Burning Moscow

: 328 Captured (5)

   Slap! This is definitely a slap in the face naked!

   I looked at the back of General Privalov, shaking with anger. I really didn't expect that a general would say such selfish and irresponsible remarks, but you have stood out safely. What about the commanders who are still in the encirclement? Once the gap is closed by the Germans, the main force of the group army facing out of ammunition and food may be wiped out.

   I think of it again because of his blind command, and the thousands of elite troops of the group army have been ruined in vain. I am even more angry. Thinking of this, I stretched my hand to my back, opened the holster, held the cold handle of the pistol, and slowly drew the gun outward. Although General Privalov had already walked 20 meters away, with my marksmanship, he could definitely be killed by a single shot.

"Comrade Major, it turns out that you are here. I have been looking for you everywhere!" Just as I was about to raise my gun, Akhromeyev's voice came not far away. I followed the prestige and saw him. He was trotting towards me from the hill on the right. I smiled bitterly and inserted the gun back into the holster, saying that if he appeared ten seconds later, it is estimated that General Privalov would have become my ghost under the gun.

When he stood in front of me and saluted, I asked first: "Comrade Lieutenant, did you suffer a lot of casualties in the German shelling just now?" Because it was a temporary position, the two high grounds were separated by a hundred meters, but But there is no telephone to contact me, so that I can't keep up with the latest situation on the other side of the plateau.

   He shook his head vigorously and replied, "There are not many shells that fell on our position. Only three soldiers were slightly injured because they did not evade in time."

   "What are you looking for me?"

He pointed to the passage between the two hillsides and said: "Comrade Major, if you look at the terrain here, if someone is needed to maintain order, speed up the passage of the troops. Otherwise, the Germans would only have to carry out uninterrupted shelling on this area, then Our army will make great sacrifices."

   I think what he said makes sense, I pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Comrade Lieutenant, how many people are there in your second lieutenant training team?"

   "There are 84 people including me."

"84 people, the number is not too small. Comrade Lieutenant, the task of maintaining order in this passage is up to you. The first thing to do now is to take someone to clean up the remains of the soldiers in the passage. Remember. , Move fast, no one knows when the Germans will attack again."

   Akhromeyev promised, and after saluting, turned around to carry out the order I gave.

   I looked at the back of General Privalov who was going away, grunted angrily, and then walked up the hillside. Although I hate him deeply, there are still many things that should be done. I don't know how long we need to stay here in order to ensure the smooth passage of the large forces, and how long we can hold on with our strength. But as long as there is one person alive, this defense cannot be relaxed, otherwise the Germans will come and the commanders who are still in the encirclement will become turtles in the urn.

   Seeing me walking up the hillside, Ugarde greeted me quickly. As soon as he walked to my side, he anxiously asked: "Comrade Major, why did the teacher leave without saying anything?"

I didn’t answer his question right away. I glanced behind him and found that Sergeant Gerasimenko and a few of my guards were there, so I told them: "Sergeant, go get Vito from the tank brigade Captain Erganov called to the command post." "You go and call Second Lieutenant Miducci." "You go to the opposite plateau and invite Captain Kozala over."

   After sending away a few guards, I said to Ugarde: "Lieutenant, follow me to the command post. When everyone is there, it's not too late to talk about it."

   Back in the command post, I sat down on the stool, looking at the map on the table in a daze. Looking at me in a bad mood, Ugarde dared to ask anything. He poured a cup of tea for me with his uninjured hand and placed it respectfully by my hand.

  In a short while, several commanders I summoned came. After I greeted them to sit down, I briefly exchanged a few words, and then I repeated to them the words of General Privalov just down the hillside.

As soon as I finished speaking, Lieutenant Ugarde jumped up and said angrily: "How can the general do this? You know that the Germans are hundreds of meters away from us, and now only their shells hit here. , It caused us such a large number of casualties. If they were allowed to occupy the high ground on both sides of the passage, they would be able to completely block our retreat as long as they set up a few machine guns. No, we absolutely cannot retreat."

"Yes, Lieutenant Ugarde is right." I stood up on the edge of the table and said to everyone, "Since we broke the encirclement, let us take the responsibility of holding on to the high ground on both sides of the passage. As long as there is one person, the high ground absolutely cannot give up. Let the cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death go, and the less panicked people stay, the better. I am not on a defense mission next.

  Speaking of which, I looked at the several commanders sitting in the room, and then named the tank captain Vitorganov's name: "Captain Vitorganov."

   "Here!" The captain agreed loudly and stood up.

   "How many tanks are there in your camp?"

"Report Comrade Major, there are twelve more." When he said this, he shrugged his shoulders to the people around him and said: "I originally brought twenty tanks in the fierce battle to break the siege~www. wuxiaspot.com~ There are eight out of the battle. Although there are not many remaining, I think it is enough to teach the Germans who threaten us severely."

I nodded and expressed satisfaction with his answer, and then said: "Comrade Captain, you drive all the tanks to the south side of the hillside to hide. This way, not only can you avoid German shelling, but you can also attack. Get into the fight quickly."

   Vitorganov agreed and sat down.

   "Lieutenant Kozala, Lieutenant Ugarde." This time I clicked the names of two people.

   "Here!" Kozala and Ugard stood up together and promised me loudly.

   "The task of both of you is to continue to strengthen the existing fortifications. Remember, to dig more blastholes, so as to effectively reduce the casualties of the commanders and fighters in the shelling."

   "Understood!" The two of them returned to their seats after answering.

   Waiting for the two to sit down, I called the last person's name: "Second Lieutenant Miducci."

   "Here! Ensign Midocchi is waiting for your order."

   "Comrade Lieutenant, you take your mortar platoon and deploy it on Lieutenant Ugard's position. When the Germans attacked, you tried to kill the enemy infantry with artillery fire as much as possible. Understand?"

   "Understood, Comrade Major. I promise to complete the task."

   After assigning the task, I waved my hand and said, "Since the task is clear, let's execute it."

   The four of them stood up, saluted me all at once, turned around and walked out of the command post.

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