is no set of universal values ​​that can be fully recognized by the entire continent. Perhaps this is the charm of the world of swords and magic, which is full of nearly infinite possibilities, and you can get the ideal country you want with a little guidance.

For the first time, he had the idea to create and change the world. And I am going to use the Kingdom of West Hartland as a pilot to see if I can implement a new system and concept, which is different from the annoying and complicated ideas on Earth, and is similar to Faerun Continent, where the church of gods guides the region. The atmosphere is completely different.

Of course, it's not easy. After all, whether it is the ancient city-state system and feudal system, or the most popular republic and federal system on the earth, all have passed the test of countless years, although each has its own shortcomings. But after years of baptism, it has been perfected day by day, and it is quite difficult to change it.

However, Henry's goal is to establish a powerful magical civilization, and it is obviously inappropriate to rigidly apply these existing common systems. In particular, the politics among the great arcanists in the Netheril era has proved to be a failure.

It can be said that this system is quite rough, every great arcanist who has the ability to build a floating city has his own sphere of influence. The well water does not violate the river water between each other. Once the two great arcanists had conflicts, a civil war would inevitably break out. The best example is between Grand Arcanist Karthus and Iolum. In the end, it even reached the point of endless death.

After a hasty supper, he went straight back to his study to open the map, and began to plan the West Hartland area. It is initially estimated that three to five cities and at least six fortresses are to be established within two years. Only in this way can this piece of land be firmly controlled, so that there will be no large-scale monsters attacking human settlements.

In addition, the highest wilderness must also be developed as soon as possible. This place was originally one of the ruins of the Elven Empire, and the land is quite fertile. Once fully developed, the strategic value will definitely be several times higher than that of the green wilderness. Because the water resources here are very rich, it is not only suitable for planting crops, but also for herding sheep, poultry and livestock. It is simply a large natural pasture.

As each origin was marked on the paper, a faint smile gradually appeared on Henry's face. This map carries his hope for the future, a unique and unprecedented magical kingdom... (to be continued ~^~)

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